Monday, December 29, 2008

Internal Improvements

I often paint young girls who are reading. It’s surely because I saw the act of reading as a way to enter life’s deeper secrets. Reading is the great means of access to myths. Green, Gracq, Char, Jouve, Michaux, and Artaud were frequent passageways, as well as the great holy writings of the Bible and initiates like Dante, Rilke, the Pléiade poets, the great Chinese writers, the mystics John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila, not to mention Carroll, the pure German poet Ludwig Tieck, and Indian epics. All these texts and authors were landmarks in my life, and gave me another dimension of time to which I soon felt myself summoned. My young girls who read in dreaming poses are escaping from fleeting, harmful time . . . Fixing them in the act of reading or dreaming prolongs a privileged, splendid, and magic glimpsed-at time. A suddenly opened curtain sheds light from a window and is seen only by those who know how. Thus a book is a key to open a mysterious trunk containing childhood scents...

from Balthus: Vanished Splendors, the book here
Sharon Olds: (Guess the Title)
In the taxi alone, home from the airport,
I could not believe you were gone. My palm kept
creeping over the smooth plastic
to find your strong meaty little hand and
squeeze it, find your narrow thigh in the
noble ribbing of the corduroy,
straight and regular as anything in nature, to
find the slack cool cheek of a
child in the heat of a summer morning—
nothing, nothing, waves of bawling
hitting me in hot flashes like some
change of life, some boiling wave
rising in me toward your body, toward
where it should have been on the seat, your
brow curved like a cereal bowl, your
eyes dark with massed crystals like the
magnified scales of a butterfly's wing, the
delicate feelers of your limp hair,
floods of blood rising in my face as I
tried to reassemble the hot
gritty molecules in the car, to
make you appear like a holograph
on the back seat, pull you out of nothing
as I once did—but you were really gone,
the cab glossy as a slit caul out of
which you had slipped, the air glittering
electric with escape as it does in the room at a birth.
Speaking of Gaitskill's unique appropriation of Sade--I have always eroticized this poem, as speaker and object.

At six years old, I painted this house Grapeshake, and yes, the Pantone color exists.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

ah,"Then the Ermine:"

Excerpted stories about Marianne Moore, as told by her protégé, Elizabeth Bishop...

Σφιγξ said...

The color.

PeterParis said...

I learn - or try to learn - when "studying" your blog. ... about you, about a lot of things. Here, I learnt e.g. that Balthus was not only a fabulous painter, but also wrote.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I often think that when I note the vantage of your camera.

Σφιγξ said...

While I hold back gagging over this, I think it would be instructive to carry over the malerisch qualities of JWM Turner, Helen Frankenthaler, and Peter Doig to the wallpaper here. It could really bloom, for Exercise 9?

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The approach to the kitchen, for Exercise 11:

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Finally, I am putting the purse and Lispector to rest. I had meant, entering a symbolic realm where there isn't a perceived division among thoughts...Anyway, it has been cannulated, from a musician's reed.

It was difficult thinking about the dire straits where the Turgenev novel left off; it is objectionable to be dependent.

Σφιγξ said...

If you are right in saying what I want to do, then it is also sad because I have searched for a path straight to you for two years. To be stable, and have the life I put, rather clumsily, with you.

Σφιγξ said...


It all happened long ago-
a murky, milky precipitate
of certain years then drawing to a close,
like a storm sewer upheaval. Road rage had burst its flanks;
all was uncertain on the Via Negativa
except the certainty of return, return
to the approximate.

Night and morning a horn sounded,
summoning the faithful to prayer, the unfaithful to pleasure.
In that unseemly alley I first exhaled
a jest to your comic, crumb-crusted lips:
What if we are all ignorant of all that happened to us,
the song starting up at midnight,
the dream later, of lamb's lettuce and moss
near where Acheron used to flow?

But it's only me, now, I came because you cried and I had to.
Plaited bark muffles the knocker, but the doorbell
penetrates deep into the brain of one who lived here.
O brackish clouds, and dangerous,
the moon is unambiguous.

John Ashbery, from A Worldly Country (2007)

Σφιγξ said...

I like this, not for horns or crumbs, but for the speaker that glides from Acheron to bachelor's buttons, and for the reminder of whose I want to not sleep.

Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...

A few things:!/20595789

Did Francis Bacon know Eileen Gray? “The 1930 Look in British Decoration”, The Studio, August 1930

Σφιγξ said...

