Of analogues; their verdant lands, a memory, since a race of man was directed down the gulling pareidolia of civilization on Jupiter, from the gravity assist approaching the Earth’s dark side (9 October 2013) and July 2016 interpenetration of the metallic hydrogen sea, by the barbed gadolinium
In consciousness; named for a greatness—For each frenetic 9.9 hour day, to fall once again into the knowledge of eleuthero,
Polished surfaces, and then pining for the craquelure of Europa’s safe expanse from the jet streams, in the overturning
Face of the ease with which we live—Tortuous pathways of nitric oxide cleavage's vasorelaxation for inflammation and orgasm; the blood-gas is likewise orchestrated by synthases activated by syringaresinol, or eleutheroside E1, in the manifestation of intracellular calcium—
Irrigating New Spain in swathes of dead; she was obliged to report nothing to the end of her life (1566)—She came back to the same city, to look on the lives of others
On the Plaza de la Encarnación on Jürgen Mayer H’s Metropol Parasol (2011) made with laminated birch and glued girders, and replicated on Saturn with a self-healing anticorrosion varnish—An adolescent not much younger than their parted Martín, Pacheco; before he became Don Diogo da Silva, the notary and grandfather of Velázquez, remained with Doña Maria where she was working in the Plaza as a seamstress (1538), and together they enlarged of none rivaling either Pernambuco or Veracruz, but Dom Pedro’s Alcázar, with an unobserved Hall of Justice’s stones inscribed as blackwork, which leads outside to a courtyard watered from the rainwater pool of his mistress and kept partridges—Together, they saw the perpetual lay-in
Of the vacated choir of Santa Inés, of the incorruptible, disfigured Doña María Coronel, whose feast day is December 2nd, and the organ on Christmas Eve mass; played upon by the ghost of Master Pérez (1861)—Violet, and electrified; both taken for Thomas de Quincey’s gloss (1827) of Kant’s pastor, Ehregott Andreas Wasianski’s Immanuel Kant in seinen letzten Lebensjahren (1804); chronicling the precipitous descent of his parishioner from the discharge of his footman, and scaffold of his days, Lampe, and the Fifth Sun’s singly ionized calcium
Absorbed at two distinct K lines—Turning over to Cortés, in their simulated Paris apartment, on the precondition of a good mood; again, contemplating death, or the navel, which is a detachment at birth, they circuit in less retention time than radiodense gadolinium
Frequently misread as renal calculi—Considering Keats, in whose epic signposts and wood crossings, resolved on chariot, as they go through the rota of prayer of the 64 facets of the tetrahedral matrix; should he die, disbelieving La Malinche should she find herself an eager subordinate among the Poor Claras of Santa Inés; no other love, but for the cultivation of poppies for the Matron’s sciatica and selling sweets out of a turnstile—Storming out of the carpenter’s shop, Orlando; sensing something one trembles to pin through the body with a name (1928), had taken a detour to a ghastly mockup of another retrospective of Hirst’s; his cryogenic head in attendance, and only worse would have been the representation in nostalgic dot-matrix, ‘I Am Become Death, Shatterer of Worlds’ (2003-2006)—Twin dodecahedrons of uranium that fission; airborne and unbidden, in the fifth state of Aether, understate their disturbing geometry hidden within those rose windows of largely extinct, disarticulated butterflies, where she continues on her errand to the bespoke market for sachets of eleuthero—
To combat fatigue; now that walking was a necessity for her, demurring the instruments, with once again, the pathologic humor to read another text with a displaced child—Overturning
In her mind, the verdict of De Quincey, who took what little relief from penury and poliomyelitis with opium; overturning
The position she left for the indictable offenses of her findings of morphine derivatives—Catalyzed by the positive acid test for porphyroxine; denoted by a color change similar to syringin, lilacin, or eleutheroside B, to crimson, like the others—
Kant's quality of disinterest in the morals and mode of production was a precondition at the Outer Planets, with all the basins to rescript in signs and symbols—At the migration of Baudelaire’s Swan (1853); at desolation of the seal of Paris, Haussmann traded the galleon for a slighter mast merchant vessel, and at the roots of the live oak to ground Orlando’s back imposing all our lives, without whom, all are incomprehensible, and she quaffs eleuthero,
To attend to the rapid feedback of memorials, before the void Kafka originates in the silence of sirens (23 October 1917)—Where the 64 sons and grandsons of Jacob lead into Egypt, or where water is gathered at Tacubaya; we lay-in
Réne Burri’s prints of the patio rooms and fourth walls of Casa Luis Barragán, not far from Hacienda Estrada Doña Marina is said to have lived; though, she absconded to Spain within a month from the pulque plantation, whose possessor thereon suffered unremittingly from calcium
Oxalate crystals from half-fermented agave—A native in his basement workshop of 365 Utopia Parkway, Joseph Cornell files Untitled (Jupiter in Pisces), with its popped cork on driftwood from the Snowball Earth conifers had not fully-fledged, for Apollinaire’s les sept arts endoctrinés (1913), which had not meant the omens they alleged, until the expulsion in November 2022, and at that moment, generative models of space agronomy, which were staked in gadolinium,
Eight tons of Joachimsthal pitchblende to a Sur le Spectre d'une Substance Radio-Active (26 December 1898), one gram of radium coprecipitating with calcium
In the spring thaw and last sight of a red and yellow cartwheel heaved by green Percherons (19 April 1906) on Pierre’s crown—Distracted by the glare where an angel had crossed in front of the first mound of the blue lotus, which left the hessian pall splattered in mud, on which the instrument tie is reflexively squared by Alberto Burri, who had taken with him the Texas hardpan; on it, he thus sought to recreate the bloodied tunic taken from the son mistaken for dead, the journalist’s scorched acetates, of exposed cordae or amnion, to end with the eight Cretti smoothed as the accretion disk of Saturn, and unpersuasive, in its formation as a black hole, that wheels inexplicably now, with 90 percent water—Others,
Discovering a false consolation in themselves, who were likened to Chagall’s etching for Vollard’s Fables of Fontaine (1927), the rapturous crow a fleece ensnared; a donkey’s sunset to the Salon des Indépendents (1910), and then, the only exhibition in Moscow that year, the Donkey’s Tail (1912)—Orlando; (A feather fell upon her brow.), taken as a sign, she was apportioned death, but for the stamina for wide-open sorties, she took eleuthero—
As the operators of the Polikarpov I-16 versus the Messerschmitt Bf 109 (1930), and for here, Prometheus streaming dark pauses every fifteen hours on the F ring, to lay-in
To this lifesaving susceptibility, the goat of Azazel reads evoking the Angel (1930) to her mate, on the verge of the biography she disguised in eight photographs (11 October 1928), like gadolinium (III) from series lanthanein, and unlaying into unworldly qualities, to escape notice—
Somewhere here, very nearby, there is a cleaving weight of anticipation, of The Gates of Hell assembled in entirety (18 May 1917), with the same serpent in lead pencil on Eve’s back rinsed in washes of overturned eleuthero on wringing pink stationery bearing the shorthand of the holiest donkey-driver and two sages, from which Kafka erects from the 1911 dream, the donkey, of a pair, walking upright—
Forthcoming, as the other densest planet, 55 Cancri e, opposite its Star every eighteen hours, they tarry among the Beehive and Donkeys of Francis Jammes, for their epitome cooling in the foundry quenching casks
Bearing the calcium fallback to tent the smallest skulls we had hereto only seen climbing that July in The Oak Tree's nest—