The top hat appurtenanced to branches of an oak projected by inadaptability—Of Hénri Michaux,
Whose bird's eye hordes; in each, a private belt of the Zodiac wounds, beneath which tent
Posts affirm a different ratio of the momentous registered by elbowed maxima-minima of the Six thermometer (1780)—
This shaken index, at tenzone, resolved into a paste oxidant misapplied to the right temple’s broken seal script, of the qì
Mapped to the right hairline—Steam, less than costs of the materials used, from the elemental wood’s uncompleted basement forced
Through by bile and rare earths, as heat transport to the eyes, momentarily soothed by L-citrulline
Precursor to L-arginine, triggered growth hormone, dilating the desert vines sourced to melon citrulline—
Beryl Parmenter, at her shears, tilts back the leather Eames chair of 107 Water Street complementing a self-designed wallpaper, and its haint blue secret study passage, she would not have known—Colophon, Borzoi, of the ultraviolet, The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace (1959), among ghastly, fanned magazines—Hénri Michaux
Completes rubbings of the page; blocking from a shared bank of sleep distaffs—Having ineffectively trained toward taking his own cases, submits documentary evidence, "Dessin de Réagrégation” after 1962/3—By Chance; abstinent of mescaline, she forces
Her mind back to pencil rubbings, of the make of the backs of American Encaustic Company blue tiles of New Orleans, from the plant William McKinley reopened (1892) she and Larry toured in Zanesville on the National Road back to Georgetown—Tent
Caterpillars defoliating the hardwoods, with a non-speaking neighbor firing them with his lighter on June nightfall, after they had gotten up from making love—The thermometer
Strengthened by the humidity of a bath, Emmet Gowin’s wife, Edith, from Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), for the photograph of a tendril underlying a qì
Meridian, where Beryl would read, and later remark of this backland; white turkeys rested as swans, for a Steidl imprint (2009) and a retrospective at Fondation de Henri Cartier-Bresson (2014)—Impassioned; traced to the right upper quadrant, the qì
That keeps her up at night connects with the eyes of George Gray, in Hull, visualizing liquid crystal displays (LCDs), they now are, in the Sixties—Predating these, the cephalopod’s mauve chromatophores; blue-greens of iridophores, like citrulline,
These trimmings of history (Parmentier, parement, passementarie)—Studying the hammered pegs as scepters, how had they wandered into Klee’s pink panel (1923), as the V. Hierophant, underneath a white frame tent
Of a function—The Haber-Bosch agricultural surplus raised the population (1910), to amass penicillins (1944), to character polythene; and from the conclusion some births were inappropriate, progesterone, from the Mexican yam (1942-1970), to scry at glass all day, without burning their reflections—I’ll tent
Him to the quick (II.ii.602) mumbles an operative embedded in the faculty, and plotting a misfire from Cuba, by an instrument of deficient yuán qì
To render a complete act, not unlike the May 1, 1960 overflight and capture of the U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers, who dissolved the Paris Summit—Where Interstate-93 forces
Selected Writings (1948; bilingual; 297pp.) is put down at the page, He does who doesn’t know anger, doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t know the immediate, and it is a thought crime to say it, the capital system presided by a chaplain, rather, an arsenal of them beneath a desert in Utah—Hénri Michaux
Makes the five strokes of shēng, with the pinyin standardization overriding censors, of being born, or the growth of vegetation, and shēng qì, of anger—There is vengeance for The Clutters (April 14, 1965) for the crimes they had committed in November—Offering shelter to the camel, gamal, which is to produce, the tent
Shelter of marriage impinged by external areas of detachment, at the lowest levels justifying their escalation; wanting a non-contact infrared thermometer
For the ghosts entering these houses—Paul Klee, closest to success when drawing, embeds the constellation Cetus in the dawn of Landschaft mit dem Rad (1929); coinciding with publication of the Grohmann monograph, before exile (1933)—Qì,
For the Simorgh first appearing in China reflecting in the lake, and all the followers of the hoopoe of The Conference of Birds (1177), signifies vapor to the Zhou oracles—Who carried yarrow stems Chiron had shown Achilles, with which the common starling line their nests, and the weaver condenses into an olive drab dye—Waterlily Fire’s destruction of 18-foot-long canvas (April 1958-1962), in the December 2, 1957 issue of LIFE’s two-page spread—Replaced with the triptych, Girl grown woman fire mother of fire—11.9 light years, and metal-poor, Tau Ceti of the Recticulum, becoming a Sun in cheap scores—By forces
Unknown, the star map is redrawn by the witness, Betty Hill two years into hypnosis; although, questioned, not to be discovered for six, for two discontinuities, on account of being controlled—In the encounter, she bore symptoms Gellburg’s wife; objectively, undergoing a stroke, or a conversion, by what she had read in the November 1938 newspaper (1994)—The l-citrulline
