Next to Bessy, just within the church door, there were the Poyser children, peeping around the corner of the pews to get a sight of the mysterious ceremony; Totty’s face was wearing an unusual air of anxiety at the idea of seeing cousin
Dinah come back looking rather old, for in Totty’s experience no married people were young.
– George Eliot’s Adam Bede (1859)
Of Le Corbusier’s
Unité d’Habitation
1958) and
Alsop &
Stormer’s Le Grand
Bleu (1993)
receiving Sevilles once borne along the Silk Road, now from
Algeria November to March; the sweet
orange, strange even in pharaonic times,
Madragana Ben Aloandro unskeins for her son, Martim (1254), and his mother is
Maior Afonso, the Greater of the King, as she was christened from
Mozarab, Sephardi, or Berber, the Reconquista
refuses such a fate, with
descendants will be of a minor princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)—All
Horse and Train (
television set; though buried in paperbacks, behind which slants the tondo of
Woman and Terrier (
1963) exhibiting the
same ferocity to strangers, stirs the
childhood home of blackouts and rusted
water with the timbre, devaluation, and rise of minted silver of
Alex Colville’s
Drawings for the 1967
centennial—Taking the
Going-to-the-Sun Road’s
labyrinthine turns hand-planed the drive up to the
Overlook Hotel, where a
central eave fades into a ladder, and the guests into their valises—Framed by
the Hidden Valley lumber mill, the impossible corridors readied for the carpet
Reversed field for a rolling
Adam can make nothing of the faded map
of England seated behind the Brimstone bricklayer, and the wool
dyer, in whose
indirubin hands; clawed from boiling water, coruscate a variable rouge and
cerulean range anticipating colorfast blue anilines or International Klein
(1960)—Arthur Donnithorne’s gift of a
two-feet ruler might have stressed
Plotting with its parallel a course for blue water, after the sixth-rate
HMS Dolphin hull
sheathed in a copper
skin (
That by the second global circumnavigation (1766) lead by Samuel Wallis,
became separated from Philip Carteret on the
HMS Swallow (1767); equipped with
the iron dominated by
Mars as a scaled
Compass and
lead line not unlike the
sextant’s graduated arc of 60
degrees from its circumference, at the Strait of Fernão de Magalhães, whose
five lateen-sailed
caravelas compelled patrons desirous of cloves by the disruption
of the Dutch monopoly
from the
Maluku Islands, and later site of
Wallace’s Ternate Essay (1858), from Seville (15 August 1518) to the Bay
Of Guanabara encountered in January, Rio de Janeiro (1502), with its
buried twin-handled
Roman amphorae (
1982) containing unretrieved resins of coca
and tobacco Kanem agents conveyed to the
Akhmim of the
mother of Akhenaten,
Queen Tiye (1390 B.C.E. – 1353 B.C.E.), and the
Dionysiaca of Nonnus—Carteret is swept to the
Queen Charlotte
Islands, whose
Haida figure forests seemingly
uprooted from the
Altaic taiga,
and Wallis, to Otaheite,
King George III Island; their vessel compromised for
the loss of nails carried off by its hands to the hosts of this impoverished
male race—Cook had undertaken this
certain latitude and longitude to observe
the 3 June 1769 Transit of Venus, but found at the opposite of
Matavai Bay
An outpost made venereal by the disembarking
La Boudouse and
from New Cythera—The settlement's prime
mover is immortalized by Diderot’s
Supplément (1772) and
interview to the
Voyage, the Strait,
and most massive Solomon
island; possibly
more, by the botanist Commerçon
as Bougainvillea—Alex Colville’s
Pacific (1967) faces the
neritic zone from a reverse coastline, with a graduated desk enclosing the
panorama, and a Browning service pistol not yet exchanged for one with a
polymer jacket—Ships; scaled
To their displacement curve and deadweight, with an exterior network of
windows the equivalent of an hedge maze regarding the nautical equilateral
triangle of
α Canis Minoris,
Sirius, and
α Orionis among other asterisms, three
of which formally comprise creased hexaflexagons—
sometimes make terribly evident by some flaw in their construction; passages initially as tranquil
on St. Mary Lake in Kalispell—The exit conscience forestalls, at the opening
credits, where the
turquoise Helvetica (1957)
outlines a calamity in the same make of Volkswagen, then
loses hold of the sympathy that comprehends it,
the forbearer,
Supplied by an
uppercase Q-
tail it touches, rather than overpasses its
rondel, the typeface of
Adrian Frutiger, whose two daughters were lost to their
own minds, removes any consolation of
signing the Paris Métro and Dutch
rail—Such questions, were overlooked by
Silence’s stressed
typewriter (1963), where hallway geometries devolve into an unnamed
Bergama Holbein pattern in a hotel shuddered by tank
before the son set to reading Lermontov first enamored with a Circassian girl of
nine (
fasten the furniture tumbril’s sole
witness to whipping
the horse’s eyes—All before the melted glacier’s unruffled skin’s
Broken by an island’s needle-leaf
obstruction, and varnished cut-log
above the bed—There is a workspace where the
Has just
forsaken its
whose absent father makes diminutive, with
a poetic misprison of the divisive Tordesillas
documents (7 June 1494)—Instead,
the month and day of the wedding rediscovered centuries ahead pauses Cortés
reaching the Bay
Campeche, Veracruz (22 April 1518), with
cuttings taken from the Cuban
stand of oranges staked by Bernal Díaz (
1514)—As if contracted from a scene of
long duration spaceflight, at the
Templo Mayor (8 November 1518), Dona Mariña
concedes unearthed fragments of the stone disc were of the dismembered Moon
1978); looking up to the warrior conceived in a ball of
feathers, the Sun and
Berylline hummingbird, before whom the liege of seventeen years bows
before sixteen
jennets of the
Estremadura, and fitted them into his brain as gods—Shards,
rather than skeletons, of distressed
Maya blue from a flooded cenote are made indelible by
its clay fixative,
unlike the
cuprorivaite of
Nebamun’s gardens (1350 B.C.E.)
