Monday, April 19, 2010

in-i Interview with Juliette Binoche and Akram Khan [two-years-deferred viewing]


Σφιγξ said...

Solar made me think of this. I agree that McEwan is unparalleled.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I was debating over whether to check out this text, earlier this afternoon.
It is coffee table sized, with a lot of implements I have not seen:

*Solar. Yes, it was very pleasurable to read, and this will be the year to
enlarge it with my interpretations.
I thought then, as I do now, that because it upset the pieties of climate scientists, who could be anything but selfless exemplars of the field, it was panned. Additionally, the epigraph, from John Updike, polarizes many readers.

The envoi at the end may have seemed like three alternate endings, but to clarify, particularly, with Cavani in the audience, I was speaking to Floralia, but the apostrophes to ones born on Pelusia (March 20), and Parentalia (February 19) are her contemporaries. Rather than suggesting an equivalence among the four subjects in the Whistler vignette, I thought of Ovid's strategy of personifying the months in the Fasti during his exile. The inclusion of Isis (among her many attributions) signified the craftiness of experimental biology, which achieves a certain witchery at the molecular level.

Σφιγξ said...

Paper plants ! I have a long-standing prejudice against black with pastels (No!) It also very uninspiring to see office wear with frogman shoes (how lazy, to have everyone wear the same footwear) and apicultural netting; the latter, which signifies that the price of rooftop honey will be going down. I am less taken with Karl Lagerfeld's creations, but the installations are always amazing, even much better than the couture.

Σφιγξ said...

I will try to post the picture.

I rescued a cottontail today, and much of the day was spent trying to get it out from under the car dash; how it got into the car, is another story. A cat, Cleo, was rather disgusted that I interfered with her meal, and gobbled a small sparrow front of me, while this transpired. She left two unhinged wings by the car. Tumultuous day, but I at last procured more indigo, for the room.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I wore a silk blend cornflower blue shirt with dark pants.* It made the walk here and there in the late summer damp. I was shocked when someone offered a towel.

Yes. I want to read Solar next.

This came today:

I also found a new vitapack from GNC with more than I am leeching with coffee and tea; it should improve my stamina. That, and I am pleased to be on a schedule toward completion.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I was visiting the storage unit for my employment related documents, and I thought about Updike's epigraph to Solar. I might have to go back for the text, which is further back in a clear box. It is unnerving to go there, particularly alone, given the possibility of a door being bolted. There is the air of hacked up people (possibly?) and avarice for things of attachment, with no place for them to be secured.

Σφιγξ said...

I had a dream about skiing, which I really loved, and trying to make it happen within view of a slope on a Persian rug sprinkled with fine powdered bath salt. Somehow, the dream logic managed this, and then the living room became populated. I retreated to the basement, which was completely dark, and someone was there, by the palpable animal heat, and sadness.

Σφιγξ said...

Come out of the basement, and get into bed with me.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Can you guess whose taxes will be going up?

"If current economic trends and spending levels continue, Baltimore could face a cumulative budget shortfall of $1.8 billion over the next decade."