Wallmoden, however, did not
find this departure
from home at all easy,
and suffered from the unclear and even unfathomable feelings that this
departure conjured up. Yes, these were the first of many repetitious and
increasing feelings to come—which were as if he had been caught up in the gears
of events by the seam or the hem of his
clothing, which continued to pull him
in and would from now on manipulate his movements… —Alexander Lernet-Holenia’s
Mars im Widder (15 December 1939-15
February 1940 reissued 1947, 1976-7),
in Aries translated by Robert von Dassanowsky and Elisabeth Littell Frech
Ariadne Press (
EEG waves of on-off
shifts of the extrasensory aptly named for
retiarii and
secutores’s mark of
Appearing in the gesso on board, as
seen from the collector’s library where he stood in his field uniform dusted in
fallen plaster, in the
Bakelite surround of a singed pipe stem, approaching a
desk-strewn letter opener and lamp, wholesale exhaling a sickly phenolic odor
of artificial amber, as
John Tunnard
Completes Theta (1939)—The
first daguerreotype (16-17 July 1850) of a
star is Vega; confirmed while
calibrating the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite (1985) of the brightest, and
future polestar, in the
constellation Lyra,
A razor’s edge of icy planets shepherded by moons keeping the gaseous
band contained and its divisions
Discrete—Followed by surveys of oceans and insulating ice-volcanic melt
taken in their reconsidered vitality after thirteen-years of flybys; Cassini,
whose passages by the Sun bending the
radio link now confirm Einstein’s
calculations against then muffled allegations of a Zionist conspiracy at the
Sternwarte (2 June 1915), at last, crosses the ring plane (26 April
2017)—The Reich tinkerer, who contends primacy of northern climates, shapes a
glacial cosmology; chief among which is a theory of sunspots appreciated from
investigations of poured crucibles on snow, which accelerates the retirement-expulsion
Kasimir Graff from the
Vienna Observatory (1938)—The firm lives on in a
sanitized legacy of engineering solutions from one of the 27.000 corporate
registries; more than one for each of its citizens, from the Swiss canton of
Zug, the tax shelter and old growth oak forest of a newly discovered
Perhaps sighted by the botanist
Simon Schwendener in the 1860s
vacationing in the western lakes; he who is the first to recognize the
symbiosis of two species—Despite her lost Linnaean Society
paper (1897)
elaborating on the confounded structure of alga and fungus, she describes
herself hared by the master conservator at Kew—
Miss Potter studies a darting rabbit, and retrieves the
habit of the prey animal’s fecundity, of buck and doe, the grunt and
falling-off resulting in
kindling; never again to revisit the subject of a
fungal dictionary (
31 January 1897)—Before leaving the
Victoria Gate, her hand
for the last time scratches and drops the white pine
rust basidiospores
texturing a plucked leaf underside of a trained
Canes, has an ending left undedicated to
Rilke’s captions of forty panels
in Chinese ink (1921), which the mature artist inserts the thorny bush, then
overtaken by sawflies, in
Girl at a Window (1955)—
John Tunnard’s
Lack of memory in later years derived perhaps from making altered
schematics of the blanketing fog; admitted by even the early
Square, Bird and Stone (1947) on printed
silk, that is, rockbound—When one fast ray traverses one wavelength at the slow
ray’s return, of a misnamed catalog
entry at the
Tate Gallery (1972), the
Tolpen (
1942) that befits the
signal varied equally for the coaster through the reef and encircling gillnet and
double guitar of the Cornish bay,
TolPedn (1942)—Shingling overhangs, lichen
Of the Summer Triangle; highest in the Northern hemisphere
on the ides of
der Abgrund
Der menschlichen Seele,
Wallmoden passes on to the inscrutable Cuba von Pistohlkors on the preemptive
military cull of the eldest of the
Spanish Riding School,
including the
bloodline of the Danish stud Pluto (b. 1765), and his recollection of the
spearhead of mounted ceremonies when he boarded at St. Pölten—Striding two
abreast along the
Mariahilfer Strasse after the last showing of the
she digresses on
Hölderlin (1797-1800),
the supposed voice of the age, who
makes much of Diogenes Laërtius’s
account of the Olympian charioteer (496
B.C.E.), who, at no time anticipates his grandson,
poised to leap
into the crater of Mongibello–Overhead, the disciplined squadron held their
payloads, then diving with the unified
wail of the Stuka Jericho-Trompete
spooking a column of Polish counter cavalry
to be fired
upon by a solitary
StuKa Ju87—Observing the wrinkles formed in real-time on a thin casing of the
short, compact torpedo upturning a slow funnel of earth, for an ensuing second,
Wallmoden sinks with the sharp bite into his left hand mistaken for shrapnel by
the twisted ventral brackets of a
prototype of the
Henschel Hs-293
(1939)—Brainchild of Dr.
