[…] ‘I do not remember the names of those who are not beside Me when I am in the midst of the enemy. But here is Meni who is My shield,’ and He put His arm about me, and patted my buttock as if I were a horse.’”– from Chapter X. Of V. The Book of Queens (1972-1982)
Of Kadesh (May 1274 B.C.E.)—Usermare, the chariot team; resembling the General-of-All-Armies and Nefertiri, and myself, the charioteer, in a cybrid
Of a horse (64), and from this assemblage, the difference in chromosomal count (46) that is eighteen,
And the gift of Life—Adumbrating the fountain beneath the eighteen square pillars of Abydos, the Osirion's
Threshold crossed by the Hebrew magician brought in to keep peace in the quarries, founded a race too coated in the slime of the eightfold for such observances—
Egyptians, choking down the roast fat of handless captives; stimulated at the solitary tracts to nausea by cholecystokinin, intone an altogether dissimilar gut-brain rubric of a hymn posed by Charles and Ray Eames—
Photographed from the blown lintel, the two rearrange the chattels of their naos of Mathematica (1960 C.E.), which, in their after the banquet contentment, sustains legions seated in molded plywood Eames
Chairs—The iset of desire and chalk-erased hieroglyphs, instead of her name, that percolates up through sandstone plain
Of a board green as the face of the Seat-maker drowned at Memphis; locked by his brother, in a casket while taking its dimensions—In further observances,
Ravaillac, the high priest of Amon during the Aten heresy, staked the traffic stalled Bourbon king in the district of Zola’s Le Ventre de Paris (1873 C.E.), where Jean Héroard, attending the autopsy of Henri-Quatre (15 May 1610), suggested, by the ambidexterity of the act seemingly perpetrated by two agents, alongside Guillemeau, possibilities of the cleavage of a cybrid—
What the Journal’s twenty-seven years of remarking on the dauphin ascribe is constituents of his breeding—As details of a horse skeleton (1599 C.E.) conferring taxis, they solve into narrative paternal nuclei and maternal receptacles of mtDNA, and their tag-ends of haplotypes radiating into talents, across continents—Gabrielle d’Estrées, who was eighteen,
When she is first espied by the Duke of Navarre (1591 C.E.) likewise possessed the hair, blonde cendrée, of Rama-Nefru, whose firstborn, Peht-A-Ra toddled through hot coals on the night of the Collation, and spared the coronation of his half-brother—The Osirion’s
Flower of life is the blastocyst; burned into red granite as it was then, and by genteel transference, striding beneath Percier and Fontaine’s Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel (1806-1808 C.E.); inspecting the rose-streaked columns—Having only descended the Osirion’s
Powers of Ten (1977 C.E.), as Rabelais, confounded in an eleven-month gestation of Gargantua (1534 C.E.) turning from the school of an entire city—Impressed from generations of the tomb painter’s plain
Units to the hairline; eighteen, whose subjects, where marginal, afflicted, none were ever alone in these proportions—Observances
At Vigoreux’s fountain to Georges Cuvier (1840 C.E.), in which Feuchère lifted the veil of Tehuti’s Garden of the Secluded by positioning the faces of Mut; seated between lioness and vulture, and lower third’s achievement of Jean-Siméon Chardin’s pantries, surmounted by the falcon Horus, for Lady Harris’s reinvocation of Atu VI. The Lovers (1938-1943 C.E.)—Cybrids,
Lineages, and completed, by its present karyon of Osiris, which proceeded from the paired Tetrads and Decad, or Eighteen—
Rerum cognoscere causas (Georgica II.490 29 B.C.E.), read from Rue Linné, and from the bust of Clodomiro Picado Twight (17 April 1887-16 May 1944 C.E.) at the University of Costa Rica, for Penicillium antibiosis (1923 C.E.) and antivenin, and the work emerges as for Maro, the Augustan homecoming at the mouth at the Gulf of Árta (31.B.C.E) of Vulcan’s shield (Illiad XIII.606, Aeneid VIII.615) and his children’s destinies mirrored in unstinting Isiac temple basins replicating floodwaters of the Osirion—
For safekeeping, until the Nile inundation beginning in July, when the silver thread is rewoven, from the lives of soldier, groom, doctor, scribe, and equine cybrid—
