Thursday, August 20, 2015
V. Les filés des étoiles

The river-water was sombre and weedy, full of little shoals of needle-fishes
and their shadows, of curling water-snakes and the triangular divisions of flow
around peebles and borders. This mild blue, here, was to be seen in that terrain. –A.S. Byatt’s “A Lamia in the Cévennes: Stories of Fire and Ice” from Elementals (1992)
Stations of the lion on assumption of the Portuguese, who tacked the
volta do mar before the Low Countries writhed Joost de Hondt’s Leo Belgicus (1611); the mapmaker whose
globe rechristens Vermeer’s Astronomer (1688), and as with cold
Currents of sargassum circling the Azores, in highest summer
variabilities, the westward rock rose at the bottom of their wells—Rosary of
the ocean with hollow beads, to spindrift the Keyser manifest on Hollandia from
Texel (1595) and the Mauritius from Madagascar to VOC Surabaya—On board, Pieter
Platevoet arranged the Southern constellations dark
To the Ptolemies, and the Welser and Fuggers displacing the Medici from
Augsburg, until their counsel, Johann Bayer, lent the Greek and Latin
organizing principles for Uranometria
(1603) naming deep
Breaching the objective of one’s focus, in want of the computation of
orbits, sighted the first non-comet anomaly that would be a catalog, the Crab
nebula (M1), on the Southern horn of Taurus (August 28, 1758)—One of the clear,
Or at least remaining, alibis of narration, when one went too far away alone, which Edith and Little Bear found in Elementals
(1992), is vanadium
Second-most abundant transition metal of seawater, having drawn from the
planed cerulean, this, from an index on their shared QM2 transatlantic
crossing, with status consideration and the only Planetarium at sea, of five
orbitals from the d-block, at niche 23, vanadium—
That toggles electrons among its shells, with color changing the highest
virtue among spectators, fathomed as turns of fastenings from one of Cristina
Iglesia’s Celosías housed in the
Carré d'Art of Nîmes the color of vanadinite reddening when cold;
Decrepitates, due to its lead content, when heated—This currency,
principally an alloy of copper and tin, as far from the Gallic mint in the
British Museum, a coin of the colony with convenient pig trotters forged in
place of the living sacrifice, for its veterans were paid in the seven hills of
Nîmes, and pointing to a clear
Fiscal disconnect; the challenger already known by his imprint, Caesar divi filius and then, Caesar Imperator, beyond the
decisive naval victory at Actium (2 September 31 B.C.E)—The spring with a dark
Lineage; traced by no less than Gaius Julius himself in the seven of
eight books he lived (58-49 B.C.E.), the Volcae (VI.24); Arecomici, like many
who supplied the war, who were made citizens for their sensible, on-site well
and bronze press, arise from beyond the longest river to reach the sea, the Weser;
veisa meaning slow-moving to near stagnation in the deep
Parts as the mephitic, algal mist of the swimming pool in the Cévennes, with
glimpses of an alien reeling where harbor water and outdone quinqueremes might
have churned; the Romans caring not for volatility in itself, but the
The crocodile and palm spray’s obverse with Augustus, the laureate, and
waning crescent of the man who finished, the general, Agrippa—Absolutely
Stronger, for the dialogue carried on with oneself, and the cohesive
splendor of the poison shirt by which Hercules is turned on his head, at last,
into a woman—α Herculis, Rasalgethi, or the Head of the Kneeler; replete with
titanium and vanadium
Oxides dominating the M stars; limb darkened, and cooling for their
full fusion chains—Of deep
Reading; after the Editor of Sartor Resartus (1836), who may have been
Jane Carlyle, in custody of Oceans of Hochheimer, a Throat like that of Ophiuchus—The latter is from the thirteenth child of the Zodiac,
containing seven Messier globular clusters as Sagittarius; spearheaded by
α-Ophiuchi, or Rasalhague, of the physician equally matched by turns of his
question, and his own appetite—Reading Keats’s marginalia of from December 1817
and January 1818 assume a reactivation of tuberculosis due to cold,
Or rather, vitamin D deficiency, for the underlined, That fires the length of Ophiuchus huge, / In the Artic sky (II.709-710) might have been
meteor showers from the 23rd largest constellation, Serpens, calumniating
Northern skies in July, and pieced by its head and tail as any traumatic
birth—Little Bear, in clear
Noncooperation; or is it incapacity, of their principal investigation,
