In a
Tanami oasis; reflecting on what remains of the trip taking him
Darling Downs, the same polishing the un-fireable rifle’s
nameplate (
Nich auch Rosen gebettet of his
younger self strewing the same hearth
ash in his snow trodden steps, and then
the ship routes
notable for signaling termination of mid-ocean throes
maintained kilometers beneath the heart of Pluto at accretions of
radioisotopes, where methane ice sublimates, maroons its
nearest satellite; at
this juncture, docking by
Bengal lights of
sulphurated antimony—
Scent of her
entrance from the dyspeptic Bonner aunt steamed in mastic
lozenges monopolized
trees yielding by their
fifth year the
tears of
Silene coeli-rosa—A relation of
clove pinks; among other
Caryophyllales, cacti and carnivorous plants, the
latter’s most extreme economies without non-coding transcripts and low nitrogen
needs for space; naturalized to the Mediterranean, (1869) upturning the thin soil of the Rhine knee, which
Christ (1520-22) in
Basel by
the Younger Holbein—
The second millennium’s
Phaistos disk (d. 3 July 1908)
syllabary (
with 45 signs printed on fired clay call to mind an Egyptian
senet boards’s
equidistant passing, particularly, the last five steps within eternity’s reach,
as they assume a labyrinthine guise purportedly from the Sea Peoples's
fly-by-night of
Crete—The lag between the prayer
to Astarte and the blue
holographic panel that now spotlights
Charon in Futura Extra
Bold Condensed, an
atavism from McLuhan’s Typographical Man (1962), the Moon landing (July 1969),
relied on the pattern for Europe as it shoves off with a modified wine press—Of
Fust and
debtor Gutenberg’s dual-row
42-line typescript (1450) of beaten tin
and lead alloy braced by an impurity of
What became of the pioneer ball and hoop and husk doll; appraised first
by the
son of
Nyx, and arbiter of
Athena’s abode,
Poseidon’s bullock, and
figure of earth,
Pandora, anticipates the display case of
the mirror, works, and gear (
2011)—The exhibit’s catalogue consistent with the newspaper headlines in
Bold (2011) distributed among
the Collioures of Saturn divested for
Pluto—Earth’s youth is dispatched; not by the uncontrolled use of recombinant
smoke and synthetic spirit finishes, but the administered reversers, or
elephant tranquilizers, in the thoroughfares—Spoonsweet in the gravel
gnawed by
Homer at Xios,
Conchoidal gum dissolved in
camphor and
turpentine, with triturated
for polish, for opuses with proceeds from
Giustiniani mastiha groves—Of the
Roman tennis court, and a future volley of Boleyn's balled
advances for
the insolvent
Philip II,
el Prudente, for the
Genovese excavation of New Spain
(1492)—Steered by Inquisition emigrants of Portugal and Spain disallowed to
overstay in Genoa for three nights—Funded
chiaroscuros of Caravaggio's far
underway already in Wittenberg, by two or three discrete pressings; a method
revived by Picasso, further than
Degas’s played at
intaglios—Manet (1863),
reckoned for his
déjeuner’s tranquil party, lies broken into vectors
inside the
mind, and the microphone bleed of
Essence—Grassed in the
minotauromachy of the
thirties’s etchings, its maker
wanting to suck the marrow of standing waves of steroids on their lustrous
faces fitting heme and globin; erythroid colonies four splits from
maturation—Of course, there was the vitiation of the carbon sinks of Venus,
from its
winding pentagonal rosette’s
8:13 resonance at last revealed in a snap
of the orange terminator and super-rotated winds taken (
7 June 2016)—After five
years by the Akatsuki
probe; an obverse of dawn, and the Götterdämmerung,