presented in salon
1815) stirring
Sir Humphry Davy to the composition of
their blue marshes
emanating infra-red, as the partition plastered for a queen at KV 62— With surrounding
bodies from Amarna, father Akhenaten, mother
Kiya, and the perhaps the woman
who estimated him more, explained through ambition as Europe’s first
cross-bearing orb from the
nefer’s communicating heart and windpipe, worn by
Neferneferuaten—She was an accomplished
charioteer, who offered
her best and third of her six
daughters, and after their issue of two
with their spines exposed, heartened a marriage to the Hittite prince Zannanza (d.
1324 B.C.E.) from her
grave—As they had curtailed the painted priesthood at
Amarna, the king and queen priests of Aten recognized Hurrian superiority with
from Kikkuli's
text (
1345 B.C.E.); sacrificing the Two Kingdoms’s refinement
so often attending weakness, that such horsemen might abandon Tyrian
that soon as it is set, begins to fade—Surveying this city on a drained lake
basin shadowing the Nahuatl
glyph of Tlatelolco’s
mounting Sun, now seized during
a maize shortage, Cortés was perhaps too quick to intone Revelation’s
black horse from Alex Colville's
Church and Horse (1964)—A
sentinel defying anyone to enter this consecrated place; charging out of the
adjacent cemetery with an imperceptible set of scales—
Extraction made with esteem that can be said for Queen Charlotte’s
Strelitzia reginae detected
at the Cape
of Good Hope sometime before its
incubation in the
Kew Gardens Palace (1773), and
split roots in greenhouses; conceivably, taken aboard the
returning HMS Dolphin (20 May 1768), among Chambers’s
ten-storied octagonal pagoda (1762) and Wood’s
Temple of the Sun (
1757) en
route to the Physic Garden failing to yield a purgative for the perpetual
stream of violet from his Majesty—
Tahiti, just the contour of the
39A takeoff
from the bulge at the same distance south of the equator as Hawaii is north, sits
among the stills from a heartrending hexaflexagon
Of our history—A decade gaining on
Thackeray’s The Luck of Barry Lyndon,
Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country
(1830-1882) prints “
Three Months in Weimar” (June 1855), as both fended off the
judgment of an interfering moral expression befitting the style of a century
with less time for cards, there remains a place in the social scheme for an
spiritual mastery of the reflexive three rows of ten of
Senet, or
Passing, as
for the combinations of hexaflexagon—
The high vizier,
Ay, and general,
Horemheb (d.1292 B.C.E), neither of
which bore the mark of divinity, close the XVIII Dynasty; razing the faces
Aten for thirty years, as it was then reopened with the Dutch excavation of the
tomb of his two wives, as it so happened to coincide with
Barry Lyndon (
1975) filmed in decimated focal lengths (
eliminating all
depth of field—The young lord, who is disturbing the
clopping in shoes of the dispossessed, rides a tricycle through five dances
performed by one agent, as the
Fuji Musumè, suggested by the wisteria
The Shining (1980)—Appearing in
quodam crippling walks across the barren, then a birth, where Wyeth’s
(1948) has been taken in, and there, only
presiding Cow and Moon (
1963); spot-lit above the banisters, where the shade
forms a cage for the bare-skinned,
Except for a bear costume imitative of two passante
bears of
Anhalt-Dessau, with the first recorded sky blue (1729)
interiors of the
Oranienbaum of Dessau-
Wörlitz (1780s) repeating
the Chinese pagoda, with the
Glass-Bead Salon in St. Petersburg (1762),
nevertheless, a familiar to his mother ascending the stairs—She met Jack Torrance
at the parochial Stovington; its eagle mirrored from his breakfast tray, as
Hetty Sorrel, the fallen woman, settled beside a white-and-liver spaniel on the
wagon to Stoniton—Just such pet migrated from room to room with Lewes and Liszt
Goethe as an alternative to the customary limbering scales (August
Words of anger vacate us, with the seeming appropriateness of the Spanish
troupe entertaining Johan as Philip IV’s only
remaining child painted in the
Alcázar (
1656)—Of a child left to roam on the night of the full moon at Hall
Farm and the nocturne’s
ensuing nine months denoted by silence; dated the year
of the ball, above the miniature of the
maze, F.H. Varley’s
