Obstinacy recrosses the threshold’s shifted tumblers—With nine
Being one of
the access numbers; an impulse on its parapet travels,
With novelty
and navigation reckoned in the post-flight shower as a glass frog
Under scourge of cabin pressure, as if immobilized by loquacity, a silt
Out of which
he rages at a bookrest; the initial tendriled from a gourd—Excluding three of
By an
erythema of rime—John Cale’s Dying on the Vine (1985), in which a drum machine
For lost
time, of a punchline—After nine true vertebrae, a fused span of spine, frogs
Ossify an
earlier extremity as the urostyle; distributed tails out of which toads; really
Seem with
perforated hexagrams of the I-Ching—A froggish Corydon moon-swallowing at a
Retinue pheromones, or the honeybee’s
dosage, more deadly than rattlesnake venom, to silt
Up our wayward channels of activity—Gass (2000), on the first of The Duino Elegies, the stylistic marks
from the visual cortex travel
Along the
angular gyrus to Wernicke’s for processing; the angel loomed into a prayer rug
Because beauty is nothing but the start
of a terror we can hardly bear (Poulin), or a frog
Conveying the
scorpion, whose innate nature is to sting the motor to Broca’s cortexes,
percolate the silt—
There is a paucity of speech, a foedus, or pact, such as one
transferred by Trystero and Thurn and Taxis mail depositors, with unkempt
Foeda, filthy or disgraceful, in two tenses—Unwilling to lie in the bed
made for her, the dream’s nine
Days until reaching Tartarus—Uriel, the guardian, pointing from the
right in the Virgin of the Rocks to her spotlit girdle, as origami,
Neurological intermediate—Francesco Clemente’s demarcated wash through
the eyes of frogs
Meaning of the squire’s misfortune is the shambling page; apart from
for Kafka, these are cornered
Women writing this—Sister Theodora and Aaliyah, the latter the towering one by
which we are compared cornering
Malte Laurids Brigge’s afterhalf (1910) on the risers of reading—Letters
constrained to nine
To fourteen REM, the visual cortex perfusing the Roman reclamations of
Heliopolis, Baalbeck silted
Into some monstrous expanse of marsh, of Balbec or Cabourg, by an
interpenetrating traveler—
That coastal city where Roman ruins are built onto Cyclopean pavement outside
of Beirut, kempt,
Even with the eroding roof sculptures of Antony and Cleopatra, by written
capstans and pulley blocks—Rather, the worn frog
Skin is pulled off and ingested; to be endured yet adored since it
disdains to destroy us (Behn), and so to the cornered, Lycra-sheened frog—
Rilke addresses the bird of God informally, you pierce my heart (1905)—Placing
here, a rain-silted birdhouse gourd before traveling
Nine levels of consciousness, with the thought to read your face, your sonority
with the arcuate fasciculus semi-circled like an orchestra pit—
"A soul released from Nature, from impressions, from everyday life. For this to happen God Himself must be waiting, surely. And a man who has been killed and buried should have no other interest. He should be perfectly disinterested. Eckhart said in so many words that God loved disinterested purity and unity. God Himself was drawn to the disinterested soul. What besides the spirit should a man care for who has come back from the grave? However, and mysteriously enough, it happened, as Sammler observed, that one was always drawn back to human conditions. So that these flecks within one's substance would always stipple with their reflections all that a man turns toward, all that flows about him. The shadow of his nerves would always cast stripes, like trees on grass, like water over sand, the light-made network. It was a second encounter of the disinterested spirit with fated biological necessities, a return match with a persistent creature" (109).
Before, or on November:
I have to watch the kids while their mother goes to the dentist.
Starting from the beginning:
Siena left every critter, conveyance, and their houses in her room, but the family has expanded with the penguin, giraffe, and husky families.
The little boy laughed at the penguins minus small parts. They remind me of Pingu.
I do not insert myself there. There is a Kumon tutoring center here that I will pay to see her once a week, if she is receptive.
The mother makes excuses for her.
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