[…] This I paced and found it somewhat the shape of an egg, thus, some fifty paces at the longest and a pace or two over thirty at the broadest or beam, though not regular. […]
This ustulated patch is some nine paces across. […]
I asked Lock whether this absence of grass was not a strange thing, to which he said yes, and he deemed the Egyptians had poisoned [potare, then, is to drink] it in the making of their salves and potions. […] My man truly observed it was more like earth at the bottom of a smelting-pit, though we saw no trace of metal or else besides. Nor, I think, is there utile ore known in this immediate vicinity. Nota, ‘tis found in abundance upon the Mendip Hill, toward Bristol . […] –Rich’d Pygge, attorney at law, from John Fowles’s A Maggot (1985)
Proprietary reading hinged on the countertop’s overpainted Shaker dovetailing— Lucida
For x-height, or corpus; and the first in Unicode (1993), readability—The habit of craftsmanship,
If not for the French Prophets; recognized by their aprons, as Camisards, exiled to then the most
Jacobite of towns, Manchester (1680s)—Conveying from insurrectional regions known for even
More divergent dialects of lenga d'òc, flower distillations, Catharism, courtly love, and the centuries of Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566)—24 May 1683
Accounts closed on the glazing of Tradescant Ark, where ten (originally eleven) boxwood pages of the flip-book runic almanac entered the Book of Benefactors, 1683—
Surveying ourselves in glass galleries of prints and cubical weights, if for a favorable balance of trade—Scribed for those whom Assizes had driven to the boroughs; freestanding tanneries of John Locke’s maternal lineage, before they were domiciled into a county-seat, the scraped tablets
Held the luggage of indifferent subjects—Sensory inputs, that is, until someone breaks into speech; bishop to knight’s rook of uneven
Parities—Segmental affinity of arthropods once more, far from the Burgess Shale (2015) reassembling the dorsal face of the maggot in the cave—As it was written, in B & H’s Lucida
Typeface (1985); licensed by Microsoft for normal and bold weights, with stress of cancellaresca corsiva as italics, to which Icons, Arrows and Stars (1990) are added—Wingding character code craftsmanship
Where a lost object, a hidden symptom, an answer was ridden to summation into Powerpoint read as they are being dictated, toward the most
In the Narmer macehead—Altogether, from Hierakonpolis; signed by the serekh’s temple roofed by a falcon, where subsequent dynasties surround the name in the seeming ring of a pool—March 1683,
Emissary of Charles XI to the Shah, Engelbert Kaempfer in his mind sought Mandeville’s vegetable-lamb of Tartary, which is found wherever the craftsmanship
Of removing the unborn fleece ranged —Interrupting here, the sire of the Quaker maid, whose circle of the thumb and forefinger, and here, one sets down Black’s Student Veterinary Manual, taken less with species, stiffens his other forefinger and firmly pierces the circle, just once—Tablets,
Applications, for the majority of which are Actineomycete and Staphylococcal in origin—Hung for his impertinence, he, whose mouth that becomes an even
Ground for wild violet’s cleistogamous flowering; nevertheless, mocks from the page, the incredible weight of this transcript—Reduced to default Notepad’s dearth of frills, TeX code for asymptote, and Bright-face text of Scientific American—Lucida
Console’s Blue Screen of Death, the cursor dilates; over que fors aus ne le sot riens nee (1963), rendered for low-resolution, pre-retina displays in Lucida
With its signatures in melanocytes; necessarily, melanocytic flare-ups, with internal Circadian mechanisms beyond the suprachiasmatic nucleus, dopachrome tautomerase (DCT) coding gene no. 1638
Records life, now, in a child’s hands, in greater brightness, from the one displayed in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)—The tablet’s
Fragments, for its contentious ninth line, House of David substantiating The Times letter Balfour dated, 9 November 1917, and that day’s consequents—OS X’s Lucida
Grande changes to an antecedent, Helvetica Neue (1983), to align with mobile platforms—16 July 1683;
