You won’t see your reflection in a rapidly flowing stream. –Michael Hofmann’s
translation (2014) of Peter Stamm’s
Nacht ist der Tag (2013)
Into 182 pages, the intrusive narrator reconnoiters the four corners after a
loss of face (2013)—
As Gillian, the feminine Iulius, emerges from bed beside Matthias, with
neither the strut of an actress,
Nor the septal cartilage taken from between her
ribs—She defers to a
moment this year, on the
seventh Kalends of the
four emperors (July 69 C.E.),
Vespasian is recalled by the
Senate from subduing a
revolt in Judea,
where, a year later, his son, Titus surrounds the City with
four legions (July
70 C.E.)—The wall’s
avalanche that is a Romansh
Loanword yields two weeks further into the siege of partitions retained
since the breach by the Babylonians on the
Between its
Sun and blue
trout—Seven of Messier’s gaseous nebulae; of the
four evading his sweeps of Capricorn July through October
1764, contain
potential and thereto unstaged twelve pointillist
panels of Sentiero
Maloja—Downswept to Sils
tenanted by
Nietzsche for seven summers (
1881, 1883-8)—Condensing
the three-hour drive to the moments of arc when
9 Sagittarii,
Messier 8 (
23 May 1764), the Lagoon
nebula in Agnes Clerke’s qualification (
1890), drafts from
teapot at an
apparent magnitude larger than the Full Moon—The
differentiation from other bones; in how to form calcium phosphate
cement with
the indispensable voids to resculpt
cancellous tissue, after
Ghosts (
which was written seven years before
Miss Julie (
1888), whose
heroine hesitates over the scored ampules to guard her son from the most
apparent sign of
syphilis, the sequelae of saddle
nose, often mistaken in the
case of Tycho Brahe’s dueler’s
graze (1566), and returned by
Tagliacozzi’s method (
1597), with an upper arm flap to the face—
Minute, a broken expectancy of her return—
Red telephone, blue wrap still
lives of what one can gather from the four-minute featurette with each defect
amplified by its pendulum-passing actress—
Trivalent manganese coordinates the chessboard of
yttrium and indium
oxides into a marketable new
blue chromophore (2009) lain against the spectral
filtered red sulfur wavelength (
672 nm)—To turn into feeling right away, in the Romansh
Beth—that is / the house where the table stands, / with
the light and the Light (lines
of Kiki Smith’s etchings on Nepal paper and cast leaves, over which a
Nymphenburg bisque
Light Catcher (
2013) tempts the
fallen seconds
Of its inception as moths—At Pech-de-l’Azé, Neanderthal’s
manganese oxide
blocs lay pulverized across an ancient ocean now reflecting
infrared wavelengths—The clear picture repeats of the
missing Beagle 2 Martian lander wheel in the same varnished gullies of sublimated
slips of filled-in moraines, in a
climatology Flammarion correlates
to the
tropics of
Leo and Virgo (1876), which as just as well could be the corresponding
terraformed lakes of another Silvaplana and Sils—
Of Père Badrutt’s four gentlemen invited to
overstay their holiday at the
Külm (September 1864), came the wave of patrons to winter sports
following Caspar Badrutt’s
conversion of the Beau Rivage among the Latinized
alpine tribes of Engadine San Maurezzan, in Romansh,
Seated as his brother, Diego,
each day from 1935-1940—Dr.
points to the radiopaque mass of the X-ray film palpable in his stomach
1963), every day, before resuming
work with the
undecided New Horizons (14 July 2015) to Pluto; sighted by
Omicron Sagittarii
sometimes Moon-occulted and near the ecliptic then to its
binary, Charon, whose
nearest approximation to the
planet and the name of the astronomer’s
wife (7
July 1978) synchronizes with the itinerant
viewer at pericharon from
Thousand miles away—Thought of
a separation oppressed her, while maintaining the erotics of a phial or
split, for as much as a bottle contains that referred opening and preferred
side of the infant
auscultating into the aorta from the lower left anteroom of the heart—Reference to Duchamp’s visual indifference of Portes-bouteilles (1914), aptly named for copies of the original, the Hedgehog, lost to diligent
housekeeping, then what is missing is received by the director, the uniting
shorthand of the milk bottle left for exchange—Propositioning
at Madga’s door (1988)
as it shown across the Three Colors (1993-1994);
her older self ignored by the first hearing her own composition being played,
the actress
Who is his wife, Helene Weigel, on her reentry onto the stage, with a
Until the hand is at the door, without my flesh I will see (19:26),
without celebrity, on the fourth day when the luminaries were placed—
Sachs, who is left at
recognizes her family’s elastic vulcanized gutta-percha wire, in
the surplused submarine telegraphy in her Stockholm apartment shared with her
mother since 1940—Having read moments into an exported language, the attribute
of action within
sixteen years of their correspondence punctuated by his missed
appointments with philosophers—Of
eight stanzas of a broken sentence at the
mountain of death, she poses beforehand the
rfly documented by Celan, who
tipped the scales of
dust (1961), with the
swallowtail, or
Ritter, a
knight, in
German—From the meeting (May 1960),
Zürich, the Stork Inn (
we / don’t know, do we? / what counts—To hear of his death that April, she
succumbs to the bowel cancer taking her father (12 May 1970), and somewhere,
Joseph Beuys fulfills his revolutionary duty, and sends to his collector, Dr.
