VII. Les bras m'en tombent
[…] Why should slums, guns, drugs, jails, politics, intrigues, disorders matter?
Leaving Hell, Dante saw the stars again. Minna saw them all the time. Mason had
once said that his new aunt was charming but a little spacey. Uncle Albert was
the worldly one, who was supposed to give guidance and support here below. He
had come to Europe to interpose himself between Minna and this bughouse
country. For clearly the guys in charge were psychopaths. There were no
rational grounds for what they did.
[…] He would never put his chips on the mortal roulette squares, good enough
for everybody else. Not on dollars, not on whiskey, not on sexual embraces—but
on what? On Swedenborg’s angels, maybe? (Swedenborg was Albert’s own
tradition.) Then Corde remembered how in the office he had wanted to open his
heart to Mason, to tell him that under the present manner of interpretation
people were shadows to one another, and shadows within shadows, to suggest that
these appalling shadows condemned our habitual manner of interpretation. –Saul
Bellow’s The Dean’s December (1982)
Dietrich for Christmas at the Congo room of the
Sahara Las Vegas (15 December 1953)—Months, and Jean Louis’s unmade gown of
brilliants eschewing the possibility of batteries, or, as she intimated in her
letters, an electricity main that leads
Up from the stage—Since Mount Palomar’s 5.1
meter diameter low-flow Pyrex lens of the Hale refractor’s Edwin Hubble, the immortal
who has just died (28 September 1953); anyhow, a netted sequin dress made its
appearance January 1954—Below the quadrangle of Cancer, Gemini, and Canis
Minor, within which shines Messier 44 at delta-Cancri, the Beehive
Completing its circuit of the ecliptic, with
the Sun obscuring the sign it occupies—Lifting the iron ladles of July at Corning,
New York, after many outpourings into the control-cooled hexagonal mold of the
Giant Eye (25 March 1934), until dedicating the second GE aluminized primary
mirror (f/3.3) pointing at Saturn’s rings (26 January 1948)—The commonly light
oxygen-16, with 8 protons and 8 neutrons with trace oxygen-18; heavy by 8
protons and 10 neutrons, founded on the theories of Maria Goeppert Mayer at the
University of Chicago (1946-1959); whom, Wolfgang Pauli, having taken form at
the fourth remove, and adjudged the contingency of the electron, a two-valuedness not describable classically
(1924), called the Onion Madonna—Mayer, who shares one-quarter priority with Wigner
and Jensen (1963) for her originating theory of magic numbers, or the pattern
of stable nuclei in the atomic shells of 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126
(1949)—And always then, elemental oxygen deprived by the len's high vacuum;
nevertheless, leaving its paleoclimactic signature at refurbishment (2015), the
Hale telescope's trapped air, with all the flecks of the brush fires of
California, paid in particular to this reading in the oxygen sensitivity of
hardy cyclamen
Germination in Romania under austerity and
overrun with orphanages—With each step taken in protest to the silent infant
ward that is the heartbreak of the Health Minister; her mother, found face down
by her sister on the dog-eared New Yorker,
February 2, 1952 P. 21, "Lance"
Monitored in the modernized ICU from occult
atrial fibrillation precipitating acute stroke, with the continuous electrocardiogram
and convolved paper for the slow titration of Tondeur and Binon’s analogue of
the steppe herb khellin, structural suchlike thyroxine; still experimental, and
once withdrawn, antiarrhythmic, Cordarone
Valeria, former enemy of the State as
electrophysiological study, was prepared at the turn of the year to attend the
medical school’s announcement of its father, Ignac Semmelweiss, who elucidated
childbed fever as pyaemia (1862); the sepsis of which Ivan Turgenev’s surgeon would
suffer the face of the very nick wrist-deep in an open abdomen (1862), and
quietus of his career two weeks later boarded and beaten in a Viennese asylum
(15 August 1865), which would then be the clinical course uncovered by 1st
Baronet Osler (1892); up to then, her daughter defecting abroad in Chicago with
Dean Corde—
Beech, a spiritual colleague distracted from working out geological timescales,
analyzed the city’s first peak of homicides in 1974, and attributed these
spates to a neurotoxic precipitate sprayed from each of the street-width
conveyances housing high-status straight-8 crankshafts—Now, settling on the
deprived staring empty-eyed from sweet jambs of flaking paint, and expending an
unemployed bank holiday of the onus to rain gunfire—Corde
Takes on this social ill as his next
assignment—Eliciting a dynamism of the first plutonium-powered pacemaker (1974)
titanium cases were built to contain; notwithstanding the atomic housing
