Wednesday, July 8, 2015

XIV. Imprimée en petits caractères

Today is Jefferson’s; by way of the Chinese, a Bazeries dial abridged to the date of closed branch
Offices; par contumace, and apt to spur writing in off-hours the story of life on Earth to present—
From Cy Young, Hall-of-Famer (1937), who sidetracks filming of the Depression South; consecutively,
Upstate plows unearth pustules, scales, and striated fossils of sea scorpions (444 mya)—Roman
Vishniac, on behalf of an aid organization, prints the legless father in a barrow, from three decades in a pogrom before the liquidation of Warsaw, where Mr. and Mrs. Sternberg berthed, onto Krynica to honeymoon (9 January 1937)—
Affects; submitted contrary to their backing assets, Queen Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau wisely abrogated them from the consort first encountered at the Winter

Olympics in Bavaria (1936)—A majority; natives, and since their parents could not pronounce perejil, with a trill, were cut from the border of Dominican Republic (October 1937)—Cap de Bonne Espérance would have more of the clear skies of Northern winter,
Out from under Cassini II, Abbé Nicolas-Louis de La Caille imitated Newton in the plague years (1666), by trusting principles for the unearthing of fourteen Southern constellations—From being a further branch
Of old stock effaced by death of the paterfamilias, La Caille triangulated the skies of Table Bay, with Lalande simultaneously from Berlin, in 127 nights (1751-1752)—In a scientific honeymoon
Underwritten by La Galissonière’s commission to find its exact latitude and longitude, the starwatcher mused on bycaught Cape horse mackerel, dusky dolphins, rather than the Dutch assumed imposition of the indigenes—Over which Shelmerdine sustained his habit of sucking peppermints, if to preserve equilibrium flying over the Cape of Storms (1912), beyond where La Caille aimed his man-size sextant, against the lunar calendar for visibility, in the spirit of the present
Mythology of the first seventeen volumes of the Encylopédie (June 1751-December 1765)—L’Équerre et la Règle (Norma), the square and rule, for the bolection moulding of a drawing room later hanging a linoleum block print of Folly Cove’s Mary Maletskos: Queen Anne’s Lace (1967), a mote in the white forb, and one of Hester Prynne’s black flowers (1850); consecutively,
Less than a golf handicap, and beyond, what is now the emotional quotient for hiring; trait model motivation, regulation, for extorted production of a competent adolescent before it was outlawed, or else Roman

Pontos, and Ovid’s permanent exile, though the Rome depicted by Turner (1838) is unmoved—Citing Morris; if the first Egypto-Roman
Printed cotton, in the unanticipated Lord & Taylor full-page ads of their wares, Virginia Demetrios raises her sons in the country, but not completely away from such good, loving people and their microagressions, of promptly locked compartments and startling incomprehension at store counters, the 5th Avenue and 48th street suburban snow-icing of a single-family home in winter,
Notwithstanding Squire J. Vickers’s mosaic above the 40th street mezzanine; a blazon of the Ochs family (1909), if forced to depart from conviviality, then reinforced by lynchings; consecutively,
Marjorie Flack’s Walter, The Lazy Mouse (1937), the household marooned—Virginia Lee Burton’s Choo Choo (1937), in the feminine; having no conscious awareness of La Caille’s baseline expedition, just preceding the birth of the Gloucester Universalist, Judith Sargent Murray (1 May 1751), went off the rails, but was then glad to be found—Darkness enfolds Paul Manship’s New York World’s Fair sundial, and a world branch
Steered by Time and the Fates of Man (1939), and is to be read around Palestinian Arab revolts, in keeping the immigrant quotas whole, or the Cleveland Fisher Body Plant riot, since the screen honeymoons
Of The Wizard of Oz in August, and Gone with the Wind that December (1939)—Mike Mulligan and the steam shovel, Mary Anne, have mined their inevitable foundations; decline, the first jackknife of Fornax in the eastern loop of Eridanus, and must carry on, until their desuetude, as boiler and custodian (1939) among the concerned; while another Gloucester son, Clarence Birdseye plies the novelty of flash-frozen aisles, she sought to  free them from the simulacra of comics; worse, for their bubbled panels from the unassailable present—

