Proximity of titanium glasses co-orbitals of Saturn IV, the Sidera known as Dione—
The moon, whose Classical rectitude is made by Herschel (1847), follows the Code Noir (1685) by the month (mars), to a year—Gian Domenico Cassini sited his handheld eyepiece of the Paris Observatory’s open-air telescope (1667); suspicious of the perceived rings’s 27-degree tilt to the armillary tier
Dürer, in the Nürnberg of the Tuchers, witnesses for himself the fine work of an African apprentice fitting oak parquet for the Paumgärtners; reminiscent of the clean crosscuts on the southern latitudes of Dione—
The journeyman, for he was a luthier in his country, sits for his portrait (1508) bespeaking the poise of an immigrant family of doormakers—Like the Ethiopian eunuch, one astronomer is speaking of himself, or another while the precocious infant wades through the converted value of his casket, among other misapprehensions in the Tierwelt
Of the Adoration of the Magi (1504)—Foregrounded by two common white butterflies, the man-scale of the stag beetle before the rogue in the saddlebag, of the kings whose generations are ineffable; crumbled, by the dust cavitations
Scrutinized for conforming shipworms in their stone foundations—Katharina; Catarina (1521), at twenty years old, and paid model, exchanges a diagonal
At the determinant, an Antwerp agent for the Madeira feitoria peopled with captives brought sideways—Fitting less when prone; in packet boats splitting their hulls in rough water with their unbending iron ballasts proceeded by the terrible cries of planed trees and rattling copper—The assenting
Master; quieting his son of the housemaid, who darns though she poses, indices treacheries of Arab traders in the North driving the Portuguese further into the interiors of Kongo and Brasil, and for fretting labor, with crushing
Canes, of their sweet salt—After contingent, voice-activated combs through near-infinitesimal diameters of diamond refractions, with just a tilt of the storage lens, to arrive at hallowed clarity of an Equus species; as it happened, its bones, in the terrestrial permafrost, whose collagen-encased code withstood the crushing
Gravity antedating the colony sixth from the Sun—Potentiating silica spheres, of exobytes of experience, printed as the Raudot Ordinance of 1709, during which time, Bach; the Weimar Konzertmeister pressed into weekly concerts, sharpens the sixth of the Dorian mode (BWV 538)—All coiled to the confirmed oxygen exosphere sighted by the Cassini-Huygens flyby of Dione (16 June 2015)—
Of a new basis, from which genetic fragments; trapped in the belts of New Horizons volleyed to Pluto risk assenting
Betaken captivities, conflicts, statues of Concord, in the four strata of evolution of the human chromosome since mammalian divergence from birds (230 mya)—Crossings, until the geschlachtetes Tier
Of the laboratory, the gas, shrinks them to instants—On this false premise of the future, Son of Horus, Origen (184-284 C.E.), who expanded the Hexapla, castrated himself; Pierre Abélard (d. 1142 C.E) by ordeal—Cavitations
On the space-time manifold, where active light, and desire, proportionate to the strength of the emotions (Ethics Pr. 8.IV) unpack the entirety within the static X predicted by Pythagoras from the length of the diagonal
Between two legs—William Pickering and Percival Lowell (1905-6); startled at the perturbations in the 98-degree orbit of Uranus (1781 C.E.), and omitting Neptune (1846), from which the orbit of Planet X goes undetected in their photographic plates—Pluto’s diagonal
From the Sun materialized in impending capacities, after Zoroastrian magi; aghast at the deposit of the holies in the Acropolis, for which it seared (De Legibus II.26.x)—Crushing
Centuries of lens makers to further scope and efficiency, until the Martian is magnified, to the outermost bands of the Universe, through a mercury-mounted optic at the Carnegie Foundation’s Wilson Observatory (1908-1917); Hubble’s Hooker telescope (1917), Palomar (1948) with discount of countenance and sunlit epigenetic switches—Retention of the mill girl, Pearl, obscured in the Lake Carnegie construction photographs (c.1905-1907)—Instituted cavitations
In the marble friezes, though overexposed, endure in grandeur of the Confessional, as the screening of The Birth of a Nation in the White House (21 March 1915); on the Periclean east pediment, three headless sitters, one of which may or not be Dione—
John Lowell, representing Massachusetts at the federal congress at Nassau Hall (1782-1783), raises the Waltham prototype by his second wife, Francis Cabot Lowell—Nietzsche, assenting