has yet to qualify the twelve Bayer constellations supplementing the Almagest, from the South, which
encompasses a menagerie—Dark
Workings of the ophis into the
symbolic loss, the omphale at Delphi,
until all are indebted to the steward’s impeccable fans in their dark
Coffees, in the fashion of Goethe’s Italian
Journey (1786-1788) for which Edith Wharton and her consort boarded the
steamer, Vanadís (1888)—Absolutely,
There was no wall of water, only a duct in the hot and cold partitioning
of sea air, and there they understood the Sasanian reverence for fire; for
ritual use, core-molded ointment jars with sulfur impurities later applied to
glance the blue feathers in Sun—Followed by a showing of Truffaut’s first real
film, Les Mistons (1957) in the Arène Edith won't visit during the day
with its live shows—For the reek of iron and sulfur of blood globins, from the
same uncombined flocculent of calderas melting marginally above boiling water
of their baths synthesized by stars exceeding ten solar masses—Clear
Of patrons, at perhaps at the advent of the Perseids, she might
reconsider—Little Bear digresses on what he had learned of the five stars of
the Southern Ara, the majority of
which are blue-white sequins on the lace-patterned brocade (lacrocade) of the
Milky Way; the Thymiaterion, or a censer, and dedicated after the Titanomachy,
for it was the Ara of Hercules before the Ara of Peace (13 B.C.E.)—In the
better applications of futurity, the contact process forces sulfur trioxide
onto the vanadium
oxide (V2O5) catalyst;
otherwise fuming and uncollectable, for sulfuric acid depressing the freezing
point on Europa, and allowing for the possibility of sub-surface oceans—Arrival
is the month of Sextilis; before August 13, 8 B.C.E., when martial sects and
below were devoted to the high priestess, the Aventine Diana, along with the
immortal laborer, a Golden Hercules of the open-air cattle market, from the
Forum Boarium, reputed for its first gladiatorial contests of the abattoir;
between birth's most savage incidents of a plebeian or patrician woman’s
existence and the fixed odds of the Empire’s unruly detainees—Rome thus planted
itself in Nemausus deep
In the hexastyle of the Maison Carrée emptied of its six Vestales, where
Augustine monks sometime quartered; echo their teacher from Hippo on the rationes causales of the six days of
Creation, himself affected by the original sin of misreading, as the asterism
Pavo, the green peacock of the Indies, is included in the text, but missing in
Bayer’s labels—The master of cold
Glassware and crockery, Velázquez observed many galleys opening at dawn,
among baskets of wet linen to be hung after being lapped in waters too cold
For elvers to rove up the rivers, and to be served as angulas—Las Hilanderas (1655-60) surrounds such priestesses, of Boaz and
Jachin, whose mundane instructions for reconstruction of the Temple were now the
woolen fiber, in their dark
Atelier over the drama, which the Pope, whose first injunction is heed
the uniform, in the marketplace orders the workers onto higher prerogatives
unless the marble fascia panels with bronze nails, the tapestry panels not
entrusted to women, fall; all voiced from the Latin of Ovid (VI.129)—Deep
Into the hereto unmade emblems, just before the matron cast as Athena
sees paternal impropriety fed back to her, a spinner imitating the Sun in its
revolutions is swept out, as a household spider—Edith
exclaims, Apus, the bird of
Paradise, is without feet; Fernão de Magalhães, who sent back their skins,
although their salt-cured feet were received in a separate chest; to the eyes
of Europeans, their toy splendor made landing absolutely
Superfluous (1522)—Matisse, often overcome by heat and limping, absorbs
the beat-bark cloths of Papeete (1930), and took every available boat’s
itinerary for blue-lipped giant clams, or bénitiers,
undulating midnight blue at the bottom of clear
Lagoons, where perhaps sighting a speared dorade, or dolphinfish; Dorado, with Volans, the flying fish, enclosing the stellar nursery, the Large Magellanic Cloud, gleaming in its last throes, fixed his notion for the
miniature golden carp kept indefinitely in glass aquariums that seemingly
coincided with the founding of Portuguese colony, Macao (1557)—Six-banded sea kraits, so deadly and docile, as they were known, Waterslang, for the triangle of Hydrus following β-Hydri to the line of the Southern Cross due south to the 50th
parallel of the Antarctic—For many, which is the subconscious, where it is