Herbert Alois Wagner; with
Wernher von Braun among
others evading the Soviets in Operation Paperclip (May 1945), with cases of
blueprints containing his investigations from 1925 of insect
wing strategic
airlift and recovery of bounded vortices—Researches into the plan of a
fire-and-forget munition radioed in by coordinates for smuggling merchant ships,
to which the Allied response is; quite possibly, from Frederick, Maryland, and
Wagner’s provisional department,
the Felix the Cat VB-6 (1945)—From this
opening of aeronautical primacy, wreckage rematerializes into a nuclei on a map
Goering remainders to Luftwaffen
The Party had overtaken University of Vienna medical school graduates—Each
surgeon serving in the Austrian army; and Nobel laureates,
Róbert Bárány
1914) and Julius
Wagner-Jaurreg (1880, 1927) in good company with August
von Hayek (1895), the father of Nobel economist (1974) Friedrich Hayek, who
abandoned the First World War influenza epidemic for taxonomic divisions—
true blue of
alpine thistles; particularly,
cyanus, whose
flower heads in the hefted flocks seemed to her
blue circlets—From
a gas cylinder of radicalized diatomic carbon at the base, where varnish warmed
to be poured on the collodion
negatives of
Millais’s working progress by her father jurist and amateur photographer—Rupert
Potter appeared at dinner with B. and Bertie trailed by the faint traces of
cyanogen soap, to remove lunar caustic, on his cuffs—There too, a flame of a
baffled burner
universalized by
Robert Bunsen (1854), whose student is the most
distinguished Potter relation, by the element found to contain the most stable
vanadyl ion—
Vanadium chemist
Henry Enfield Roscoe, who later receives a
knighthood (1884) for spectral analysis, with the isolation of the metal in
Roscoelite, an
ore tinted gooseberry
Weather, where the picture
Phantom (
leans five degrees from the ecliptic, the Moon turns its full aspect to the
Sun, fleetingly eclipsing it—Grey planes of a surface bristle and acuminate in
postwar raw concrete—From
Le poème de
l'angle droit (
1955), cover that retains the breath of fiery serpents,
A.4 Entre bosses et dans fissures / glissant sur
les durs et s'enfonçant […] of formerly, oakmoss
Such later summer hoarfrost illuminated by their torchlights; overground
and against his panic from crayfish
migrating in a cordon among leaden furrowed
trunks the shades of the liveries of officers, as morgue poet before achieves
for the eye / enough celestial participation (1912)—Wallmoden, himself, marked by a dueling
scar beneath
his left eye, and in this season of stag's rut, whittles the air for his lost
meeting and
François Coty’s source of Le Chypre
(1917), the nose’s once left eye wiped by a retinal thrombosis, concentrating
from an aventurescent perfume emanating from certain hours in the
woods—Gottfried Benn as an intern reads Ewald Hering’s
Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne (
1878), offering how an afterimage
encodes the three primaries, whereby the photoreceptors become fatigued by
their opponents into negligence; subsuming otherwise in his hands, a pathology
from the overlying temporal lobe compressing a tract of the optic chiasm, with
the resulting monocular defect, the two hemispheres
fused by the lyra Davidis—
Ten-strings of the psalterium abridged in the Egyptian lyre—First
sightings followed the horns of the Apis bull, a winged gateway or sundisk, by
then, the cattle yoke and tortoiseshell body shoulder steadied and consigned by
combining intellect the radiating ribs of the carapace—Lyra’s
Sulafat, Gamma Lyrae, brought into line with the eclipsing binary,
Lyrae, signposts Viennese-trained Jenő Gothard’s
photographic plate of the
Nebula (M57) (1 September 1886)—From the first
holding of the Berlin Museum
(1903), and the XVIII dynasty of Amarna and the coregency of
Nefertiti-Neferneferuaten, whose unfinished