sustaining ballistic trauma or cremation, most were removed for lead
Failure, or their subsequent extraction for
infection by garden variety skin flora—Scored Cordarone X
Tablets (Sanofi), whose liberal distribution
prolongs the rest or refractory period of an out-of-time heart; had he wanted
to expose the unwanting public too, to the reversible corneal microdeposits
called whorled, or vortex keratopathies—The devastation piling up before a student
waiting with an expectant stare, as Minna once was, and remains, resolving the
distance before the eye lens to the retina, or perhaps 3.26 light years of one
parsec, pausing for the 2.5 centimeters
inside dividing them, for the successful assimilation into the Beehive—
Open cluster M44; now, that mental age displumes biologic reality, numbering
the still unique identifier for her first night at the Lick Observatory, having
preserved a dated double astrograph of nearly fourth-magnitude, 625
million-year Praesepe, and focus of Kepler’s eighteenth and last field campaign
for exoplanets (2018)—Imported Excel roster with a serial outlay of the test-taker’s
choice; they found humiliating, and for
this, she was censured—Staking in afterthought, their Lance
Or flagstaff on the satellite resolved with the
adaptive optics of a sodium laser beneath precipitated plastics of Titan’s
atmosphere—A mile off Mount Hamilton’s road she took at night, barely missing
the run-ins with the M44 canid control, by this, which is meant a
pressure-triggered device deploying sodium fluoroacetate, profoundly arresting
metabolic oxidation of striated muscle; and of the heart particularly, broadcast
by helicopters as a dyed cereal for invasives in New Zealand—Gerard Kuiper
deemed this Saturnian moon's envelope sustained by methane composition (1944)—Their
son numbering among refugees of the first six hundred thousand and a parted sea
behind, as he fixed her divagations with a binding tent peg, such piquet of a
solitary generation and consummation the respected journal Fertility and Sterility gauges at 44 a success rate of 1.6 percent,
yet l'éclat charnel of Chatterton (1994)—The dean disengaged once
again by her reference to a depressive, supine and poisoned in Perkin’s
mauveine among the swan’s down of foolscap—Sagan’s dissertation advisor
plotting warhead detonations within the haze of lunar maria of Project A119
(1958)—Inconceivable to each observer of this outpost of a failed Sun, this
hand-blown marble orbiting at 20 Saturn radii, capable of hosting life—Encountered
by the compact nuclear rotorcraft of Dragonfly (2025), a molecule similar known
to another light of the University and S-1 Executive, Harold Urey as cyanide;
self-arranged by a lightning charge, and then the biotic mix peppered with Terra’s
residue whose blueprints were assumed in hollow tribute of a Presidential
library of digital accessions warehoused from the LEED V4 Platinum iteration of
the Bent Pyramid, graffitied in the now gentrified Woodlawn, au bord d’un parterre / De cyclamen—
Bud set in the dilute fertilizer and halite of
spring runoff or at the ledge of a methane lake—The Sun’s decreasing UV input
providing for the greenhouse effect, what say the emissions of forest foliage
in any sense prior to launch time and subsequent hospital visit, stabilized on
the antiarrhythmic—After Lolita (1953) and Lolita Lebrón, after the Lord’s
Prayer fires from the Lady’s Gallery on assembled lawmakers (1 March
1954)—Examination of Hallein’s bare branches crystallized in time for Christmas
(1822), then Photos of a Salt Mine
(1954), where the filter here, not innocence but guilt, which recalls Doré’s
plates of Paradise Lost (1866)—Savoie chalets and bottled quintessence of
Suffering here, more from overwatering than
drought—Pas des quatre of the little swans deployed by the dead hand signal at
4625 kHz, attuned to the radio piano accompaniment in the other room; listened
for the leftmost una corda
Pedal eccentrically placed as only one who
formerly played the three mouvements listens—Hollows their faces absorb, and
reluctantly feed, into the service of aversion, se lance
l’infini—Data artist, McCune (2011)
conceives as a vertical lemniscate, whose umbrella ribs arch the hour that
To suicide; predominately the lighted degrees versus
dusk-driven habits of prostitution or forcible entry—External phenomena
withstood the blood sobbing within us;
until we overcome; contemplate six angles of precisely 120 degrees of the
Of Kepler’s six-cornered snowflake most densely
stacked into a lattice to 0.74 efficiency (1611); claustrophobia, despite the
nuclei’s one-hundred thousand times the scale than the atoms they are put up
in, which the Hungarian, László Fejes Tóth (1943) measured the cells as nearly