agreed, Wynn Bullock’s frozen Point Lobos Tidal Pool (1957) is a starmap of sorts—A siphon through which the water
enters and exits, as the distressingly unbidden fluidity Matisse found in his
portrait of a boy, then revealed so much accomplished after staggering effort,
in the slow viewing of Campaux’s 1946 film, after the swirling that could be a
tunicate, with its microphotographed spicules as stars, incorporating the
transition element, vanadium
Dissolved in the +5 oxidation state (V(V))—As the first slung lines of
the first seven words and 28 letters, In
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, combine into fifty,
the root of water, where the part-breviary, part-bestiary pages are laid
side-by-side form Polynésie, La Mer
Pale blue in solution, and concentrated at solstice in stories sped by Amantia muscaris around their hearth
fires, of a charioteer aloft in the cloak of his martyrdom, red and white, lead
by a herd descended from Eikthyrnir, the hart of the World Tree, which some
seafaring Vikings saw as Ursa Major on cold,
Transparent nights at sea, with the forepaw the purple Iota Ursae Majoris, Talitha, who
gets up, as if from a dream—Little Bear turns to the page, after he had switched on the underwater lights, which made the water look like turquoise milk. And there under the milk was something very large, something coiled into two intertwined figures of eight (95) for the organometallic eight-coordinated amavadin bonded to
vanadium IV, with electrons resonating above and below—Clearly,
this concentration is no less revenant for Edith; instead, she reminds
him he is forgetting the mosaic dolphin at the bottom of the pool, which the
Greeks thought the closest to humans, and womb of the sky—Darkening,
With essentials of her life, from the 38 poems of Alejandra Pizarnik,
whom Julio Cortázar found in each the cube of an enormous wheel, […] Ella es / su espejo incendiado, su espera en hogueras frías, su / elemento místico or
her own blazing / mirror, her spare for the cold bonfires, her mystical /
element (1962), and although he is thinking of Edith, who bonds the moon-silver of Arbor Dianae, they are both deeply
Pleased to find in the anticipated Nîmois bath of Artemis, a former
library, as James Wright, contemplating the beginning of one vine leaf there (The
New Yorker, January 14, 1980)—From the absolutely
Conjured eel of the retiarii of Roman bloodsport, their steps began with
Emilio Prini’s lead paperweights of Weight Driven Actions (1967-1968), remembering as High Priestess (II) to the
Chariot (VII) Elizabeth Bishop’s toucans, absolutely containing vanadium,
In traced fictions—For 47 Tucanae,
a bright second star cluster to Omega Centaurus, or ω-Centaurus, for the Southern constellation of Chiron Ptolemy
remarked Quae est in principio scapulae
(150 C.E.) on the horse's back, […] that reads Cirque d’Hiver (The New Yorker, January 20, 1940), walking through blue-glass
flurries colored by Paris Spleen, from the arena where Degas sketched […] along the little pole / that pierces both
her body and her soul / and goes through his, and reappears below, dark
Phoenix, of which the brightest star, Ankaa
(2004) is the shining bottom of a boat, and splendid as the nef automaton from
Augsburg, in the cabinet of Rudolf II, where Tycho Brahe’s successor, Kepler
despaired of matching in dexterity—Until the preceding November; the essence of
the scorpion, his calculations clearly established, as the Crane and the
Chamaeleon to the celestial atlas, as tags for another day, the conjunction of
Saturn and Jupiter as found by the Magi at the Nativity—Spontaneous rise of his
star, in the left heel of Ophiuchus, Sagittarius cusp, a supernova (October
1604) rarely seen in the dark-illuminated up-to-the-minute days
Friday, August 7, 2015
XVIII. Passer une écriture

Her expression—something that filled the Au. with pride and joy—as she
looked at K. was one of satisfaction and benevolence; asked by K. about
Haruspica, she pointed to the picture on the wall, which was indeed impressive and—not
colorful but colored—hung, five feet by five, over the sofa, and—although still
incomplete—radiated an indescribably cosmic force and tenderness; the design of
her uncompleted life’s work was not merely multilayered but (they could be
counted) eight-layered—of the six million cones she had by now entered perhaps
thirty thousand—instead of taking a cross-section she had designed it toward a
still unformed horizon. Leni: There she is, maybe a thousandth part of her retina, when it’s finished.
