Thursday, September 12, 2013

XV. Le Diable Boiteux

XV. Le Diable Boiteux

In this furnace everyone acts promptly
—Wrote the windblown Carême,
Who worked from the grandest, underground, charcoal kitchens of Europe— 
Was it a sympathetic Talleyrand; not stranded by the Maine gate, but disinherited
As a cripple, who recognized the State’s edible reliquaries, pièces montées
Calasso resolved that industry is a sacrificial workshop—Enlarged by heat shock
Proteins that spontaneously stabilize the heat in our faces, which a game of whist

Threatens to unravel—Enacted in sugar paste, with the practiced finesse of whist,
He taught himself afterhours at Bailly’s establishment—Not  likely on a flour sack, Carême
Perhaps pored over the etchings of Bracelli’s Bizzarie di varie figure (1624); and as heat shock
Proteins spur natural killer cells, he was taught drafting by Charles Percier of Europe’s
Archeological, Empire style, with Fontaine—The Baroque impulse of his pièces montées
Among white pilasters, Bernini’s canopied St. Peter’s with reticulations from the Pantheon’s disinherited

Bronze—A budding architect, Bernini referred to it as his machine; equally, Carême disinherited
Readers of Le Pâtissier royal parisien (1815) of constructions of his plates—A year prior, whisted
By the fall of Napoléon, Carême again fitted Talleyrand’s table to receive pièces montées
Of France by Tsar Alexander I—Returning to prerevolutionary boarders, he furthered Carême’s
Appointments to the Tsar, Prince Regent and Baron Rothschild—Talleyrand, a heat shock
Protein, or chaperone, binding nascent polypeptides, employed the young pâtissier before he became Europe’s

Codifier of mother sauces; only hired after compiling a list of seasonal menus—“Europe”
With 111 numbered sections approximates halfway—Chef and diplomat strike at disinherited
Forms—Here, a sestina with rutabagas makes way for a Prince Reagent’s velocipede, or heat
Shock Proteins—Induced during infection, may congregate autoimmunity—The Bourbon whist
Games involving Russia and Britain restored Louis Stanislas—While in Vienna, Carême
Threatened to quit the Congress of Vienna—Talleyrand’s assembled guests, pièces montées 

Of continental inbreeding, who might otherwise grouse over a bad meal, picked pièces montées 
Built by an understudy—One guesses whether Carême attended the reapportioning of Europe
At all—At the same time, he left his wife of seven years after a claimed birth—Carême’s
Entries in a story as laminated as his vol-au-vent; Talleyrand’s priesthood, speak to a disinherited
Generation—I am, despite your hands laid on the back of my chair, less optimistic the whist
Game agreed beforehand contains breadth for our ambitions—Modulated by heat shock proteins,

Upregulated by thermal stress, starvation or poisoning—Conservative heat shock protein
Classes presenting antigen, signaling cell immunity, most likely affect the pièces montées
Surviving as individuals—The language is again refolded; Tobias’s fish is gutted over whist—
Presumably, poached in four bottles of champagne—Freeing a father’s cataracts in the Europe
Of its time, Lesage borrows Asmodeus from the giants for Talleyrand, who is Cupid disinherited,
Striving to make up for it by graft, who marries everyone’s mistress, yet applied Carême’s

Saucepan as a means of entering streams of negotiations—The rendered proteins Carême
Spiced into offerings for his pièces montées—To disinherit the flock, Bernini placed a private Sun in his baldacchino; Lesage coined detection, for unroofing Europe—Similarly limping, whist-driven, I won’t approach you managing less.


Σφιγξ said...

For a future harvest via Berlioz (a chicken dish served on the opening night of Benvenuto Cellini, 1838) by the chef who gave us with Tournedos Rossini:

Σφιγξ said...