Herself, the cross between a poet mother and the dean of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and no less surprised from know-how, the star-thinned sector of Equuleus Pictoris, the painter’s easel viewed as a small chargerCalico the Wonder Horse (1941); portrayed, always, in symmetrical cambers of road, flares from the Allied delaying action, among other theatres of war, if not exploding ditches of Leonidas’s Thermopylae (1941) that presents
A sword, or pistol to the disheartened—To Themistocles, who ran blockades on liners at once more maneuverable than those mounted with nearby Carina, the ceremony, where she came in from heaping April snow, and to the radioed surrender of the horseshoe of the Malaic gulf—From the second Metamorphoses (II.401-503), and second Fasti (II.183-192), the Arcadians Callisto and Arcas, following Ovid’s Roman
Consistency, without doctrinal scrutiny making them dissembled broken things; mount an autumn nadir’s righted ladle above the rooftop of The Little House (1942)—Tops of the midnight trees move helter-skelter (1973), where Die Sonnette XVII (1921), women like lutes[;] and almost uneducated by the world are paned-in, from blue light hazards of all-night sodium vapor lamps—From a pitch pine forest fitting together Staritsa and Rzhev, with soldiers trudging over the clinkers of the massacred Red Army, to break out into the West—Honeymoon,
Flitterwochen each Christmas; they recognize that day in July, which now belongs to waning holly, the holm-oak, and sometime wreathed the sphere of Gloucester’s Oak Grove cemetery, as the one hauled off to Battery park (1969)—Found, from first fastening shovels to horses; how the cornel, eponymous in Greek to the spear; plummeting in water, dying fezzes, and lumbered the Trojan horse that is known to us, here, as dogwood, is rendered in the crawler tractor, Katy (1943), who hoards winter
Into snowbanks, and maintains peace and order in Geopolis—While panzers shattered Cambrian trees; upsided in Life Story (1962), she staged it, in incandescent monofilaments that follow tensile filaments that pull funiculars—Pictor’s branches (1922),
Dappled in the Angel’s share, percolate the barrel staves from distilleries of descendants of deportees of the Warsaw ghetto (1941), and the prototypes of Magdeburg spheres (1654)—The mayor, Otto von Guericke’s forged metal ones; with the atmosphere thrust by his pump, were made consecutively

To Michael Maier’s description (1617), from Zosimos of the ninth nome of Egypt, Khemmis, of the kerotakis, or better known, as the bain-marie, where Galileo, and his student, Torricelli, labored consecutively
To force air restricted by a mysterious 32 feet, La Caille’s Antlia Pneumatica (1750)—A team of eight horses on each side could not separate—On this morning, of forgotten strangers, with reformed proselytes banging righteously as the police, the constellated ship’s mast, Malus, purifies the fool (mat), and the ever increasing crabapples at present
Pollinating the orchards neighboring the little house—K. reconnoiters the obstructed passages of The Castle (1922), where Felice Bauer; incensed, reads of her surname, by turns a peasant and a birdcage
Rechristen branches
Of the fire-sparred galleons of the Hürtgenwald, for one in a dice throw and a marriage present,
Miró’s La Ferme (1921-1922), whose void at the center laid for nine-months as an abandoned well, and then propagates a y-rooted lepidodendron, the ur-eucalyptus—A cutaway of the stable offsets the teetering patio to the best advantage, after the Roman
Caelus, after Ouranos, and stylized into the “H” of Herschel (1781), or ETA, the voiceless fence, or ladder raising obdurate matter; the Caela Sculptoris is, however purposeful without impact—When the honeymoon
Of residential building was supposed by the efficiency of seven-part alloys solidified into a single crystal, as many luxury high-rises triple their floors, as compared to the deliberated cement emissions and undulating timber frame construction—In her penultimate year, Virginia Lee Burton may not have heard of the Sperone Gallery, with the green cotton canvas of Gilberto Zorio’s Tenda (1967), whose dried seawater thickens the reticule of sky duplicating winter—