–Leila Vennewitz’s 1973 translation of Heinrich Böll’s Gruppenbild mit Dame (1971)
August bread’s current embodiment, with the well’s portrait of Trakl's reddish fish opponent-processed
As infinitive, capitalized, and rising in the green pond (1913)—For eight years abroad, Clarice Lispector’s
Occasional photograph in fur was misassembled glamor for contact comfort, against the inhuman variabilities
Of central air—Now, with the foundation off, and the deck fanned, as Heinrich Böll’s Leni, the one with a flower on her breast—
That she was a thirty-year-old woman, and too often in the place of imminents who slam the door to no one,
Subtends one day less, after Breton’s Le verbe Être (1932), for which Ilse Kremer had written in a separated, otherwise rose
Tinged, condiment streaming, “to have” on a prewar mirror—From August 1815, Schubert’s Op. 3. No. 3, the phantom Heidenröslein
After Goethe’s violet; crushed by a unthinking girl, and set by Mozart (1785)—Predating the horse-drawn trams of the Cologne Stadtbahn, and Zola’s La Faute de l'abbé Mouret (1875), from sections unrolled for rationed tobacco—Serge, whose clerical work precludes faith, processes
Female parishioners through the marble likeness of Cybèle, for which Mantegna portrayed only the righteous Cornelius Scipio extending his right hand (1505); Albine, no different from the ones
Of Beuys’s Rose für direkte Demokratie (1972) ascends the optical infeasibility of a meniscus into thirteen petals of the rose, alone, with later grafted measures of mercy of the unchanged Clarice Lispector’s
Thirteen Names, which become The Hour of the Star (1977)—Had Boris stayed in the Soviet paradise below ground; riding out the occupation with variabilities
Of the groom’s unearthly horses calling into the room where a country doctor must lie down with the wounded; refrains, and whose fur catches in the spokes of his trap (1917); bearing the liabilities of false papers longer, not to die in an iron vein—Left with the son and Rebecca Horn’s Cornucopia, Séance for Two Breasts (1970),
Leni, with her pram, past the honey sandstone; seemingly hammered metal, portal of the North Rhine-Westphalia cathedral; known to her by its foundation stone laid on the Assumption (15 August 1248) and the Ursuline arrows imitated by unfused, thick-sheathed, and hollow young skeletons of the Goldene Kammer—Discerning only her own breast
By its diastole, though she knew the then-unborn Rosemarie Trockel’s non-reflective gold glazes of the Liquefaction of Mother in molten wiring of gypsum coral ceilings after the thousand-bomber raid (May 1942)—The diplomat, João Guimarães Rosa
Issued some of the few Brazilian travel visas (1938), at a lecture of her mentor, Claude Bernard, whom Zola read for the fixity of the internal environment is the condition for free life (1865), and by the doctor’s son, Edvard Munch, who economized in the perfectly turned model, Rosa Meissner, at Warnemünde, for the rubicund Femme en pleurs (1907-9)—Rahel engaged the doctor on a seldom day pass to Hamburg on the digestive variability
Of raw cow’s milk in Minas Gerais; those that were able, forgoing its benefits completely, for she studied the retinas concentrating yellow riboflavin, and those markedly deficient in varied species—Before her, a process
To visualize the gorse across the Channel; never having spent time on a wasted farm, the Sister who became a spring, in your clandestine reading, think of her—For the head of the people is one
From Grande Sertão: Veredas (1963); resh, the stem’s head of a sunflower—Second Genesis postpones as a snake, a thorn, at last enclosing a river went out of Eden, Pison, before the appearance of woman and her auditors, who cannot live it, the Albigensian, Clarice Lispector—
That which had only been seen by terrestrial telescopes, like the cockroach’s collaged blind fertility of its gaze, originating from an earlier stopover at the perfection of the planet Mars (1960); Marsilio Ficino, whose ascendant Saturn contacted all the roundels of his chart, found the Red planet’s orbital velocity disconcerting the cosmic scale—Clarice Lispector,
