Monday, January 4, 2010

The Girl on the Beach

Like ledger art of places no one has ever been, with the off-smell of kelp burners
In the distance. Beyond the maze of access roads, pipe-fittings before their red-lined
Pit. All right for one mystery, but two! Of all the stories you know, the animals steadily 
Get bigger there in the rocks, unsuspecting in the sun's domestic bleach. Gray brush marks

Of rain spackle a private recess. This thought strikes you as fortune's single, red-lined 
Suit with the bottoms worn mostly off. Only it was your tieback reworked by wind and streams.
At first alone and feverishly marine, it seems surprising, so why not rest? As for the brush marks
They would soon eat their way through faint volutes on the chalkboard. The lessons suddenly gone.

Not pretending to be grown up, she disarrayed herself to be reworked by winds and streams.
Spending mid-day kippered on the shoreline, if at least to comply with certain principles bound
By the weather of youth, just as the sailboat. One startling fact among life's lessons  is suddenly gone,
While the surface threatens to consume, if not convey you into adulthood balling the entire

Earth. How it seems music is chosen and timed to fit the consequence, taut limbs bound
Announcing the out-sweep and recovery of eternal Vox. Neither for all of the stories you know, 
The contest is joined. Presence is mute as a giraffe. The marathon to date alleges places no one
Song has ever been. A stony couple takes the question up, doubtless delighted beneath her burning scalp. 


Σφιγξ said...

Some might argue that the efficient cull is like organ procurement, where the meat finds a proper use; if to make up for the burden of dying, usually much too slowly. Health providers are mandated to report the readiness of a specimen (the surplus of young opiate deaths a real boon for the business), while they are forbidden from informing the families that procurement takes place monitoring perfusion, with excelsior replacing the voids.

There is the half-hearted formality of certifying brain death, with a harvest specialist to deliver the propaganda, of the messianic miracle of giving of oneself before the grisly process. Enucleation and such by non-medical personnel.

Anyone dying is given this spiel about "saving another life", even if one has cancer. I wonder if she thought about this?

I find it incredibly disgusting, the antithesis of sentiment, in this case. It seems harsh, what I have said, but I find it chilling, really. I would never continue my existence under these terms. The hope is that the practice will be discontinued after the widespread implementation of histocompatible allografts.

I can imagine scenarios of being the bitchy dying woman on pca, with the care team notifying me of my "options" for end-of-life care. "No, I will not donate my organs, when I can burn to cinders for tree fertilizer, and buck this system, which as been a revolving door for everyone's free healthcare but mine, out payment, or even a thanks, for a donkey rescue. Thank you, write that down in the chart, and do not come in here again."

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

The hardest patients are health care workers. Losing control is terrible.

Σφιγξ said...

No, to organ harvest and no, to cremation.

I have decided that the trip I want to take with you is to the Azores, this year. We can book soon, and take advantage of the early rates. This would be a happy medium, to trial this, and then you can pick next time?

If you call me, and tell me the week you can go, I will submit my request.

Σφιγξ said...

2024, I meant. Book this year.*

Σφιγξ said...

It should not be strange to you, to book in March, when we have carried on without the dignity of in-person interaction, written words or speech? Misgivings and observations regarding backwardness are appreciated on both sides.

No writing until after September 24th. Atonement and introspection.

Σφιγξ said...

"We should not expect to solve all our problems in the relationship, either. My Love Lab studies found that almost all of relationship conflict is perpetual. As Dr. Dan Wile says, 'When choosing a long-term partner… you will inevitably be choosing a particular set of unsolvable problems.'"

I will go with my mother.

Σφιγξ said...

After I made this intention, she became ill for three months with intractable pneumonia mixed with COPD. Of course it was not, but it felt timed.

I come into my stride in the winter. I am not planning any trips for now. Sometimes, I contemplate what it would be like to have someone to accompany my curiosity without a lot of afterthought. I want my nephew to grow up to go with me.

Σφιγξ said...

I am planning the beach vacation for the kids, but the other details are unclear.

Diplomatically; what I can say ...

After receiving a text on my birthday from a repellent, tenacious acquaintance ready to inject the venom of what I armpit of a place I live, how I am a glorified candy striper... how I accomplished so little. I asked, I was satisfied never to speak to you again. Why do you do this? I block your number, and you keep finding me. Leave me to my life.

What does it matter to you where I travel, and what other useless degrees I accumulate? If you were truly happy with your life, you would not be exclaiming its quality and continued ascendancy over mine? I could live near and among people without being curious about any aspect of their lives. Jealousy rots a person spiritually, and then physically. I am exactly where I am placed despite my prolonged efforts, and I await for instruction. I am not living to boast with you or anyone else.

I work with a young man, who stated, I am going to PA school next year (I know that he barely passed organic chemistry because he told me), while you stay here ... You have nothing over which to be superior. Without being upset, I stated, your father is also a federal judge.

Σφιγξ said...

If we were meant to be together, it would have happened already. The requirements on paper are slowly being met, and the goal posts always shift.* You are never satisfied; so in the few moments when I do not try to satisfy you, and just do it, both of us can be pleased. Where we are in our respective spheres.

When my family went to a winter occasion yesterday, my mother and I were pulled aside by a female physician working in both of our hospitals. She had brought her lap dog, who nervously bit someone, and we brought Walter, Keith, Ashley, and the kids to see the decorated trees, and so on. This woman had the gall to ask Sharon why doesn't see retire? Why don't I want to go on in my education? Her barbs were thinly tolerated because of her position, but she was the pathetic one bringing a dog to a hotel.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 91.

לֵב Lev - The word "heart" appears 99 times in Tehillim.