aspect is incidentally upturned by
the wife of the photographer of the Pendlebury’s expedition (January 1933),
Hilary Waddington—At the same time uncovering the window in the gate of the
Pathexgraph as Arthur Evans raises the hornless black talc-schist, red jasper,
inlaid shell bull’s head
rhyton, its left side the unrestored original, in Hall
IV of the Dolphin fresco
at Knossos—Divisions
Of schist and
sluices of Genesis, according to the tenets of Neptunism,
and the facsimile of Bertuch’s entry of
Das Boramez, oder Scythische Lamm (1806), at the nadir of which
Stanisław Lem
projects a thick layer of
colloidal snow, before infilling the mimoid, and the
speaker remains mummiform within Die Mergelgrube,
The Marl-pit,
from a collection by
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
(1844)—Left by the German speaking governess, Annie Blanche Carter, for the
contented house-holding bordering the house of correction and gas and coke
plant at Wendelesorde; later
known by the Wandsworth shield accession at the
British Museum (1858) they come into after dropping off the proofs at 46 Great
Russell Street—
alleged to leaven the loaves of the Egyptians, staid in the insolubility
of granite markers, already wreathed the base of the Warne
monument she had
seen walking in Highgate after unremitting rain, a gold flecked woodwax,
Hygrophorus chrysodon, out from the dead
leaves—Bunches of curled grape,
the wild gooseberry
Preserve the glazing of the elders of Lwów; apportioned to the Empire
(1772), and celebrating its lecturer
Sacher-Masoch (b.1836), and lesser known physician in the Austro-Hungarian
army, the laryngologist, Samuel Lemm (b.1879)—
Zbigniew Herbert at the
Ossolineum pauses over the pages of the vegetable lamb, while
reading for
Wallmoden Cuba
pulls the trump,
Księżniczka Kielicha,
Princess of Cups—The
golden fleece; she accedes, not knowing it concerns withdrawal of the Romanian
Bridgehead to Lwów, is sea
silk whose lemon gilded
byssal threads anchor their
wings in a star
array on the non-ground, Abgrund
Of sea grass—Among the fingerlings caught in low tides, boomeranged by
the frames of bones and attached flesh of
Mullet (1953)—When the film source material,
The Sea Around Us (1953) shoals submarines around the faces of
Amphitrite in
John Tunnard’s
Dialogue of
Two Heads (
1955)—Adam Zagajewski is born on the June solstice
in Lwów (1945),
around whose Rynok square figures of Neptune, Diana,
Amphitrite and Adonis is splayed suitcases,
one of which is Cuba’s—Surviving
Delphinus below the Summer Triangle and a bubble in the 3 Kelvin microwave
background rippled by plutonium’s novel implosion (16 July 1945) by an unseen
kitharode collapsed into a
sand dollar dove of John Tunnard’s
Ascension (
1945)—By a battery of ocean water, the
dielectric by
Lichtenberg (
whose compass of motives issued in
32 winds from Freud to
Einstein (1932) in a vessel loaned by the auxiliary coastguard vessel bottom
lined in acrylic polymer slab to total darkness—The tsarist Pulkovo Observatory
(1839), its dome and meridian crumbling, is resurrected in 1946 if not by
astrometry, and the then unsolved Blazhko
effect (1907)
through the pulsating
luminosity and rung in the cosmic distance ladder of RR Lyrae—
From the concussion and resulting radiculopathy in the left hand,
Wallmoden’s sleeping crab claw reaching for the second piece of explosive
bitten into the
Ab-grund (1936-8)
Swaying not giving way parting the estate’s erupting bookcase of the
Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili of 1499
and Zibaldone quaresimale da Rucellai
(d.1481); the latter’s vellum pages pleated to Boethius
Adeo nihil est miserum, nisi cum putes (II.4.18)—
Invoking the
descendants (1250), the utter sententiousness of
Fortune that compels
Rucellai’s sailcloth and sumptuary business in
purple dyestuff—An unconscious
congregation of forms replete with industrialist Vienna’s Paul Friedländer
