Fuming laser-cut styrene for a model, of a museum, and failing to recall open plan
Originally meant a sea of cubicles; where the ventilation imitates flooring—Being struck
Each time, often without cause to enter; nevertheless, the unit of the apothecary
System is from drachma—A ten-piece of Demeter’s unsheathed wheat (1930) as a dram of eale (I.iv.36)
Implored at thirty—Turning another over like a coin, the Tarentine dolphin, two centuries before Roman ruin (207 B.C.E), the Amphictyony of Delphi (336-334 BC) ferried
Near Metapontion, (4th century BC)—Taras (706 B.C.E), the only Spartan colony, founded where the swinging
Bridge of Puglia forms a false strait between Mar Piccolo from Mar Grande—Eels swinging
Estuarine nurseries for invitations into the labyrinth of open ocean, where the surfacing dolphin’s planned
Depth is ten times the upper limit of human hearing—Péret’s (1928) boat in the mold of the ocean ferried
By questions of the stars; the needle magnetized by Lucien Létinois X (1877), l’élan d’une anguille, into the struck
Note’s true heading revealed of our heavy and light chains of iron embedded on ten separate chromosomes—In a now pulled drawer of the apothecary’s
Table’s iron fillings, with potash fired to whiteness yielding potassium; a lithium heparin tube’s worth of potassium-pinched blood, in the Recto, Column 6 of an eel
Knotted inside his nostrils (Dynasty 16-17, 1600 B.C.E.)—Agglutinated, colored pearls of eels
Of the trenches effused from Queneau and Resnais’s La chant de la styrène (1958)—The opening scene’s plastic ladles swinging
Into the pipeline, after a 35mm cinemascope’s detail of sphagnum moss—This remnant of an apothecary
Jar’s gauze; suggested by its pivots of carbonyls that quarantine blood and bacterial mosaic, a mode after the planned
Enclave of Magna Grecia, where Pythagorean invention appropriated trenchant facts—Son of a lapidarist, the exile of Samos ferried
To the inner and outer harbors, to settle in Croton (530 B.C.E); then elderly at 40, the city founded after Taras (710 B.C.E), whose struck
Boy riding a dolphin observes a touchdown projected at Delphi—Repetition of a 3:4:5 proportion Pythagoras learned from the Egyptians; from struck
Surveyor’s rods of the Giza necropolis; the Great Pyramid’s capstone and polish set, by current estimates, in 10 years—Eels
Were sacred to Isis, who sifted the Nile of mutilated portions of a man from an otherwise blind tangle hollowing a corpse in a day—On a bark ferried
From Actium (31 B.C.E), there might have been a relic of the Isis temple—Mensa Isiaca in Turin, Cardinal Bembo seized during the sack of Rome (1527), and such are the swinging
Doors of fate; deigned as ordinary, the Carthage Scipio strewn with salt (149 B.C.E), the apothecary
Pots bonded in their unguents—Vergil’s hexameters abruptly end (19 B.C.E); planned
Fortune no longer supplies the dolphins and centaurs for nautical miles (V.203)—The four elements; if not their planned
Obsolescence, transformation by the quotient of your hand, where The Waste Land’s laquearia (1922) is struck
With the metal of Cyprus; foremost, by Isis, who made her plotted lover’s face bloom—Apothecary
Would be nothing, if not for the copper boilers, where storax balsam with orange water of aqua angeli foamed as eel
Grass for Louis XIV’s laundress—What diagonals drive the queen and her mirror, if unconquered by a king’s square; the ferried
Isis tablet; alloyed in Corinthian black metal unidentified by researchers, as Syracuse’s fugitive spring (733 B.C.E), submits the swinging
Balances of states, of matter, where fractionated petrol vents its masses of ancient fish to rejoin the air, beyond the swinging
Doors of Nicosia State Bank; the rest remain foreign owned, where the last copperplate banknote, 10,000 drachmas, was put into circulation in 1995, and minted with Asclepius—Executed, as if planned
By the administrator of the plague-curing arrows—Intending not so much goddess worship as a pining for renewal, in an innermost sanctum later adopted by the Jews, the ferried
Player-King’s full thirty times (III.ii.5), in Doric temples as far as Londinium—Purpose is but the slave to memory (III.ii.172), and being struck
By waves arriving in synchrony, as on the Louis Majesty (2010), we are met more by cumulative actions than by apothecaries’
Dispensation—Sometimes achieving the same effect as nothing; greater than five times of rendering a speech act, recoiling as eels
To vaults in the deep ocean—Swinging the axes of the globe, specifying the path name for recursive eels—
These harnessed stars; starfish really, originate in your twinned hands that now strike from the meaning, of a dolphin ferrying
The dispossessed of Spartan women—Signified with a kiss (X), sanguine apothecary jars; rather, the star moss dressing, of our fiat is invisible, to endure this production—
invicible* to endure this production
Yes, you are right to point out the similarities in the most recent production.
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