Wednesday, August 6, 2014

XVII. Compter les étoiles

XVII. Compter les étoiles

Such is the air-quenched temperature of tempered glass, with its compact
Of constellations—From Ortigia, the quail’s whirlwind capitals, and request to rejoin
The split in Lucia’s neck (1608), he thought of this—Raised the 14th of July, by a reprieve
Suggested by excavators over the burned girl, to purchase attrition—
Nadar’s View of the Catacombs (1861); December 1, 1608, the shear-thinning blood’s conversion of the f., for brotherhood,
To an I—Irreducible life falls upon a fact of an aqueduct (1616) broadening into a watchtower—

Discontinued among Falsone and Xiberras—Rebecca Horn’s pinnacle of herself, of gasped, dilating watchtowers—
Breakwaters inverting the break in two harbors, kept alive by Alof de Wignacourt’s eight-pointed stars—The compact
Of Narcissus (
1597–1599), after Alberti’s act of embracing by means of art the surface of the pool (1436)—For brotherhood
And edification of all, Alberti’s concentric walls (1450) squared into Les Halles, with its chiffonniers, bouillon bones rejoined
In their soap and candles—Chevreul’s oleic acid, for the bees marked for death from the hive, and reprieve
Of the saturated chain, stearine, to ease the cartwheels—Rebecca Horn’s Paradiso (1993) assays the light reflected in subjects, an attrition

Strained into the collecting pond below—Reverberating cortices and vessel precursors, of Gerolamo Cassar’s attrition
From the Mediterranean cyclone basin—Twin-towered buttresses of the Co-Cathedral (1572-1577), and designating the scarifying roadwork until paving, where watchtowers
Enlarged the camera into the stepped slope, where Fra. Angelo Merisi da Caravaggio was apprehended; imprisoned, without reprieve—
Days before the Decollation, August 29, 1608—Solitary, in Nadar’s space of arc-light of 50 Bunsen compact
Batteries and a Serrin regulator (1861); less space than the wicker gondola of Le Géant (26 September 1864)—Brotherhood
Superimposing itself; at the patron’s baptism, where his mother saw a star shining from his chest, for the rejoined

String of an asteroid's black diamonds, from where the piebald dog flared in her mind—The vision rejoined
Again, in a silver mine, in Virginia City (1867); lime glared with a hydrogen-oxygen torch on the vein's attrition—
Crepitation of oxidized stories of the Barceloneta’s L’Estel Ferit (1993)—Machines and the brotherhood
Of craft analogous to color photography’s damage to the depth of focus—At the base of watchtowers;
Nevertheless, the reconstructions of Icarus—Dipped in the body’s jag of esters of fatty acids and glycerol, for a reprieve
From relentless application—Simultaneous contrast, Chevreul’s hematoxylin (1808) with added eosin counterstain; the cellular facets with which we are in proximity—Beyond the quoining, compact

Inmates oversee the bloodletting of a carthorse, Caravaggio’s Oratory and passeggio of John the Baptist, and to suggest that it is less consecrated—This compact
Nexus of spirituality, which cannot refrain from showing the executor’s uselessness, rejoined
To Rebecca Horn's interrupted drive shafts of wings from the tread of wearied visitors—A cultural attrition
For which the dark-soled populace is chosen at random among us, among our commonplace expiations—Who could bear this reprieve
Of Les Amants (1991), in their expectorated philter of writing—Of labeling motion of Chevreul’s unconsciously disturbed pendulum, among a skeptical brotherhood,
As autosensory; its path as sinusoidal—Ascendant 72-slice color wheel (1839), from the chiaroscuro it bears repeating, as seen from a watchtower—

Suffering this tendency, Touching the Walls with Two Hands Simultaneously (1974)—Hide us in this building’s unbroken silhouette, of an abandoned watchtower
For the irrecoverable pilot in his sorties, Vol du nuit – Saint-Exupéry (2001), with a black contour feather from fugitive Merisi’s compact
With Corvo—His dog harassing crated ducks in the marketplace overlaid by tracks of the brotherhood
Loitering around the Circumvesuviana—Amor Vincit Omnia (1602), in this Cupid (1608), his rejoinder
For a Florentine secretary—Contractions, condensations, the child brought, the bowstring sleeping in the process of becoming autonomous, but with no star-like attrition
My twain half, and mirror—Ground of The Seven Works of Mercy (1606), the furious moral anarchy of a Neapolitan street—Nadar’s wet-plate death reprieve—

Commemoration, When I Was a Photographer (1900)—Reprieve from the parallel reality of the watchtower, Rebecca Horn bestirring Cinema vérité / Heart Shadows for Pessoa (2005)—
Our interviews awaking heteronyms; introducing Nadar’s of Chevreul (1886); three years of systematizing the brotherhood of the Gobelins tapestry at 97—In this reading, rejoin
These shards of glass into a compact—From an observatory in the fireplace’s saponifying potash, we match-set each evening, this attrition of light in the recharged debris—


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"Meantime the spreading fanlike featherless quills: no peacock purple, no sweet blue, no true green, but only sports before your eyes. Redeemed by a feeling of ready and available human warmth? No, you couldn't be sure. The strain of unrelenting analytical effort"

*Not as pessimistic; thank you, for reminding me.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"The National Gallery has long sought a major work by Horn and several were under consideration for acquisition. Ultimately, The lovers won out. Fuelled by a combination of ink and champagne, The lovers perform for one minute before pausing for three. When the correct mixture is achieved a long, wall-mounted motorised arm sweeps the wall, spraying and dripping across its surface. The painting complete, The lovers rest until next time. Horn’s machines confound notions of what technology can do but are, ultimately, without function. Despite and because of their precision engineering these objects tire, shudder or even, at times, seem to refuse to participate. All of them develop a distinct sense of personality: these are machines with souls."

Stunning indictment; the staggering machines highlight one's recognition of humanity too late.