Émile Amélineau, who brought the First dynasty Stèle du roi-Serpent (3800-1700 B.C.E) from Abydos to the Sully Wing (1896 C.E.); overshadowed, perhaps, by the Palais’s fallen counterweight (20 May) and the third Photo-Club de Paris exhibition (May 12-31th, 1896 C.E.), composed his thesis on the Nubian origins of Osiris and his consort, and the primacy of the horse for frail-legged Horus, the Sun—The translational set conceived by the Eames,
La Chaise (1948), consisting of two bonded fiberglass shells, a chromed base, and natural oak feet; reclaims the essence of Gaston Lachaise’s original broken welds (1924) of the figure to the couch (1927)—What was first seen, by the reined charioteer is a lateral aspect of the withers to the fold of the flank, and there, and entrance for the Sun on Deshret's fecundated plain
From Umm Al-Gaab, Abdjou, the eighth nome, so named for a reliquary of small pots, from where the mare chorion, with cup-like, humoral projections disappears, with the immune response analogous to humans after Day 100, for a viable birth—Forgiving the laboratory observance,
Before mortises and tenons, the heat bending of the staves of Solar barque, in an ascendancy only derived from the thousands of horses and chaises at the parting of the wave, and the dying of the fireworks of Rue Royale, for the 30 May 1770 observance
Of the marriage of Marie-Antoinette to the State—Jacques-Louis Ménétra, le Bienvue, comported himself, as he did on the Night of the Pig; François Boucher breathed his last—The yellow granite obelisk for Thebes; upturned in the Place de la Concorde (1836 C.E.) was towed, as one Ramses the Second dedicated at Memphis, by eighteen
Boats, and Nefertiri’s silence grew passing the tile kilns; not for the smoke, nor the plague epidemic (256 C.E.), plainly
Accorded in a strata of lime—For the Seine tileworks and public midden concealed by Catherine de’ Medici; one of the nine to be delivered after a decade of marriage, Marguerite de Valois (14 May 1553), and again, as Marie-Antoinette, confined in her last days to the Tuileries (6 October 1789)—Reverberations from the Osirion,
Longings for the seat of Isis, surround a firebird of the Stravinsky fountain (1983); forged when their cybrid
Creators lived in each other, from a period of Swiss exile when Ernest Ansermet played jazz records—An Eames
Moved in on Christmas Eve, where our seven spirits are breathing; contained from the Pacific Palisades fog, as from the private residences of Amarna—Usermare, Nefertiti, Rama-Nehru are now enjoined by officiants, than by their observances
Of each other—By the Master of the Secret, who is shared between the two of us; the red, chorioallantois, and white, amnion, segregating the Two-Lands, the cybrid
Foaling upon which latter actions would depend, and required for balancing a chariot, and for marking in pen and compass on the Osirion—
What has taken so many lives to achieve; yet, unlike the litter of stillborn beasts ransacked from their tombs, or Maillol’s replicas of Dina Vierny from the Louvre labyrinth taken by one of the eighteen
Sons or fourteen daughters of Ramses II—Paul Signac’s flecked pointing on Alessandro Mendini’s Proust chair (1978), while being a plain
Commodification of the fact, the exertions of the literal sink in the Eye of Ma’at at whose surface reflects the Eames’s ergonomic shells polished until plainly the Eyes of Horus, and drift the band of the Milky Way seen from the fourth century tomorrow—Already arrived; in another time zone, which the felt observance loosens from other coils, other cybrids,
Channel catfish filling the Osirion gulping eighteen breaths to raise every eventuality of their hours—
"The pastoral landscape par excellence. According to one school, it's where the pastoral genre that you speak of begins, those irrepressible yearnings by people beyond simplicity to be taken off to the perfectly safe, charmingly simple and satisfying environment that is desire's homeland. How moving and pathetic these pastorals that cannot admit contradiction or conflict!
[...] Fleeing now, and back to day-zero and the first untainted settlement—breaking history's mold and casting off the dirty disfiguring reality of the piled-up years [...] Each has his own configuration, but whether set in the cratered moonscape of the Pentateuch, or the charming medieval byways of orderly old Schweiz, or the mists and the meadows of Constable's England, at the core is the idyllic scenario of redemption through the rediscovery of a sanitized, confusionless life. In dead seriousness, we all create imagined worlds, often green and breastlike, where we may finally be 'ourselves.'"