Ōmagatoki, blocked in the series by
Toriyama Sekien (1788)—
Schisandra chinensis
To constrain leakage across the meridians following the transition of
being mere onlookers to waived parties wandering lacunae of warped time—
Mauro’s map (
1450) commemorates by the
crater Apollo XIII (1970) would have put
down, and in its itineraries another transmigration to Plutonic
where a fifteenth century nun of
Mosteiro de Jesus embroiders egg
yolk into
tears; auspicious for a wedding,
thong yot, and
revived there by head cook,
Guyomar de Pinha (1703)—Numbered with the Genovese
Pistacia resin for
censers, and then to keep the
victual afterlife of TT 320, the first millennium Third
Intermediate Period cachette untaken until the XXI dynasty retinue of the High Priest
of Amun,
Pinedjem I—With the entwined lotus in the last stages of flowering
plucked for the flight up the Theban necropolis,
Neskhons, with the already entombed
Ramesses XI in the audience, and just before their Kas abscond, the packet
Cosimo de' Medici commissions him to enclose the Florentine
ghetto (1570),
after which came the
adaptation of the evaporative cooling of the
Persian yakhchal into an
icehouse pyramid for provision of
chilling the custard base of
Bernardo delle Girandole Buontalenti,
whose ingenuity with incendiaries
expand the treatise on mine-works of
Vannoccio Biringuccio, the
latter codifies
Pirotechnia (1540), in the
firework sprays announcing the Pope’s election and feast days after
1481 on the
battlements of the
Castel Sant’Angelo, again, for the
Medici wedding (
where the stage master
sets the players of
intermedi to
rival in acting, as
they rose from heaven
Among the audience on automated chariots and hydraulic jets—
L’Eclisse (
1962), down to the drowned
stake of many pinioning the grass
shades of misgiving scaffolding, which
yields the impression of Matisse’s burlap
Pool (1952)—Hers is an interior of
grass-cloth, when its translator places
travertine tile of a
campion between the series, with color plates of one
of the Palazzo Barberini
fourth wedding portrait of
Enrico VIII (1540),
imposing as the Thyssen-Bornemisza half-length
portrait in Madrid (
Shelters with the
Giustiniani Judith
1599), and the latter's error perhaps from observing the
mannaia’s abridged
parabola of the beheading of Beatrice Cenci (
11 September 1599)—While
anticipating his own sentence,
Caravaggio studies the woodcut alphabet of
La danse macabre d'Holbein (1545), whose
gambler poses in the manner
of The
Calling of St. Matthew (1559), a canvas his patron Cardinal Barberini comprehends, the results of his loaned
book by the
pittore del Maria Bourbon del
Monte—After that malarial enclave, Urban VIII (
justifies three
reiterated by Bernini with the tiara and keys, his twenty-one years to the hive
of projects, and his alchemist, the
Jesuit Athanasius Kircher, a purging of
regulus of
Isolation of which consumes much of Newton’s speculations on natural philosophy (
1669); the alchemical femininity, which gives the Egyptian
stibnite kohl, and
the Sanskrit
hue of heavy clouds,
At 0.224 eccentricity,
seventeen degrees from the Solar disk, and two for
three orbits of Neptune—Presently, the bluest spot in the galaxy from the
viewfinders seamed with liquid diamond waves, adds the chip encyclopedist of
unspoken interests, as it sounds the Proto-Indo-European
sequence of
Varuna to
Ouranos with headings of parturition, mutilation emendations, the brightest son
of Varuna and Usha that is
Venus, Śukra—
Looking skyward from our ninth remove, the dwarf abounding as Saturn in
polygonal cells, where formerly [...]
