Saturday, November 21, 2015

VIII. Nous nous mettons d'accord [l'appareil sous tension]

The Presence spread over the table of The Yellow Room (1911) overturning
It, before a dish of red lentils was cleared sparing the red heifer the Okhrana branded, and the Cheka finished, a village onion dome before concluding on the dairymaid’s limbs—Chagall, as a witness to an execution, and his sign vague in the Parisian sky lit between the Sickle of Leo, the Twins, pardoned his viewers for their naïveté, To Russia, with Asses and Others (1911)—Kalinin, himself taking the steppe herb, eleuthero
Astonishingly; resurfacing again, as the Greek avant-garde, Eleuthero Pneuma, or Free Spirit (1929), the adaptogen of the cosmonauts, girded his prostatic outbursts saying the State lay-in (21 January 1924)—Three days from Leningrad, Commissar Semashko’s printed postmortem found cerebral arteries corroborating the suppressed neurosyphilis of a madman, where lightness compels focus instead on calcium—
Its ions liberated from their intracellular calmodulin, and then clinching respective phosphates and hydroxides in vessels, whose vascular smooth muscle in Ilya Ulyanov’s case, wizened into lamellar bone—Gadolinium’s

Close-packed hexagonal lattice, an overlay of connect-the-dots yielding its four-faced pyramidal sides equivalent to its nucleons (64); rather, its salts, calcined under an atmosphere of argon, were later overhauled for their high magnetic moments on human-conveying descendants of Juno (2011-17) with the same capacity to peer through Jovian clouds to perceive these slippery grounds—Where they are now, bobbing like seaplanes on the induction heating of hydrogen, once water—Gadolinium’s
Chelated affinity for calcium-sealed membranes, if once ensuring their toxicity for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), serves as a contrast agent at once overturning
Within seconds by catalytic relaxation marionettes of water molecules—By its seven unpaired electrons, participants awakened to better overhear interplanetary paramagnetic streaming among Io's deflected radio waves, and volunteered for space undertakings resounding greater with the plunging Kelvin, although, the expedition involved some unfortunate precipitation of calcium—
Following the Soyuz 9 (19 June 1970), and thereto longest spaceflight, which coordinated a chess game, Zarya, if unspecified variations of the Benoni defense, among others,
Subjects were escorted off without full use of their legs, from atrophy and remodeling that pressed for future orthopedic bone cements of biostrontium—Resilience tests relied on eleuthero
Roots and leaves, formerly taken from le buisson du diable that surround the spun-down eleutheroside A, identical to daucosterol, the neural stem-cell (NSC) promoter, and one of the total glucosides of the peony—Where the instrument mimics in volatilized reverse of Jupiter’s trajectory leaving the lees of the inner planets, the first and second generations’s gas chromatography-mass spectrometry’s lay-in

And read-outs now stagger near two-digit exponents from the base meter where they nest, after Apollinaire’s Pétales de pivoine (1947), the lay-in
Of analogues; their verdant lands, a memory, since a race of man was directed down the gulling pareidolia of civilization on Jupiter, from the gravity assist approaching the Earth’s dark side (9 October 2013) and July 2016 interpenetration of the metallic hydrogen sea, by the barbed gadolinium
In consciousness; named for a greatness—For each frenetic 9.9 hour day, to fall once again into the knowledge of eleuthero,
Polished surfaces, and then pining for the craquelure of Europa’s safe expanse from the jet streams, in the overturning
Face of  the ease with which we live—Tortuous pathways of nitric oxide cleavage's vasorelaxation for inflammation and orgasm; the blood-gas is likewise orchestrated by synthases activated by syringaresinol, or eleutheroside E1, in the manifestation of intracellular calcium—
Bringing unblocked regret, for having evacuated the placid maternal colony of Saturn emitting the Sun’s chroma without such radiation—For its domed recreation of the Jardin des Plantes, which displayed sequoia rings fitted with copper styles of the ages that saw Jacques-François Blondel, his protégé Patte, who drafted a city plan with a warren of sewers that deeply impressed Baron Haussmann, who, in his renovations, is circumspect to enshrine for Swann’s walks, in the Bois de Boulogne, a cedar of Lebanon—Seville, where the Soviets printed PRAVDA on certain manhole covers, the municipality fits No me ha dejado exclusive of NO8DO, for a commodified wool cordon as eight—In the place of Cervantes’s baptism (9 October 1547), where, a month moreover, Hernan Cortés would at last rest with La Malinche (2 December 1547), and given what they whispered swayed others—

