Thursday, March 6, 2008

Four Rune Cast

I am interested in divination to the extent that Feuerbach, and then Durkheim, in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, considers religion, divination, a necessary currency, "or the system of symbols by means of which society becomes conscious of itself." Delving into it, one enters the intersection of the mind and the body. If one considers divination as a means for discharging energy, how can one form be any more correct or true, if all that is required is to complete the pathway? The same way that neon or xenon gas tubes or tungsten filaments are capacitators for heat... the brain is a biochemical capacitator whose workings can be crudely translated into tea leaves, bone fragments, divining rods or runes of a split fruit tree...

The bottom rune represents the foundation that forms the basis of the issue. Nyd represents many things, most of them unpleasant - heed it well. Constraint, delay, loss, need, and sorrow are all frequently seen in this rune. Nyd speaks most strongly of pause, the hallmark of the both the timid and the patient, and is often interpreted as foretelling a delay in the effect of other runes that it accompanies. Fortunately, even where there is misery and danger there are valuable lessons to be learned - the trick is to learn them before you are overtaken by despair.

The left rune represents one of the forces acting on the issue at hand. Wunjo is the rune of Joy. Since joy is least frequently a solitary emotion, this rune often represents mutual or communal bliss. Wunjo is also seen as a rune of the gods and a rune of perfection, carrying with it the elation that blazes from the creation of a perfect work - perhaps this is the true joy of the gods, that they can create perfection. That aside, this rune does not focus on the struggle for perfection or on our inevitable imperfections, but rather on a job well done and the satisfaction that comes from it.

The right rune represents another of the forces acting on the issue at hand. Algiz plainly shows the antlers of the elk that it represents. The elk is the object of the hunt, and hence Algiz speaks to the pursuit of goals and the thrill of that pursuit. The rune is currently shown reversed, so this could suggest a failed endeavor or a lack of effort. Algiz is also representative of a protective hand (fingers open wide), so the reversed form may indicate a failed defense.

The top rune represents the conclusion to which your strivings can carry you. Isa is the rune symbolizing Ice - cold, stagnant, frozen, and unchanging. This rune suggests heat removed not just from anger or conflict, but from passion as well. Paradoxically, Isa conveys images of slippery slopes and unsure footing, but also of circumstances that have crystallized and become utterly immutable. Remember that in the cold north, ice is not just THE challenge to be overcome, but the very nature of the environment. Be courageous, for you work against this element every day. Will you fight alone or with others against this, our common foe? Is there much worse than lack of change?


Σφιγξ said...

Ultimately, an Isa runecast signifies waiting for the thaw, meditate.

Σφιγξ said...

It is difficult for me to revisit this forecast given the details of constraint, delay, and moraine-carving change. The passion of Wunjo and the reversed Algiz of deception were both true with a person, who is no longer in my life.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

With the use of computer algorithms, I nevertheless find some truth in this, particularly the last:

The Past
Dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. You are close to making a breakthrough. You have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. You may see the world with absolute clarity at this time.

The Present
Hagalaz is the hail Rune. It denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. You may experience delays in moving toward your goals.

The Future
Ehwaz reversed indicates a restless soul in need of change. Although you may hunger for something different, do not act in haste.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I read To Return and Rekindle on a Saturday in September.

To be read:
Festivals of Faith - Chanukah and the Winter Months by Rabbi Moshe Wolfson