Thursday, November 8, 2012

NYT: Hurricane Filled New York Aquarium

Tanks in the Sea Cliff exhibit were open at the top
Of salt-water minnows now cast on the deep pile of lobby carpets,
Among the grains of harbor magnetite scattered among invasions

Of the sunny tropics—Indonesian seahorses knowing nothing of clouds
Of Wiring and insulation, where the City’s gut itself has extensions into the arms,
Such is the tarnished inlay of light grids reflecting everything but the real invasion—
Faster than evacuated hearts, the counting houses and their outflows are abandoned

Their modes of thought and enjoyments, whose race is moving inward into the arms
Revealed to be those of the Lord. Floodwater occasioned its siphons through glass,
Entangled the sieves of whiplash tails and dorsal spines. A crown of thorns abandoned
From Indo-Pacific waters is blocked from menacing life abounding in tanks arranged side

By side like tiles. They come to wipe declining old contaminants besmearing the glass,
And although they have no head, no heart, the sluggish jellies note there is less being
Eaten, less diffused gas. Just as the keepers—whose impulses are normally aside

From people— struggle to pump the basement out. Activate the carbon filtering this world

Portrayed in miniature. The fish were happy to remain in their own half, there being
Less for those necessities, but three-inches of shower stall water; thankfully, not carpet,
Harboring an American eel rechristened Lazarus, who will be the celebrity of this world

From our museums of e-mails, life work of tenants carried away by pressures of life at the top.


Σφιγξ said...

Yes, the Empress is the union of both the male and female aspects in one creation.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"Malinalli, for her part, felt that on Cortés's lips, in his saliva, there was a taste of the divine, a piece of eternity, and she wanted to savor it and guard it with her lips." —Laura Esquivel's Malinche

"'Interestingly, when we looked very thoroughly at the placenta in relation to many other sites of the body, we found that the placental microbiome does not bear many similarities to microbiomes closest in terms of anatomic location. Specifically, it is not much like the vaginal or intestinal microbiome, but rather is most similar to the oral microbiome,' said Aagaard."

Σφιγξ said...

The noncompliance with MLA guidelines for possessives is the fault of the text.

Σφιγξ said...

The next exercise, after the Christmas card that was never sent?

Σφιγξ said...

You know, recently I got a book listing all the animal species that have
Disappeared off the face of the earth called All the Disappeared Animal
Life Forms of the World

The list is really impressive and it included the dates and territories
Where the animals were last sighted. Or wherever the last fossil was

Now as you probably know 99.9 per cent of the species who have ever
Lived are now extinct. So this is a very long list including massive
Numbers of civets, big subsets of spotted lizards, every last mastodon
The short-faced bear, the Shrub-ox, fifteen chapters on sloths. And one
Whole chapter on the one-eared dinosaur

It was amazing, you cannot imagine how many kinds of weasels have
Come and gone. The publishers claim that the book is a definitive
Masterpiece. In fact, according to them, the book actually weighs
Approximately thirty weasels. And so goodbye to the disappeared ones
There they go, hopping and jumping away, swimming and floating away
Gone forever. Vaporized as if they'd never existed except for a few bones
And footprints. Nothing much left but their names

You know the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is alef. And the letter alef
Actually has no sound. It's a letter with no sound, a mental letter. So to
Say alef you open your mouth and you think of the letter and you start to say
It and then you stop
And that is alef

That's the thing with words... they leave so much to the imagination
Like in yoga class when the teacher saying things like, "Imagine your
Breath is filling the entire room." Or, "Imagine that your legs are planted
In the ground and they keep going down and down under the ground like
Roots like fifteen feet down" and you can actually feel your legs doing that

And really they could just go on and on in this vein like, "Now imagine
That you've swallowed your head and it's inside your stomach and you're
Upside down and you can't open your eyes and you're completely stuck
There." Things like that

I have to say that often it's much better to talk about things than to actually
Do them. Take for example - a very long expedition to the North Pole

You know the reason I really love the stars? It's that we cannot hurt
Them. We can't burn them. We can't melt them or make them overflow
We can't flood them or blow them up or turn them out
But we are reaching for them. We are reaching for them

And ah yes the moon and stars are up there like acquaintances I had
Always meant to befriend Yes I meant to learn their names but for various
Reasons having to do with lack of time and lack of ambition I never did do
That. And they remained up in the sky as nameless as if we'd never been
Here at all

Σφιγξ said...

I have completed my end of the documents, and we have signed with the purchaser's POA. When it is done, I am moving one house away from my old address. A little Winchester mystery house with a plethora of closets (!) in sickly pinks, but I can work over to fund the improvements, always. Fifteen-year mortgage with 30,000 down. If I am correct, the POA, the purchaser's sister is married to a patient I cared for on progressive care for two weeks in September. I feel secure owning property that will appreciate, that is near my employment, and that I can afford at my current pay scale.

This includes you because you have your property, and I will be investing in mine, to fill with plants and cats, if I see fit. My brother and mother will care for them.

Σφιγξ said...

A serviceberry allee below the deck with deer. I saw the backyard, and I was sold.

Σφιγξ said...

I have regret that my name is on this mortgage, and I cannot get a mortgage now with my spouse. When I explain how this works to the parties, I am met with so? You weren't going to get married anyway.

Σφιγξ said...

Younger contemporaries, who are alone, and cannot afford their first homes, envy me because I live in one house, and have my name on the other, with its rising tax assessment baked into to the mortgage escrow account.

The bills on the small home are small, and I can put away over 10% of my current income into retirement. I can fund more experiences.

I do not know what the words or actions are to take the next step to be married. In this way, I am like a replicant with the cushion of memories but not the skill set to talk anyone into joining me.

On Rosh Hashana, I will fast, and be grateful for being apportioned my needs to grow and serve. I am in the exact place I am required to be for this mission, and I will put Exercise 91 here.