Monday, January 15, 2018

XI. Avoir vingt-deux cordes à son arc

"Lengthening arches. The intensity of minor acts. As skaters / elaborate their distances / Taking a separate line to its end. Returning to the mass, they / join each other [...]" From John Ashbery's "The Skaters" from Rivers and Mountains (1962, 1966)

"Using its wide-angle camera, Cassini took the 21 images in the sequence over a span of about four minutes during its dive through the gap on Aug. 20, 2017. The images have an original size of 512 x 512 pixels; the smaller image size allowed for more images to be taken over the short span of time." NASA/ESA/ISA Photojournal: PIA 21886

That pendant to the W was Sol, the nearest star to Proxima save for the Alphas, a grain of light that had been the site of all human history before the first missions to Proxima. Parents pointed this out to their children. A little more than four years after the war, Sol flared so brightly that it was, briefly, visible even from the day side of Per Ardua. -Stephen Baxter's Proxima (2013, 2015)

Cell respiration still with the ten effluxed protons for three ATP electron transport chain of highly conserved brocades of membrane-bound copper ATPases—When the gas giants’s increasing capacitance with decreasing resistivity superheating regimes of copper nanotubes (CuNTs), out of which their globular protein gyrations arise ex novo
Among the allotropic grams of human iron, the unlikely heme-oxygen cleft and flexing in neon fields of cryo-lupine of this icy nitrogenous substrate beneath the radial
Gravity-assist superhighways of Vermilion Sands—Saturn since sanitized of life, Earth, and its sole surviving Earthshine and phonon recapture of Cassini, unclasped from mission control, then redirecting in the fluid’s path when flung from its thirteen-year commission (15 September 2017)—Digital gravamen poorer since Rand’s tin paint tube (1841), and advancement from pig bladders, the honeyed watercolor half-pans since 1887—Maison Sennelier,
Portably on this transparent quai Voltaire, with the same purveyors of Balzac’s chagrin and trampled bindings in lieu of pearled ray volumes by Dexter Cole, the fantôme of Proxima—The self-assembly of quinacridones
Still seeking the stone altered by diffuse interstellar bands hazing Titan and Pluto with scattershot dyestuff having raised infrared absorption rates for decades and human destiny—DuPont’s Monastral (1958), which the marketing mix advises in the States as Cinquasia, was simply made for the magenta gingham endpapers of Edith and Little Bear’s matte album—Manipulated isochronal to that Super 8 film stock of Hemis-Fair (1968), from Auden’s American born in a small Middle-West town about 1887—A thyrsus of corn wound about a bloodless field, a monoscape, then the Cape of Posillipo
Sea undermining a calc-alkaline province of the Bay of Pozzuoli around Miseno, when the vessel arrives on the shores of the Euboean Cumae (VI.3), where replicated deep sea vents porulate their gradients beyond the sheen of black volcanic glass—While at the sites tertiary syphilis transmitted into the seams of the ultra-clean colonists, who were buoyed under microgravity by their shiny tendons of bioactive hydroxycarbonate apatite, and in this shin bone appearing before Nerval writing El Desdichado (1853)—
In red at the Jardin des Plantes Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy; of all human ingenuity exposed by a winnowing haywain, in the then collection by the Versailles rhinoceros—That when its keepers failed provisioning it; hastened its public dissection by Daubenton (26 September 1793), where it is housed for a survey of progress at the 1900 Exposition—Comparative ludi Tarentini, the secular games (17 B.C.E.), which were brought about by his patron Augustus at the Tarentum in Campus Martius, and often staffed by the Samnite garrison at Capua—Notwithstanding the Trojan stamping out but not quietly, of Vergil's mithraic cult of Magna Graecia, Pausilypon, Posillipo