With Anaximander (610-546 B.C.E), water as the origin of all things (1873); is reconciled, in conformity with the ordinance of Time—A line delivered in the sculpture garden containing Louise Nevelson’s tiered
Atmosphere and Environment X (1969-70), of boxed clinamens, by the Firestone Library, or the Stanhope Hall and West College landmark burnished from sitters, Henry Moore’s Oval with Points (1969-70), which tiers
Atmosphere and Environment X (1969-70), of boxed clinamens, by the Firestone Library, or the Stanhope Hall and West College landmark burnished from sitters, Henry Moore’s Oval with Points (1969-70), which tiers
Of endowments have preserved—Where the trough of a wave, for virtual propinquities, cools to spread the diagonals
From the sixteen-cell stage embryo swayed into net movements—From the Blaeu Atlas (1633-1650) in six volumes, to reap the trump of the World assenting
Teacher and adversary—William Pickering was the first to identify by photograph, Saturn XI, Phoebe (17 March 1899), so named for foretelling, and pummeled oratory into an infrared halo now swaying water tension at this gravity—At the Lowell Observatory, Clyde Tombaugh’s 23-29 January 1930 plates recompense with their dots, and his crushing
Focus, as a navigator on a flight grid, in the apparent magnitude of the invisible realm of Pluto at +15.4—Rather than sprays of desiccated flowers, the touchdown camera (14 July 2015) catches a tireless reinvention of Triton’s cantaloupe net, for concavitations
Of snow—A serene collar of condensation on the equatorial band, and a promising place to run aground, from Robert Lowell’s prominent translation through the compeers of Atreus, Oresteia (1978), when unlocked by duties to his descendants; as though journey back, and beyond, was made by plutonium-238, the heaviest, most depleted primordial element—The densest; concealing the most potential to purchasers, and tidally-locked with Helene and Polydeuces, is Dione—
Displays the same faces to their parent, from the tier of Dione’s vanity press dictated from Saturn; a seemingly transpersonal planet, bearing back any attempts to exceed it, reroutes auroras beneath this vital, inner ocean—
The crossed saltire, under which concavities of creation and consciousness lay undefended to a scythe, in the diagonal of one-body radius to ionized helium, He II 30.4 nm, 80,000 Kelvin x-ray filter of A.B.C. Walker’s nineteen multi-arrays of the Solar photosphere (1988)
Neither neat summation of centuries nor crushing ionization between Jupiter and Io; Enceladus water dampens the plasma torus into our dyad the power of four, and what lies beyond the binaries of Elements, Book IX, if involuntarily, an origin and endpoint representing the loss by sublimation pending an assenting star—
*Followed by Exercise 46.
For the ivy, for the colors.
You're right, I will recannibalize the cannibalizer's work, with a story I have not treated from Vermilion Sands (1971). The biofabrics inspired by Josef Frank will have an afterlife, with digressions about Martian misfires before a colony was formed on Saturn.
This is a great book.
To finish the year, I will work within the nine Passport to Eternity (1963) stories staged on Saturn.
Saturn's apparent retrograde motion in the constellation Sagittarius, noted here, looking at the same time at Lyra.
I will put Exercise 81 here.
What comes after disappointment is the commitment to keep going, and the loneliness is steadying. Every day is forever until it is not.
Exercise 90 will go here.
I found this strange book claiming to be like Watership Down (1972), and it has these acknowledgements on page two for so many then contemporary poets: Tad Williams's Tailchaser's Song (1985). The author would later write Ubik:An Afferword (2012).PKD is a longterm aspirational author for me.
The Shade-Seller (1975) was long-listed the National Book Award for that year.
I am thinking about anthropomorphism with my farming class...I think I could only husband sheep or goats. Pigs are terrible; cannibals, and invite horrible treatment by the human species with farrowing cages (to minimize a 25% mortality in the piglets from crush injury), and notching, docking and sectioning after carbon dioxide anesthesia...Note, it is not death.
Josephine Jacobsen was a longtime resident of Cockeysville, MD.
I have two cats that wait outside my door in seasons with hat in hand to be fed. They do not want to live with me, but they wait at all hours for my return.
*in all seasons
Exercise 91.
I will read Sam Knight and Jonathan Buckley's books this year. Thank you, for reminding me.
Reading this morning. 169 pages.
ר (resh) (200) On va acheter des cigarettes [et n'est pas revenu]
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