(1895) synthesizing thioindigo of the Carpathian carpet,
isolated 6,6'-dibromoindigo
experienced again in Tyrian purple, the footprints still visible in the settled
plasterwork—Prolonged with the shadow path on a Mediterranean escarpment where
oricello color shell sails and
the magnification of
aceto-orcein of
elastic tissue, of karyokinetic
Acid-base indicator litmus (1812)—Finding her in the Lviv oblast of 1945,
much longer and off-course from the uncorrupted reciting Constantine Cavafis’s
Before the Statue of Endymion (1895
),[...] on a white chariot drawn by four snow-white mules—Rain scald on the solitary Mutevolezza until this head injury
manifests, where the foreign exchange student insists on changing conveyances
en route to the American Consulate in Cracow—Marked with death’s head for
desertion, and dried blood mistaken for the tincture of orchil lichens
The student, mule and cart blown away
a barrage of splinters out of the sylvan muzzle brake of a
somewhere, along the Baltic Amber Road whose holdings were uncovered by
Schliemann at Mycenae (1877)—Disintegration loops of mourning those years
separately; and martial, in unison, for
trou de mémoire,
un trou de loup
from the Gallic wars pointed for meaning behind the Aldine
crest of a trident
and dolphin, in which case Cuba asks if he would like be shown, grappling him
with her long
delphys as from Delphi, a
retaken discussion of Earth
of water,
letter tzaddi, the fish hook and secret of the Law, which pulls the
fish out of water on the fifth day, resumed by Derrida,
a heritage which is more or less coherent or ruined, it must be said that every discourse is bricoleur (1978b: 285)—Taking in the exhibition of
Adriaen Coorte’s hundredfold
output between 1683 and 1707 at the National
Gallery of Art (
2003), which
includes the
currant gooseberry—
Papered until admission within this distant text of neurology, Paul Klee
illustrated best (1949)—Determined in stretch induced affinity of myofilament
excitation to coupling, and shown from Baltimore test site, the rate of heart’s
elastic competence firing under spontaneous calcium sparks (
Cheng, Lederer, & Cannell, 1993)—John Tunnard’s
Diagram of the
Sea Bed (1947) transfers
these lattices of Klee’s—By an untied sea belt,
Laminaria saccharina that is
the source of calcium alginate and natural
hemostat, wound out of which the
claw of Cancer the Crab may be found between of the two brightest stars of
and Pollux and Leo's Regulus among submerged lunar period and urchin Sun
on the
Tenby beach, where
Beatrice eyes the drift
wood script lichen,
As it may or may not have come into the nomenclature,
Xylographa opegraphella—Novalis, who studied
Sanskrit during the arrangement of
Novices of Saïs (1802), understood that it
speaks in order to speak—From
Capricorn in
Abhijit (
अभिजीत), the
hidden, victorious one Krishna uninvolved for one day in a 27-day sidereal
lunar month, and has fallen into the tranquil rhomboid of
Citing the
Mahabharta’s acts of
adharma as they were performed
in einen
Of fascists, granting that
A Book for All and None (1883-1891)—Wallmoden,
in his quarry among the scattered salt of Isis tears by turns the divisions
mentally completed of a
gooseberry net and caught fast in the June flame
Cuba Pistohlkors as the
volatile sovereign,
combined in the rain of
John Tunnard’s
overlay of radio static,
after Paul Celan, Heidegger’s most
untiring student; and together, reckoning
in die Smaragdbahn—
Inserted into /
the emerald-trajectory, […]
At lichen growth and Chiron’s colure through the descendants, their mile
high ice layers fleetingly obscured before the lyric,
the Unground / Ungrund (1976)—
Being reminded of mushrooms; like Hygrophorus chrysodon, I think this class is ripe for investigation. There were the tetracycline litigation wars of three decades, but the fused tetracyclic rings have many applications today.
