Sunday, February 5, 2017

XVII. Des rencontres stellaires

Señor Arroyo speaks. ‘You wish to understand. You address me as I were the sage of Estrella, the man with all the answers. I am not. I do not have answers for you. But let me say a word about answers in general. In my opinion, question and answer go together like heaven and earth or like man and woman. A man goes out and scours the world for the answer to his one great question, What it is that I lack?[’] […]
While we stand paralyzed, gazing on the gap that yawns between us and the stars—What an abyss! How will we ever cross it? — the child simply dances across.  –J.M. Coetzee’s The Schooldays of Jesus (2016)

The first day they travelled through a high range of mountains. Masses of blue-black rock rose in sheer wedges to the railway line; even craning one’s neck out of the window, one could not see their summits; narrow, gloomy jagged valleys opened out and one tried to follow with a pointing finger the direction in which they lost themselves; broad mountain streams appeared, rolling in great waves down on to the foothills and drawing with them a thousand foaming wavelets, plunging underneath the bridges over which the train rushed; and they were so near that the breath of coldness rising from them chilled the skin of one’s face. –Willa and Edwin Muir’s translation (1946) of Franz Kafka’s Der Verschollene (1911-14)

The 1603 watery trigon, with Aries forking beyond the parallel Pisces, as congregating coelacanths
Into a benthic lair—From King Lear (2.4.263), Saturn conjoins Jupiter, as Cervantes buttresses Don Quixote (1605), Saturno, padre de los siglos de oro
From the sixth, and final issue of Dyn (1942-4), from κατὰ τὸ δυνατόν, that which is possible, founded by Mexico City's Wolfgang Paalen,
Passing Karl Rossman’s Ellis Island (May 1939), overhearing the Anacreontic anthem (4 March 1931) of invading crowds, and yet Stockholm’s début of Svenskt Tenn’s 450 Textile 100584 (1938)—Josef Frank elevated the common wood pigeon, Columba palumbus, whose flight Aristophanes thought mimicked diving, and commemorated in Ornithes (414 B.C.E.)—Set among a catalog of landings mistaken for the celestial sky cote and disentanglement from all human concern, and likely the blue-headed fowl of the House of Frescoes (1550 B.C.E.) his patron, Estrid Ericson, regarded at the Evans excavations—Complexed with Fortuny’s beginnings from the Knossos himation (1906), whose firm for this Cretan emblem, the labyrinth, rivaled the craftsman banished there for having thrown his apprenticed nephew off the Acropolis (VIII.252)—Pallas transformed into a partridge for the fatal potentiality of having seen buried in the fish spine, the saw blade (8 C.E.)—Port Authority enlarged with strata from the cut and cover subway (1892) beneath beacon-armed liberty and Christmas tree for all children of deportees—Born the year after his countryman at Duino, Trieste took his life (1906)—Ludwig Boltzmann, who conceived of heat as the space phases from which everywhere’s unclaimed terminaries advance the probable (1877)—Anaïs Nin styles The Eye’s Journey, by the panther hunter with a net, a pain-tear, who always painted a small human eye in the corner (November 1944), who may have been suggesting the sapient verdaccio
Of the companion of Walter Gruen receiving correspondence from Octavio Paz’s delegation to India (1951-62), Remedios Varo
Of which the laureate has to say, she does not invent, she remembers (1973)—Deferring to Hans Augusto Rey’s depiction, prefaced by this abounding curiosity with regard to his nativity, to Inés, his mother, and Bayer’s genitive Geminorum (1601), of the Twins holding hands (1952)—At the Vedic mansion a chance meeting of Chandra in Maithuna (1973), Chiasm / X / planted in a chasm[,] where by Rahu in Ashlesha