Naples before the tsunami—Terrestrial calamity derailing the Saturnine Cumana’s magnetic suspension of NASA’s Steve Papell’s ferrofluid (1963), as for the for the Romans of Posillipo
Via the Rete Ferroviaria Italiana of Mergellina, to the bight of Vergil’s Castel dell’Ovo afloat on the natural arch of an eggshell, which stood until the late 21st century of acidifying marine carbonates and disrupted hydrologic cycles intensifying the harvest of eon-deposited polar ice on Mercury’s Kandinsky crater and the Occator on Ceres; the kernels, toward astrological thumbprints of serpentinite—Bidden by Pluto's petrographic summary of olivine, pyroxene, feldspar, mica, and quartz, for the metamorphic transformation of water; then an encased thioester to approximate acetyl phosphate, argent for the five ATPs for a peptide bond seeking carbon-nitrogen lines streaking the core of the Earth—Younger than the Moho discontinuity; perpetually regraded since the first stromatolites exhausting oxygen, and their deviations from planarity, where the tempera assumes a lead white translucency, ex novo—
Continua, Creatio nova—The low-dose radio-adaptive heart of an astrobiologist; preceded by a cry, before the unclouded porthole and fluted chrome-moly airlocks, and before an epitaph at Piedigrotta, Cecini pascua, rura, duces (1 B.C.E.)—Between the barrier of rippling space the membrane sufficiently thins to allow quantum tunneling of the Proxima C system, with its own gas ring two AU from its companion, Alpha Centauri AB, shot at as by the nucleus of an egg, and first made by the centennial of the Moon landing (20 July 1969) by a parallel mission from the Jovian satellite of Europa—Presented before Gledhill’s illuminations of the disc of Jupiter from November 1896 to June 1897, Becquerel’s contrast to Roentgen’s x-rays that January; to do one better, in developing photographic plates of radioactive uranium salts on an overcast day (1 March 1896), Porte le Soleil noir de la Mélancolie (line 4) from El Desdichado (1854)—
Who had implanted the kernels and created the Hatch, the same agency when overseeing the Spartan economy, as the s-products of nucleosynthesis, severalized into iron bars by then blown from the mantle by the Nail (2213)—Then the solitary radial
Five centuries from the Geminids; an orbit of 3200 Phaethon traversing the Earth plane one degree from the eclipsing binary Castor—Seen from the red dwarf systems the mists of Sennelier’s
Colored earths; now, with marked divergence from the visual green pigment genes—As when radial motion first Doppler shifted the observed spectrum of Prox C—That the green-absorbing sodium and potassium atoms might reradiate some waste heat for the desher of Egypt, of the sanguine Set and the prolific pharaoh and the expanded acridone wash; stabilized for side chains, sometime fluorescing in the presence of mercuric ion (2+) (2017)—From the red lichen cosmetic for Purim, the Jewish Aramaic mesaqqér fashionable for mascara of Nero’s consort Poppaea; her villa at Oplontis containing the best trompe l’oeil frescoes in the path of the Vesuvian pyroclasm (24 August 79 C.E.)—Liable for a dubious paternity suppressed for the extent of marital relations, for the emperor's solitary heir he strangled on a lake, resulted in the succession by his general, Vespasian, fresh from having breached the Second Temple (66 C.E.); the revolt ending some years later (70 C.E.)—All becoming the fuschine evening tints of humanity, the quinacridones

Twenty times closer to its star; this nearness brought about a resurgence in antimatter on the pale green dot of Per Ardua, whose atmosphere emerging through the backscatter of eleven-hour auroras, long as a day, initiates paranoiac poltergeist knocks; the aural dislocation, as the husbanded resources, which were received silently in kind—By interstellar decree, the enclave imposed limits on the printing of nucleating quinacridone
Thermoplastics—For the electrophoretic screens broadcasting the lushness of ancient Peret; even still, the microbial communities farmed by the stilted kites biodegrade the polypropylene beads into which the detritus threatens to transform—Here, the dark, extruded biomass is not unlike the composition of pozzolana; Kemet, the black land (Georgica 1.293) of the Nile inundation known to Vergil is methane-enriched slaked lime periodically off-gassing by the specter of the Caracciolo estate; a name retraced to the tenebrist Battistello (d.1635), and a student of Caravaggio then evading murder charges in Naples (1606)—With its living space eliminated for more plants, the pagoda resembled the more exotic X-habits of Villa Roccaromana (1814) at Posillipo
Point of reference from Saturn’s Vermilion Sands, where curating the octave deflections of the dracaena or boat orchid achieve fulfillment of the claims of the horticultural department of sound and haptics—Their simultaneous and reciprocating glances maintaining Sennelier’s
Ground cork Carte Pastel for the laydown of the pigment stick prepared for Picasso (1949)—Other ex novo
Sensations of Auden speaking from Epomeo, the Ubergangsgebirge of limestone (1948), overlooking this crescent of the Rayleigh–Bénard convected nitrogen ice sheet as on Pluto, and an entrance to the flooded caldera, which, according to Alexandre Dumas, when writing of the penal colony, if our readers, tempted by the Italian proverb about seeing Naples and then dying (1825)—Then the Nisida of el desdichado
Of Brutus (44 C.E.), where Portia falls into either atresia or asphyxia by charcoal—[Yet] how much the sword decides (line 1), in-folded into the needle Angelia 5941 recovering all her sentients six months or fifteen Arduan years on the homeward radial

