La Tournure
Separated by a low energy barrier, there is the rabid saliva and mutation
possessing it—Set to bend at different axes, L-glutamate
Vacuity for
dissymmetries achieving, at last, the hinge of the
Venus flytrap—
By receptor cell input of three cranial nerves (VII, IX, X), our foretaste of
Unstiffened before a hearth; the infant gut
stirred as gods of greased altar
Fumes, to be counted—Their casks’ frozen pink diamonds, scoured white, Pasteur
Sorted, redissolved, to match the sliding quartz
facets lit before a gas
Cosmic forces which were themselves asymmetrical (1847); caricature assigned mutation,
The veracity of his
pastels with buffeting patterns of seeing—Protocols careening
object to unalterable
Object, until deflected by a
Murchison space fragment in a hayshed—92 amino
acids content
19 terrestrial conformations (1997); most likely sown beyond, catalyzed in
Venus flytraps
Unthreading flies into chitinous husks; such then is inflexible innovation—Lacking
transduction tipping its boxes upon
apposition with free glutamate;
roundness of
Bringing us back to the burned cooking concentrating it—Curbed in the
Spiraling ferments would otherwise
remain sterilized in their
swan’s necks, without the introduced flytraps
Of flesh—The contaminating human
support without which analyses remain mockingly content
Within confines reproducibility and
patents, and it was not until the temperament’s mutation
Found receipt in another person,
staving off a machine death, from without to within, to alter
Deteriorating industries—Against Leibig (1865), the regenerative skimmed
vinegar yeast altered
The product; rather, Pasteur removed the barrels’ superadded shavings from which
mycoderma, like umami,
Coats the tongue after a first pouring; heating them to clear the frequency of
For spoiling; and later, resistance—As surrounding white corpuscles aerate
foreign bodies Pasteur
Thought; his material falling
short, he submitted to public
property, unlike toile water or fly strips,
Pasteurization, practical to
vintners thereto destroying their crates—Laboratory examiners content
To expose elisions or point to Bonapartist letters for backing, Pasteur perhaps
knew the
Of his lab books would prove
insufficient, as would a store of possessions, if the peppered cocoons altering
Dowries of girls
reeling silk were
purged, only to reappear in unblemished moths—A flytrap’s
Slipknot reassembles in the curled
leaves of their sleeping worms with parasitic globules—Ikeda’s umami (1908)
Receptor couplings, the ingested
glutamate clutched in synaptic vesicles,
shades neutral mutations—
Silently thickening, glutamates are
the handfuls of forget-me-nots into the silken weft—A cerebral infarct
paralyzed Pasteur’s
Left side (1868)—Staggering around
farms, the brooding pébrine insulated from speeding,
Demonstrated how to find a brace of
silkworms for undiseased offspring—Both the field and content
Again shifted to the poulterer
ruined by fowl cholera, the drover’s
carcasses offgassing spores, and mutation
Progressively evident as coal
lesions—Koch verified anthrax bacilli, as fire retardant (1876), before the
postulates—Refreshing his plates,
Pasteur found an inoculated
hen house survived; later, the sheep
flocks—Exhibited flytraps
Score the famine of the swamp; the
interrupted lecture on
puerperal fever—The umami
To disremember grousing; umami, the
fifth taste—For five years, Pasteur’s group
Seeks the virus, until a bitten boy
is given infected
spinal cord (1885)—We cannot understate mutations, their
instructive altars—
Nor the delicate release;
contending a ketamine-induced coma, of rabies
survival post-exposure (
from our timetables, without losing the ardor, from the
Venus flytrap closing
on the slightest breath—
"There are between three and six trigger hairs on the surface of each leaf. If the same hair is touched twice or if two hairs are touched within a 20-second interval, the cells on the outer surface of the leaf expand rapidly, and the trap snaps shut instantly. If insect secretions, such as uric acid, stimulate the trap, it will clamp down further on the prey and form an airtight seal. (If tripped by a curious spectator or a falling dead twig, the trap will reopen within a day or so.) Once the trap closes, the digestive glands that line the interior edge of the leaf secrete fluids that dissolve the soft parts of the prey, kill bacteria and fungi, and break down the insect with enzymes to extract the essential nutrients. These nutrients are absorbed into the leaf, and five to 12 days following capture, the trap will reopen to release the leftover exoskeleton. After three to five meals, the trap will no longer capture prey but will spend another two to three months simply photosynthesizing before it drops off the plant. Plant owners should beware of overstimulating a Venus flytrap: after approximately 10 unsuccessful trap closures, the leaf will cease to respond to touch and will serve only as a photosynthetic organ."
Prendre tournure. To take shape.
I laughed after Krambambuli's "Life After Sixty" (2023); not to be cruel, but for that line adapted from "MacArthur Park" about breaking up with Susie Horton, who worked in insurance (1967). Cakes left out in the rain. Also, "being too fat to fuck" is humorous. I; for one, feel less svelte to rollerblade, even if I am at my ideal body weight. The consequences of (infected) hardware in my ankles or wrists hamper my aspirations of being an airfoil.
Pasteur is admired always, for never accepting his current knowledge or his physical limitations as preconditions for curiosity. I have Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy's Rabid (2012) under my other nonfiction books on one side, and Torah books on the bedside table. Without consistently honed moral reasoning, all knowledge is for nothing.
Umami cravings happen to me often, but largely at night when I am working at my desk.
"Taste cells with high expression of umami receptors are localized in the posterior part of the tongue. Moreover, studies noticed that a higher amount of umami sensitive fibers is present in the glossopharyngeal nerve rather than in other cranial nerves. Results suggest, according to a defined taste topography, that the best umami sensation is elicited when the umami substances reach the rear of the tongue [17, 18]."
I bought an attractive magenta and teal softcover of The Mountain in the Sea (2022) to give to my niece. A moth field guide, as well.
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