Count Luna? Theia and synestia...to be continued.
Had I not reported, to be called off and not given a locker, I would have missed the engineering docency, where I was reminded of George de Mestral (1955).
Another solution.
For ACLS. Interpreting the other leads is important for women, who present with nonspecific signs of MI. Their readings may conceal electrocardiographic changes in the higher precordial leads.
Thank you, for reminding me of this.
Exercise 86 will go here.
Fiona Stafford's The Brief Life of Flowers (2018)
Late entry. Thank you, for reminding me.
Yes, this evening I brought Rapaport's Introduction to Hematology, Revised (1987) to bed. It was on the shelf next to Heidegger's Basic Writings (Harper Perennial Modern Thought) (2008). I want the complete series of these paperbacks, but the next one will be Heidegger's Poetry, Language, Thought (Harper Perennial Modern Thought) (2013).
"He made seminal contributions to our basic understanding of blood coagulation, and he developed the activated partial thromboplastin time test that is used worldwide to monitor response to intravenous, unfractionated heparin and to screen for blood coagulation abnormalities."
I spent this Sunday sewing (while she watched) felt ice cream cones from a kit. Apparently, the floss work was amateurish but good enough to take to school tomorrow.
Many reveries about the M4A1 Sherman tank.
"In the final analysis, there were simply too many American tanks for the Germans to deal with. The American war industry, free from bomber raids and supported by a motivated work force (Germany resorted to slave labor) produced nearly 50,000 Shermans, more tanks than Germany and Great Britain made during the entire war. Germany only produced about 6,000 Panthers."
Mars in Aries stations retrograde from Wednesday, 9 September 2020 , to Friday, 13 November 2020.
Poems and Fragments by Friedrich Hölderlin, translated from the German by Michael Hamburger
Report from the terrain out of which I currently cannot escape is populated by idiots or at least a population of those afflicted with the terrible disease of oversight: an elderly, cachexitic lady with a dual pacemaker on dialysis died at 0715 Saturday of hypoglycemia after vascular surgery in the hospital, after a prolonged resuscitation, after ignored 0100 labs resulting in critically low bicarb and a blood glucose level <20, after application of a Bair hugger for a low core temp, and after nobody gave her so much as a drink of ginger ale for Friday dialysis and a prolonged PACU time.
Friday, I did not see her all day because she was off the unit, but the telemetry minders kept calling me about her asystole rhythm, which could not be right because she was being monitored in HD, then OR, then PACU, and she has an AICD, which paces and captures. I saw her for ten minutes before I left Friday evening, and she was wearing a mask after just coming back at shift change. I put her in a bag Saturday, and the idiots forgot to demagnetize the implant, and it was still discharging until someone could come in to turn it off.
I blame the individuals entrusted with the patient's care overnight for 12 hours, who could not see what was happening, among all of them, and let this be a sobering memory.
I went into the storage unit, after it had been sealed since 2015, and I found the usmle quizbooks I had stacked in there, at the ready.
They were implanting these models a year ago, and we were trained on the batteries, waveform readings, and drive-line dressing changes. The young man as the test case never came to stepdown, and opted after six months in the unit to be transferred to palliative with the appliance switched off. One observation I made about the LVAD patients coming in as inpatients, for toe amputations or line infections, is that the perfusion in the limbs is so compromised as to be (almost) unpalpable.