Sils-Baselgia (1970)—
A picture postcard from the power stream,
Haupstrom, of
whirlwind revealed
at the epicenter of Messier 8; stamped Düsseldorf, and conducted concurrently
with the publication of
Lightduress (1970)—The
list of offices in Celtic Rhaetia list geminal, or re-assorted halves of
legions having
crossed the
Rubicon (10 January 49 B.C.E.); proceeding with Trajan against the Dacians (101
C.E.) during the writings of Suetonius in which
Lives of Famous Whores were
drawn from the logical consistency of the
Vitae of the Caesars—Either
psoriasis, or ringworm aggravated by assiduous strigil use; the historian cited
seven patches coalesced into the
constellation of the Bear (Augustus LXXX) to
match in the alpine melt but one suggestion of the retrieved Muri bronze
statuette of
a puerile girl hand-feeding
Dea Artio—With Trajan’s biography in six revisions;
an inconstancy that typifies
quartan fever notwithstanding the
amending climate from Rome—Incised on lesser capitals, the designs of the
ceramic ware commiserate, as if to delineate them from the Engadin midwinters
on Romansh
Façades—Ceding to Bismarck, and the art of the possible (1871), the
progressive banker Adolf Hermann Hagen
drafted in
less careworn times (1863) from the Berne gallery the Muri bear with a maudlin face
Ministers seated in the diet take report of the free state of Hamburg, and
duties to broaden the Elbe for the largest of the Vulcan shipyard’s
Imperator (June 1913)—Paul Klee’s etchings of the
Erster deutscher Herbstsalon,
Berlin 1913, not including the
Garden of Passion (Garten der Leidenschaft)
(1913), with republication of
The Red Room (1879, 1913), by
the Strindberg who Thomas Mann deemed the first Surrealist (1953)—Miró’s
Siesta (1925) the azure wind the umbrella clips,
with the cup ideogram, nun and ordinal two, for 52 weeks and two days of the
solar return, the son, the Surrealist exhibition, and sidelined
Perlenschwein (
from calcification of his condition, the inurement into a
nacre face—
Suspected toxicity from red,
violet pigments rich in manganese—Paul
Klee's self-portrait's rhombus eye Ernst Mach (
found geometrically similar to the square, but antic as she who covers the eyes
of the other student turning a Rubik’s cube, posing the closed question the
professor fails to resolve (volue) into a
tesseract, and
another reality—
indiscernibly the
She seems before Jean-Luc Godard (
1984)—Based on her crying photographs
and casting,
he decides not to bestow upon Juliette divine chastity; rather,
humiliation beneath a towering intelligence pointing
to the
protoplanetary disk that provides evidence to Jupiter and Saturn’s
zarcladur in Romansh,
The Latin
sarclare, to spade the weeds, with the part of the made basket,
Moon, the setting Sun, and Marie
conferencing the tulip’s six stamens
around the pistil’s base—Poussin’s
Pharaoh's Daughter Finds Baby Moses (
1638) in a
detail of a
pyramid, with the contrary red queen and white king pointing to
their reflections in the Nile—Second
To Yves Bonnefoy writing
in L’Arrière-pays (
1972), of
the discovery of the same unworldly presence in a
Tiber laundress and her infant;
still not to be found in the seventeen
Provinces of Gaul or the Hapsburg Netherlands—The playwright, Melchior,
or perhaps a corruption of the composite of Swiss franc, maillechort,
draws the star of the stage to Sils
6,000 feet beyond people and time, and it is the untimed
assistant who shows greater potential after the curtain draws on the
workplace of Olivier Assayas’s
The Clouds of Sils
Maria (2014)—
From the Crystal Chain letters (1919-1920),
Bruno Taut
stages a
Weltbaumeister (
such were her thoughts just before Gillian ascends from
the water with
a blue luminescence, in her repaired, and in places, immobile face
Throws the Queen of Spades, as guest vocalist (
at the Berlin
Philharmonic, formerly
Zirkus Karajan, prepares Tchaikovsky’s
It is
already near midnight, Aria of Lisa from three acts in seven scenes op.