Blooming from penitentes of the Atacama playa, and illuminated Tartarus Dorsa with aeolian DNA—Complexed within the cyanobacterial phycobilisome, within tidal liposomes carpeting the Plutonic horizon as a massive tennis court, and this they frequented as any of the now recursive arrivals and leave-takings within the interplanetary estate—Only then, does the Centaurus-Hydra and its opposite, Perseus-Pisces supercluster; altogether drawn toward the Great Attractor, become concrete—Ashlesha
The Embracer; never deceivingly embraced, completes the six-hour ascent of Hydra each Northerly sunset sheathed in Albertine’s bleu et or doublée de rose (1923), after which Lawrence repairs to Delphi, the serpent’s namesake, at Taos, whose great Snake coils and uncoils the plasm of his folds, and stars appear, and worlds fade out (1925-6)—Marjorie Courtney-Latimer’s East London Christmas coelacanth (22 December 1938)
Pedunculated fins beneath which quaked a mountain of grenadiers, revealing a mucous coat of pale mauve blue with iridescent silver markings (22 December 1938)—Drenched brilliants from the photograph of a bullfighting suit taken at Villa Air-Bel (1941); bed-raveled fins fought for eminence in the charioteer’s drape (474 B.C.E., 1896 C.E.), when measured and weighted by glass beads by Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1900)—Against the Statue of Liberty (1911, 1919, 1927), whose iron armature is several generations refortified; and whose zinc sheath is scoured by the Union Carbide cryogenic method employed in future space coatings, from which Rossman turns, within the tide of disgorged steerage for his misplaced umbrella—Remedios Varo
Inverts and occupies as a boat—Steaming out of the mantle diapirs of the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, Enceladus under vitrines showcases the expression and imprinting of animal methylation on cytosine (5mC) islands with algal methyladenine (6mA)—From cometary hydrogen cyanide, reiterated five times, as adenine, and first isolated by astrobiologist Joan Oró
i Florensa (25 December 1959)—Bypassing what Jacqueline Breton believed America, the Christmas Tree of the world (1941), Wolfgang Paalen
Continues to Mexico City without even the converted name of Pollak; the entry as Pollux in The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)—From rupture from the apartment beneath the golden palms of Otto Wagner Haus Linke Wienzeile, no. 38, a passage from proceeds from the vacuum flask as the double-lined Thermos (1910), and a transitional stage onto the horizontal magnetron generating thrust (2016)—He submits Nuage articulé (1937, 1938), for elsewhere future human adipose and stems; glucose-sentient and tasting the atmosphere within the canopy of its photovoltaic–smoothed ribs—Cassini provides the opening, and disengages (25 December 2004) the Huygens probe touching down on Titan, Saturn's largest moon (14 January 2005)—The day of their assembly (8 October 1936), after having read the Minotaure du Montparnasse VI, Benjamin ret: Je sublime (1936)—She sputters the retort once again; inflaming the red-hot cinders of the thirteen-petalled Rose, toward Tauro (1962)—Within of the year of her sudden death, and nine-year exile from the man awake in a house on fire, and opposite from Uranga, the maternal Basque; the water dweller vaporizes—Just removed from the interior tower except for a table with fruit (8 October 1963)—Without the pretense of overpainting, as it is in Revelación o El relojero (1955), she searches the coma above her extinguished lamp, inscribed in the vegetal verdaccio