A discovery at the library today:
< Das Spiel der Hoffnung (Game of Hope), the prototype for the Petit Lenormand deck first published c1799, derives its name from the penultimate card in the deck which contains a picture of an anchor: >
ancora, sempre, tuttora, tuttavia, anche, aussi.
Dwarf hairgrass is an aquatic species that gives an electric green vibrancy to the tank. I have a long term plan to cultivate an aquarium again. My current workplace has one, and I look at it every night. This space can only be entered with a key because soneone tried to jump off the ajoining patio, and was brought back off the roof. The fish are lonely and instantly startle in their tank with any company.
Some more nonfiction in progress by Ruth Scurr, and I would also like to read another FRSL, Marina Warner.
Yes, Jeopardy was relevant tonight to the extent of celebrating Constitution Day, and the first category of the first round was "We" followed by "The People" and so on..Nobody knew "Silas Marner: The (blank) of Raveloe."
I was finishing Henry Green's Back (1946), and I read a review about Harald Jähner's book Aftermath (2019), which describes the phenomenon of 200,000 or more German women having Allied, particularly American, children. The transactions that are made in wartime are not surprising, nor is it unusual that women would eschew the liability of demoralized, crippled soldiers. In West Germany, the expiation of the war guilt and the reward for the Great Economic Miracle was engineered by American investors. Fassbinder interrogates this flight into materialism.
Year Zero (1963) was enacted to remove American influence and cultural signs.
It is not quite time for Fassbinder or Rossellini.
I abstained during the sale, for these:
Do you watch films at night or in the daytime?
And I waited on this because I have much to do:
Basal/background Insulin Dose
= 40-50% of Total Daily Insulin Dose
Of either long acting insulin,(such as glargine or detemir) or rapid acting insulin if you are using an insulin pump (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion device).
I always read to the bottom of your notes.
"In a 2005 study published in Sleep, Nielsen showed that losing 30 minutes of REM one night can lead to a 35 percent REM increase the next night—subjects jumped from 74 minutes of REM to a rebound of 100 minutes.
Nielsen also found that dream intensity increased with REM deprivation. Subjects who were only getting about 25 minutes of REM sleep rated the quality of their dreams between nine and eight on a nine-point scale (one being dull, nine being dynamite).
Of course, REM deprivation, and the subsequent rebound, is common outside the lab. Alcohol and nicotine both repress REM. And blood pressure drugs as well as antidepressants are also well known REM suppressants. (Take away the dreams and, curiously, the depression lifts.) When patients stop the meds, and the vices, they're rewarded with a scary rebound."
I will read this preparation for Uwe Johnson Anniversaries this winter. My favorite book, Böll's Group Portrait with Lady needs a reread.
It may be the wrong time to recapitulate texts and their readings with this renovated Love. What I like about Böll's novel (1972) is how a humble woman like Leni is captured in bureaucratic reports, retreats from summarisation, and yet accomplishes more moral courage than official protagonists. Can you imagine someone now riding a bike at night to visit a prisoner or make love in a cemetery mausoleum in Schlosspark Charlottenburg.
I might have to work up to the tetralogy of Employee Cresspahl, who works in a bank. Gesine marries Wissenschaftler D.H., and respects his anonymity in her Jahrestagen. Maybe their mention and the research into the islands of stability in the 1960s of the Segré chart needs mention?
I need to correct the site of the cemetery, which is in Cologne, where the novel is set. Melaten, or Hof der Maladen, "Yard of the Maladies" was founded in the thirteenth century as a leper graveyard, and later expanded. Among the notables buried there is the artist Sigmar Polke (d. 2010) and the musician Holger Czukay (d. 2017), who I know via Brian Eno and David Sylvian.
I have this in paperback. I will read it this summer.
I am finishing Aftermath soon.
I paused in the first quarter of Wolfzeit because it seemed like an apology. I will finish it some time, maybe.
The space constant of neurons, delta, yes.
I always think of moths and Aimee Mann's Lost in Space (2014), which features a moth track. "Today is the Day" Is my favorite. I dusted it off, and played it today.
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