Friday, August 22, 2014

XX. La Verdoyante

XX. La Verdoyante

Recessional temperature’s phase relationship, at one atmosphere, from Vermilion Sands
Now picturing your sapphire irises for security; an unilateral appearance of a puncture—Cicatricial,
Or imposed at birth; what was thought a scorpion at the collarette, and possibly baleful—
Through a break in the chrome-alumina pink coating of the spyhole; countering, the correct term
Is coloboma, and asymptomatic—Brought in to consider the scaled sprinklers, among carmini
Of vibrocalyces—We behold these axes to consider, in the giraluna's 10 hours and 47 minutes, and “solar key” of Parallel Botany (1977)—

With spherostills, on its corona—Green. from the ground when a stranger she came, now waving above her (1847); botany
Conferring two sideways red arils of mace, for your mouth—An aerial species cultivated on the darker leading hemisphere of Callisto's sands
Draining sulfur dioxide, when the Jovian subocean was deemed favorable for germinants—Performing non-cochlear carmini
On the Siberian steppe before the floodwaters—Scored, a striped warfare, of a sarabande, in a parallelism the cicatricial
Mind quests after in Satie's Gymnopédies (1886-1896), from the poet, Contamine de Latour, of Tarragona, and birthplace of Gaudí (1852)—Baleful
Acoustics; they were thought then; yet the metallic structures, for sens, sense and direction, of ball bearings rolled along ledges of the phonometricien's filings, and anticipated the modular yangqin—Ambient plants, more than terminal

Decorations, Satie provisioned for them umbrellas and noise dampening gray velvet; this audience of too many flowers and their inseparable, interminate
Fragrance—Our Saturnienne, Khan-Scorpion orchid resounds in this place rich in beams; at asanas each morning, with the botanist's
Polarizing filter using a backdrop of vacuumed space—Reintroduced to your Jane Ciracylides, for our ability to recognize, our cynosure, and beyond the baleful
Matching of the Callistan company on a card, Antares self-injectables or autotune, it is unknown—On a ground sanded
From the flanks of a methane volcano, blacked ultramarine, leaping diminutive fauna under spades; merely suites in this post-manual age, of revived gymnosperms—Your mimetic jumpsuit's forest scene was from the c. 1230 B.C.E Carmina
—Aware of the irrigated canvas of expectations, we telepathed, Darkening a color confers power concealing the cicatrices

Of nakedness
Andrés Eloy Blanco (b.1897) exhaled the giraluna's black petals, el Cid abre herida nueva / no pega en la cicatriz (1955)—
Where, in our supernumerary data of Callisto; asking you as myself, can we account for this linea nigra, a tidal boundary and aspect of Jupiter, Terminus
Post-settlement, as the range by Catullus (84-54 B.C.E.) suggests; there is familiarity with all things, although the vellum and India paper assumes neurochemical braille—Carminative,
Proprioceptive leaves are drawing us—Tropic, is atropine soluble in water; sourced by the atmospheric escape of carbon dioxide, some of which cryobotanists
In the Asgard crater managed to condense in bluewave (390 nm) houses—Terrestrials strove in vain, with their baleful
Rectitude of interpretations; a Saturn biosphere, is robust for recombinations, where, eventually, protons and electrons reform neutral hydrogen, unmindful of the flung sand

Reverdy at the Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes (1959) rearranges his name, the spaces infiltrated with sand
As kapok; fatal as glassy down—Visible light oscillates at a two femtosecond reciprocal frequency; at variance with your cicatricial
Jane, as Diana, singing at the Casino tonight—Erik Satie's Ne suis que grain de sable (1914, 1916), toward which the baleful
Arachnid extends its hairy root over a plane of black-lit scorpions; their book lungs sustaining them since the Lower Carboniferious and trans-Anthropocene; and here, I drop to my knees, for the parallelization of roses implying an interminable
Vanity—Guam sickness, Dr. Sacks et al. (1996) determined came from residing near such naked trees; enzyme p450 produces the pollen's toxic intermediate; why resurrect that thought carmine,
Here—The blood of cochineal pales in comparison to our own aluminum salt of carminic acid; stirring my discontent with synthetic botany—

The Pleistocene's tenth of the living cycads (12 mya), which were then no more hospitable to humans, now walking among their hypostyles the botanists
Of Saturn fashioned to evoke their own timelessness—I had been meaning, which, lately, is a chapel perilous emerging from which, or never entering, from sands,
Nonexistent handholds, and just the mirage of singed grass, an indictment of my insecurities, and reason for remaining circumpolar, away from where my headings, and where every wave is true—The horizontal cicatrice,
My shadow burning away the minor constellation's paramagnetic leaves, of hours so long until the vital carmine
Intones between us, filling the submerged auditorium, whatever the lunar influence—Other constructs were choking with baleful,
Once rare, poudre d'iris and Max Ernst's sectioned ovules—Diana, you, whose arrows seemingly never miss their mark; these, my artifices, conceal a bearish manner of interminably

Becoming; with attendant colonies of algae—Botanists might easily frame in nomenclature, what the interminable Reverdy heard, for a name that has more flesh than a number
Qualities exceeding base five, darling, of our annotated carmini—Calling from the littoral zone, where the saltwater's first zeal of cicatrices subsides, connecting islands,
Carving faux bois into the baleful sandbars, put there for decades of our golden seeds to take hold—


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Thank you, for reminding me of the apple tree, which is the central feature of John Berger's To the Wedding (1995). I will put Exercise 53 here.

Σφιγξ said...

Late entry. Thank you, for reminding me.

Σφιγξ said...

S'oursifier. Yes.

Σφιγξ said...