Collaborative fine arts we have read as Life, for such humidity forgoing vessels, in the overspill of days made by Carboniferous plants, and the rediscovery of their sequences in drive shafts—Their pages; some of which were encased in the yellow-film lamination of libraries, have touched upon the serenity of monochromatic winter’s
Dropped payload of extra-tropical cyclones; conditions under which it is superlative, as UNStudio’s Erasmusbrug; Queen Wilhelmina unfastened (1994), to fully apprehend it, only then, as a swan—Consecutive,
To a household altered to the surrounding state of disorders, and glazing; the lack of beveled edging is guessed, while unlamented—Moreover, both the cruciform or calyx house proposals, behind whose eyes we are both impressed with the condensation of ice melting into the full-thickness of the tablets of pedestrian walks, where Maybelle the Cable Car (1952) is likewise exposed to obsolescence, from further paving the course into an anywhere, from Fisherman’s Wharf to Union Square—Countered by a honeymoon
Of reclamation: Zorio’s blemished cables into seas, or skipped Piombi (1968) into bordered crucibles of ordeals and ideals—Spears through stars, to purify their requests into deeds, which presently
Scan the polder landscapes, for a strength derived from persistent groundlessness—John Newton’s anonymous Omicron letters (1774); composed inversely, to demonstrate one’s scale and importance; and therefore, then the independent branches
Of astronomical study by a quail (La Caille), who trained Hadley’s reflecting quadrant (1730), to resolve such distant stars, given the unlikely case of eliminating parallax—There is a Roman

Wariness in fireproofing, in the earlier work, and seen at Villa Wilbrink (1992-1994), whose sandstone bricks are uninterrupted by doors, and then, there is the defining switch of W.I.N.D. House (2014), whose twisted planes arrived at the mien of flowers—Shaped like a horseshoe, wintery Rotterdam’s verdant side takes of UNStudio’s Marktal (2014); upgraded at some future to trademarked Coelux lighting, nevertheless, on Roman embankments dried by the pumping stations with operative Archimedes screws

We pause over the drawn circle of the unseen Moon and the coruscating trajectory of the concealed green lion and its gold-fermented Sun’s traces—Foundation to Beauty, after consecutive honeymoons of interior castles, haunted frames of the mother city, Metropolis

And other possibilities, together on Kepler-22b, from Cygnus, the Swan best seen in the North from June to December, when the lighted autumn branches; too often just taken for their remedies, become heavy with fruit


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake. It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so make a few objects beautiful; but it far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look. —Thoreau

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 48, sometime.

Σφιγξ said...

For the next card. Yes. Is element 23 found here, too?

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Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 57 goes here too.

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Σφιγξ said...'s%20Planet%20%22when%20she%20settled%20down%20to%20an%20earnest%20theme%22&pg=PT13#v=onepage&q=Mr.%20Sammler's%20Planet%20%22when%20she%20settled%20down%20to%20an%20earnest%20theme%22&f=false

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Σφιγξ said...

Jean Nathan's book for winter reading.

Σφιγξ said...

My niece's repaired condition. She is so fatigued on our Sunday visits. I have a sense of foreboding.

This is a short text that draws me in, aside from the set itinerary:

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Thank you, for reminding me. Lovely tree, with a'Orsacchiotto&pg=PA185#v=onepage&q=The%20Secret%20Life%20of%20the%20Lonely%20Doll:%20The%20Search%20for%20Dare%20Wright%20Little%20Bear%20is%20called%20l'Orsacchiotto&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1jjl91F2ZWm1pODZU

Σφιγξ said...'s%20Last%20Breath%20%22FORTUNE%22&pg=PT156#v=onepage&q=sam%20kean%20Caesar's%20Last%20Breath%20%22FORTUNE%22&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 85 will go here. Thank you, for reminding me of the atmosphere.

Σφιγξ said...

I have lapsed here. I will do it.