Irrigating New Spain in swathes of dead; she was obliged to report nothing to the end of her life (1566)—She came back to the same city, to look on the lives of others
On the Plaza de la Encarnación on Jürgen Mayer H’s Metropol Parasol (2011) made with laminated birch and glued girders, and replicated on Saturn with a self-healing anticorrosion varnish—An adolescent not much younger than their parted Martín, Pacheco; before he became Don Diogo da Silva, the notary and grandfather of Velázquez, remained with Doña Maria where she was working in the Plaza as a seamstress (1538), and together they enlarged of none rivaling either Pernambuco or Veracruz, but Dom Pedro’s Alzar, with an unobserved Hall of Justice’s stones inscribed as blackwork, which leads outside to a courtyard watered from the rainwater pool of his mistress and kept partridges—Together, they saw the perpetual lay-in
Of the vacated choir of Santa Inés, of the incorruptible, disfigured Doña María Coronel, whose feast day is December 2nd, and the organ on Christmas Eve mass; played upon by the ghost of Master Pérez (1861)—Violet, and electrified; both taken for Thomas de Quincey’s gloss (1827) of Kant’s pastor, Ehregott Andreas Wasianski’s Immanuel Kant in seinen letzten Lebensjahren (1804); chronicling the precipitous descent of his parishioner from the discharge of his footman, and scaffold of his days, Lampe, and the Fifth Sun’s singly ionized calcium
Absorbed at two distinct K lines—Turning over to Cortés, in their simulated Paris apartment, on the precondition of a good mood; again, contemplating death, or the navel, which is a detachment at birth, they circuit in less retention time than radiodense gadolinium
Frequently misread as renal calculi—Considering Keats, in whose epic signposts and wood crossings, resolved on chariot, as they go through the rota of prayer of the 64 facets of the tetrahedral matrix; should he die, disbelieving La Malinche should she find herself an eager subordinate among the Poor Claras of Santa Inés; no other love, but for the cultivation of poppies for the Matron’s sciatica and selling sweets out of a turnstile—Storming out of the carpenter’s shop, Orlando; sensing something one trembles to pin through the body with a name (1928), had taken a detour to a ghastly mockup of another retrospective of Hirst’s; his cryogenic head in attendance, and only worse would have been the representation in nostalgic dot-matrix, ‘I Am Become Death, Shatterer of Worlds’ (2003-2006)—Twin dodecahedrons of uranium that fission; airborne and unbidden, in the fifth state of Aether, understate their disturbing geometry hidden within those rose windows of largely extinct, disarticulated butterflies, where she continues on her errand to the bespoke market for sachets of eleuthero
To combat fatigue; now that walking was a necessity for her, demurring the instruments, with once again, the pathologic humor to read another text with a displaced child—Overturning

In her mind, the verdict of De Quincey, who took what little relief from penury and poliomyelitis with opium; overturning
The position she left for the indictable offenses of her findings of morphine derivatives—Catalyzed by the positive acid test for porphyroxine; denoted by a color change similar to syringin, lilacin, or eleutheroside B, to crimson, like the others—
Kant's quality of disinterest in the morals and mode of production was a precondition at the Outer Planets, with all the basins to rescript in signs and symbols—At the migration of Baudelaire’s Swan (1853); at desolation of the seal of Paris, Haussmann traded the galleon for a slighter mast merchant vessel, and at the roots of the live oak to ground Orlando’s back imposing all our lives, without whom, all are incomprehensible, and she quaffs eleuthero,
To attend to the rapid feedback of memorials, before the void Kafka originates in the silence of sirens (23 October 1917)—Where the 64 sons and grandsons of Jacob lead into Egypt, or where water is gathered at Tacubaya; we lay-in
ne Burri’s prints of the patio rooms and fourth walls of Casa Luis Barragán, not far from Hacienda Estrada Doña Marina is said to have lived; though, she absconded to Spain within a month from the pulque plantation, whose possessor thereon suffered unremittingly from calcium
Oxalate crystals from half-fermented agave—A native in his basement workshop of 365 Utopia Parkway, Joseph Cornell files Untitled (Jupiter in Pisces), with its popped cork on driftwood from the Snowball Earth conifers had not fully-fledged, for Apollinaire’s les sept arts endoctrinés (1913), which had not meant the omens they alleged, until the expulsion in November 2022, and at that moment, generative models of space agronomy, which were staked in gadolinium,