For me, my greatest fear has been the fulfillment of their education; school fees, and such. I would never want the little ambition my divided parents had for me to be a subsequent case.

When I go back to what hurt me the most about certain relationships that did not work out, was being given a tour..."and you can go to school here," and knowing how seriously I regarded that, and began to plan, and have it not work out. I do not carry over any conditions from the past, but I notice that that has always been a sticking point... the context and scaffold for realizing my imagination.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I was moving this today. I am forced, in the next two days, to remove all of my effects. I am not being idle; only now, have I stopped. I need to move the rest of my library, and take my placement test Tuesday.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I am reading this, after an overwhelming urge to start it, early this morning. I needed this “axe to break the frozen sea inside us.”

Σφιγξ said...

All using the same search terms: access to the purse (and all that it contains) is painfully contingent on...

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My niece received a copy of Kate DiCamillo's The Tale of Despereaux (2003), but her mother arrived early, before we could finish.

Bernadette Russell’s top 10 philosophical questions children should ask

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My father left the house after the final explosion in 2011. He went to live with his office girlfriend. Their divorce was finalized May 2015. I felt like a shipwreck victim in a sinking float, and just bilging water. I never think about my mother's ex, and she never mentions him. Unless, she mentions missing their lifestyle, randomly.

As terrible as my parents's relationship was, their entire marriage, it would have been unbearable to be shuttled between two households seething in resentment with pickups, drop-offs, and partitioning of resources. It was awful then to be an adult having suffered through that dynamic, prolonging the delusion for so long, with no shared history to examine retroactively; but then, I see having an intact home and my grandparents enabled some normality.

Σφιγξ said...

Keith is a sponge; so I imagine he will likely repair the relationship with the man he thought was his father in order to get the inheritance. His biological father is dying of multiple sclerosis, where he cannot practice, and he has two overweight, redheaded daughters. They have the misfortune of being that unpleasant shade of pink with orange hair, and I imagine any amount they inherit or make themselves will insufficient to remedy this insecurity.

I remember the man in my home related the story about being disinherited by his father; and going one to day to the bank to see a deposit in his account, and his father withdrawing the sizable amount from his son from his sister who died wealthy, but from lupus without children. The junior reconstituted his relationship with the senior after a cancer diagnosis, which meant battling with his sister for the settlement of the estate for several years.

I will never be manipulated by money. In any relationship.

Σφιγξ said...

I can accept never speaking to my presumptive father, and my biological father, for that matter. What would that accomplish?

If my mother wanted to disinherit me over my lifestyle, then I can accept it.

If your family encircles to protect your interests, I concede it. You are welcome to look at my online banking, assets and liabilities, and make recommendations. I accept that it is not a two-way street.

Taking a page from Seneca and the Stoics: voluntary austerities remind one that privileges can be lost, won, and lost again. Having the character to enjoy, while knowing that it is transient, is my aspiration.

Mrs. Teddy and the IRA bombing. I am always fascinated by her (like all maligned people and things), and I have Claire Berlinski's book in a pile next to my bed.

There are few people I know who can stand and exceed deprivation; the lack of compliments or even outright antagonism, and Margaret had the Mars square Saturn gridlock and subsequent release with taking principled actions and submitting to authority.

Σφιγξ said...

When I say just bilging water: I helped my mother with her elderly parents, and I had to take action one night; when I came in, and saw this frail infant crawling on the kitchen floor (who had just survived six months at UVA for repair of a congenital heart defect) with her parents watching television in the basement. I walked into the powder room, and found a makeup bag with heroin bags and needles. I confronted them about it, and the mother almost broke my neck pushing me into a column. I had no other choice but to involve myself in the raising of Siena, the dissolution of the household, the path of terror with drug dealers coming to the house, while trying to go to school at Roanoke College.

All through my childhood, my mother failed to protect me against her husband's violence, which was both verbal and physical. I had to protect this child.

Σφιγξ said...

Jacques-La France qui triche-Chirac.

I did not give the fragile Grapeshake house to my youngest niece. I brought it here, for another Exercise renovation.

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In my brother's case, his daughter fell off the jungle gym with ten or more witnesses. She has to go back for a hard cast today.

We all have small builds; yet osteoporosis was not in my mother's family . It is the back of my mind, when I eat yogurt twice a day.