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1jmPOrHmgCoKGWZ4o!AsA4BY25Ql_1jmSYE0Ud6P93w8jt

Late entry. Thank you, for reminding me.

Σφιγξ said...

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I was in charge yesterday, and a person I trained was being thrown under the bus for not being responsive to post-bypass hypotension after albumin. One would use an inotrope like dobutamine to increase cardiac output by increasing contractility and peripheral vasoconstriction, or squeeze. She had a pericardial effusion draining into her left lung on radiography, which the 'water bottle' sign, which can later be confirmed by Ewart's sign that needed a chest tube for drainage. This was the inevitable course of action.

I had dreams of consulting many books, and not being able to read the fine print, and then I found it. Now, I will know what I am seeing.

"Eighth sign] The Posterior Pericardial Patch of Dulness. A patch of marked dulness (Fig. 4) is found at the left inner base, extending from the spine for varying distances outwards, usually not quite so far as the scapular (angle) line, and ceasing abruptly with a vertical outer boundary. Above, its extension is also variable, according to the size of the effusion; commonly it does not extend higher than the level of the ninth or tenth rib, and here again its horizontal boundary is abrupt. Its shape then is that of a square, and it is quite unlike that of any dulness arising from pleuritic effusion. You will not experience any difficulty in identifying the patch in question."

Σφιγξ said...

*a pericardial effusion ONTO the left lower lobe.

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Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 89 will go here.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Late entry. Exercise 89.

Σφιγξ said...

On Kirstie Alley's parting, I thought of my favorite television show of the late 1980s. I would behave all day to watch it at night, then Night Court. I liked Shelly Long as Diane Chambers because she could keep it going with Sam, but then I like Frasier and Lilith, too.

I would like to go to the bar again.

Acquired today. I will do these, when I finally get around to viewing the Cheers boxed set.

Cucumber tree is my nemesis. I encoded it wrong, and missed it again, Magnolia *acuminata*.

The cucumber tree of Socostra deserves an up-close look.

Σφιγξ said...

I will explore these and work as scheduled. I was looking forward to ticking over the six figure gross for FY 2022, but people can foil this plan.

I was turned in to the administrator yesterday because I suggested to put up the remaining peppermint sticks and Cheese Doddles because it would make this lady's blood sugar too elevated. She came in for a diabetic foot, and the residual BKA is necrotic and needs revision in surgery tomorrow. Before I left, she was back on the insulin drip.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, others can thwart the path to overtime, but I will not let them. I ended in the right zone December 31st. Knowing that I have the potential to make a six-figure salary in my current position pacifies me, for now.

I enjoyed the Eurographics puzzle, as I will enjoy the White Mountain one, which is next.

Σφιγξ said...

Thank you, I read in sections.

Today, aortitis due to T. pallidum, syphilis.

Σφιγξ said...

The problem is clear to me: no matter how you solicit me with relevant texts, you will never take up residence in my head. I do not not want to interact with you in any way.

I thought for a long time about the books you sent me that I wanted; nevertheless,to read, but referred to you or your handling, and then I left them alone.

Oliver Sacks's The River of Consciousness (2017) comes to mind.

Σφιγξ said...

The alchemical "green lion" devouring the sun relates to the experience of consciousness.

"Frequently depressed people dream of voracious lions or other devouring animals such as dragons, but particularly lions, which means they are depressed because they are frustrated in the fulfillment of their wild desires. They want everything: to be top dog, have the most beautiful partner, money, and everything else. They have the childish, wild desires which would like to eat everything up, but at the same time they are intelligent enough to know that life is not like that, that they cannot have what they want, so the desire curls up into sulky depressiveness. Such a depression has the quality of sulkily frustrated desire and explains why, after an unhappy love affair, people drop into an awful depression. Their lion has been frustrated and has returned sulking to its lair.

