0600 Note French idiom calendar tear-away: Escaladons ce mur. // Let's climb up that wall.
0700 Prepare tea (Moroccan mint sachets) before snow-filled window
0720 Watch deer
0800 Get picked up by classmate for breakfast; classes cancelled
0840 Cruise vacant streets, taking advantage of unplowed roads, pajama pants, and anti-lock brake slippage
0900 Fish-tail in major thoroughfares, adjust to driver's heedless (hungover?) attitude
1000 Finish cranberry-orange-speckled, shortening-clotted scone from local fast-food bakery, Panera
1030 Refuse the invitation to waste more time, citing the need to get home to shower
1100 Return to an empty house, attune to European Graduate School lectures, Catherine Breillat (45 min)
Comment: Leonard Cohen does Leonard Cohen the best.
1200 Open the book that I purchased yesterday with a psychic affinity, leaving a stack of half-warm potential
Bukowski's Betting on the Muse. A postcard (I placed there) falls out of the new book: a black-and-white
1400 Doze off in book, awake to blueness of burnt-out reading lamp bulb...experienced as a flash of insight
1410 Get dressed, electing not to iron
1415 Roast garlic in oven with Neil Young looping in kitchen: Safeway Cart
1500 Go for a sunglassed-walk listening to Neil Young's album Sleeps with Angels
1615 Return with the resolve to finish the project destined for: a subtle book [screen], a desk, a frame of reference?

One can strike this Charles from the list.
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