Remonstrant father buried, Hartsoeker resolves to depart for the Paris Observatory; remarkably, on that day, La maga fulminata (1638) also ran in Venice—After its librettist, Benedetto Ferrari’s surviving daughter in audience, who had not expected to live; far less a mistress, for 45 years, much less in Rome, pauses before the portraitist's likeness of her daughter (16 July 1683)—With the dioptric, at most,
A screw-barrel microscope, into which a cast baton in a bed of violets, rouses, the male generative element, and with it, undecided priority with Leeuwenhoek (1683); for how can one patent a sight, of the homunculus (1695)—Even
In the meeting house, with John Lee’s neglected backyard abutting the lane, with prickly lettuce—The purple blooms beginning in July of Lactuca serriola—From which she acquires a mild dermatitis, from her craftsmanship
Trimming them, for a nosegay; also known as the bitter herbs of Exodus, whose white exudate is a hypnotic, and at further concentrations, stimulant, for the craftsmanship
Of gods and men—Seeded of Min, whose image is omitted of his most recognized part, now in the Ashmolean exhibit; strewn among the administrative tablets
Particularly, for the afterlife—These dates, labelled and categorized by circumstance and fate; unfamiliar, to this Manchester illiterate; otherwise, than for her birth (29 February 1736), were unheard strains of the Baroque; nonetheless, there were even
Counter-rhythms to their quaking—Or the Lord Shaftsbury’s liver abscess successfully excised, and drained, with a silver spigot by Locke (1668), which purchased the use of the Earl’s library, the entry among the Whig faction, and the Rye House plot’s expulsion to Holland—Lucida
Unicode, having not yet transcribed the hieroglyphs; much less, the meaning behind their shorthand—From which the recurring, 1683,
Exercises aesthetic demands, from their dying group’s craftsmanship—In her life, she had gained the most adherents on the Dark Day’s firesmoke; reaching as far as Barnstable (19 May 1780), while lamenting the spectacle, rather than the steady harvest of things unseen, ad vivum—Further distorted on the benches, contagium vivum fluidum, as a virus
Of knowledge overridden its agents—Circumspect, we regain a search of the 1683 maggot of a dead girl’s face, and recover the solar work of the Emerald Tablets; here, we are prompted to insert, despite even Lucida lettering, or otherwise, effacing all indications of library ownership, the afternoon’s visions of the violet patina of shakudō sword hilts as the vegetation bolts upright; unoaked, the body more frail, finished by its imparted three gazes—
"The identification of these ridges in Pluto’s informally named Tartarus Dorsa area suggests that the presence of an atmosphere is necessary for the formation of penitentes – which Moores says would explain why they have not previously been seen on other airless icy satellites or dwarf planets. 'But exotic differences in the environment give rise to features with very different scales,' he adds. 'This test of our terrestrial models for penitentes suggests that we may find these features elsewhere in the solar system, and in other solar systems, where the conditions are right.'"
"These functional networks emerge and dissolve like eddies in a stream, promoting the formation of new connections or the pruning of unused ones. In this way, brain-network structure and function form a kind of symbiosis, with cognition depending both on the precise way in which the connectome is wired and on the dynamic patterns of neuronal activity that unfold within the network."
Yes, I will revisit A Maggot (1985) after The Aunt's Story (1948). IX. La bave du crapeau (n'atteint pas la blanche colombe)
In my current life, a maggot bears the closet resemblance to the pupae of Zophobas morio that have formed from the larvae that I feed my turtle. It is a terrible business of extracting the worms and beetle larvae from their containers, and I do not watch their slow dispatch. I let half of the nightcrawlers free in my garden, particularly the ones with the clitellae that can reproduce. I debate letting the darkling beetles go to bore into the woodwork and surrounding trees.
The larvae are no longer needed. The turtle went to her best life in the summer of 2021.
On my walk last night, I looked in the Denver Post newspaper dispenser, which is now a Little Library, and found a pristine dust-jacked copy of Don Delillo's Libra (1988).
I am contemplating Syringa vulgaris 'Wedgwood Blue' as a border plant. Is it really deer resistant?
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