68 completing
Pushkin’s libretto in Florence from
Berlin (1890)—
The Elbphil
transcends a Hamburg warehouse as a seining net
clad in wavelets, where the
project leads coreport on Herzog & de Meuron’s
parallelogram botanical
high-rise, the
Jade Signature in Miami (2017)—Somewhere, a modern
reprises the Romansh
Chamuotsch, the chamois
goat’s dexterity riven on the skis in the lift
queue—A selected sender,
Miss Julie, sends a second
Disregarding e-mail, and in seconds, in
eyes the
evaporating Maloja district of
Sils with its resplendent hostelry—
Not for
record, a certified copy of the
primary document, unsaid in
Switzerland’s four official languages, the Romansh greeting,
Allegra at
the 2.2 meter stone
Botta Striera gouged
into power lines—Seventeen, the Latin’s
I have lived acquires
what José Ortega y Gasset terms
the mute incompatibility with certain aspects of another person (1957)
Heidegger, and
Buber failed
to clarify; not facing the interlocutor—
No more sand art (1948)
of seventeen mutes and one
less actress speaking, that which cannot be lifted, from the eighteen
that is
expectancy, the moons,
Your song—your answer […]
A reading for another time.
"So it's dark matter that started the collapse into structure. Not only is there more of it, but because dark matter is essentially immune to the influence of light, electromagnetic radiation could not drive it apart the way it can with ordinary matter. Dark matter thereby established the fluctuations in the matter distribution that ordinary matter responded to when radiation decoupled. Dark matter effectively gave ordinary matter a head start—paving the way for the formation of galaxies and stellar systems. Because it is immune to radiation, it could collapse even when ordinary matter could not, forming a substrate in which protons and electrons could be shepherded into collapsing regions.
This simultaneous collapse of dark matter and ordinary matter into visible objects such as galaxies and stars is important for structure formation, and also for observations. Even though we directly see only ordinary matter, we can be pretty confident that dark matter and ordinary matter exist in the same galaxies. Since ordinary matter relied on dark matter to seed structure—[...]"
—Lisa Randall's Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe (2015)
Yes, I will put Exercise 77 here. I did not say that future July astronomy is a falling away of wanted things, only that with a present lack of clarity, I am not sure where, and on what grounds, to begin. An exogenous event again, to be absorbed, but then I arrived at a few new conclusions (just yesterday) that cement this commitment.
If things run their course, I can return to the field January 2017, and eighteen months is June/July 2018. I won't stop there, but a schedule is more manageable for steady development.
Neptune square Uranus: Unpleasant revelations from Astrodienst
"Beginning of April 2017 until beginning of February 2019: During this time you will be subject to sudden changes of mood, and your opinions on many matters will change suddenly as well. You will be constantly exposed to other dimensions of reality that you may have long suspected were important in your life but were reluctant to acknowledge. This effect can manifest itself at many different levels. On the lowest level, it may simply indicate that something you have been trying to keep secret from others will be revealed suddenly. If this happens, it is just as well, because the secret was in some way limiting you and preventing you from growing. Or a secret that someone else has kept from you may be revealed with the same consequence. In either case your initial reaction is likely to be upset, not pleasure, because you really don't want to deal with what is revealed. However, if you do deal with it, your life will be greatly improved."
For later:'&f=false
I do not appreciate much from The Staggers, but this is a cogent piece. I appreciate Heidegger's engagement with Hölderlin and Rilke, as he seems to answer "what are poets for in a destitute time?"
I later regretted citing Frost's butterfly poem from New Hampshire (1923), which is rueful.
Here is his engagement with Dickinson's poem:
I will strive not to take negative detours, but I was surprised that the Stamm protagonist pulles a Frost volume and a Norton anthology on separate occasions at the university library.
I know, our original signifiers from the Way of Perfection piece were the common blue butterfly and the brown hairstreak.
The difficulty of revisiting L'Eclisse (1963), again, like the Stamm doubles, is finding the heart to repeat the not meeting and the indeterminate rupture, again.
Going back to the same sticking points is like going back to embrace razor wire. Exercise 88.
Future reading about steel balloon framing and the skyscraper:
Thank you, for reminding me.
Preisner's "Song for the Unification of Europe" is sung in Greek, and it is an adaptation and an abridged version of 1 Corinthians:13.
Max Richter's The Blue Notebooks (2004) refer to Kafka's Eight Blue Octavo Notebooks.
“At Dawn” in Czesław Miłosz' Unattainable Earth, translated by Robert Hass.
It may have been in part inspired by a last thought before bed about Highgate, but I awoke from the most vivid dream about walking through an unknown cemetery, and finding the headstone, fresh plants, and disturbed earth of a person I knew to be very much alive.
I call them, and begin the exhumation to find out who was buried in this plot. The hole opened into a perfect rectangle with stairs to descend. There was styrofoam on the simulated material to make the beams, and the Roomba-like machine cutting the corners to spec informed me that the vault is under construction. I should come back.