Some people have a frustrated infant within them. Usually they are very correct and polite, and make very few demands on the analyst, but being too polite and correct and considerate is always suspect. One knows that they would like to eat up the analyst completely like the lion, making childish demands and scenes, because the analyst has stopped five minutes before the time, or answered the telephone, or put off the hour, or even had the flu! Such demanding infantile people compensate by being very correct, knowing that if they admit their demands then the devouring lion will come up and the analyst will naturally hit back, something which they have experienced often in life when, after hiding their feelings, they one day took the risk and as a result got banged on the head. So the hurt child retires once more, bitterly frustrated, and then comes the depression, the devouring lion. That is a part of primitive nature, of primitive archaic reactions which have all the conflicts of wanting to eat and not being able to do so, so that the depressive mania takes over.

That is the symbolism of the madness in the lead, but it also contains Osiris, the immortal man, and if only you accept that spot within you, you will come to the creative content where the Self is hidden. The frustrated child could be said to be an aspect covering up an image of the Self, and the devouring lion also an aspect of the Self.

If you take the image of the devouring lion this is quite clear. If I think I ought to be top dog everywhere, have the most beautiful partner, have money, be happy, and so on, that is a paradise fantasy, and what is that? It is a projection of the Self! So actually, the childish thing is the desire to experience everything in the here and now. The fantasy in itself is entirely legitimate, it has the idea of the coniunctio, a perfect state, a state of harmony. It is a religious idea, but naturally if projected onto outside life and wanted there, in the here and now, that is impossible. The way in which the person wants to realize the fantasy is childish, but in itself it is valuable and has nothing wrong or unhealthy in it.

So just in that undominated mad spot of the person, or in the wild or problematic spot, there is the symbol of the Self. That gives it the drive, which is why people never know what to do for they cannot repress it; or if they are reasonable and just give the thing up and realize how childish it is and that one should be resigned and adapt to life, then they feel that they are cured but that they have been robbed of their best possibilities and so are frustrated (104).

M.-L. Von Franz, Alchemy (1980)

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

The experience with my second niece is not smooth. I try not to recall precedents, but her mother is jealous and undermining. I know the consequences better than both the four-year-old and the mother, though I stay in reserve.

Σφιγξ said...

I packed them up and took them for a walk over the hilly terrain for an hour. Silence, hydration, upon return.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

To mention the Lowell Observatory: it is my brother's birthday. A coworker's brother is inviting her to see the partial annular eclipse 14 October 2023, but they are staying away from the Observatory, which will be full. They are going near Albuquerque near the Balloonist Festival August 7-14. I appreciate New Mexico in May and June, after the rain.

Thank you, for reminding me of Ewart's sign.*

I had a dream ending with waiting for an elevator in an office building, where a Monstera pot had overturned, and two turtles emerged. I had to get down on the floor to see them. They were serene, and blinking the potting soil out of their eyes.

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

What Aaron is silent means to me: No. You were not blessed with meeting. I chose the wrong person, and what has not happened, makes sense in the framework. Aaron's transgressions were hidden but revealed in his sons, and they were punished accordingly. He cannot say anything because he knows.

The rectification and recognition of the Neshama is required. Thank you, for asking me to clarify this.

Σφιγξ said...

Future project: 17. une racine qui produit la pruche et l'absinthe

Perhaps there is among you a root that produces hemlock and wormwood (Devarim 29, 17).

The failure to properly educate children has generational consequences.

Σφιγξ said...

Perhaps I was led to the right person, while much more work is required. I cannot claim to be ignorant of this, and just sulk.

Σφιγξ said...

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Σφιγξ said...

My oldest niece is 14. The youngest has not quite cultivated the presence of mind to appreciate stories. Not my fault, there.

The most feral of the black cats is Spike, so named for Snoopy's brother, who is bedraggled and stand-offish. Olaf, Andy,Tony, and Pip complete the black cat quintet. Spike used to run from me like I was going to douse him in acid the first four years. He hid under the bed, and would not come out during daylight hours. I decided that I would not force affection on Spike with his crazy eyes. Now, he sleeps on my folded pajamas during the day while I am out of the house, which is not a sign of complete antipathy, I suppose.

Σφιγξ said...

Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys). It was in the same spot as last year:

37.2579151°N, -79.9567042°W

Σφιγξ said...

Tony and Andy...RIP. Secondary warfarin rodenticide toxicity.

Σφιγξ said...

They went outside and left a partially consumed mouse on the mat with exsanguination.

Andy died on my bed after a prolonged course. Tony ran away and died.

Σφιγξ said...

"The reticulum also traps and collects heavy/dense objects the animal consumes. When a ruminant consumes a nail, wire, or other sharp, heavy object, it is very likely the object will be caught in the reticulum. During normal digestive tract contractions, this object can penetrate the reticulum wall and make its way to the heart, where it can lead to hardware disease."

Σφιγξ said...

I remember liking all of Sam Kean's book, and this one, particularly.'s%20last%20breath&f=false

Mark Miodownik's 2024 text is anticipated. Thank you for pointing this out to me.

Σφιγξ said...

"It was hoped that a consensus about the phylogenetic placement of the Gnetales among the Acrogymnospermae would 'solve' the mystery of their evolutionary history. However, the rejection of the Anthophyte hypothesis and its variations (Crane, 1996; Doyle, 1996; Friis et al., 2007) has only deepened the perceived morphological chasm between Gnetales and their gymnosperm relatives. Moreover, the enormous morphological diversity (disparity) between the extant genera further complicates any attempt at understanding the evolution of morphology and ecology within Gnetales (Ickert-Bond and Renner, 2016)."

Σφιγξ said...

Correction, my oldest niece turned fourteen today from 17 February 2010.

Σφιγξ said...

"And what sublime pieces of mechanical art John Harrison made! By the time he decided to throw his hat in the ring for the longitude prize, he had already constructed a number of fine and highly accurate timekeepers— [...] Harrison's skills lay in the imaginative improvement of his timekeepers, rather than in the decorative embellishment that many of his eighteenth-century contemporaries were known for.

He was fascinated, for instance, with the problem of friction, and in a radical departure from the norm, he made all his early clocks with wooden gearwheels, which needed none of the lubricant oils that became notoriously more viscous with age and had the trying effect of slowing down most clockwork movements. To solve this problem, he made all his gear trains first of boxwood and then of the dense, nonfloating Caribbean hardwood Lignum vitae, combined in both cases with pivots made of brass. He also designed an extraordinary escapement mechanism, the ticking heart of the clock, that had no sliding parts (and hence no friction, either) and that is still known as a grasshopper escapement because one of the components jumps out of engagement with the escape wheel, just as a grasshopper jumps suddenly out of the grass (32-33)."

Simon Winchester's The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (2018)

Σφιγξ said...

"We recently found that the pace of aging, as measured by the DunedinPACE epigenetic clock, was accelerated in individuals with low levels of education, and slowed in those with higher levels of education.15,16 In this study, we build on these observations to test the hypothesis that higher educational attainment promotes longevity by slowing the pace of aging. Because genetic and social inheritances affect how much education a person completes17 and may also affect their pace of aging,18 we focused analysis on educational mobility (ie, differences in education of children relative to their parents). We further conducted analysis of sibling differences to address potential confounding by other factors shared within families.19 These designs help isolate associations of education with the pace of aging from effects of correlated family-level factors."

Σφιγξ said...

Via Cédric Pollet's photographs in the March 2024 issue of National Geographic.

Σφιγξ said...

I had a wild dream we were in a store trying on gloves, and came back here to talk. The International Space Station descended in low, and ripped off the chimney cap. No one was injured, and I awoke. We were holding hands.

Another place a cucumber tree can be found.

Σφιγξ said...

I will say that I was unhappily challenged by the absence of a contra asset credit balance for accumulated depreciation on my balance sheet in the midterm exam. All the hard things were plugged, and then I spent twenty minutes trying to figure out why my ratios were imbalanced.

Learning to crawl. I will see it through, but it was not the expected result. The problems I practiced were not like this.

Σφιγξ said...

