VII. Les Eaux Territoriales
One of the seventeen essential elements for import, transport, and accumulation relieving oak
Iron chlorosis—A formative analysis of the beaded path of Kiki Smith’s oblate women, understood
From your doorframe for its seeming ores; pliure (puéril) of native metal fed from a dual paper tray, in arrears
At the final stretch, for inkjet bond—Combine in March, in a slat-backed Shaker chair's seamed aluminum held aloft
By doves (2012); Homecoming’s alloying agent, with like permeability for the blood brain barrier, manganese—
James Merrill’s decorators, astrologers, after the first trip taken for the severe regard of the Delphic charioteer draped in Fortuny y Madrazo’s
Delphos gown (1911) Proust compared to harmonies (3.287)—Gathered under "The Bridge” (1962-66), relatives of the wild goose, where a swan’s madrazo
Is overheard, in the confined calles, as a crash engaging the horn—Louis Quinze modelled plinths of water with breaks in the ormolu; screw-backs for a clock, the oak
From Talleyrand's Périgord budding black truffles underfoot, as if the shadow of my head were so fertile—Stolid, for being insecure; from paste eyes fringed with solar flares before they take up the reigns to score all of the elements into manganese,
Technicians find difficult to fuse, but so easily, to oxidize, this grace in the seventh state as potassium, (VII) permanganate's fuchsia test tubes—Miraculously still, the complex understood
Collectively, as photosystem II; splitting water for photosynthesis, with its dew-soaked arrears
Of Love and War in netted interlude, the Mine (1999) of stars shown among Red Riding hoods trotting in the tracks of wolves; lupus, a Sabine loan word—As for Harmonia, aloft
Beyond the robe dipped in crimes, with the mates tight frames already forming scales, that this at least may not escape them, aloft
In a pool of Illyrian wine, of each strand of veins and arteries, uninstalled (1993/2000) for the escape into tissues, ensuing a madrazo
Factor VII zymogen into clotting cascade—Page 17, “A Rough Scheme for an Aeon in the Alps” (1957), the unseen light calls in arrears—
Hugh of Lincoln (1140-1200), in white serge who founded the Cathedral (1196), whose leaden roof necessitates the Book of Oaks,
Seasoned in the vault —Radiating inward, from the Bishop’s native Avalon, following the 1255 expulsion of the Jews, from Hugh, the boy in a blackish well from precipitated manganese
Dioxide, when things could focus, they hung on the eyelashes of the unearthed—Joined by his companion swan, Hugh of Lincoln, is the Page of Cups with an infant growing from his chalice in the style of van der Weyden, Altarpiece from Thuison-les-Abbeville (1490s), back when the fish was understood
From the New Year week of March 25th- April 1st, for the conception date to arrive at Christmas—Understood,
Le Puit de Lascaux, with the scene of an erect man, a primed bow, a diapasoned bull, and a presiding bird on the soul’s peg aloft
In reversals we often take between dreaming our hemispheres—Dash of the kingfisher; so that now floods back refluent like a tide, the red, thick stream of life (1928)—Surveyors letting in the fungus that feed on the carbon manganese
Pigments—Marvel of produce imposing that all else become red velvet-lined, as red-berried puits d’Amour before the immaculate vitrine, which accrues this moment, into a madrazo—
Thought of Veillard uprooting his vines, from Merrill’s “Autumn Elegy” (1960); overlooking this field’s jagged ends of sumac, when mown, its arrears
Of dark dry blood sprinkled in Constantinople on roasts, and whose woodstock fluoresces under UV light; Camus, a contemporary of Jacques Monod, whose cooperativity renders susceptible and saturating, the loci further from the active site (1965)—As we walked rooms of planed Certosa oak
Derived from its namesake spit of the Venetian lagoon, cited for its charterhouse, with a grain that once was the tree of doors absorbs strides of the Dioscuri, Pollux, and the brother with whom he shared his immortality on the Republican denarii; both faces oak
Wreathed, and wrested from that time—When communication is established, there is nothing more to be said (1928) I find lying awake as Pluto’s wife, in “Hour Glass” (1968)—She will then unlock a chest, / Shake our senses out like robes understood
To be Tollen’s reagent; compelled by this urgency, to be productive in solitude, in lapsed education's exposed orthography—Each silvered body fluid as a positive test for an aldehyde, in Kiki Smith’s Untitled twelve water-color bottles based on a book of hours (1987/1990)—The arrears,
Draining-board like comparable to the call of a jay overheard at its cache of acorns scattering incident light, and its explainer’s inkpot; aloft,
At the Hallein salt mine conveyed on the back of a playing card; this crystallization to Rome, for Madame Gherardi, who experiences the madrazo
Turning over manganese-rich meteorites enriching Spartan shields, for another race sown from dragon’s teeth; there, too, in the lines Cadmus brought to document arrears, and his counterpart, later, a garter snake, harmonizing Linear B of Thebes that propagates these eight pointed glass stars in Kiki Smith’s prints, for this shine, beginning of your name—
Thank you, for reminding me. Seventeen. Also, M8, the Lagoon Nebula, Bleu the film, and the development of YInMn Blue, all of which are keys to decoding the current Card.
"Rest from what? Something has happened. Gillian is hovering around it, the memory, she is moving closer and then getting farther away from it again. When she puts out her hand, the pictures disappear, and the blue water comes instead, the blue water and the empty space. But the other thing is out there all the time, waiting for her. She knows there is a way out, and she will take it. Later."
Peter Stamm's All Days Are Night, translated by Michael Hoffmann
Since Binoche floated the idea of the film to Olivier Assayas, Sils Maria (2014) is intimately about the development of her career in the context of the Engadin where so many thinkers reformulated their work. It is not really an admiration of the actress, only that she is person who defines herself by many discriminating rôles. Actresses have different motivations to work, yet there is a sense that in her case, she would not be able to convince herself and grow as person without this symbiosis with each character.
Sometime after Bleu (1993), I remember seeing the 1988 Camille Claudel and concluding that she would remake this film, or be drawn to it. Camille Claudel 1915 (2013).
Exercise 66 will go here. When I can work in YInMn blue, all the better.
A late addendum.
I will add Exercise 80 here.
Fica perdido na estrada.
La côte d'adam, then. Thank you, for reminding me.
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