Lifted and lapped imperiously for expression, sieved black sands of eka-boron (21)—
Mendeleyev leaves space for further electrolysis (1868)—In a graphite crucible, by Nilson’s battery
Of molten zinc and tungsten wire (1878) that could be difficult to justify, were it not the base
Catalyst, for constructed silences—Composed movements, of alloys of scandium
Lightening aerospace, or reinforcing stainless—This contemporary sightlessness; of a sensor
Deformed by quakes, with an accompanying magnitude of resistance, there, too, in the electric trichomes
Of a Cape lion or sundew—Tightropes of such narrow rapprochements, of trichomes—
Static core strength of Remedios Varo’s Eyes on the table (1938)—Disclosed in silicates, the eka-boron
Leavening a bicycle frame—Existing oceans boil away into live presences, with lag time for the sensor
To respond—Pieter Gerardus van Os painted this detained roar, through its split hyoid, from Louis Napoléon's menagerie (1808)—The year, the battery
Precursor, or lightning in a bottle, Leyden jar (1745); the largest of its kind, occupied the Royal Institution, modifying a foil insulated base
Into the first arc-light, where mercury vapor entraps light in matter, and Arctic reserves of scandium
Illuminating an office building in natural light—Three satellites, or SWARM (2014) measuring
Earth’s weakening magnetic field, in red, wet traces of scandium—
On Croesus’s pyre, in the radioactive tailings—A rare-earth metal vaccine; recovered from leaching, extraction and stripping, the Luer-Lok needle’s singularity after hydrophobic trichome
Layers waterproofing the lily, or descending root hairs breaking the parent rock base—
One, cosmic differentiation of twenty—Group B Streptococcus communicating to the neonate’s sugar linkages binding transuranic eka-boron (21)
Of all things, resulting in the cell’s unseen bacterial insignia—Matte ochre pigment coating the miners’s throats; akin to aluminum, hexagonal isolates, with the tarnish of sunsets—Remotely sensed
Dipole moments along fjord-dense coastlines; scandium-46 tracing crude oil, the seafloor an immense thermocoupled battery—
There is twelve-year-old Rimbaud’s ode to his contemporary, Napoléon, Prince Imperial (1866), on the occasion of his first communion—The Charlesville-Mézières battery
Of Ayvelles (1877) providing the ground in this, our circuit diagram; at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war, he ran away from home (1870), as scandium’s
Activity was anticipated ten years before (1868)—Louis Napoléon's heir received an assegai in the right orbit to his brain pausing to capture the sentience
Of sketching that preserve of Pietermaritzburg beyond which lions are protected—In contrast to the blond manes, burdensome trichomes
Thinning to dissipate the unrelenting heat encountered along trade routes to Harrar; taking after the camel transport lions regularly seized overnight—Trade journals vanished, as the base
Lion marrow in poor men’s souls, from Lamandé’s Les Lions en croix (1923)—Eka-boron’s
Namesake, Mendeleyev—By then too consumptive to walk the Odessa steps (1855-1856), with its landings invisible from the bottom imitating proofs of eka-boron (21)
Directly below it, eka-aluminum (31); and melting at body temperature, Gallium by Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1875)—Massive countries left undrawn, toward the utility of the dry cell battery (1866)
Hydrate theory's opposed sparks in a discontinuity, of leaden Black sea; the presumption and delay of the electron; nevertheless, the basis
Where the porous plaque's streaming electrolyte is converted into bristling work, as water made by scandium
Oxide fuel cells—Floods wash the stairway Rue Foyatier, year of the final and third escape (1871); up until 1886, overlapping like colored plates, the sense
Of steel and emerald greens blunting their fall; arbitrarily, XXI. Mystique—Beryl's ring silicate and prism trichomes
Doped with scandium emitting a static electrical charge—Mendeleyev altered the landscape of his data, raising departmental trichomes
For a decade and a half—While 42 Illuminations complicate their tandem steps, as water weights propel the funiculars lurching alongside and upstream; the ductile eka-boron (21)
Readied, to follow entrained feet—Ranks of countries yield today's plateaus of numeracy, if Ununseptium (CXVII) yields a sense—
Bracketing the alchemies into seven groups, 63 elements with infinite energy gathered in their oscillations, and batteries
Attest negative counterweights; a colleague first read the periodic summations as summary (1869)—A terminal basis
For the queried lion hanging in the Rijksmuseum; its pose starved to pride of place in natural history (1809)—Each is given the magic square disposition, with scandium's
Explanation, of clumsy metrology, the credulous whereto; where scandium impurity likewise hosted the intramural trichomes
Of the Ytterby mine—Responsive, even in transit with you, the battery of dawn on the 21st year of the 3rd millennium may be as it was written, The Children of Men (1992)—Perhaps, only the sense
Of a sympathetic birth, and sliding, bitter indicators of a base; the tessera will be as it was completed by eka-boron in the world (21), from the first, in Sanskrit—
Thank you,for reminding me.This is the next exploration:
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