Of the garden ramparts of the girlhood convent and refuge of the Carmelites (8 October 1963)—When El Girasol (1948) is published, and Muriel Rukeyser has gotten hold of the amphidromic octavo of The Green Wave (1948), and for a decade overstays her protests on Washington to spend inveterate mid-afternoons within the sanctuary of the Freer’s Peacock Room (c.1908)—Once more appreciated before the journey out; framed this time by the comprehensive mandate of recuperacíon, rehabilitatacíon y salvacíon in the dictator's margin notes—Of each taking a turn at adaptation; toward even more degraded turns, where Thomas Jeckyll’s sunflower andirons (1876) afford the postmodern standby molten into two cones of dross, entitled the corrective, Filthy Lucre (2013-4)—That she may go on, little known she is translating Octavio Paz’s Rélampago en reposo / Lighting at rest […] piedra hecha de mediodía  / a stone made of noon (1948, 1963) into the verdaccio
Of an entire moon, Titan, whose Saturn face roils up the granite water-ice in meteotsunamis whose republics of faculae derive their telluric, but upgraded strategies against the eagre, rissaga, marrobbio, or abiki tidal waves—At medium deformational Love number, those replenishing liquid methane lagoons became colonies afloat on coil-springed and dampered seeming seiches of alpine lakes without instituting anew the Verdurin circle and their redistributive obligations—From the blockchain (2008, 2016), the hyperishwarabiome of concurrence containing the purifying center and coiled serpent approximated to the larynx, the juncture between the material and subtle planes, Ashlesha—
Leni (1914-5, 1925) rises with her finned hand to the paraffin wick; Josef K. snuffs the smoke on the unsettling company of Mr. Block, and in this way the dramatization of Der Process (1914-15, 1925) suggests his end waged by authority and Orson Welles with a stick of dynamite (1962)—By means of the same highly purified kerosene (RP-1) fueling the subsequent thirteen ignitions of Saturn V (December 1963-1973)—Wolfgang Paalen’s
Fumage (b.1936), of such assignations on birefringent broadsheet; after de Broglie’s Matière et lumière (1937), his vision consists mainly of massive glancing wavelengths—Piscis Austrinus with the mouth, Fomalhaut, and its own protoplanetary disk climbing at the Comoros coelacanth  (24 December 1952) and unheeded fast radio bursts—Remote as an instant, as when their originating blanks electroformed under high humidity, imitated by the pre-1934 cellulose acetate surge; and consequently Naum Gabo’s preferred medium, then the overseas Audio High Fidelity of Giazotto’s arrangement of Tomaso Albinoni (1958); though the former Saxon Library manuscript is never found, Walter Gruen puts the record on for Remedios Varo—
They take in, again, at Cine Teresa, Cybèle ou Les dimanches de Ville d'Avray that Christmas (1962)—She isolates the searching five-knot weathercock she had blown off to that score, and repurposed as a vacuum—With a mill refining the cold clouds of molecular hydrogen; conditions under which the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Centaur rocket (23 June 2009) found to dissociate water; later modules would reconstitute for the burgeoning bases at Cabeus remaining untouched by the Sun—Such is the ensign for the waning Moon, Papilla estelar (1958)—Then and there, the conceding passage of the Siglo de Oro (7 November 1659)

