Next to nothing; no eidos, there is the signature of tropane alkaloids—
Paralyzed regions—Vacating coffin text dreams of hamadryas baboon,
Or fertile estuaries under a hanged man’s tree—Mandrakes from the sixth
Day remorse of the first couple, for a primal horde congregating as eels—
Signposted by No.19 Berggasse—Who is to be praised but the eel’s gonad
Fermented in 400 females—Suspecting later meiotic divisions in eel gonads—
Freud mined this from a year on the high Adriatic; 1876, in Trieste—Tropane
Alkaloids of Atropa belladonna as hypnotics, and arrow poisons; Jean-Martin Charcot
Shot through with 15 of his medical eponyms—Madame Blavatsky’s stuffed baboon
Then love-devouring death do what he dare—As it was composed during the last six
Nets were cast into the Nile for votive coffins—Purported effect of taking tropane alkaloids
Orally, belladonna, or mandragora, is the dream of being an animal—Oddly, Charcot,
Of initiates are returned; he is taught by Thoth to fornicate—The creator, Atum, took to water as an eel—
Of the Ebers papyrus—Egyptian henbane, to rest the gut—Until the 1960s, the tropane,
Scopolamine was given with an opioid for twilight sleep—Libido is for the active baboon’s
Remain in an indifferent stage before six weeks as an embryo—Both sexes’ paired gonads,
Dynamic lesion of hysteria, not anatomical or incurable, beginning to seed—Hamadryas baboon
Cross-legged with a scroll, or guarding northerly lungs in canopic jars, for burning sighs of love—Eel-
Swine dreams, gonadic functions, of daedala Circe, a witch, are no sooner divided than a six
» Ich reichte ihm die Schieferplatte: "Schau, / Das war ein Thier." «
The Marl Pit, Die Mergelgrube
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1842)
Maybe, some day, one of us will unwrap the mystery behind all of this.
This was the actual text, Spring (2016), I found at the library among the other seasons. I posted the subsequent essays with Anselm Kiefer prints, which is the next for me to read.
I went searching in the one and only record store, where I saw Gerhard Richter's Kurze (1983) on the cover of Sonic Youth's 1988 album, Daydream Nation. I bought the 1980 live album of Joni Mitchell's Shadows and Light.
Exercise 90 will go here.
I had to pause everything because it was too devastating. I read Robot Dreams (1986) with the art of Ralph McQuarrie on the cover. A business card for the boutique law firm of Matison & Margolese fell out of the text.
McQuarrie provided the concept art of Star Wars, which never hooked me because I was five, watching on network television New Years. I have not seen one film in entirely.
This is all to say that I am seeing how it works out to working every other week 60 hours, then every week. I am depressed because nothing changes, so this will be a change that requires little modification. That way, I can pay out a few thibgs by the end of the year.
Things have changed. I am studying dendrology and accounting. In the former, I am studying phylogeny in the native context, where I would be reluctant to go off in the woods alone. Most of the participants are twenty-something boys planning a future in cannabis. They are acrid smelling of armsweat and THC.
Accounting is a recursive exercise of transcribing journals, posting to the general ledger, and preparing financial statements. I feel like certain pathways are being overwritten, and I am embracing the discipline as a way out.
On the note of the positronic brain, if one can confer agency to other lifeforms, then the next step would be to synchronise with an artificial intelligence. In other words, being non-human would not be a prohibitive barrier for me for communication. Bearing in my anthropomorphizing the meanings of my animals, I allege that I know what the majority of them are saying.
Garrett Deasy and the Martello. I will think on placing Stephen Daedalus in the current Card. Thank you, for reminding me.
Yes, you are night to point out Nick Cave's outtake from The Boatman's Call (1997) "I Do, Dear I Do" that appeared in the 2005 three-disc compilation B-Sides and Rarities that I appended to the original post.
A fact I just gleaned recently from the backstory of the 1997 album is that "Green Eyes" cites the sonnets of La Belle Cordière de Lyon (d. 1566) as an inspiration.
I do not want to hear that song, anymore.
According to an article I read, but cannot reproduce here, when Nick Cave visited the UK, he would stay in the Angel Hotel in Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, which is away from the heroin traps of his frequent haunts. The Angel Hotel is gentrified, now.
It may seem like I am antagonistic to religion. It is only the mismatch between doctrine and human behavior that is noted.
What I had to say is, after all this time, you invoke these tenets?!
Interesting case, where I grabbed a gold top tube for a Trypanosoma cruzi titer, for a suspicion of Chagas cardiomyopathy with third-degree heart block.
The provocation that maybe the Sexual Revolution resulted in family breakdown and sad, lonely women, and now unmoored raging youths, I concluded from John Updike's Couples (1968). Mary Eberstadt's Primal Scream (2019) aside. The interview was pointed at this time, on the Leo full moon.
I do not seek the RCs as a remedy, only I do appreciate that losing networks and others for abstractions is lonely. Being reconciled in some way to some imperfect groups and people is the answer.
Inclinations aside, I would be in a religious order centuries ago due to my profession, and it would provide the only expansive opening for an education and commercial enterprise.
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