To a Jovian Lagrange point—Restored but fragmented, and far away from the impressions of the native scurf of forams and molluscs, of the first visionary muongrams of the sound cataract of the Giza plateau—Within a generation, the pyramid builders lose several meters of height in purloined casing stone—Seconded to arteries in the Valley of the Kings softened by Pleistocene rains, and there subject to the New Kingdom frailties; the inscriptions more autobiographical therefore cryptic—Granting instead the looters, yet the innermost Eastern facing eyes's glimpse of the rising Sun, which the radial
Of the UN International Space Fleet; irreversible from the dome of Eden ceded to the former Chinese capital on Mars, projects through its visors—On a 4.4 billion to 7.3 billion kilometer round of Pluto the disk of the star attains a luminosity greater than the former full Moon; more so, red-filtering quinacrinadone—
Not insomuch divined as had been driven by the unthought of human colonies incorporated by the continuous track apothecary and for the assimilation of laver, the robotic ColU, el desdichado—
Uploads from Earthshine a DNA copy of Browning’s Caliban upon Setebos (1864), as one who […] never speaks his mind save housed as now (line 267)—Most intent on imaging the paradox of the species enshrined in unsaved sarcophagus halls; having traded sandblasted residence for the few a particolored landscaped and incantatory routes toward the mirage of the afterlife, for their selves and factotums, and for some the latter the uninscribed and unintent ushabti, the unanswered—Borne less by the mercuric walls; the glittering 2-3 microns of cinnabar of widely imitated Pompeian red oiled to protect the stucco, if to assert a more licentious flesh tone—Construct of the syphilitic, salivating black from that ghastly metallic taste mixed with blood, where the Ballad finishes belonging in common to the hanging of the blue guardsman written from the red villa Giudice no. 37 via Posillipo (1897)—
Receiving 400 times greater X-ray flux; minus the X-linked oil-filtering droplet of the fourth avian cone, under which the shaded Arduans lift the luminescent plastic prints from their secure spaces with microionized Egyptian blue (3200 B.C.E.)—Proust, who studies the publications of Gaston Maspero, first fixes (1906) upon the antiquarian’s citation of the five companions of Assurbanipal’s lion hunt (668-627 B.C.E.)—Perhaps concluding as the Assyrians that in action their drama never rises above the signature of the Ramesside proportions of their invention, the chariot, or what the once vanquished (697 B.C.E.) find in the act of war the priest’s abstract that approaches in the meaning of the circlet the twisted knot of Pisces—Warranting The Stars (1869) of later Réne Char's (1962) Septentrion (Ursa Major) and La Poucinière (the Pleiades), all of which encircle the celestial Nile at a distance from the Lubéron, Charcot’s patient, Alphonse Daudet (d. 1897) finds a veritable oasis at the mill, where in fleeting moments his retinitis presents with the 498 nanometers of rod night vision; with the cone’s simultaneous projection as cyanopsia, and lessens some of his cardiac involvement becoming a blue bird cracking the hard fruit (1858)—Counteracted by the reverse and unannealed joy of Maeterlinck’s much reprised play on the bluebird of happiness (1909)—Until Cendrars, whose blue bird produces a reasonable chance of succeeding as a nursery rhyme, at first begins as the craving and coming apart ingénu in the figure of the Brazilian tanager le ventre tout bleu (1924)—Daudet, who has two sons, the inkler failed medical student, Léon, and Lucien Daudet, for whom Proust fired at the ground of Jean Lorrain (5 February 1897); not the unenduring mainstays of his life's work, perhaps found vast irony in its transmission as syphilis progresses with mucocutaneous destruction of the cristae of the fingerprints; with it, the authorities’s potential register of prostitutes—Held in the conversion to hex code of Sennelier’s
Cinereous blue, this atmosphere and orbital period of 11.2 days shudders an otherwise static lightshow with de novo