light up between / Earth and Venus / On the courthouse lawn, / Kept by this cheerful / Inch of green (1985)—Downplaying the nitrogen and methane haze that thickens with a long
approaching perihelion, with cryoalgae to deflect solar winds; their flumes
maintained by those same precision cameras reproving there, in the double portrait,
globe the Tropic of Cancer misaligns—Coinciding with the oldest dated
cifra in the New World (25 June 1532) sent by Cortés—The octagonal knotted pile on
the field of a turkey
rug submits the Peace of Nuremberg (
1532); hereto the
signature of Holbein’s
Ambassadors (
1533)—The furtive
memento mori is at first taken for the fourth wall essayist, whose heavy-handed
quill would later tear at
mitsumata paper; finding no use for it, the feminine
constituent with mulberry
bark and naturally sized
gampi for a calligraphy brush—Paperbush
ally of thyme,
Edgeworthia, named for
the botanist sibling of Maria
Edgeworth, novelist and
periphery of the Lunar
Circle (b. 1750), of the triune of
washi, and a prevailing medium as sutras and pharmacy, if once surpassing
scraped hide and castoff clothes until the
markets of Asia open the imperial
entities of India brought with Catherine of Brangança’s
dowry, then Dutch
Formosa, at
last obtaining the vermilion seal of the shogunate (1609)—Lignin
adaptogens of
Schisandra chinensis
Compound antioxidants essential to Plutonic living milled at this
gravity—Having left half of all terrestrial microbiota, which bears a
reintroduction as spa decontamination, that once scourged in the manufacture of
printing reams—
Charles Tennant patents his lime and chlorine strewing
salt to
make best
use of his
bleaching fields (23 January 1798), and thereto steeped in both sterile gauze and wound
cavity, household porcelain gravy boat and bath, yet proved an ineffective
oxidant to overwhelming ocean
viruses at solar maximum—Rembrandt’s secret is
that he
varnished his plates with calcined Chios
Tears—Argued in the manner of resonant astrology from Lucifer’s
arguments; logical within their construct, John Milton relates the
first Hebrew
printed book following the address to the Lord Protector (October 1655)—
Samuel Manasseh Ben Israel's Piedra gloriosa o de la estatua de
Nebuchadnesar (1655); the latter decidedly acting as a defender of the
first faith, on the depths of
four of Rembrandt’s
etchings, readmits the
Israelites to the Commonwealth (1656)—The artist himself, was
exposed to
de Léon’s thirteen-
petaled rose
of heaven
Having Marco Polo’s
foresight (1295) to have his plunder already
converted into gemstones; all the while clutching the rose-shaped emerald, the
quetzal scapular destined for
Doña Juana de Zúñiga’s line—Both of which
wind their way in Francisco de
Quevedo’s lineman, the
duke of Osuna,
PedroTéllez de Girón (1599)—Cortés
dictated in
Cartas de relación (1525-6), the one
who has descended like an eagle, Cuauhtémoc, then interjected La Malinche—Traveling
in the hold as a stowaway from
Orizaba; the mother their son Martín fails to
send back for his father’s favor, dreams of holding
cuauhtlatoani’s feet to the fire, while even less guilt-wracked as
liege than by the subsequent
death of two horses
at Puerto de Caballos
(1524)—The Aztec king curses in the royal dialect,
sirena, the
fishwoman enjoined with priests who splits the land—Exiled in Seville (1539),
Marina seeks out the same
imprint of a
dolphin harpooned or harnessing a ride
on an anchor
seal of the
Aldine press carried by
Bernal Díaz; awkward with his
trunk library, by the most priceless thing he owns,
an italicized Sonetti e Canzoni (
1501), and she lives
Sputnik Planum to see the
Chinese mined
Trisulfide, silver (I) oxide as it ignites another feast day, a Dravidian
spawned as an Egyptian, and a gypsy, in the mercado, informs her that it is the
manosila of the
Rāmāyaṇa (5114
B.C.E.), matching with sensitizing
saltpeter and sulfur blue Bengal
fire—Quevedo, fainting from the
serve directly into the
