XIV. Le ruban magnetique de machine à écrire
The orbital siphon was an extension of the space-elevator concept that derived
from the elevator’s peculiar mechanics. Beyond the point of
orbit, centripetal forces tended to throw masses away from the Earth. The trick
with the siphon was to harness this tendency, to allow payloads to escape but
in the process to draw more masses up from the Earth’s surface.
–Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter’s
The pastoral landscape par excellence. According to one school, it's where the
pastoral genre that you speak of begins, those irrepressible yearnings by
people beyond simplicity to be taken off to the perfectly safe, charmingly
simple and satisfying environment that is desire's homeland. How moving and
pathetic these pastorals that cannot admit contradiction or conflict! —Philip
The Counterlife (1987)
Completing the eighth square at the opposite end of
sometime’s heedless ticking
into the two-degree Celsius
mark (
2016)—Her hands smoothing the
polytetrafluoroethylene (
Who died at
Førde (21 January 1928)—Shown in
Painting Norway near the former Alleyn's College of God's Gift
endowed by the performer’s stakes in brothels and bear baits, and the first
public gallery built with Italian cinerary
urns and then badly
sarcophagi (12 June 1944), put in the ground for the Sunstorm (
9 June 2037),
where others took refuge under the quadrangle founded
after the George II Gold
competition (1776),
trailed by other suspended gardens (1996, 2018), of
John Soane’s
paternal stock bricks for the
Dulwich Picture Gallery (5 February
– 5 May 2016)—In part owing
to Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach,
from the
Eisenach of Bach (1685), whose consolation is beyond reflecting on the high
malar bones of primates with their
matching fibrotic pits—When Georg Augustus
stayed awake with her and to their thereto seven unborn issue (1707),
Marlborough crossing the Scheldt (1708), then acting as his
regent at the
Treaty of Seville (1729)—At the
end of a
complicated puerperium and volvulus (1
December 1737), surrounded by ladies-in-waiting mistresses, a dropping oak
panel for the communicating strongbox within the enlarged
vault Chapel of
VII; remote from her beloved
Herrenhausen, the
couple is at last to meet again
in twenty-three
Years—Caroline reads,
A bracelet of
bright hair about the bone (1633, 172-), familiar to the ruin and rising
damp of her frame and its wound margins, and as if reaching beneath a van
de Velde
corsair on the sea’s smoothed table linen, the interference fit out of which
the researcher culls the future gene of the
glucocorticoid receptor affecting
bone density traces to single-base
resolution maps of the twenty-three
Pairs of chromosomes—Substituting Teflon,
Of spacecraft assemblies and expansion joints, into the human skeleton unseated
in low gravity, a biocomposite beginning
from the meniscus for periosteal
engraftment; barring foreign body reaction (FBR) on the tibial plateau, for the
Of walking at 48-times of Earth’s
aphelion on Pluto, and internal work
supplanted by protective planetary protection (PPP), a now sentient
gravitational suit—One-day, bulk-accelerated objects between capacitor and
inductor elements of the
Mach effect drive contemporary remarks on the
peristyled tholos into Bramante’s
Tempietto di San Pietro (1502-8), which
becomes the plate in Palladio’s third book (1570) for the projections of St.