Consumed in a melon releases all pressure valves—Magnum photographers, Bruce Davidson, whose work later graces a Dylan album (2011), and Inge Morath were at the takes of Monroe and Miller in The Misfits in the north Nevada Desert (1960)—Scene of a crude work, with aim of their exertions the once-domesticated horses to be, to be not, herded to a cannery—L-citrulline,
A biomarker of urea transformation in the colon applies same, if unusual balm at the telephotoed capsizing in Durango, where Inge Morath; adding to her native German, English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese, was on assignment for Cartier-Bresson, and rescued Audie Murphy of The Unforgiven (1961)—She would appreciate, with Hénri Michaux,
Translating Mouvements from the Book of Changes, Tippit’s patrol car—10, that day; in Chinese, a cross, turning Zang Boulevard to the corner of the last moments on 10th and Patton, where Helen Markham abandons two small white canvas shoes on the hood, to catch the bus on time (before 13:16)—The force
Of the projectile(s) followed through the five Zang organs, heart, liver, lung, spleen, and kidney, as the tented
Were careless at separation, to clear the dense footpaths of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (1965-1970) into a wasteland—Beyond the diligent Commission redoing Oak Cliff, the televised rodeo displays their wild rearing to relieve the burn of flank straps, we find the turbid qì,
Soothed by the pale green reserve of l-citrulline, bitter unless preserved, or la confiture de gigérine (gingérine)—From the planisphere's turnings; tentered, from the jade openwork of the conservatory, or through the shutters of the house museum-piece, no. 16 Rue Chaptal, or "Childlessness" from Water Street (1962), Whom it is eating to the bone—Incorporates the Dragon's breath of qì
Even in anguish, where a deep-sea whale expels a cementitious deposit of ambergris, and the broken head vault stains the much-violated decedent's teeth (4 October 1981)—Tentative; Zhao Wou-Ki finds himself, in Paul Klee in Geneva (1951), much of whose work is confiscated by the mercury vapor thermometer
Of war—In spite of these, drawing the bow, touching toes and bending backwards, and clinging to the first daughter, are a few of the Parmenters’s trigrams exchanged between us; compelled as makers, neither by chinoiseries nor blank abstractions, the continuous blue breakers of three panels, Hommage à Hénri Michaux (18.01.1963)—
The cure is a legume that looks like Wisteria sinensis.
"The process of creating Q-carbon — which involves concentrating a very short pulse of laser light onto carbon —"
An element of Exercise 59:
"She lay for a moment, watching the watery looking sunspots rippling on the pale green ceiling, listening for any sound of activity in the house.
Therese got up and went to the window, raised it higher and leaned on the sill, tensing herself against the cold. There were no mornings anywhere like the mornings from this window. The round bed of grass beyond the driveway had darts of sunlight in it, like scattered gold needles. There were sparks of sun in the moist hedge leaves[.]"
—The Price of Salt, or Carol (1941)
Exercise 58. Wrong number.
Thank you, for reminding me. I did not satisfy our aims here, of dual views of the window and reflections on the ceiling from the text. I will revisit it, sometime.
Exercise 60 will go here, too.
Mariano Garau's choral arrangement for Psalm 96.
There, the Decalogue associated with the psalterium, lyra Davidis, commissural fornix, above the first lyre.
At the booksale, manned by AAUW ladies beyond retirement age, I acquired:
Marivaux's La double inconstance
Rousseau's La Nouvelle Héloïse I
Frank Schätzing's Der Schwarm
Gao Xingjian's La Montagne de L'âme
Samuel I. Rapaport's Introduction to Hematology Second Edition
Saul Bellow's More Die of Heartbreak
Saul Bellow's The Dean's December (cyclamens accented on the cover)
Helen Bradley's And Miss Carter Wore Pink: Scenes from an Edwardian Childhood
Dare Wright's The Lonely Doll
Mary Oliver's The Leaf and the Cloud
Peter Gay's Schnitzler's Centruy: The Making of Middle-Class Culture 1815-1914
Vladimir Nabokov's Lectures on Literature
Margaret Atwood's Two-Headed Poems
Louise Glück's Faithful and Virtuous Night (New Yorker article blow-out)
Henry Hatfield's Modern German Literature: The Major Figures in Context
Richard Hugo's 31 Letters and 13 Dreams
Exercise 86 will go here.
Exercise 86. Thank you for reminding me.
The ayin of the physical and intellectual eye allows negative influences and idolatry to enter to confuse and contaminate one spiritually.
I disavow much of the tarot work and astrological dredging.
I will take your good advice, and dust off Laurence and Beryl Parmenter for The Ghost Writer (1979).
The ayin or eye of seeing things in Tevet, the month of Dan.
Yeshuat Hashem k'heref ayin
Exercise 92.
Exercise 91.
"The teshuva approach is to deal with the negative in oneself and one‘s environment: to struggle with it rather than reject it, to transform it rather than transcend it; to uncover and extract the kernel of goodness implicit within every object and force in HaShem’s creation."
I was thinking about this project; quite a lot, and then I focused on the name of that melon in this book, which is improved on this page with mention of Walter Benjamin and Shirley Hazzard (Francis Steegmuller).
Anguria is from the Greek, ἀγωνία (agōnía) or agony.
יחזקאל 43:10 study the plan of the Temple
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