dedans recites Seneca’s
quotidie morimur - we die every day-
the same who disputed the moral
sufficiency of Ariston of Chios (b. 320 B.C.E.)—
Soneto X. Una Mina, Quevedo
ripostes to the tenebrist off the court; just as well to Augustus’s mother
you bleed luminous metals / from the mountain’s veins—Metabolites at submerged fumaroles on the
dunes spin in a fine draft of sepia ink ecologized by Polidoro da
Caravaggio (1493-1543); awaiting a seed of splendor in its unremitting
germination, for the next
genome doubling event that puts to sail as florets the phosphor of
C’est vert, as it was written in the
Sūrya-siddhānta (6 C.E.), the measured 224-day
revolution of Śukra—
Missing from the expanded yellow giant, the voyage from Saturn and closer
to the
Primum Mobile, and into the fourth projection without
turiya—Frames dated 10-21 luglio at the
pocked colonnade of Hadrian’s Temple, the perforated steel drum, and
suddenly, the facsimile of William Lilly’s astrological
hieroglyphic of the
Great Fire (2 September 1666), with the Moon and Jupiter in
Pisces tilting
planetary Scales—Teresa of Ávila’s
four ways of drawing water (1562) drawn from
the mem of negating
mavet and
Mwt, the Canaanite underworld—Holbein
the Younger’s
Portrait of
Nicholaus Kratzer (1528), horologist and astronomer to
Henry VIII, discloses the mien of a colleague once again called from the
of Thomas More to calculate trajectories as the diplomatic houses duel;
rosa de los vientos, off the angles of
the first bounce,
ex primo resultu,
per the court of Charles V and its commentator, Juán Luis Vives (1539), who is engaged
by Catherine of Aragon for a tract on educating pious women (
1524; revised
1538)—Of the chase that leads to his flight to Porte Ercole (
18 July 1606),
castrates the deceived lover whose child Tomassoni would have by
her, Fillide Melandroni; the Spaniard years before mishears cross-court as the
scheming badger, melandro—Further treachery as the
Magdalene (1598), who twirls
the orange
flower; as her sister Martha gapes at her embroiderer’s wound, before
an alabaster
sponzarol filched from Vincenzo’s toilet, and the same item mortifying
Yuan calligraphers when Marco Polo reveals usage of their
porcelain seal pot of
cinnabar for a cosmetic jar—Merisi signals her ascent from the
rectangle from
the bottom of the well’s convex mirror in the canvas in Giustiniani
a portrait of a courtesan named Fillide
(1638)—From another mystic marriage of
Siena and
Alexandria, St.
(1380) is
supplied with a
stiletto (
1598); set here to pray at her wheel, into
Jeanne d’Arc’s siege (May 1429)—Marco Polo, summoned by the royal calligraphers
to the inaugural
chrysanthemum of unmoving stars, mixed with
salt money of
Khubilai (1294 ), is that evening shown the
mystery of Han contrapposto and
Lysippus’s Roman
copies carted from the
Hippodrome; seeming alongside soldiers
in now utilized magnetic moments of
Han purple’s barium copper silicate in the
burial of
Shi Huangdi (d.210 B.C.E)—Where the
five letters of Soror Mariana
Alcoforado (1665-7) are translated into German by Rilke (
1913) in order to
just such an opening in time (1641)—
Berry’s astringent for exacerbated
heart and
kidney yin; however, useless
against an intracellular obligate, the oxidant scavenging
Schisandra chinensis—
A portent of the Ming dynasty, following a
plague epidemic whose victims
fell too hastily to be inscribed on the
bearing stele (1641); the form
taken by Visnu’s
second incarnation,
Kūrma, at the
churning of the ocean of
milk bringing forth desirous faculties and the capitulating body; Visnu
incarnated as
fish, of the lunar nodes, and lastly,
Dhanvantari, the
physician—Portugal, under the duque de Bragança (1640-45), and no less than
four documented Dom Sebastião’s
pretenders, rose
Against Spain, with the Catalans in revolt, the Archbishop of México,
Juán de Palafox y Mendoza
posits in
his letters to Philip II infiltration of
virreinato by the Portuguese crypto-Jews; seated at the rotary reading