In other words, the Excel spreadsheet was formatted in such a way that the plant assets were overstated, and I could not shave off $200,000 in accummulated depreciation from the assets to balance with liabilities and stockholders equity.

*will remember. I will study the exam corrections.

To be read, sometime.

Σφιγξ said...

The final is May 7th. I will arrange to study for my CMC exam between May and June 25th, when another class begins.

Σφιγξ said...

In between, is your birthday. I know what to do, in this busy time. For my exam in accounting, I will review all the quizzes and multistep problems. The multiple choice questions are recycled (this I have observed), so it is efficient to review the test bank questions highlighted in the Smartbook.

For the CMC: I feel humbled to be subscribing once again, for the last time.

Σφιγξ said...

Two things yesterday:

A barrel-chested 47-year old busted a cable coughing without splinting, which had to be mended via mini-resternotomy, and then maintained with an abdominal binder:,the%20ascending%20aorta%20%5B8%5D.

"The sternal necrosis that occurred in the patient discussed in this study may have been related to the significant decrease of blood supply due to the BITA [bilateral internal thoracic artery graft] harvesting procedure and the parasternal wiring technique."

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

Methylene blue is the antidote for benzocaine-induced methemoglobinemia following a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE).

Σφιγξ said...

In my case, the absolute contraindications for thrombolytics for ischemic stroke are systolic blood pressures >180 mmHg and a history of head trauma in the last three months.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...'s%20amber%20has%20come%20into%20human%20hands%20from%20one%20location%22&f=false

Σφιγξ said...[fr]&lang=bi&with=Translations

Σφιγξ said...

I was thinking about this, and I found a book about architecture and ghosts. The George Wythe house and inhabitants have several signposts: Wythe was Jefferson's mentor, after which Wytheville is named, ostensibly; my takeaway impression of Colonial Williamsburg (Rockefeller's project and mention in the current Card) were the oystershell paths crunching underfoot, and mid-July, of course, is that window of time most agreeable to both of our schedules.

Σφιγξ said...

Onda or brise-soleil:

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

This arrived yesterday, and it makes me think of the Eocene, of horses, which deserve treatment.

PPP: piss poor planning? It is all from Hashem that it was not meant to work out, no matter how it is imagined or approached. One can plan and raise one's level of acceptability for a long time, but if it was decided to happen, it will or it will not happen.

Σφιγξ said...

Ten years ago, I was more optimistic in 2015. I look back at the decade that has passed, and I am no longer able to have children.

I had a strong urge to look for this book that I read when I was a sophomore in boarding school:

Ayin (70). Les lettres qui complètent le mot approprié [_P_ROPRIA_E] ou apte

Shivering will be an end word.

I do not mention this because the sterility of homosexuals is the reward for that life; measure for measure, but I saw a review of this, and it was heartbreaking for the cover with the pictures missing. No legacy.'s%20multi%2Dlayered,even%20crushing%E2%80%94emphasis%20on%20fatherhood%3F

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Just when everything is illuminated, and one acknowledges the Truth of one's situation, there is a reminder not to despair.

Σφιγξ said...

In recollection, the inciting date (July, 2025) has dissipated.

There are moments that rupture one's perception of reality. They are instructive, but they do not necessarily obliterate the past or the meaning ascribed to the present.

Piecing fossils themselves, and in a family, and finding haphazard skeletons in mud have a reminiscence for me. There is excavating and recording a life and death that should have never been. Ah, here it is crumpled in its last moments. What does it say about how life came to be?

Σφιγξ said...

I know, human beings, are elevated above animals with the full ability to execute free will. A primitive plant or animal likely did not think this: I do not know where I came from (I still do not know by degrees), I do not know my purpose, and for whom I am required to fulfill our common purpose. None of these questions have ever been answered by the evidence, at least.

I acknowledge; however, that I do have a spiritual vocation and dimension. I have known this since I can remember, and it is not rewarded by society or by others or even you. That is okay.

Σφιγξ said...

Fiction is not superior to Torah learning but it is interesting that I thought of this interview. She is citing Kafka, BTW.