Radiation mutagenesis—Citrus is a late Empire fruit, whose oiled seeds still resist freeze drying; nonetheless, representative as a lemon tree among the foliage of the only standing room of the House of the Orchard (1913)—East wall of the cubiculum, beneath the framed Apis bull; the other cubiculum's fig tree caduceus undiscovered by Nietzsche (1876), before he summarized the tour's lurid Southern tastes—An aesthetics perhaps amended by the posed plaster casts cleared from the pumice hail; of those staying put in the cellar as above fire the engulfs the second floor of the House of the Bracelet (1982), and by later exposure of the frescoed Arbutus of the dining room and Ovid's Metamorphoses (X.101)—This living apart mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) still encodes for the respiratory chain; given the compensations of space and requirement for repair of fifty-fold mutations of circular, subsurface instead of coiled nucleic acids, this technique stems from ultraviolet induced Citrus × paradis, and necessarily ex novo
Synthesis of the Ruby Red grapefruit (1929)—Dalí pools his hated father’s library, from memory’s volumes, the deceptively simple parable of Zarathustra’s Three Metamorphoses, of a camel, lion, and at last a child (1883-5), and contentedly conceives The Accommodations of Desire (1929)—The amor fati of the lion’s mouth (5 June 1882) as fiery coronas or fimbrae of the species; clipped from a children’s encyclopedia, the absence of which is rapproachement at the ova’s riveted radials
Of the first UN outposts of Mars—Picasso’s Head of a Woman (1929), of painted sheet, bedsprings and colanders, is made just before the condensed milk processors contract bottling their oil medium for wholesale; the pavement of modern canvases, for which the brothers open a second store at no 6. rue de la Grande Chaumière after the passing of Gustave Sennelier (1929)—
Nimbler vessels of split water by sunlight extend photosystem II; augmenting it where the planet affords the contrary exsiccation of algal turf strongly rooted with the excited state of UV/vis absorption spectra of Pigment Violet 19—That is the β-modification of H. Liebermann’s quinacridone (1935)
To its γ-modification, Violet 19 Gamma that passes for the murex of Caesar's robes—Deepening to red-purple distances, a Turner sketch for a watercolor (1821), and fulfilling the mandate of literate gallery goers, turning to H.F. Cary’s blank verse translation of the Divine Comedy (1814), and fruit of the Cary appointment to Versailles Royal Library, The Early Lives of the French Poets (1823) introduces his French contemporaries to themselves—Wordsworth’s umbrella pine of Monte Mario (1837) resets the panorama up to the highest elevation (139 meters); of course, the Observatory there, known by the consul, Clivus Cinnae, which is Dante’s Montemalo (Paradiso XV.109), after the Heaven of Mars, where Anchises is at last met and known, to the desdichado—
Of holy wars; each ensnared by one’s ancestral crosses—Amended by the unsubdued, but fallen adversaries of Rome due to treachery of their kinsmen, Jugurtha (1 January 104 B.C.E.) and Arminius (21 C.E.)—Edith, whose silence is in some way the fuel of this talk, sides to her perfido orsacchietto, Little Bear, who conjures here the Romantic atmospherics of iperspazio, as it appeared to the Avant-Garde, while deferring to the authority of Roger Shattuck’s The Banquet Years (1958-65)—Pushed back to all of Pierre Reverdy’s signed copies for his benefactor, Coco Chanel; particularly, this polymorphic mixed-crystal pigment appearing as Tériade’s Le Chant des morts (1945); replete with Picasso’s orange screen prints, and the market phenomena out of which Matisse’s cut-out crystallizations of memories of the circus, folktales, and voyages traffics as Jazz (1947)—The idéoréalisme of Saint-Pol-Roux, whose aviary of former drafts burnt up at Camaret-sur-Mer (24 June 1940), […] is making a wheel / out of our eyes (lines 38-39)—Among the ruby arsenic deposits to the alchemists; as the novel mine tailing arsenites before hightailing Earth altogether, of the Phlegrean fumaroles Pozzuoli to Campania, the eighteenth century’s Piazza Dante, a rivaled eminence across the bay from Posillipo—