By the imponderable Treaty of the Pyrenees and the King’s marriage—The Prince who thought he was a rooster recommences in fresh clothes—Gianfrancesco Sagredo (d.1620), whose own palace he stocked with instruments and exotic birds, confers with his dear friend Galileo (March 1610) on the flourishing of the zecca up to the contracted contemporary, but still flashing Ca’ D’Oro,
Inspiration for Fortuny's Ca' Orfei, before presenting the Doge, also a papal excommunicate (1606), with the telescope—While neglecting the Moon’s sway on the Venetian tidal system, the recorder of the Sidereal Messenger (13 March 1610) ascertains the nebula of Praesepe (M44) at 12.5 degrees Cancer (1610)—Where the June solstice has shifted from Castor and Pollux marking one corner of the Winter Hexagon to the antiscia 0 degrees Cancer/ 0 degrees Capricorn, and remains in its soundless conjectural fixities—Flamsteed’s 34 Tauri (23 December 1690) stood until the roving blue-green entry, supposed a comet, became a planet declared by Herschel (13 March 1781)—By whose calculations, seventeen times the diameter of Earth; yet, with then unidentified eleven rings, and a crystalline backscatter of leek-green prasinos, the overpainted verdaccio
Of deepening facial tones—The ground comprises nearly Paisaje torre centauro (1943), which features two worlds nested on a regime of astrocytes of increasing size and quantity, as is Remedios Varo’s
Currency—Striving to vent each canvas for the luz sacral butterfly, the imperishable almond implied by Homo rodans (1959) traversing the Galilean space under the cycloid (1638, Third Day, Theorem 22, Prop. 36) out of which none of you shall go out of this house until morning (12:22)—Of exposed free nerve endings weighting a crystalline appendage, to judge by subsequent commercial work for Bayer, Angustia (1947), or Dolor reumático (1948-9)—During the Moon race, the thermostable bacterial DNA polymerase isolates from Yellowstone's clay double boilers; set for the first amplification (1976), then for inhabiting abyssal furnaces, to take off in P.K. Page’s Another Space (1969, 1973)—What kaleidoscope / does air construct, then discovered by the Cretan L’Atalante deemed the Urania hypersaline anoxic basin carrying on without any attendance of oxygen, then worked into humanity's successive warp and weft—Vishnu; asleep on Ananta, in whose dream we are thus believed to be awaking, and taking periodic footsteps by the slither of olivine in all the metal core-forming planets and asteroids—The same industry once emplaced to the Troodos mountains; its namesake kupros drawing the Sea Peoples; the tribe of Dan in their reckoning, against Merneptah in the Great Karnak Inscription of combatants who were circumcised returning across the early land-bridge and in rival Egyptian seaworthy vessels to Canaan (1207 B.C.E.); on account of  a great ignorance of themselves, and the remains, once again must leave—Where Vesta’s pillow lava, cadaver-green ophiolite, is first christened from alpine seafloor spreading to arêtes by Brongniart (1813), whose geological precepts exceeded all his scrutiny of the Sèvres manufactory and cabinet reptilian scales, which arise from the dermis in their uniformity as nails—Cor Hydrae of Ashlesha
The solitary head of the serpent, whose bite antedates understanding of the conformational change and downstream signaling varied as migrating spermatozoa (ADAM 17, 18) or defensive bronchospasm (ADAM33), after which a lifetime of molting the streamlined becomes homologous with, and actively cleaving the mammalian disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) class of human genes—Continuous with Magritte’s La reproduction interdite (1937), La Toison d’or (1937) by Wolfgang Paalen
Features self-knowing Medea, whose ocelli bear a likeness, even an expectation, for the Blue Morpho’s photonic nanotiles that would open an atavism of screened Rayleigh scattering here in space, to vanish; and then perhaps, the mask divulges more in its canvassed uppersides of an owl butterfly—Chroma of Arnold Schoenberg’s Blue Self-Portrait (1910) striving twelve tones toward the falling terminal thirteen, and the jumping fish pitch of the five-piece Farben, Op. 16, No 3. (1909)—Unknown to her then; the Devonian morphology of rotary limbs and vestigial lung gestating for thirteen months; Lady Frieda Harris, from what resulted in seven copies of the Magus, leaves the imprint on the Thoth (XIII.) deck—Of the first coelacanth (1938),

Whose hollow spinal organization follows other coelenterates, from which Jacob Klein (1734) splits the echinoderms—Trailing the holothurian route defined by its gastrovascular space in Time of Desecration (1978, 2 June 1980), and visualized on the symbolic environment of their handsets, the drizzling carbon on thirteen-ringed Uranus, and chief among commodities and uncommonly free of impurities, is jewelry ice—The Voice reprises the mismatch of Caelus, in coelacanth
After Sartre (1948, 1978), Moravia diagnosed the formation by the Cretan Chersiphron and son; according to Vitruvius (VII.1), ha le mani d'oro
Opposed by the race of Erostrato, who burnt the Artemision (July 356 B.C.E.), and with it, the dream of settling the marble lintel of the octostyle with running sand stabilized at daybreak by the goddess—Wolfgang Paalen’s
Opening at the Galería de Arte Méxicano including Kahlo and Rivera receives the hushed bewilderment by a totally mad and imbecile crowd (17 January 1940), whose granite landscapes are lifted by an iridescent resonance of it, or Kafka's crow striking the heavens—Certain, as the positive cosmological constant, there were generations of leveling as they strained for opportunity at the peripheries; to achieve protests and then devastation, respecting the utility of greens scaling multi-use dwellings at zero-g—Dispensations more necessary, and more efficient, than any age could boast modeling in verdaccio
After āpas, water or sacred labor, Creación del Mundo o Microcosmos (1958) with two objects that commove the rotor of the first magnitude objects contained in the wireless windfall of Sputnik 1 (4 January 1958) against the upswing of Explorer (31 January 1958)—Above the familiar work hardened waves, Remedios Varo
Torsions the zodiacal belt at Aquarius, or Kumbha, the pot, while the conveyance of Pisces is mislaid; except from a streak taken by Octavio Paz, El Cántaro Roto (1958), is born under the dreamer’s forehead, where Ashlesha