frame, the facistol, at Puebla’s Biblioteca Palafoxiana (1646)—Thomas More, who
approves of the annulment and burning of heretics; the bishop thought his
offshoot largely unsuitable for instruction—
Stultitiae laus (
1511) disabuses
clerics as landlords, the first edition belonging to the author himself, contains
kermesite, likened to the red scale of the
Kermes oak, soon
replaced by
preparation of Hatshepsut’s lip tint and impetus for
the expedition to Punt (1470 B.C.E.), for fragrant trees to stake the Terrace
of Incense—Anthemonium; the palmette ashes a poor substitute, Basil Valentine
1604) commends charcoal with the native
ore gobbed from the crucible, a
reddened transparent glass approximating dearer
claret colloidal gold, and
reported from Asia Minor from reliable
deposits on Mytilene and
From fabulare, fallar, is to speak in Portuguese, and from the cloister
at Beja, another sister of Hélène Smith and her guide Leopold
decode signespluriels to Venus Mars, Saturn, and the
doshas associated with each—The
pajarito's support of Venusian
quetzal featherwork
pieced with orchid
surges with the faintest wind while they luxuriate
in the creative ether
of Śukra—
30 comments:,%20a%20kindness%20of%20ball-placing%20that%20permitted%20a%20second-rate%20but%20determined%20player,%22&f=false!AsA4BY25Ql_1jGrcbQSr697g-uuX!AsA4BY25Ql_1jGklrpMTZa0p4pD3,%20as%20if%20by%20chance,%20we%20end%20up%20in%20front%20of%20the%20spectacular%20anamorphosis%20of%20Holbeins%20Ambassadors&f=false
"Everything was disorganized. A bookshelf had fallen over, and the books lay on the ground. Wallmoden picked up one of them.
It was like most of the other volumes, bound in red leather and pressed with the red lily, that peculiar symbol that originated from the trident of a god of the seas. Wallmoden was surprised. One could have thought that the whole thing was part of an estate library, perhaps even the remainder of the famous library, which the wife of King Stanislaus Lesczynski had brought from France. One could not determine how the books had got there. It was an Italian book that Wallmoden was holding in his hand and it opened up at a 'Venetian Song,' and he read it, he the sleepless one, by the glow of the fire that fell through the window[.]"
-Robert von Dassanowsky and Elisabeth Littell Frech's translation (2003) of Alexander Lernet-Holenia's Mars in Aries (1939-1940, 1947, 1976-7)
I will put Exercise 85 here.
Late entry:!AsA4BY25Ql_1jmSYE0Ud6P93w8jt
I have not lost faith.
Ultra Chilled 03.2 Schiller and Kim Sanders "Distance" (2002) from Weltreise (2001)
I bought this new, and then, again.
I will put Exercise 88 here.
I will put Exercise 89 here!AsA4BY25Ql_1mXtvbqLWp-TJDih9
Rosette echeveria. Agatized coral and dinosaur bones. Florida's karst limestone and calcite replaced specimens. Gembone. Casal's collar. Carcinoma en cuirasse.
Exercise 90 will still go here.
I have a virus with a flaring pharynx that the lemon-honey cure won't coat, and I have slept for hours during the day, which makes me feel guilt-racked and prone to falling into a depression. The change in the weather and the cumulative late nights contributed, undoubtedly.
The cure is unbroken sleep, and I will be fine.
I rewatched this, The Portguese Nun (2009), and then I discovered Eugène Green's Le Pont des Arts (2004).'s%20hair%20tennis%20ball&f=false
Better now.
Thank you, for reminding me of Exercise 90, and of the need to prioritize sleep to avoid colds.
I am off from school December through the second week of January. I will catch up with the plans.
Who would have thought?
Whether I want to admit it, the intentions of the September 22nd Card were discordant. Writing it cements the belief, which is why I became ill. It was a wrong turn, and I knew it.
Late entry, Exercise 90:!AsA4BY25Ql_1mx1h6W8Y91QaAAL7?e=Tm3LXa
To be read, January 2024:
No. The mire of México is no longer a draw. I will read the Enrigue novel, sometime.
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