Not without Wren first receiving the Gresham Professor of Astronomy (
1657) and
commission of the Greenwich Royal Observatory underwritten by the Admiralty run
aground on the Isles of Scilly (1707)—The fatal swerve to at last take the
Channel impatient and uninformed of the
13 degrees per day, or roughly one
lunar diameter per hour, for sighting the Moon—Where First Astronomer Royal
Flamsteed (1675), deviated from a vicarage in Derby, used this staid
disposition for computing the parallax motion of Mars, and potentially any
planetary body, through the six-hour path sighting
two of three stars (6
October 1672)—A reversible quantum engine powers the voyager's boat;
Hull and gunnels more or less having retained their shape with iron plates
exchanged for low thermal expansion ceramic tiles—Regard the
boundary stirred from sublimated
methane that hides another planted
Q-bomb in
the Pluto-Charon
binary, with its satellites entangled in a dark verve that sets
each to their
unwinding orbits—The Drinker and Shaw patented (
1928) iron lungs
of Copenhagen left
Poul Astrup,
Siggaard-Andersen to ascertain dissolved carbon dioxide compensated
in blood pH
(1958), with expansions on the PCO2
electrode contouring our modern homeostatic
systems—Not quite absolved from the arbiter of Earth days; for the Constable of
Norway, Astrup,
Was it despair imparting a weightier line for the dissolved moonlight into
the lake—From
Astruptnet’s earthen roof, the window's apple tree in returning
May Moon (Winter Night), an
undated, hand-colored woodcut forms the powder coating of sleep, as tumbled
Luna 23
Into the
Sea of Crises (6-9 November 1974)—A digital canvas, for comprehending
the chalk line of the body in Martian
phosphate liable for self-folding RNA the
geological record maintains rained on early Earth in meteorites—Between the
temple's neurohypophyseal nanopeptide oxytocin, which exerts its direct
skeletal stockpiling as a continuous action, attachment as anabolite, on the
grown infant watching within each separate sternum’s simulated
Bones to philosophy, but milke to faith
(IV.29), beyond vacuity and stable
Lagrange points, the keelboat’s
Invulnerability overseeing the terrestrial subsurface
intakes of seawater
borne to the Moon's stations filtering with a hydrophobic
Membrane—Spindly figures, by the on-board physiologist’s reckoning;
further sapped of phosphate by fibroblast growth factor
23 (FGF23) leaving
quiescent pearls in a hyaline
bone matrix—How might the myeloma protein (
D, conserved in jawed vertebrates except birds, the consolation
When the tagged B-cell leaves the marrow for a lymph node, and the
reactivated fever switch mediated by basophils becomes restive in an antiseptic
environment—Refunding the moments over the stressed concrete construction of
St. Paul’s
The bone cement’s recipe, varied with spherules of glass, melted out of
the crust lowers the specific gravity for floating Chiron transiting Pisces
(May 2010 - March 2019)—Cassini observes the
division between Saturn’s rings as
Charles II approves the groundwork of St. Paul’s (1675)—
From the college of Michel de Nôtredame, Montpellier (1525),
Ramesey (1652) pens
Astrologia Restaurata (
1653)—Flamsteed consulted
laying the Observatory foundation stone (10 August 1675);
by the Sun,
significator of the King, whose molten core gravitates the density of
retaining the hydrosphere, as
Louise de Kérouaille's son, the fourth Charles,
raised the day before, the Duke of Richmond—
Ladon, constellation
entwined around the tree of the Hesperides; awaking rude health’s Aegle that
sheltered the Argonauts, the Duchess of Portsmouth had seen
in Louis XIV’s
entry, of
Salix, to
transpire in the vernal quarter of Nikolai Astrup’s
Willow Goblin—Helena
Blavatsky’s remarks
on sunspots, Nasymth’s
Solar willow-leaves, or, an account of the great Spot (July 1860),
the vital electricity that feeds the whole system
(1888), senses the improbability of the original solar nebula’s Newtonian
falling away—Vera Rubin and Kent Ford’s spectra of the green valley of
Andromeda (M31) had shown the velocity of stars (1967, 1970), as Fritz Zwicky
observed in the Coma
cluster (
1933), remained approximately constant along the
spiral arms, regardless of distance from the galactic center; drawn together in
opacities unrewarding in a language of light—Such is the Continuity of
Altarpiece, No. 1, Group X,
Altarpieces (1907), after the discontinuity’s consolation,
Not to be
displayed until two decades after her death (
1944)—Hilma af
captured coronal loops as auroras, disks of photocatalysis by
Spirulina platensis in the pie plate
stations of Mars, and for the Firstborn’s intended heat sterilization of Earth,
the technological antagonists, as Saturn bow shock, when the
rings appeared to
Huygens in
Systema Saturnium (
edge-on, and fade (
1848), from the Merz
15-inch twenty-three
Foot equatorial reestablished after the pulse on the instruments
(2037)—Just before the Jovian’s crashing into the Sun (2042), the blue field of
the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (
SST), whose vacuum lens was likewise cooled by
as its subject’s helium core, exhibited the sway, June 1971 B-side,
Rudel’s amour lointain of a boat,
From the run up by the mega-tsunami landslide of
Cumbre Vieja that never
materialized—Maria dreams of
swimming from one jetty to another one, with her husband in a vessel suggesting she get
in, to row to Judea extended to the Menorah Islands misleading to Teucer’s
martyrs to Jove on
Cyprus best explained behind the shield of his brother; arrowshot
warped to his will, and addressed
as nothos
(8.284), by the dry
Menelaus clutching not even the spirit proper of Helen—Until
reaching the lowest point before the gag reflex triggered by the
perfluorooctanoic acid (
PFOA) in somewhere’s sleeve of microwave popcorn
compounded in pavilions of
Sourcing the distillation disks of this decade’s water column to the
alephtron—Provoking the Purgatory fires of
Zen garden (1971), and its violated quaternity, the feminine, instead by milk,
or albedo, from which the
anthroposophical dentist insets the second
dentition—Indigenous carbon from 1666 fire saving the almond of a shroud, St.