Stormy Weather, Georgian Bay (1921)
After two wars, they pitch against the wind; after the last surviving of the
Group of Seven,
A.J. Casson, zigzagging the bearings
of White Pine (1957)—Tudor mercantile and warmongering classes stressed
Recording for the
3rd Canadian Division comprised of
Quarrier orphans,
Before Zero Hour (1945) to
paper—From a hotel in
Timoka, from transactions between the bathroom door, to
accepting the actuality of
Adrian at the meeting at the Po Delta as
conventional as flex notation of ten equilateral triangles of the hexaflexagon—
Loaded ceiling, where participation as a finalist chartered the ArtScience
Lotus of Singapore (
2011) and the waterfall distributing
light from the
roof’s ingathering of rain—With the irritated skin
Cortés relives his encounter before an uninterested Hapsburg king, to
eventually vanish in Seville (1547) apart from the last account of Marina
(1551), of the
dedication in his name to the
sea of a peninsular bay
Having crossed the Western Lands, a razzia marching on Nouadhibou with
meteorites, beyond the Two Pillars, the Laurentian fan funneled into a bay at
Alex Colville’s Study for After Swimming
1955, as one who risks drowning as a solitary Swimmer (1962); and, nevertheless, reenters, at last, together
picnicking on the hatchback of Willow
(2002)—Un-flexing the blue letter, a hexaflexagon, Scaled thirteen times before logjams at Schubert’s
Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, Op. 100 (Second
Movement) in a Georgian duel over horses; Handel at the first Christmas
tree with the Acts of Union (1801), then one another, to Das Schwanengesang (2 October 1828) with Heine—
Róisín Murphy - Unputdownable.
Yes, Exercise 60, with the hexagons will go here.
I will say that the artifice of The Shining contributed to the backward positions of both Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in the December Exercise. The two constellations; although they were strained from my inputs not quite pointing at each other, will take thousands of years to drift one degree from each other, so says Chet Raymo's 365 Starry Nights (1982), the one under your birthday. I consulted it now, as I plan to foil this Exercise with a subsequent one, with the circumpolar bears in sync.
I was looking at this:
Exercise 61 will go here, to reconcile other doors ahead.
Same position of Scorpius.
I have not treated the second half of Adam Bede. Perhaps, this might leaven the endings of American Pastoral and Manon Lescaut.,%20Arthur%20C.%20Clarke,%20and%20the%20Making%20of%20a%20Masterpiece&f=false
I will finally read the Benson text this year. Thank you, for reminding me.
I will put Exercise 89 here.
To read:
This is true, of it being down to you. I do not amend anything that I have posited here in 2015.
Yes, I will read this soon.
I bought this, my favorite print, Seedbox Theatre for the blue office, which I was in a process of repainting, but it is growing on me. I like the optimism of planting things, in general. What comes up always surpasses my expectations. Always.
Origin of F&B's Stiffkey blue No. 281, named after the navy cockles:
I have the Stevens and Swan biography to read this fall, and I will get Max Porter's book for a future Card. Seven paintings lend a dialog in the container I use.
"Two owls crouching in the dust on the road turned their pale and heartshaped faces in the trucklights and blinked and rose on their white wings as silent as two souls ascending and vanished in the darkness overhead" (201).
"Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise; because of impatience we cannot return.” —W. H. Auden
I will put Exercise 90 here.
Yes, I will put Exercise 89 here. Thank you for reminding me.
With renewed interest in Tindersticks borne by the covers album, Distractions (2021), I revisited Curtains (1997). With sagging, underdeveloped lyrics, "Bearsuit" riffs on the deceptive costume of adults that is also an infant onesie. One is thrown off, but keeps coming back. Thrown by the alleged bear because one cannot be who one really is?
XIII. Retarder l’échéance fatidique (dans un costume d'ours)
I have to resolve story with HH, which is why I am starting with new images, with the Etteilla deck. I am asking for everything I have prefigured. We cannot be less.