They are Arduan non-protein coding tracts of introns, whose reassembly means paying into the spliceosome—Copying the entire length into a gene and excision at the exact position; the intervals evolutionarily maintained, asserting themselves above the dictation of all the civilizations of Earth, before the Grotta  of Posillipo
To the reopening of the Grotta Azzurra (1826), a highlight of the itineraries of the twelve villas constructed in eleven years on Capri (d. 37 C.E.)—Cementitious processes cured by seawater ingress and red absorption of the sea cave magnifying June solunar tides, with tourist entry recumbent in a flat-bottomed boat—Ex novo
Population studies derived from Earthshine’s deep learning from the first withdrawal of metabolic rate and stasis on transit—Every eleventh lunar Ekadasi; at Punarvasu, the recurve to the planet’s molten core and its fixed march to its luminaries, whose weak gravitational shield is put up against the flaring, then inflected at this star system by the rapid flux of neutrons that bombard iron nuclei as r-synthesis, the filaments of metallurgy and sidelying protosolar polyaromatic hydrocarbons glancing in their rarity beneath microdiamonds upon Earth’s entry, the Hypatia stone (1996)—Here, the copper vitrol of Leo viridis, when the penhydrate blue flowers that recrystallize as chalcanthite and stain skin blue—Gamma ray and afterglow of the first detecting Vela satellites (1963), of all the Senate’s accumulated Sibylline books ending in 83 B.C.E., Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la tour abolie (V.429) of the sonnet of el desdichado (1922)—
The stem heap, the semi-disarticulated of Per Ardua; the withdrawing air density that prevented it from being a cold sink with the shutter clicking repeatedly on the magnificent parity of eleven autosomes, and eleven mtDNA haplotypes of the AI protectorate still reading the thirteen-book Prelude (1805, 1888)—To cut across the image of a star/ That gleam'd upon the ice (I.477-78), where is yellow Pollux (Beta Geminorum); once thought the closest giant star to the Sun, and the triple binaries of Castor (Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb, Ca, Cb) fixed each in their 460-year radial
Scored by their offerings reached by the Ovidian leaden shot, the glans, of the Balearic sling (XIV.425) that the hatch hand-molded as La Grande Sennelier—
Modern since 1887; the medium projects Mercury (1958), Gemini, Apollo (1975) in an industry achieved by Raymond Queneau’s Le Chant du Styrène (1958) colored with the fused rings of quinacridone

Pigment suspension—Carthaginian precious metal bearing in Río Tinto, Huelva that contains the extremophiles of Europa, where the stream runs the spectra of the synthetic-organic quinacridones
But for a solvent for Sennelier transparency—Walter Benjamin on the promontory of Posillipo (1925) reworks the first sonnet to Fritz Heinle, Plant in me thy sacred Name instead / Name without image Amen without end
Before taking up the reinforcing meritocracy, the late capitalist desdichado, Baudelaire as a subject, the vanishing point and the radial of each of the Rubicon’s army, then the Dacian Legio XIII Gemina, somewhere, the united and de novo, Messier 44, Praesepe, imperium sine fine where The constellations are rising / In perfect order: Taurus, Leo, Gemini


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1jjl91F2ZWm1pODZU

Σφιγξ said...

Minna Corde performs analytics on her students by assigned random number, to eliminate Albert's depressing demographics. Her code will be M44, for 44 in Gen. 4. They see this on Mt. Palomar.

Σφιγξ said...

The reason for atmospheric shielding...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...'s%20books&f=false

I like how the take-off begins like billiard balls clacking:

Σφιγξ said...

This case today: takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...;+for+her+to+hold+within+the+innocence+and+the+nobility+of+the+dog+or+of+the+horse.%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUvc3pnqDrAhUC11kKHcxMB-IQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=%22For%20her%20to%20resemble%20certain%20animals%3B%20for%20her%20to%20hold%20within%20the%20innocence%20and%20the%20nobility%20of%20the%20dog%20or%20of%20the%20horse.%22&f=false

I will read the mammoth trilogy at some point.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I had a patient with this book on his trayside table(!) I asked him if he had a subscription to the nyrb or read the online review. His daughter is an architect in Amsterdam, and his son-in-law gave him this book. He had a valve replacement, but there was no explanation in the procedural note about the blood products and protamine administered afterward.

He stood up later that night, with a burst of loculated old blood from a pericardial window, and around the bulb drain clogged there. The dressing to be taken down and the drain stripped with no further problems.

Σφιγξ said...

I had a powerful inclination after my post-dinner walk to look back at your citations. Paul Claudel. I found my unread copy this morning, and to my surprise, the signpost is there.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

To be read: Jill (1946) and A Girl in Winter (1947)...I also have that Patrick Hamilton novel pending, Craven House, revised 1943.

Σφιγξ said...

Lamed-beis (32). Nos coeurs battent à l’unisson

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I found this today, along with a translation of that syncretic work of Flavius Josephus whose outsider curiosity culminated in Antiquities of the Jews (94 CE).

Aveilut means to mourn.

Σφιγξ said...


Lamed-beit (32). Nos coeurs battent à l’unisson