congruent, convex polyhedra closely packed and thus put forward a discipline of
discrete geometry, given the bees’s slight deviation from the ideal—Only to
clear customs sharing the name of the fiend; a madman only beside himself in
inferiority, L. Tóth, who smashes the Sistine Pietà (21 May 1972), and he follows the restoration, the radicals
on preferring egalitarian color fields or cubes, anyway, where it is found the initial monogram natural
to everyone appears naturalistically in the Madonna’s hand—To the painstaking
dentistry of restoring the nasal bridge and veil as chipped incisors with a
patching resin of marble powder—All of which makes for expository reading out
of which Tóth goes back to that spring he presents the bee’s knowledge before
the Chicago meeting of American Mathematical Society (24 April 1964)—Among the
widely held scientific publicity, which is barely, of Soviet moricizine
hydrochloride (1964), class IC antiarrhythmic for the hyperbaric hypoxia of
environments such as space, attenuating sodium incurrent and increasing
membrane stability as the class IB anesthetic, lidocaine—Spurring development
of the plant-derived and profitable structure with a cyclohexane nuclei with a
water loving tertiary amine and water-hating benzofuran moiety, the amiodarone
isoform Cordarone
Demonstrating further dose-dependent
phospholipid toxicity in the fatty depots of nerve sheath, liver, and lung—Lipid
bilayer compartments in the manner of amphiphilic Cordarone
Another Classic
ex-mortal lens of native Dada applied by unknown agents on the astral
acidic drainage that mimics freshwater and geothermal pools, after the
worsening Mycobacterium lipid
encapsulation in his lungs, El Lissitzky’s Wolkenbügel
(1924) appearing on paper before Le Corbusier’s world, like a charnel-house, lies strewn with the detritus of dead epochs (1925), then for the
unobstructed passage of the citizen trams, such structures were then easily
cantilevered above fourteen from Earth’s gravity—With no impediment to
propagating cyclamens
Upregulated root phytochromes spreading toward
the focal plane of the light source; mainly, the red wavelengths, emitted from
a pulsed glass core about three or four microns in diameter, coated in a coaxial
glass layer (1966)—Kao’s development of fiber optics; delivered as she fondled
his office chair’s upholstery tacks, coupled with the subsequent rise of carbon
dioxide, starchier pollen and the associated decline of beehives
Verities of the kind of Perrin’s projected
gamboge suspension in gum mastic toward the molecular reality of Brownian
motion (1908) all attaining the immanence of Einstein’s patent office desk’s
mean squared displacement drafts of a particle taking the path of the random
walker—The wandering immortal (hsien) of Kuo P’u (276-324), where kingfishers
display no pigments but structural color, in whose growing interval the parents
wildly envy the lot of fishermen’s wives,
gazing toward the distance of their son, without differentiating from the
rupture of Baudelaire’s La Corde—
À Édouard Manet (1864)—The film Hitchcock made with the rope (1929), based
on the University of Chicago class of 1924, Nathan Leopold, who identified
Kirtland’s warbler, and thought of the superlative white-eye crescents above
the blue and yellow of Werther’s waistcoats, as the sign of the fallen
spectacles from his loose breast pocket, among the other articles broadcast
along South Shore Drive, the province of L’Eau
Grise (22 May 1924)—Lance,
As the wave of the futures's polyreferential
and deferent subject, as the altar fat offering around the kelayot (Exodus 29:13), the reigns […] proximity alone cleaves […]
asunder and doth not spare (Job 16:13) of the lung congestion,
diuretic-overloading and detriment to the acute on chronic kidney disease—Optic
disc edema toward King Arthur’s Harp,
where Vega burns and beckons, thus forcing specific gravities under reduced
colloid pressure from enteral feedings, which may be been cumulative for their
astronaut, which cordons fates of the lost sons, the inventory of their climax
fixes death in world, from reaching for the stone fruit silently elevating the
fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin an assay reveals of her blood; the Dean
intervenes, commending berries for their anti-inflammatory polyphenols—Among
the many erratic and unsure episodes culminating again in prints from Tériade
(1955) is Juan Gris’s unfinished graphic of Pierre Reverdy’s compotier (1916) reproduced
from blue woven paperboard fading to celadon of the Rothschild bequest at the
Met (1986), Entre la lumière et les dents, la trame du désir tisse la coupe aux lèvres—Part of a mosaic that
must be pieced with troubled sleep; after tours of institutes heeded with less
lip-service than by a dean of faculty, of otherwise unqualified liberated shes