G.H., reenters the room, with its sweeping intentions at the July 14, 1964 Mariner-4 flyby of Mars—And it became a now, fifty years, exactly, the ninth wave of plasmaspheric wind to Pluto—The salt of life, on the page of a breast
Of a Lincolnshire marsh—Stefan Zweig’s second Master Builders of the Spirit would say of Hölderlin, who repudiates contact with everyday life (1930)—A pictured harp seal pup cluster of thirty cows, by one
Sight-mounted eyepiece and tripod for birds (2015)—Johannes Bobrowski, after serving Soviet corrective labor, reads for the children’s imprint Altberliner Verlag (1950), with their import lasting from verse to verse: / childhood— / then I loved the oriole (1961)—Before the universal equivalent pronounced by Jacques Brel, Rosa
Rosam rosae (1962)—There then, celestial res derelicta renewing its usefulness in time, Proof that there's a purpose set / Before the secret working mind (18 July 1948) in view of the variability
Of admission of the sacrament, from Frau Gruyten’s Ossianic readings molting a single graven wreath or windrose of the Weimar 5 Pf. green, with missing valuations found by the householder, now Hoyser, of their apartment building that December, 1944—The process
Of living consists of errors—most of them essential (1967), assenting the Roman Renato Guttuso on the process,
A crucifixion looking like a still-life (1942)—Where Van Gogh's sunflowers condense clusters of spent matches into range eyes (1971), and the Palermo market stalls; much like those of Campo de São Cristóvão Clarice Lispector
–Leila Vennewitz’s 1973 translation of Heinrich Böll’s Gruppenbild mit Dame (1971)
August bread’s current embodiment, with the well’s portrait of Trakl's reddish fish opponent-processed
As infinitive, capitalized, and rising in the green pond (1913)—For eight years abroad, Clarice Lispector’s
Occasional photograph in fur was misassembled glamor for contact comfort, against the inhuman variabilities
Of central air—Now, with the foundation off, and the deck fanned, as Heinrich Böll’s Leni, the one with a flower on her breast—
That she was a thirty-year-old woman, and too often in the place of imminents who slam the door to no one,
Subtends one day less, after Breton’s Le verbe Être (1932), for which Ilse Kremer had written in a separated, otherwise rose
Tinged, condiment streaming, “to have” on a prewar mirror—From August 1815, Schubert’s Op. 3. No. 3, the phantom Heidenröslein
After Goethe’s violet; crushed by a unthinking girl, and set by Mozart (1785)—Predating the horse-drawn trams of the Cologne Stadtbahn, and Zola’s La Faute de l'abbé Mouret (1875), from sections unrolled for rationed tobacco—Serge, whose clerical work precludes faith, processes
Female parishioners through the marble likeness of Cybèle, for which Mantegna portrayed only the righteous Cornelius Scipio extending his right hand (1505); Albine, no different from the ones
Of Beuys’s Rose für direkte Demokratie (1972) ascends the optical infeasibility of a meniscus into thirteen petals of the rose, alone, with later grafted measures of mercy of the unchanged Clarice Lispector’s
Thirteen Names, which become The Hour of the Star (1977)—Had Boris stayed in the Soviet paradise below ground; riding out the occupation with variabilities
Of the groom’s unearthly horses calling into the room where a country doctor must lie down with the wounded; refrains, and whose fur catches in the spokes of his trap (1917); bearing the liabilities of false papers longer, not to die in an iron vein—Left with the son and Rebecca Horn’s Cornucopia, Séance for Two Breasts (1970),
Leni, with her pram, past the honey sandstone; seemingly hammered metal, portal of the North Rhine-Westphalia cathedral; known to her by its foundation stone laid on the Assumption (15 August 1248) and the Ursuline arrows imitated by unfused, thick-sheathed, and hollow young skeletons of the Goldene Kammer—Discerning only her own breast
