Sunday, November 7, 2010

Piastrelle: Without the ideologic or utopic part, design is nothing more than the infinite variation of utensils


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

gimel-yud-qof-yud - Jacky / Jackie

"This is the concept of gimmel; the blending of disparate ele­ments into a harmonious whole. Just as the gimmel signifies the connection between the poor and the wealthy person, so does it represent the merger, the bridge, between the material world and the reality of G‑d."

"Therefore, the mission of a Jew is to go forth into the depths of the materialistic world and infuse it with the Yud of G‑d, with G‑dliness. This isn’t true only with regard to the land of Israel or the synagogue. It refers to every place a Jew’s foot lands."

"Thus, on one hand, the kuf represents death and negative thought, speech and action. On the other hand, it invites trans­formation. Just as the design of the three-sided beis embodies a certain tension that is resolved in the four-sided mem, so does the foot of the kuf call out to be elevated from its station below the horizon. We all have the ability to transform the irrational to the superrational, thus directing our thought, our speech, and our action solely toward G‑d and holiness."

Exercise 91