XIX. Respirons la douceur de vivre
ADA: Clarice (1977), on her patio, inspects the horizon seam's kilometers of polarized air, and is surprised to hear
Cervical cancer, by an endemic virus—Startled less by the prediction of the tsunami
In two days than substantiated report of the death in the Graceland Mansion (August 16, 1977); on the Sunda Islands—
Spending more time Stateside, since conscripted into a DoD programmable language; she adds, for promulgation of war than cures—
Omniscience affords disclosing the tumor suppressor gene (p53) eroding off the replication cogwheels, where 8000 viral base
Pairs trigger a transcriptional cascade—Sculpting the epidermal linings into roseate eruptions—Sainthood
CLARICE: Striking the organ most used, when the self is most unreachable; safe to assume this sainthood
Was not contracted from a dog, unlike those nuns—Crass jokes are overheard
Transpirations of the ka's pyramid, the last word will be the fourth dimension—Angela forms the base
Of a third yet unsolved (m)other, a half-sister of Herodotos, assuming three-vector tsunami
Landslide bathymetry, which has befallen the same exemptions of tripartite time—Pancreatic islets,
And their three, Greek cell lines mature in a fetus, whose insatiable hunger exogenous insulin cannot cure—
ADA: Consolation, in your novel dedicated to the Schumanns, which is soon to be published—Profound regret of one's birth as a cure
For Mania, your mother; each of us begetting three ourselves, the humiliating sainthood
Next to the planned obsolescence—Don't forget, in the meantime, that this is the season for strawberries. Yes—Incising the islands
On the block lino, the message from Gilbert Peyre's automatons, many of birds—Hear
The direct and two-way flow of electricity excommunicated from the body, in spite of the base
Wire's movements, which cannot compete with the acid-etched Satinato, the table's humid oasis, of the blue Murano vase, whose essence is a tsunami—
CLARICE: The thing possessed as a substitution for the body, with its synthetic hexagrams, outpourings akin to the Vajont Dam tsunami (1963)
Noted for its proximity to Venice, where he fled from Augusta Leigh, with half-sister Medora (1814)—The Corsair (1814) predating his death in Greece by ten years (1824); the cure
ADA: Dickens, an incurable epileptic, read at my much delayed death (November 27, 1852), as a talking, walking, wondering Dombey (1846)—Mother, who thought it best, left my rainbow sonnet off my epitaph, and hearing
Of the Hucknall burial next to my father, did not attend—Even not properly one’s own, in illness, when friends disperse; nevertheless, there is the exhilarating drawback before the tsunami’s
Broken mirrors and refracted spray—That is, the Brewster kaleidoscope (1816), and mention of the third visible condensation, the just-written phosphorescent ampoules; serrated release into bluish clouds, as by a mouth, cohering into the island
Of Paphos—Whose native reflection is a metallurgist's, as the ribbed aluminum lined with your national press columns; or, my incurably
Sobering plait of nerves two warps pulled down and cut, of my tutor's hand—Staring into the threadbare court carpet at the base
Of the piano, she enlarges upon their staccato of ground, on my mother's perpendiculars satisfying the outrage of being brought back, from elopement (1832)—From reading Conway's itinerary of Dürer (1889), with a later engraving of a Blue Roller Wing (1512) come to live in me, as inarticulate sainthood—
CLARICE: Grace from inferences of time; however sketchily drawn, are insistent, and breathtaking—Sainthood's
Resistance to mental hygiene; Rilke spent ten years; first, in Trieste, and then in a Swiss fortress, to find ten elegies of things he might recognize (1912-1923; 1920)—Who, if I cried out, would hear
The first begins, and like your Bernoulli's square pyramidal numbers, where an airfoil was put down, as the basis
Of an sound education, annunciates—Writing a single line is enough to save your own heart; making Angela declare, and the stunned alpine tsunami's
Coordinates are loomed into the Fifth Elegy's harlequin ape grimacing to command, where the rose of watching momentarily encloses, until this island
Of scoured coral sand reappears beneath our trembling feet—Before it can be lifted again by careless winds, we survey a winding family of saltimbanques (1905); taking the most cure
From knowing where they fall, a surefooted sainthood, or a hierarchy of angels, to describe to us happiness, in the picture's child of the tender ape, and awareness of cured
Sunlight, by the chalk of their hands—At the base of a mistral blasting for two days, Rilke finishes Sonnets to Orpheus and Elegies (February 9-11, 1922), and the locking gears of Muzot release a tsunami
Heard, and reviving the remotest islands of ourselves, the Tenth Elegy's clear, shining M / that stands for Mothers—
New-to-me artist: José Miguel Capuletti (1925-1976). For philosophical reasons, he captures the back of the sitter's head. Neither has insight about one's condition.
A cat-and-mouse game is featured in the painting, but is the sitter discarded because her pursuer left frustrated?
CT surgery supervises ECMO, which is increasingly used as a salvage therapy. The sequelae are extensive and the post-intensive care stays are long.
Not a personal affliction; I was reviewing HPV infection in labor and delivery. Viral transmission is possible but unlikely; rupture of cutaneous lesions probable, but the condition is not a precondition for cesarean delivery. The system can only ponder my search queries.
I have cared for women with advanced gynecological malignancies, and it is generally a horror show where the bottom falls out requiring packing or drainage of the tissue necrosis.
Yes. I will put Exercise 91 here. I qant to suspend the Exercises for a time that I am working and progressing through the written backlog.
I am partial to Mangomoment.
I have always thought that Enya had an unstated love match with Roma Ryan, who is married to Nicky. The former is the aunt to their progeny. An interesting tie-in is that the Dublin castle purchased in 1997, and fortified from psychos, is renamed Manderley Castle after Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca (1938).
The eponymous character has uterine cancer mascarading as a pseudo-pregnancy her husband suspects is from an unholy union with her cousin, which would taint the bloodline. Mrs. Danvers is quite the character in the 2020 remake. I agree that Mrs. Danvers was the governess to Rebecca, and thought of her as her daughter, so when things devolved, she was proprietary over the legacy of this girl she raised.
KST in Fleabag was much admired, but it is so true...the female prize is not an achievement, it is a spare consideration. For years as a young woman, if a friend asked for a tampon, I would hand her two. The weather of the alternating sides of the didelphys is managed now, but the examination of one's most vulnerable territory applies. The only thing wirst than having a tyrannical mother, and I consider myself the mature one, is having one's sexual and biological history excavated...so I never told her about it, and I never introduce her to my friends.
I am not butch, but I have been sociologically male for sometime. No younger chicks, no finding yourself, no Tiktok.
I fear that the exhaustion that I feel in some afternoons is a foreshadowing of frailty, not a prolonged sickness, but the athleticism of this job and running 5Ks is foregone for a stable office job.
I will do Exercise 91. I am taking this Sunday off, to write and get caught up on annotations and the new work.
Places where I can peruse old architecture with autumnal foliage are a must-go.
The doll's eyes are still on that cornice next to Evie's bistro.
October 17, 2022 at 7:01 PM
I am amused that José Manuel Capuletti was admired by that mad woman, Ayn Rand. He painted his magazine models with Camembert bottoms.
The algorithm directed me to this contemporary: Ivan Albright. Not sensuous, him.
Iyov 12:10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.--
Job 12:9-10
“Who among all these does not know that the hand of YHWH has done this? In whose hand is the soul (nefesh) of every living (chai) thing, and the breath (ruakh) of all mankind?”
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