Friday, April 9, 2010

Infernal Terrarium


Of many doomed projects the answer is, when removing a leaf
Always remove its stem as well. One of the great perks of this job
Is sometimes entering a terrarium, and climbing up the moss rick,
The overdetermined landscape where watering will not be necessary 

For months. It is good for the species inside, carrying on with odd jobs
Until joking among the survivors is more subdued, and a slight fogging
Among the sign-painter's casuarinas, snail's antlers, until the necessary 
Instant we realize our devil of horticulture. With this pickup tool now raised

In blessing or curse, one end buried vertically with one end just barely fogging
The filmed sun like false cypress. Afterward, we seem to have Wholeheartedly absorbed the taboo, or else the bottle is in charge. After blameless years, raising
Teardrops to drain in sand as any dance interpreted by another choreographer,

Earth took of earth, to lie flat in the rooting medium--a quarantined lady's slipper--with the attendant flies--projects the answer. When removing a variably yellowing leaf,
Though it begins blushing desperately in a dance hall propagating choreographers (who go there to find
A reeking aril, stagnant fount,) watering your thirst there is, in the end, necessary.

1 comment:

Σφιγξ said...