The arch lesson in survival this post presupposes is entirely a metaphysical one, if such one exists. Like all we ascribe to the scurrying, mate-guarding and brooding of swans, voles and grey foxes how so far does the human's tremendous physical and emotional need ache to be satisfied at almost any cost? What I am left with is this active sense, under difficult thriving conditions, an overwintering... I am spent this evening by Louise Erdrich's poem about finality, forecasts, and of course, "the weird sisters" ...
"Three Sisters" by Louise Erdrich
Arlene wore the eyes of an old man around her neck.
Scratched porcelain, washed down
with the hot lye of his breath.
Dalona rode love like a ship in light wind.
The sails of her body unfurled at a touch.
No one could deny her safe passage, safe harbor.
Thedda, the youngest, was shut like a bell.
The white thorns of silence prickled in each bush
where she walked, and the grass stopped growing where she stood.
One year the three sisters came out of their rooms,
swaying like the roses that papered their walls.
They walked, full grown, into the heart of the town.
Young men broke their eyes against their eyes of stone,
and singed their long tongues
on the stunned flames of their mouths.
It was in late August, in the long year of drought.
The pool halls were winnowed and three men drew lots
to marry the sisters, all six in a great house.
On the night of the wedding the wind rose on a glass stem.
The clouds lowered in live heat.
We tethered our dogs.
Some swore they saw a hoop of lighting dance down in their yard.
Toward dawn, we felt the weight of lead sinkers in our bones,
walked out, and caught the first, fast drops on our tongues.
Me alegro que me encuentre.
This post, "The Keen..." is very incoherent to me, this evening.
I did this in prismacolor pencil...for the waxy laydown.
Someone once told me that this medium is slouching towards oils, but I think I will stay with it for a while. The problem is finishing enough to have one season worth of work.
The tallying of extinction and nascent astrobiological investigation are still active subjects. Perhaps touching down on Europa will involve sending an energetic sentinel, for those trained in astral projection to find. It might be more cost effective and reliable than the fragile cameras and claw sensors disturbed in a wind storm. I am being completely pragmatic; I find fantasy and science fiction distasteful.
I will put Exercise 55 here.
Exercise 55, to correspond with VI. Toucher les panneaux de porte d’entrée. I am afraid I don't have the presence of mind right now to deviate too much from the essentials, i.e., Card and Exercise.
Thank you, for reminding me of the Ursae and Adam Bede, and the Kubrick book I have on my bedroom floor perched next to my Penguin Little Black Classics set...I found this, while searching for that site of the river of blood takes performed in a former bra factory in Queens:
I remember buying the Little Black set when I first started at the hospital. I was quite pleased. I need to review the cumuli of data and things I have in dream escrow.
Yes, limerence. I love the word Atemwende, and this one
Exercise 90.
Thank you, for reminding me. atemlos.
Exercise 55.
Best find of the trip. Fantastic!
I am making another copy.
Exercise 91.
I was going to watch Gary Hollis on Jeopardy Friday, but I do not watch television when I have important things to do, and most certainly because of the hag.
I am satisfied that Keith is taking her to tutoring twice a week with an Indian lady who tolerates no excuses from either of them. We do not have hostility about most things, now, and I helped them decorate the house for their children. All are in agreement that they need moral instruction, so they go to a place with her cousins. I don't talk about most of what I am thinking. I told my mother no matter what one believes, if the redemption is coming for the first time or the second time, there is work to be done here.
"This, Damira, this being that was remembering, was nothing but a map of a woman long dead—a map folded into a new shape to fit in the mind and sinews, the massive skeleton and the sensory apparatus, of a mammoth. This Damira...
Because now, when she remembered the gift of the elephant, she remembered something strange. The gift had been a clumsy thing, sewn most likely in some factory not far from Tomsk where she grew up, designed by people who had never seen, in their lives, many of the animals they were imitating. It was formed of cheap plush, with dark eyes imitating glass, and clumsy curves of white tusks that began to lose shape as the stuffing inside compressed.
But it had not been gray: it had been brown. She had dismissed the color, barely noticed it—after all, there were pink elephant toys and purple elephant toys and elephant toys of an acid green, so why should brown be strange?
But now she saw the loop. It was not an elephant Timur had given her, at all. That first object around which her ideas for the future had begun to wrap themselves as a mammoth.
And it was a mammoth she had become (80)."
I picked this up from the public library yesterday. To read. I allow for the discourse on mammalian body plans and mammoths without being thrall to the miracle of creation that is mankind so easily summarized as a primate.
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