By its diastole, though she knew the then-unborn Rosemarie Trockel’s non-reflective gold glazes of the Liquefaction of Mother in molten wiring of gypsum coral ceilings after the thousand-bomber raid (May 1942)—The diplomat, João Guimarães Rosa
Issued some of the few Brazilian travel visas (1938), at a lecture of her mentor, Claude Bernard, whom Zola read for the fixity of the internal environment is the condition for free life (1865), and by the doctor’s son, Edvard Munch, who economized in the perfectly turned model, Rosa Meissner, at Warnemünde, for the rubicund Femme en pleurs (1907-9)—Rahel engaged the doctor on a seldom day pass to Hamburg on the digestive variability
Of raw cow’s milk in Minas Gerais; those that were able, forgoing its benefits completely, for she studied the retinas concentrating yellow riboflavin, and those markedly deficient in varied species—Before her, a process
To visualize the gorse across the Channel; never having spent time on a wasted farm, the Sister who became a spring, in your clandestine reading, think of her—For the head of the people is one
From Grande Sertão: Veredas (1963); resh, the stem’s head of a sunflower—Second Genesis postpones as a snake, a thorn, at last enclosing a river went out of Eden, Pison, before the appearance of woman and her auditors, who cannot live it, the Albigensian, Clarice Lispector—
That which had only been seen by terrestrial telescopes, like the cockroach’s collaged blind fertility of its gaze, originating from an earlier stopover at the perfection of the planet Mars (1960); Marsilio Ficino, whose ascendant Saturn contacted all the roundels of his chart, found the Red planet’s orbital velocity disconcerting the cosmic scale—Clarice Lispector,
G.H., reenters the room, with its sweeping intentions at the July 14, 1964 Mariner-4 flyby of Mars—And it became a now, fifty years, exactly, the ninth wave of plasmaspheric wind to Pluto—The salt of life, on the page of a breast
Of a Lincolnshire marsh—Stefan Zweig’s second Master Builders of the Spirit would say of Hölderlin, who repudiates contact with everyday life (1930)—A pictured harp seal pup cluster of thirty cows, by one
Sight-mounted eyepiece and tripod for birds (2015)—Johannes Bobrowski, after serving Soviet corrective labor, reads for the children’s imprint Altberliner Verlag (1950), with their import lasting from verse to verse: / childhood— / then I loved the oriole (1961)—Before the universal equivalent pronounced by Jacques Brel, Rosa
Rosam rosae (1962)—There then, celestial res derelicta renewing its usefulness in time, Proof that there's a purpose set / Before the secret working mind (18 July 1948) in view of the variability
Of admission of the sacrament, from Frau Gruyten’s Ossianic readings molting a single graven wreath or windrose of the Weimar 5 Pf. green, with missing valuations found by the householder, now Hoyser, of their apartment building that December, 1944—The process
Of living consists of errors—most of them essential (1967), assenting the Roman Renato Guttuso on the process,
A crucifixion looking like a still-life (1942)—Where Van Gogh's sunflowers condense clusters of spent matches into range eyes (1971), and the Palermo market stalls; much like those of Campo de São Cristóvão Clarice Lispector
Frequented as a girl, screen the inscription on the fountain, La Vucciria (1974)
in Palermo, or confusion; aging through the eyes of Monet and Renoir one
summer at La Grenouillère (1869),
with the variability
Of their results hanging in the Metropolitan and Nationalmuseum,
Stockholm; their side by side prints slump in the tropical air—The same wet August weather at Langemarck (16-17 August 1917), in the conforming runnels,
Heinrich and Erhard (1943) hand over an antitank gun to the Danes; for them, Leni
leaves dried heather in every breast
Pocket; the purple flowers bent where her and Boris’s heads had been in
the crypt between sirens—Clarice sat at the Solidão (loneliness) Weir
envisioning this girl from Tijuca who had unexpectedly, as a tranquil boat bursts into sail on the waters become one