Irreconcilable, then. I will go back to feeling and doing nothing until the next opening.
I had a dream of walking into a house with a living room arrangement on a high-pile wool carpet on otherwise wood floors. There were two doors, which were open, on the opposite walls that led to a deck. I observed wet footprints on the wood floors, and when I lifted the rug, water oozed from under the rug and couch cushions.
Composite Jupiter at 26 degrees in Aquarius (Third House) according to Jeanne Duzea/Janduz (1986):
"In a park surrounded by high walls, an imposing mansion has its gate wide open."
Composite Sun at 0 degrees in Pisces (at the Imum Coeli) according to Antonio Borelli's La Volasfera (1898)
« A man and woman standing face to face, their hands clasped »
Composite Venus at 6 degrees in Pisces (Fourth House):
Degrees 6-7 Pisces :
« A niche in which [is] set a lamp and a book or missal »
Composite Mercury (retrograde) at 14 degrees in Pisces (Fourth House):
Degree 13-14 Pisces :
« A man stripped to the waist hewing timber » Degree of Labour
Composite Moon at 16 degrees in Leo (Ninth House):
Degree 16-17 Leo :
« A man riding a camel with attendants following » Degree of Journeying
Composite Ascendant at 20 degrees in Scorpio:
Degree 19-20 Scorpio :
« A Sun that is rising upon the ocean water » Degree of Illumination
Composite Descendant at 20 degrees Taurus:
Degree 20-21 Taurus :
« An owl, perched on a tree, in the branches of which a snake is coiled » Degree of Anticipation
One of the unintended consequences of caring for a house of dependents too well is there will be few(er) long journeys, except in the mind. Except for hyperspace loops All these creatures anchor our feet.
What I take it to mean that your unhealable wound, Chiron in Pisces at 13 degrees is near my natal IC, with the abovementioned stellium in composite, is that the basis of the Subconscious and rootedness are issues to be resolved. They cannot be elaborated because they are too deep. Don't explain.
I thought about the AquaDom situation not as a personal reflection of devastation, only of the marine fauna that were inside.
I remember Hurricane Sandy and the New York Aquarium.
Exercise 91.
Degree 6-7 Pisces :
« A niche in which are [sic] set a lamp and a book or missal »
Degree of Illumination
– This indicates one to whom the secrets of nature are likely to be revealed as the result of long and patient study of her laws. He will be endowed with considerable devotion, enabling him to sustain long and patient vigils, and pursue his studies where others would have abandoned them. His intelligence will be of a high order, and will induce him if to the pursuit of religion, philosophy and the fine arts, in all of which he will show more than ordinary ability. He may show a taste for the conventicle.
Did I mention that I inherited the Kenner Easy Bake Oven in the box, and that I stuck my hand in the exit slot (unplugged, of course), and then my maternal grandparents had to use gardening secateurs to cut the plastic to liberate my hand? They were old when they had their two daughters (>40), but took the routine mischief of grandchildren well.
I had to go to the DMV, and we are laughing about Patty and Selma as the obstructionist window clerks. My mother had to present her marriage certificate with the last two names, which was an unpleasant revelation for her. "What, you don't know when you were first married?"
The Matchboxes in a shadowbox, the Spirograph, the Silly Safari animals, and the gel pieces of the Creepy Crawler Thingmaker held pride of place after they came up from the basement.
No. 56, the red double-decker bus and No. 72., the tractor, were close to contenders. The one I liked best:
Lesney Matchbox Diecast #21 Commer "Milk Truck"
"Lesney got its start making small die-cast parts before transitioning to larger-scale die-cast model toys, including a die-cast road roller and a miniature version of Queen Elizabeth II Royal Coronation Coach that sold over a million examples. As Mattel writes, in 1953 Odell found himself creating something new. His daughter apparently went to a school where the only toys allowed were ones that could fit in a matchbox. He took the road roller, scaled it down to fit in a matchbox, then sent it to school.
The first Matchbox vehicles were industrial vehicles, but a year later, the Matchbox car-a 1954 MG TD Roadster-was born. Lesney, in partnership with German distributor Moko, created more vehicles until the catalog had reached 72 designs by 1959, with nine more on the way for the next year.",the%20brand%20continues%20to%20expand.
Also personal favorites. We had both without the boxes:
I liked the Lionel trains. I am eventually getting this for Atticus, the boy. He is 19 months now.
I think I mentioned the Ideal Petite Princess collection. I do not have the bathroom set on principle. Fantasy furnishings do not require waste disposal.
I am satisfied with Pinterest.
Twitchell's Where Men Hide (2008) looks like a bit of cultural study like Klosterman's I should read.
This, too: 20 Ads That Shook the World (2000).
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