Dean, who hunched, wasting for Nicholas Stone’s effigy installed eighteen
months after its subject’s death (31 March 1631);
swaddled as an infant, the
writer of the
Elegies (1609) from
Two purses, and their mouths aversely laid
(XIX.91-2)—Hertfordshire (1971), and execration of the Mod garniture and cats,
a white lacquered sacral dimple to glans upon entering the set, with blank
solitaries twisted for a
close-up corruption of the 14th Secessionist
exhibition (
1902)—Armed with the bust of the composer of anthems, Beethoven,
Ninth Symphony (1828) settled the
74-minute dimension of compact
discs—Despite a cabinet of the Great Books for these preoccupations, there is
no less here a caricature required by the lead sphinx in the
Tribuna of
Chiswick Manor (1726-29)—Marie's sobriety making her more free to write
Guigemar, a white stag’s shaft rebutted
in the vitals (1180), who lies splayed in a
Jolster (1915)—Owing to the excesses of the company of
Händel and
Canaletto, the Palladian William Kent’s design for the state
barge scalloped
and delphinated by John Richards is now dry docked
in Greenwich—For Frederick,
Prince of Wales (1732), a consolation
From mother Caroline, who threatened to annul his union to Augusta, with
her dolls, governess, and disinclination to English, and treated to same
courtesy at her absconded lying-in from the royal family, the matriarch
decrying his impotence—Chinese-outfitted oarsmen last conveyed Prince Albert to
the opening of the Coal Exchange (1849)—Back to the health
farm, the intruder’s
Punchinello guise is red-nosed before the anticipated splatter of blunt trauma,
and he was probably gulled by the investigators deceptions to clean up the
streets; the explicit scene, after other importune moments of addressing the
ceiling; between a gilt
sceptered wallcovering under ruddy
Hod carpeting and
billiard green
Netzach overhead forming the two halves of a single body—Marie,
going against her sex as prey, at the prop of
Iyengar backbend in the
construction of the body, made tolerant for open heart
surgery with
acupuncture, or with an electuary of sugar and
Artemisia vulgaris chosen from Frederick’s
hedgerows at Kew
Gardens, or perhaps for moxibustion at the Bladder meridian—Nathan Zuckerman’s
Bildungsroman begins, as Donne’s
portrait with his fedora tilted at a raffish angle (1595), at
twenty-three (1979)—
A morning walk, from the Chiswick barre studio to the boathouse, at the risk of
relapsing at the singularity of Mars mislaid from the conjunction viewed from
recent evening in
Beta Scorpii,
Graffias, pleads from the last of twenty-three
Meditations (December 1623) to
remain silent—We were drawn to the silver screens, not for any particular
apocalypse, but for the
Seedbox theatres, which in another life, signals a data
repository for future manipulation of the human
drama; though, still paintings,
replete with cyclamens,
at the deer’s crossing,
Harford (
1999), and
foregrounded against the wine’s seeming
brand (1971)—PTFE
Eluting structures
stagger the ride to the Serpentine Sackler (
2016), of
canvases looping into stargates, by notation of the baryonic angular momentum
of the disk galaxies
onto Hilma af Klint’s
Swan series; one into cubes,
met as if in a time capsule's materiality, refracting consolations—
The rogue with his name incised in the glass of Anne More’s
1602), who could never imagine preaching (1621), among the congregated Beloved,
to tell the laity of our love (lines
7-8) under the triple-shelled masonry of St. Paul’s—
Beyond the implacable
(1906) casting, for the exception of
Midsummer, in its perpetual shadow’s color
of the Seventh
Ray—Astrup viewed the floating world to play among
cuttings from
Knole, the
Crab Nebula (M1) of Taurus broadens to the slightest
degree with
synchrotron radiation as this
Bakhtinian chronotope; its reputation
first made on the makeup of that adept of
Montpellier, Rabelais (1530-38), to
ten light-years formerly assayed in generations, Chinese astronomers observed
in the daylight for
twenty-three days (1054)—