Friday, October 22, 2010

pathways to the pulp

The abandoned chemistry lab in Andrew Moore's 2009 photograph of the former Cass Technical High School building, part of "Detroit Disassembled" now on view at the Akron Art Museum from the collection of Fred and Laura Bidwell.

Letters are more difficult now, now that correspondence remains 
An unessential, and undecided, issue. Such vehicles promptly 
Sold out, their imperatives undone, and like children or dream-
Logged clerks with a mind how it should be made up, on the whole. 
We could stand to learn a thing or two. Essentially in return, lift a stone, 
You will find them smooth and round, before smiling and shrugging

She hops on her motorcycle and speeds off. Her half-shrug,
One hand perhaps lifted in grief, obligates me to pay what remains 
Of the bill. That each of you may be kept safe from hungry ants, hurled stones
The Victorian insect sampler's fragile material could be promptly
Destroyed at every step. Not wanting to complicate the whole
I further kept the versions where you motioned to claw at your nose, dreamily,

Unpredictably as switching on a light, though you never claim to dream
Holding the gaping cloth, your head in the pillow. Absorb these ephemeral modes or shrug
Maybe discover a necropolis. That is, the subject of the present moment, a whole
Cache of obsolete weapons. Their women returned late in the evening. Those that remained,
To drink, and explain their coexistence as best we can. A tantric value and meaning promptly
Deployed as the least of our rights. Perhaps citing the affect of the altitude for the stone 

Fruit's stunted stem. For such instances where the corona disappeared, I made myself stone
Before the fresh packs of cards. As one hunched at her first figures in this playground, dreaming 
The tutorial volcano. Some accounts say that survivors bartered their clothes, which prompted
An age-old osmosis. Others avoided the invitation to disperse rain gathering in them. Shrugging
Off the untidy bedrooms, they rent their garments acknowledging the moment they hadn't remained
Married. With buttons undone, in unmade bunks, the tired bodies straightened should the whole

Compound emit an irritated, if not dangerous comment after "lights out." Kissing wholly
If hastily on the staircases, astonished there were colors and grades of it in the charges, with stone
Settling their decisions. Like campers warped and twisted by the system, childless they remain
At the thought they are depriving themselves of a meal. Again, their flush civilian brows amended dreaming.
In reference to her misery: a mass of water swelled into the piano player's hand, in gesture of a shrug
Yet the soil received it. Where another year of a word's repeated use, for their manufacture into silk purses, and prompt

Distortion, a bright desperation for the trophy bucks. Perhaps even now, towards a prompt
Reply she could think of staircases. Insisting regularly in the middle of the night on a wholeness.
Placing the cairn of another's mouth, a servant of the laws and slabs of cake, who colorfully shrugs
Half a dozen sentences. They came over her own lips, missed her when she was gone. Yet stone
Imposes different values. Darker blots of the morning before, moved like movements dreamed
Or otherwise, of her own blood. The upright question of who pulled the trigger now remains.

I cannot read the flush in her face, but correspondence remains. To which you promptly
Unfold yourself once again, now with effort concentrated on a shrug like something stone 

In this embrace you never dreamed, despite thunderous cloud masses this evening I've teased, to make whole.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pathways to the Pulp

Letters are more difficult now, now that correspondence remains 
An unessential, and undecided, issue. Such vehicles promptly 
Sold out, their imperatives undone, and like children or dream-Logged clerks with a mind how it should be made up, on the whole, we could stand to learn a thing or two. Lift a stone, 
You will find them smooth and round, before smiling and shrugging

She hops on her motorcycle and speeds off. Her half-shrug,
One hand perhaps lifted in grief, obligates me to pay what remains 
Of the bill. That each of you may be kept safe from hungry ants, hurled stones
The Victorian insect sampler's fragile material could be promptly
Destroyed at every step. Not wanting to complicate the whole
I further kept the versions where you motioned to claw at your nose, dreamily

Unpredictably as switching on a light, though you never claim to dream.