Friday, October 16, 2009

Pirarucu in a Pool

A tour of collage, your tail ends in red like a burn.

The log canoe barked backwards for your slaughter, an arrogance repaid
with the hard architecture of the refuge.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Late this morning, I had a dream of standing on an overlaid beam watching the spring-fed watercourse from a mill, and I saw three auburn scarves and a tiny King Charles Spaniel on a floating leash. I have little symbolic connection to red foxes, so it surprised me when I fished out three red fox kits and the spaniel.

The foxes and spaniel dried off, and we ran off in a loose gang.

Σφιγξ said...

Regardless of whether one believes in the coordinates of astrology, the unconscious meanings gestate them here:

For Wednesday, June 18, 2014: Moon in 4th house, from 05:33

Chiron is travelling through the sign of Pisces from February 2011 until May 2018.

...Chiron was rejected (in some way) by her mother.

Steven Forrest's The Inner Sky (1989)

"The nadir. The lowest point a planet can reach. When the sun is there, clocks read approximately midnight. A time of darkness. Mystery. Perhaps of fear. Vague shapes loom in the blackness. We strain to make them out. Friend? Foe? Or just furniture? Our eyes are useless. We strain to 'see' with our ears, our extended fingers, our intuition – or is that just imagination? At midnight it is hard to discern the difference: our hopes and terrors take form as palpably as physical objects.

The fourth house is the most subjective of the twelve. The arena it represents is a secret one. No one outside ourselves can see it. And when we enter its misty, uncertain terrain, we disappear from view. All our attention, all our energy, is withdrawn from the world. Turned inward on the self. The house of feelings? Yes, but the word is too pale, too shallow. The house of the unconscious mind? Yes again. But the material locked here must be made conscious if we are to feel complete and whole."

Σφιγξ said...

Venus and Jupiter were in Aries (1963), and Aries is my 5th house.
I will be interested to look back to see our synastry, your planets in my house.

"Close your eyes now. Who or what is there? That's your 4th house reality. And that's how I've asked people to enter this house for years. Your family will be there, in your memories. Your ancestors will be there, in the rhythmic pulse of your blood. Your home will be there, as the secure base that allows you to connect with your innermost self. But you'll discover even greater mysteries. In the 4th you'll find your spirit center, your life source, your inner country of renewal. There will be times when you need to recreate yourself - and you'll do this by descending into the 4th house first. With the Sun in my own 4th house, it's taken me years to learn that my hero's journey was not so much to buy a home. Rather it was to learn about creating home and being at home in my world. I've had to learn this not just once, but many times."

Σφιγξ said...

Depositing your Chiron (Pisces, 1963) in my Pisces 4th house, or nadir:

From Zane Stein's A View from Chiron:

"No matter which type of relationship this is, one thing seems especially to be true---the planet that is aspecting Chiron from one chart to the other seems unable to keep up defenses to keep the Chiron person out. It is as if, for the Chiron person, the walls around the other come tumbling down---or at least the Chiron person has little trouble getting inside the walls the other person has built around self. And depending on how thick those wails were initially, and how dependent the person was on the security provided by the walls---such openness can be felt as truly fantastic, or extremely frightening. Especially since the person being aspected by the other’s Chiron cannot develop any other way to erect walls around his/her planet [MC/IC angle or house territory].:

Zane Stein, the Chiron astrologer was born 17 June 1951.

Σφιγξ said...

Since we are keeping your birth time a surprise; I do not want to know until certain things are fulfilled, the observation that your Pluto (in Virgo) conjuncts my Midheaven, or public self, the point directly opposite the Nadir/Imum Coeli/private self.

My public self will realized after conjunction and mutual healing of our private selves, which is why the uncertainty of not being prepared is surmounted by the immediate need to heal with a gift that I give you.

The two fish of Pisces portrayed in Lambsprinck's De lapide philosophico (1625), with the comment, 'The Sea is the body; the two fish are spirit and soul.'

Σφιγξ said...

The next Full Moon total lunar eclipse, and second of the tetrad, is October 8, 2014, at 15 degrees and 5 minutes of Aries. Then? It isn't a mandate, but I will search myself and prepare for it.

Σφιγξ said...

I would like to make a collage like Miriam Wosk (d. 2010) of the arapaima, again. I made it with the blue/red topography from the Martian rovers sometime ago.

"The line swept down from the humped slope of the Mountain [Olympus Mons, the largest shield volcano in the solar system], down toward the hummocked plain below, down as far as Icebones could see until it dwindled to a silvery thread invisible against the red-blue clutter of the layered rock.

Icebones felt cold, deep inside. A think of clean surfaces and hard sharp edges, this was clearly the work the Lost.

But the others showed no fear—indeed they seemed curious, and they walked around the skinny supports, probing with pink trunk tips.

The Ragged One came to Icebones. 'This is the south side of Fire Mountain. The sunlight lingers here. You see the green further below, smell the tang of the leaves? The Lost grew vines there. But now the vines are dying.'

Icebones asked, 'What would you have us do?'

'This is the path the Lost took to the sky,' the Ragged One said simply. 'We must follow it. That way we will find the Lost again.'

Paths worn by mammoths in the steppe were simple trails of bare and compacted earth. This shining aerial band looked like no path Icebones had ever seen. She said starkly, 'Perhaps the Lost don't want you to find them. Have you thought of that? If they wanted you, they would have taken you with them.'"

Stephen Baxter's Icebones (2000)

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1hlbU-KsyPy6lA-w3?e=PfN3Bq

Σφιγξ said...

For the future expansion of Stephen Baxter's Icebones (2000), I will use this (via Pele's seaweed):

Σφιγξ said...

Excerpts from Eric Abrahamson and David H. Freedman's A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder - How crammed closets, cluttered offices, and on-the-fly planning make the world a better place (2006):

Appropriately Messy It's hard to argue that nuclear power plants, tax records, and parking lots shouldn't be well organized. But there are also many elements of our lives that, although kept neat and highly ordered, are probably better off left at least a little messy, as for example vacations, friendship, art, naps, memories, pets, divorce, sports, desserts, dating, playing, getting fired, reading, sex, combat, raising children, and death (106-7).

Some Common Mess Strategies

The Full Moon Mess can have natural cycles in which it builds up for a while before being at least partially organized at predictable periods. It may be a matter of tolerating disorder for most of the week until free time comes up on the weekend, or of putting up with it through the school year and paring it back over the summer, or of ignoring it and then massaging it in sync with the ebb and flow of work pressures, parenting duties, and even mood (110-11).

Σφιγξ said...

The clutter is also a symptom of unresolved emotions. I have to do something about it. It is paralyzing at worst and demotivating at least.

Σφιγξ said...

I spent the morning cleaning and throwing out things, and I have multiple bags of things to give away.

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

"His top half felt all afloat in a starry firmament of ideals and young voices singing; the rest of his self was heavily sunk in a swamp where it must, eventually, drown.

The Centaur (1963)

Another project: Resh (200). Poser des questions. Daneel is the prophet whose third chapter describes four men in a fire? A naked sun lacks a buffering heliopause, unlike an invisible sun.

The novel asks and answers a question.