Accompanies the tropical, thirteenth sign—Had she seen the order when lust exchanges the dependably applied, but exhausted, strength, by the hierophant’s star emblazoned with the child, drafting the exposé of a neon tube enlacing Carta de Tarot (1957), with its embrace founding a ladder to an apparent magnitude, Ashlesha—
Accessed in a matter of decades in taxis by laser array and photovoltaic sails from the Moon’s once dark side dashed by Luna 3 (1959), formerly a soft landing and disassembly of the hinged petals of Luna 9 (3 February 1966); for a second time, spot lit by the subsolar point of June (2009), where the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) films touching down on lunar regolith the blued steel of the coelacanth—
Repeated loose ends; besides seeking the sensible in holograms for a meaning then specified by Arte Povera, Gilberto Zorio’s Piombi (1968), whose copper bridge spans the carbonized cerulean from an oxy-acetate of grapes constituting the verdigris of Osiris—Interrupted sections of household plumbing; how this concealed scaffolding petitioned to Remedios Varo,
Descendant of a water engineer; particularly, the metaphysics of copper pipes cratered by ungrounded currents—On their walks, she and her father had taken passages paced by the Nissim of Girona; until one survey and midafternoon vacancy breaks them above the thirty-six buried steps of the Besalú mikveh; excavated by a subsidiary of the firm by 1964—At the Dispensation of Barcelona, Nachmanides, Maimonides’s commentator and founder of the Cabalist school Bonastru ça Porta, reasons before the Dominicans and Jaume el Conqueridor (21-24 July 1263), who dispenses both an award and a sentence up until his emigration, of three-hundred maravedises de oro—
From the lunar Apennines and the region beyond, Voyager I (5 September 1977); having thrown this bottle into the cosmic ocean, NASA launches its gold electroplated copper record and photograph of the Sinai as a precedent, and overlain by the eighteen, of Life—Wolfgang Paalen’s
Dynatons, the one for which he submits essays for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (1949) and the Willard Gallery, New York (1950), and lastly, his wife, to the Oklahoman Lee Mullican; infusing new import to the latter’s Transfigured Night (1962)—Lennart Nilsson’s wide-angle endoscope (1957) culminates in Life magazine Fetus, 18 Weeks (30 April 1965); caesura and announcement, to adjudge the coming by each person’s conduct by the then generations of unknown thirty-six, of both the invasion of a myth and death of a world—Versions of Schaffstein's Little Green Books, Kafka’s pocket travelogues, contained in Amazon Kinesis, now stream over the quantum-dot verdaccio

Of other galaxies, and only 6.4 terrestrial days on Pluto—Hydra, the ice XI object plummets overhead in orbit, every ten hours, and polarizes solid state spontelectric panels enveloping the ultraviolet discharge Morris snakeshead fritillary (1876, 1917), where one is asked to be seated, and the medium’s lunar Ashlesha is translated up to this expanded ephemeris—Backdated to the spacewalk outside Skylab (1973), and the subsequent acknowledged to phosphenes, extinguished retinal display, the verdacci of cumulative space time, and a rebellion against human existence as it has been given (1958)—Paalen’s Taches solaires (1938) suggests the helix of a magnetic gale which drove us beyond the vicinity of Earth, and with resurgence of the Devonian coelacanth, whose preservation of an otic labyrinth provides looked-to adaptations to microgravity within the spiral—Remedios Varo’s approaching orogenetic, if low swung reflecting moon, Nacer de Nuevo (1960) noted each occultation entry and exit, after that terminal line from Desdichada (1973), at last in the dance