Eliminated gravitropic sensing in plants—Into greenhouses along the Seine, the one with whom I walked wasn’t born yet (1917), where Marie Curie’s radiotherapy ambulance (1914) had once shuddered to the next patient neighboring the derelict Montmartre nightclub promoting Medusa’s Radium (1905); she would have followed the fate of the first homologue, and shown radiation sensitizer, gadolinium—More ferromagnetic than iron, at high temperatures whose threshold is given in Curies, and what would follow investigations of induced magnetism for Pierre Curie, the son and brother of homeopaths, his marriage and appointment (1895)—To his once lab assistant overturning
Eight tons of Joachimsthal pitchblende to a Sur le Spectre d'une Substance Radio-Active (26 December 1898), one gram of radium coprecipitating with calcium
In the spring thaw and last sight of a red and yellow cartwheel heaved by green Percherons (19 April 1906) on Pierre’s crown—Distracted by the glare where an angel had crossed in front of the first mound of the blue lotus, which left the hessian pall splattered in mud, on which the instrument tie is reflexively squared by Alberto Burri, who had taken with him the Texas hardpan; on it, he thus sought to recreate the bloodied tunic taken from the son mistaken for dead, the journalist’s scorched acetates, of exposed cordae or amnion, to end with the eight Cretti smoothed as the accretion disk of Saturn, and unpersuasive, in its formation as a black hole, that wheels inexplicably now, with 90 percent  water—Others,
Discovering a false consolation in themselves, who were likened to Chagall’s etching for Vollard’s Fables of Fontaine (1927), the rapturous crow a fleece ensnared; a donkey’s sunset to the Salon des Indépendents (1910), and then, the only exhibition in Moscow that year, the Donkey’s Tail (1912)—Orlando; (A feather fell upon her brow.), taken as a sign, she was apportioned death, but for the stamina for wide-open sorties, she took eleuthero—
As the operators of the Polikarpov I-16 versus the Messerschmitt Bf 109 (1930), and for here, Prometheus streaming dark pauses every fifteen hours on the F ring, to lay-in

To this lifesaving susceptibility, the goat of Azazel reads evoking the Angel (1930) to her mate, on the verge of the biography she disguised in eight photographs (11 October 1928), like gadolinium (III) from series lanthanein, and unlaying into unworldly qualities, to escape notice—
Somewhere here, very nearby, there is a cleaving weight of anticipation, of The Gates of Hell assembled in entirety (18 May 1917), with the same serpent in lead pencil on Eve’s back rinsed in washes of overturned eleuthero on wringing pink stationery bearing the shorthand of the holiest donkey-driver and two sages, from which Kafka erects from the 1911 dream, the donkey, of a pair, walking upright—
Forthcoming, as the other densest planet, 55 Cancri e, opposite its Star every eighteen hours, they tarry among the Beehive and Donkeys of Francis Jammes, for their epitome cooling in the foundry quenching casks
Bearing the calcium fallback to tent the smallest skulls we had hereto only seen climbing that July in The Oak Tree's nest—


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Thank you, for reminding me of the meaning of "gadol" and the beginning of this card, which arranges the constellations as they end here,

I will place Exercise 82 here.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...ǔdān&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji17zf9uvZAhWLVt8KHehZDe8Q6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=tree%20peony%20mǔdān&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Enrico Castellani, and cramaillotte, might make an appearance in the reading of The Seventh Function of Language.

Σφιγξ said...

