You will limp forever before whiplashed lines that constantly remind
There is material to be worked, a poem inscribed in a glass body,
Trailing the same color--the same interview of toned chests or flying buttress,
Eel or lily question. Once again, an ignorance of the obstacles or social problems.
A pulled ray of sun breached the blower's furnace. Look how the stem wilts
Band of thorns reflecting back in his blue glass. Too bad none of them are for sale.
Collecting uranium, vaseline glass is a minefield, and laws limit the sale
To measurably safe levels of contaminant--as a crystal atomizer, given to you, reminds
Emits a green glow under black light. Where the winged scroll, the pineapple fan wilts
One of those natural effects in high humidity. The insipid collector shifting his body
To recall the past of his circus, when a know-it-all manner mattered less, a weight problem
Preceded this passion, but the comparison is unwise, sending us back to buttress
The thoughtfully built collapse in us. Each diverse wish for a swan's neck if to buttress
Those watery heads, if to let in the light and be filled by stained glass, yet the fire sale
Of bold, sensuously blown glass will go on, without the decoration, of even the problem
Of you, lacking the vision of Horta's banisters, and no such logic here, we are reminded.
The pipe creates a bubble in the molten glass. Was she ever, was she on paychecks there, in body?
But our homework, long ago, consisted of ten problems, and time, the opponent, was wilting in us,
Otherwise people write her off. Yet a mood is limitless--with a stylus in hand, an age's wilting
Die-back of certain vases bears the impress on a wall, on a whim, where the tendrils buttress
Bel-étage of this sensibility confined to postage stamps, the Tiffany lamps cast-iron bodies
Of a young woman's arabesques, and I am not sure they speak the language anymore, sales
Have slumped among the young. My eyes water in the cigarette smoke, it almost reminds me
I saw a reticent child I was retracing the cameo or the marquetry, and faced with the problem
Of overpreciousness or the hidden germ already bearing antique marks. A problem of love
Was an antagonizing force, as it was modified for later commissions. The rest of us, wilting
Before the rubbish of what we had said, under the grapevine electrolier, it almost reminds.
The wisps of grass enclosing at dusk around us, and together, we had no greater buttress.
But these molds, inevitably, lost their definition, words were no longer for items for sale.
Much of my learning is through apprenticeship, our childish way of punishing our bodies.
Holding our objects for closeness, there is, for instance, the problem of love for sale,
We had no greater buttress but this, visible—right there—the best place to sell glass, it reminds
Of the first workshop, wilting and widening with centrifugal force the vessels of our bodies.
Yes, but its not like that conspicuous blank spot in your black planner in the middle of the week didn't break my heart in silence.
This is a cached article from a disreputable org, but I will remember to see out Wilson's The Wound and the Bow. I delighted in Axl's Castle.
I appreciate that there is an endemic species, the Great Purple Hairstreak, like the Spanish Purple Hairstreak of the Var. It is a daily struggle, which is won through exhaustion, and occasional breakthroughs, from permanent dissatisfaction.
I want to make a mid-September inspired Exercise with the lemon tent embowered with the oak mistletoe and Great Purple Hairstreak.
Thank you, for reminding me. The next Exercise must have some import extending this.
Thank you for reminding me. Yes.
[...] a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11),
The last line of this modest effort needs to be rewritten, vessel bodies or something to give it swerve. I was looking at my tardily retrieved mail that contained among them, Food and Wine, and Country Living. The latter celebrates Maximilian and collections and Farrow & Ball.
I was looking at the Pyrex color options. Some of the pieces I inherited or found, but ovenware is not my gift.
Consumer items; these are eye-catching but not required. To speak again of not getting above oneself in materials without the required level of mastery.
To purchase a portable set with the Revival colors seems wasteful when one can buy the tubes separately. Aureolin Hue is purported to be grainy, and not light-fast.
I first encountered Cotman watercolours in the tubes when I visited my paternal grandmother with the Hogarth plates as a coffee table book, which was ring-stained with glasses of vin blanc piscine. She wanted to be an anatomical illustrator at Mary Baldwin in the early fifties, and then she left to go to Richmond to marry her dentist in training at MCV. One cannot co-opt another's dream, even if by degrees.
To be read:
Yes, you are the donkey represented by Issachar, not the ox.
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