— Philip Roth's The Counterlife (1987)
Yes, it is still You. You have given the greatest meaning to my life. Exercise 82, here, too.
Yes, I am still missing Exercise 82. I do not know what it is, which makes me unconsciously misnumber and proceed. I will do this. Yes. I do.
"The Wolf moon (when it reaches full phase) will be in the constellation Gemini, according to heavens-above.com, roughly along a line between Pollux (Beta Geminorum) and Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). The moon is so bright that it will make the deep sky objects nearby — the Orion nebula, for example — a bit harder to see if the sky isn't perfectly clear."
I will put Exercise 86 here.
Gömböch. Threes.
I proceed with this as our plans. Being open-minded, I will tour the place. I remember when I found the house one door down from my childhood home in 2019 I began by being receptive to the thought of moving. From there, I toured some homes, and then opportunity came when I saw the for sale sign tilted in the quince bush. I thought, why would someone wanting to sell a place leave their sign in such a scraggly bush?
I will schedule an appointment next week, Monday, perhaps.
Before I call, I am going to look at it today. My corner of the world that I cultivated here missed me exceptionally. I went out to water my parched vegetation, and then so did all my neighbors.
More photos to come. Unexpected, this house on a turn from an apple orchard and cut flower company
A contract was accepted with multiple offers. The relief is that I have the 20% down and credit score to qualify.
I should clarify that I phoned the realtor to schedule a viewing, and in spite of the hold harmless agreement just to walk through the property, multiple offers were entertained, and a contract was pending before my interest.
Ayin (70). Un spectacle d'années
With one thought, I could easily be rid of this house to leap into another. Rejection is protection. A play of the years.
*Everything is extremely conditional with you. It is possible to be deliriously in love with someone, but not to trust them. You cannot go back in time and amend things.
We would have to keep a weekly open hour for a marriage counselor. I would go, and be respectful and receptive to feedback, if we can go out to eat afterwards. For instance, I would be called upon to comment on why I come home late from work, again, this week, and I would have a legitimate reason, every time.
This week, I had a fight with multiple providers about a trach patient covered head to foot with exfoliating Steven-Johnson blisters, and she was in such agony with tremors (she is not paraplegic but trached due to chronic respiratory failure), and the idiots stopped her hydroxyzine because it made her sleepy. She was effectively a burn patient going into hydroxyzine withdrawal (she took it Q8 at the vent facility) with an iatrogenic injury from high dose vancomycin; the trough lab resulted with double the safe serum levels, which if not resulted in the SJS, most definitely caused acute kidney failure with all comers pulling the catheter bag off the bed to trickle the output.
I saved a family acquaintance's mother from being put on permanent hemodialysis when I removed a scopolamine patch, which had been on for four days and caused her urinary retention. It suddenly occurred to us thinking aloud Sunday night about anticholinergic effects of this medication, one of which is urinary retention. Removed, she voided, and they are holding her HD to monitor renal recovery with bladder scans.
It does not matter at all to me if what I say is unauthorized. For instance, I asked a hospitalist who did not want to take a surgical post-op for comanagement, "You don't think you need to come? How many 327 pound people bounce out of here in one day? Do you think we should be running maintenance fluids with a baseline ventricular function of 30-35%? Could you write for these nonformulary meds to be used in the hospital?"
If I get in the opposite position, I will be very easy to attribute good ideas. Touché
Humility in all things. As much as I stand accusing, I have been accused. I hope for a new year with clarity and shared purpose.
The acquaintance's mother had a pericardial effusion that required draining.
Janet was my patient this Sunday. As I admonished earlier, her predilection for soft drinks and low protein processed foods was worsening her post surgery period, which is > 20 days. All protein drinks or supplements are refused. She, like others, will never stop being who she is.
Hypoalbuminemia or low concentration of serum albumin (the primary plasma protein that creates the colloid osmotic pressure that holds water in the vascular space versus leeching out into the body cavities and interstitum) is predictor of pericardial effusion post-cardiac surgery.
The Moon is in Cancer these few nights.
I note the topical considerations for the ephemeris of the moon, but their compulsion is a mirage.
Interesting to note, for a future project:
Samuel Palmer's traces are seen here.
Ancient Evenings gets the point that the Egyptians were a profane civilization.
Janet stayed 30 days, and went home without dialysis.
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