With the convent garden hot spring—Sveglia, Califfa, out of the Martian rise of the afternoon; she gave the bouquet of roses to Carlotta, saving for herself Report on the Thing; as it happened, by a tear by a Roman youth with a fish hook, with its divisions of eighteen, thirteen, and five green leaves surrounding the rose,
Who is Armando, her husband, coming through the door—Irene Corsini reopens the insolvent wafer factory upon which the citizens of Oltretorrente depend (1970), as Liana Hölthohne, who employed Leni until 1970, spoke of her neighbor in the Alastian village, Ernst Stadler, who wrote Roses In the garden bloom for the second time, before dying at Ypres (October 1914)—The greenhouse keeper caught vestiges of rhomboids, triangles in Leni’s forms from their war trimming days, by which she penetrated the process
With the convent garden hot spring—Sveglia, Califfa, out of the Martian rise of the afternoon; she gave the bouquet of roses to Carlotta, saving for herself Report on the Thing; as it happened, by a tear by a Roman youth with a fish hook, with its divisions of eighteen, thirteen, and five green leaves surrounding the rose,
Who is Armando, her husband, coming through the door—Irene Corsini reopens the insolvent wafer factory upon which the citizens of Oltretorrente depend (1970), as Liana Hölthohne, who employed Leni until 1970, spoke of her neighbor in the Alastian village, Ernst Stadler, who wrote Roses In the garden bloom for the second time, before dying at Ypres (October 1914)—The greenhouse keeper caught vestiges of rhomboids, triangles in Leni’s forms from their war trimming days, by which she penetrated the process
Of reaching the Garden in the East—After
Bobrowski’s Samartian Time
(1961), from Yesenin’s Persian Motives
(1921); the latter, who had wept on the balcony with Isadora Duncan of that piazza in Parma, where the Communists delayed
the Fascists (1922), and for the unchanged lot of the peasants (October 1917)—One
Full dropper of soluble potassium iodide; to be applied for her rose
handler’s disease—She had to be frequently reminded of the top left quarter of the wreath frame, for assurance, the
Pfeiffer girl suggested they bundle the tablet form for survivors of the atomic
fallout in Japan (6, 9 August 1945), after a latecomer from Heidelberg demoted
to toilet attendant had painted rose iodine on the convent girls’s wounds—Ringed
Chiron, which runs parallel to Saturn in Clarice Lispector’s
Nativity, W.S. Merwin and Olga Carlisle (1968) together translating Essenin’s light sinking in the red hills, and then someone assembles a bridal wreath, leavened with musk written eighteen centuries ago, for the variabilities
Nativity, W.S. Merwin and Olga Carlisle (1968) together translating Essenin’s light sinking in the red hills, and then someone assembles a bridal wreath, leavened with musk written eighteen centuries ago, for the variabilities
Gathered as time, its sweetness is a
surrender to the moon unlocked in the personality shaping this breast
Rising over reading an ivy-covered oak tree, thence through an elderberry bush—Breast level to the horizon for the discipline upturning Joseph Beuys’s multiples, using Martian iron, he called waste, Staeck edition, Magnetische Postkarte, Heidelberg (1975)—The young floribunda rose
Rising over reading an ivy-covered oak tree, thence through an elderberry bush—Breast level to the horizon for the discipline upturning Joseph Beuys’s multiples, using Martian iron, he called waste, Staeck edition, Magnetische Postkarte, Heidelberg (1975)—The young floribunda rose
Through corroded railings witnesses our twin copies, and handled with
utmost discretion by the auditors, of the variable process of creating a lyre
One that reannounces itself to us, the two readers from the beginning, at
the Sun, Joseph and Maria das Dores; around Minas Gerais, of all places, the cattleyas
for yellow nettle called furze, concluded Clarice Lispector, July to October, other
solitaries, who would go the way of the cross (1974)—
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