Saturday, January 16, 2010

A[d]venturine Swirl Bowl

Built up of examples nobody is meant to hear--the soot sticks on the ink stone
Bubbled impermanence doling out comparisons of so many beautiful trails since
The snowmelt of last winter with its murky philters. Seasons serve to explain 
Something where our shadow's miming no longer assisted us. The veritable sinks 
Of anonymity brought reflections instead. One fragment of a particle for analysis,
Eyes move up to her face swirling in a clear blue outlet of the treatment pond

Which part clots paper? The great attempted domain submerged beneath the pond?
Anything that is at all accurate about life resists being moved. The glance of stone
Contaminates vines and destinies, leveling off the work. Furtive approaches to analysis
Take pains to specify its fetters, where the face hangs dolefully at the feet since
Yesterday. Unremarkable, for a coda has taken place.    


Σφιγξ said...

This wants to be a sestina.

Σφιγξ said...

The Waverer's Tale

"The hands' trembling, the prematurely white hair were only signs of what our hapless neighbor had undergone: in that same night he had been chopped (swords) into his prime elements, he had gone through the craters of volcanoes (cups), through all the eras of the earth, he had risked remaining prisoner of the definitive immobility of crystal (coins), and had reappeared in life through the painful blossoming of the forest (clubs), until he had resumed his own identical human form, in the saddle, the Knight of Coins.
But is this really he or is it rather a double whom he saw coming through the forest, the moment he was restored of himself?
'Who are you?'
'I am the man who was to marry the girl you did not choose, who was to take the other road at the crossing, quench his thirst at another well. By not choosing, you have prevented my choice.'
'Where are you going?'
'To an inn different from the one you will come upon.'
'Where shall I see you again?'
'Hanging from a gallows different from the one where you have hanged yourself. Farewell.'"

Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...,%20the%20task%20is%20not%22&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I lacked the vim for a few suffocating hours of question-answer at my salon. The basic trim sufficed.

Σφιγξ said...

My niece will require this. There is a glass silo being thrown up in view of my unit, where the procedure will occur. I will manage the post-op care, then. I will have a house within walking distance, to house my cats and their keeper, my brother.

Σφιγξ said...