The stereoisomers of the primary branched chain amino acid, leucine and isoleucine: 8. Leucine is ketogenic, and rambles upon Jupiter require concerted supplementation against muscle wasting. I am not sure when I will dive into this short novel, but I am annotating here, for La Malinche's other lives. The Black Prince Ruby and the Stuart Sapphire can figure. I an signposted by the 2017 reissue with the ass on the cover:

"In general, BCAAs, unlike other amino acids, which are oxidized mainly in the liver, are metabolized mainly in skeletal muscle, where the most active oxidation system of branched chain amino acids is located, including the BCAT (branched-chain aminotransferase) enzyme (13). Leucine, in particular, acts directly, as a signal molecule, through the activation of the mTORC1 complex, which regulates the homeostasis of proteins by stimulating the processes of translation and muscle protein synthesis in response to amino acids (phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor 4E-BP1) and repressing protein degradation (6, 14); furthermore, its integration has appeared to improve mitochondrial function in skeletal muscles (3, 11). At the muscle level, therefore, leucine decreases proteolysis and stimulates protein synthesis, while at the level of pancreatic beta-cells it has a secretagogue effect, enhancing the glucose-induced release of insulin."

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I received a copy of The Ghostwriter (1979) with a K-Mart bargain bin sticker on the dust jacket with Wyndham's The Chrysalids (1925), recently, and I turned to the dedication to also one of favorite authors, Milan Kundera. I look back at this Card and remember. I will study the Zuckerman works, sometime. Gaspard Koenig.

Winter read I am gifting:

Σφιγξ said...

*The Ghost Writer

Σφιγξ said...

*1955 for The Chrysalids

I will put Exercise 90 here.

Σφιγξ said...

Cardiac CTA to assess for Chagas's cardiomyopathy, cardiac amyloidosis or left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy, as the continuing education said, utilizes gadolinium-containing contrast agents, where iodinated contrast is contraindicated.

Advice with renal impairments and AKI:

Σφιγξ said...

I remember I liked the word "tent" very much when I saw it several times in Martin Amis's The Zone of Interest (2014). I particularly admire how he condenses historical moments, and one can sublimate them further in this hypnotic form.

Σφιγξ said...

Yesterday, at work, I found myself scrolling in my head the phrases, "zone of interest" and "the children of men."

*further sublimate in this hypnotic form

About Nabokov's frisson:

Dosage adjustment in the early am and transfer midmorning for profound beta blockade, entirely blamed on a traveler;

Why we use glucagon in beta blocker toxicity:

"Healthy myocardium utilizes free fatty acids as the primary energy source. In shock states, glucose is the preferred energy substrate."

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"This was something else, though, a different, unexpected kind of embrace, and now I was certain of what until then I had not even allowed myself to think, or to know what I was thinking: I knew that this was not something that would pass and I thought that it might well be final, I knew that it was not due to regret or depression or fear that it was imminent: I thought - she's dying in my arms; I thought that and, suddenly, I had no hopes of ever leaving her, as if she had infected me with the desire for immobility and stillness, or perhaps with her desire for death, not yet, not yet, but then again, I can't take any more, I can't take it. And it may well be that she couldn't take it anymore, that she couldn't stand it, because a few minutes later - one, two, three, four - I heard her say something else, she said: 'Oh God, the child' and she made a sudden, slight movement, almost entirely imperceptible to anyone watching us, but I noticed it because I was so close to her, it was like an impulse from her brain that her body only registered as the faintest flicker, a cold, fleeting reflex, as if it were the tremor, not entirely physical, that you experience in dreams when you think you are falling, falling over a precipice or plummeting earthwards, your leg kicks out as it misses its footing and tries to halt that feeling of descent and weight and vertigo - a lift hurtling downwards - of falling and gravity and mass - a plane crashing, a body leaping from a bridge into the river - as if, just at that moment, Marta had felt an impulse to get up and go and find the boy, but had only managed it in her thoughts, in that tremor. [...] and I no longer felt the tension in her body, pressed up against mine and her bottom against my belly and the back of her thighs against the front of mine, the bloody, muddy back of her neck against my throat and her left cheek against my right cheek [...] - all her energies thrown back and against me, invading me, and we were glued together like Siamese twins who had been born joined the whole length of our bodies [...]" (32-33).

- Javier Marìas’s Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí (1994) translated into English as Tomorrow in Battle Think on Me by Margaret Jull Costa (1997)

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

The Purple hairstreak exercise will go here.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1m3iQ0ECS7GC9LsQZ?e=AzPAGz

Σφιγξ said...

For The Ghost Writer (1979) project: can I do it on time in December?

Tzadi (90). Ce n’est pas pour me jeter des fleurs

Σφιγξ said...

I have less consideration for time. The timing was right when the last Card was completed.

Σφιγξ said...