The B lymphocyte is the agent of the humoral immune response: surface immunoglobulins and secreted antibodies do not kill pathogens, but flag their surface antigens for immobilization, eventual destruction in the peripheral blood.
The hypervariable region of the antibody, the region that binds antigen, also "fits" the unique molecular structure of the antigen (the epitope) with a high degree of specificity from induced fit interactions.
Antibodies throughout the course of an immune reponse or repeated exposures to the same antigen, will acquire an increasing affinity for binding antigen in a process called affinity maturation.
B cells maturing with the requisite cell surface receptors gain specificity after exposure to antigen, where they are stimulated to divide and divide cells of themselves with that antigen-specific receptor. B cells that do not bind the antigen remain in circulation, and are not proliferated.
On one hand, the emotions effectively scrabble or scatter the mosiac of our immune reponse. On the other hand, theories of the immune system are probabilities that are incredibly hard to describe. An elusive,everpresent force.
Given the statement "I feel like I am dying"...Yes, but how so by the degrees you are from the somatic level, the psychological level, the cognitive level?
J has a clear favorite among Picasso's women and "their" respective works.
J knows the right and left eyes of Horus represent dualities of the mind, the senses, etc...but she did not know they served as measures.
Isn't true that Françoise Gilot has died?
I read her book with Carlton Lake, My Life with Picasso (1964), and it felt like an ugly tell-all with a revenge plot. She traded on her beauty in subsequent marriages.,+but+her+death.%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBvZLEiY2FAxUyF2IAHSKTDhIQ6AF6BAgFEAM#v=onepage&q=The%20Body%20of%20the%20Soul%20%22Alisa%20entrusted%20more%20to%20him%20than%20women%20entrust%20when%20young-%20not%20her%20life%2C%20but%20her%20death.%22&f=false,kHz%20%5B17%2C%2018%5D.
Being kept in life to do the thing one was meant to do. It is renewed every year; another year of life, another livelihood.
Je lis « Alice s'achète une morte » ce matin.
"To assess the genetic contributions of genes associated with IIS signaling to human longevity, researchers performed a nested case-control study on 5 prospective longevity genes and found that FOXO3 variation was strongly correlated with human longevity (10). Subsequently, this finding was quickly duplicated in a variety of populations around the world (11–13). Five FOXO3 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were shown to have a significant correlation with longevity in a meta-analysis of 11 independent studies (14). FOXO3 has been identified as the second most replicated gene associated with extreme human longevity (15). While FOXO3 is a convincing longevity gene, the mechanism by which FOXO3 determines longevity remains unknown. Interestingly, long-lived individuals demonstrated some phenotypes associated with healthy aging, including a lower prevalence of CVD and cancer (10). Additionally, the longevity-associated FOXO3 SNPs correlate with lower-than-average CVD morbidity in long-lived individuals (10, 16). Another study found that longevity-associated FOXO3 genetic variants prolong lifespan only in individuals with cardiometabolic disease (CMD), but not in all individuals (17). These findings show that FOXO3 may maintain cardiovascular homeostasis, hence promoting longevity."
"By switching on these stress response genes, it’s thought that the FOXO3 gene helps to protect against the accumulation of cell damage that causes ageing. On this note, FOXO3 is one of the few genes that has been consistently linked to longevity in humans.
FOXO3 is a gene which switches on other genes that protect against cell stress/cell damage.
The action of FOXO3 may help protect against the cell damage that causes ageing."
"We read her story on Shavuot to teach us that this is the type of Torah acceptance we are seeking. We are not after God's laws. We are seeking to attach ourselves to God Himself."
At times, I am ambivalent about reading further on the Aish website with interspersed ads for the dalai lama whom his followers have elevated as a god.
I recall a Tanya-emphasized Los Angeles rabbi saying that there was a conversation about being married with the lama, who laughed and stated that he was celibate. Without a spouse enjoined as a primary support and a primary opposition, there is a deficiency of knowledge about all relationships.
The majority of verses in the Book of Ruth begin with vav.
Even my brother says that he would like to marry her, to be respectable and recognize his children, but his significant other has a long way to go in achieving responsibility. She has an IT degree, and refuses to take the steps to get a job, transact business, be an adult...
The thought is that with the Gingerbread Man in a partial daytime preschool this fall, she can be spared to fix her life.
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