begging to take a dog's collar as a feint, and from a withheld misogyny towards
her own sex, to the painter’s studio, where it is Baudelaire’s mother who
collects the mortifying lucky charm and disease cure—In no way excusing this
son, while underscoring the brought charges that lead
Minna and Corde made him curiously absorbed in
reading, not only the concordance, but Thomas Hardy, also—For the space ready
to receive them; loaded against atrial fibrillation and the risk of emboli, Cordarone’s
Time to sinus conversion 8-24 hours into the ascent above the Kármán line (100 km), where the curve of the lance
Extends flight into orbit, and the least of the constitutive air scatters ashes
in Poet’s Corner leaving the heart’s Stinsford enterrement (16 January 1928)—Accompanied by her crystallized, not an accidental husband, Minna, believing in
the Chandra X-Ray Observatory report of dark matter lensing on the cluster
collision’s background light, nearly surrenders then, rebuffed by her weaker
two-handed forehand absorbing the power of his serve—At the ignition keys, to
engage against this; having espied the spear of destiny and wanting to die,
Left the relatively new tennis racket in its new press having sought success from a
distance, the height he cannot replicate of his father’s life, then the
irredentism of Titan’s Dodecanese, and that he could only sympathetically
understand the marrowed, energetic grid of Sol Lewitt’s Incomplete Open Cubes (1974/1982)—There were inaccurate estimates
of the experience itself, the Middle Dutch prose Lancelot (1320) leveling into
the marketplace the Holy Family and the wantons foregrounded by Beuckelaer’s Four Elements (1569), of his son seeking
the white hart’s foot imprinting the green carpet when in leaf by the Persian
Or bleeding nun’s worn coum at delivery but
fenced against in miscarriage—Corde
Surveys with administration his son’s
educational mismatch, and ineffectively combined in the aggregate—Hurt by these
measurements, this racket, that she would not let it outweigh their noctilucent
June accompanied by the dying Kepler telescope’s resolution of two planets EPIC
211964830b and c enclosed and in spite of its faint appearance, in NGC 2632, or
Cr 189 577 light years away as M44, the open cluster Beehive—
Hinged by the Magyaóra-German usage, by the engraver Ajtósi–Dürer’s own Idyll
XIX of brown and ink-colored washes of Eros (1496) harassing a beehive
The lesser gall, after his personal examination
of Theocritus, by now, what is meant by Dilthey’s hermeneutic circle (1883),
which is sought to reliably identify consumption of impure-water calcium in
autumn that leads
To the spatiotemporally separable spikes of the
antennal lobe of Apis mellifera—Memory and founder of gens Memmi, Mnestheus
shoots the cord
Releasing the dove (V.215 and 505); exterrita, which is terrified, and twice
the utterance proceeds its finality, and the fourth archer’s aim bursts into
fire, as with the flameless smoke honeybees raid their stores to survive—At 34
of the constant magic square of Melencolia
(1514) staring into a notch between two stars
and electron discontinuities, where putative dark matter’s white dwarves shed
their helium layers resulting in doubly stable, gamma-ray remnants of Ca-41 and
Ca-48 doubly magic isotopes, joined by N=34 calcium-rich supernovae, and their
transients seed the bones Dido’s death avenges (IV.625)—If-Castle cell number 34
(1844) held by the more or less remote descendant settles into modular ejector
stabilized by the concerted, positive inotropic push of Cordarone
At the SA and AV nodes—Found in the era of
renal creatinine clearance, and not this moment of gender parity and stagnation
in the sciences—Campus militants, but for airing of grievances and
grant-writing for resource extraction; if only of populations and the fleeing
tax base, now abandon the dull foliar diseases of greenhouse cyclamen
Prevented from 100 ppm calcium and 25 ppm
magnesium; insofar as no categories to these can be applied, and likewise among
those behind the path of the telescopic beam, as they couch their lances—
What of this discourse towards a higher chord
wide of the goal of the last line of each the first sequence of the next
constituted and undone from the potted cyclamen from taken wild specimens from
the sympathetic range of the Cordes's traveler, who has just fallen unwitnessed among the Titanic crêtes et couloirs—
Cordarone’s amplified force of a heartbeat
turns inward to slightly negative inotropic adverse effects; after exhaustive leads, to take leave of the
earth, where Marlene Dietrich’s personal physician is called to administer
adrenaline; his internal being open with drink, yet John Gilbert died (9
January 1936), and she lets herself out—