Dendrology field trips:
The pleasure class featured writing out the families of trees on the board, which was nice, and a new brain wrinkle. I do not want to rattle off taxonomy, per se, but I like knowing what I am seeing. I will know 200 trees by December.
Apparently, Bearsuit is an English bandi am thinking of the word agrodolce. How the two are related, it is unclear, for now.
I hope the message for us not as literal. I found you, you are there. I just need to say something now.
Exercise 90. Late entry.!AsA4BY25Ql_1mx1h6W8Y91QaAAL7?e=CYkZVx
To be read. I inserted it here with the Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan text.
Addendum: Resh. Retarder l’échéance fatidique [dans un costume d'ours]
Among other things; then, I will show you.
The Taurus-Auriga complex.
The Purple Hairstreak exercise will go here.
I will rescan with an improved resolution.!AsA4BY25Ql_1m3iQ0ECS7GC9LsQZ?e=AzPAGz
Exercise 91.
I found a giant box oranges in a parking lot that appeared to have fallen off a produce truck. It was like time had stood still; everyone walking and driving was oblivious, and there was the fallen fruit rolling away until someone took it.
They are thin-skinned oranges produced by climate change given that they must have developed without the cold evening temperatures to set the orange color. The majority are partially green, re-greened, from chlorophyll. Re-greened oranges are sweeter, as I can attest, yet this variety is too membraneous for cut fruit. Now, I will need a Breville citrus juicer and more ice cube trays.
Juices are not dietetically sound with the concentrated sugars without the ameliorating effects of fiber. I like cooking with citrus of all kinds.
Yes, on this fruit foray, I will get to Exercise 91. It is my work of devotion.
I wanted to give you a Breville Bambino with the comment that this is a bambino that does not require private education. "Fire up the Bambino" applies, buy I think you are waiting on Exercise 91 in the meantime.
Today is the Yesod (purple) of Tiferet (golden yellow), the 14th of Iyar 5785.
I work 1445-2300 today. I will contemplate and do something about this.
Day 34, May 27, 2024 of the Week of Netzach, bonding in humility.
1878-1910 Catalan Art Nouveau.,_Traduction_Nouvelle,_Samuel_Cahen,_1831_[fr]&lang=bi&with=Translations
I am viewing a theatrical release of The Shining (1980) this evening. It unfortunately coincides with the first night of Sukkot, which is my favorite holiday, of being empowered, and meriting the visit of a holy one.
I consider it a mark of emotional growth that I could watch The Shining (1980) without feeling like the hurt and haunted child.
The February/March 2025 issue of Country Living features a hideous 325,000 pile in Huddleston, Virginia on the Smith Mountain Lake Parkway. The dozens of tree stumps around the over-mown 1899 property are masked in the article but revealed on the realtor's website. Why do some people have to make every residence look like a just-built subdivision with razed landscaping?
Other points of interest:
The Fayola pattern is a little busy to my morning eyes.
I may have exaggerated that it was hideous. I was eating soup and leaving through periodicals last night. A house in the 300s is the unicorn now.
Just a suggestion about how much privacy and house you could get if you would like to leave your city. I like the architectural details of your house. I like my five minute commute to work. A four-wheeled drive is required in the winter.
Bedford Co. Is not a cultural bastion, but the tax rate is $0.41 per $100 of assessed value.
IN THIS ISSUE. A Classic White Farmhouse. $325,000 Huddleston, VA 3 BR; 2 BA; 2,192 SQ. FT.
3629 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway Huddleston, VA
Debbie Reynold's former home is sold.
Jacqui's employer is looking for a president. It would be a step down for you, but if you moved here, you could work there without a loss in income, and I would marry you without hesitation by year end 2025. The penultimate choice, I know, but that is a potential opening, for sure.
I realize that you are authentic in your feelings, but whatever structure LinkedIn promotes will prevail. It made me feel good for an afternoon.
I viewed the signing of the executive orders, which I think is more appropriate than a parade, at the ten-dollar gym. This gym justifies my utilization, and most of the graying class of Carilion use it. It does not make sense to overinvest in gym fees, and use it twice a month.
I am going to finish this book tonight to mail to my oldest niece tomorrow. It is appropriate for January, and a cold one like this. She is not much older than the protagonist. The beliefs of the Sàmi do not hold an allure for me. Star children, perhaps.
I am going to keep a hidden hand journal, but not the V&A Lacquerware with mother-of-pearl flowers, as I had planned. A turquoise one, then.
I can relate in that this year's winter preoccupation is keeping the deer, small mammal and bird population fed. They look inside the windows at both houses.
The aforementioned notebook has this design on the cover:
And the endpapers are this:
The V&A has many acquisitions we admire. I looked up Bern Schwartz, who began a second career as a photographer at sixty, and he endowed the Bern Schwartz Family Photography Collection:
Bern Schwartz was a Brooklynite, Second-War veteran, accountant, and CEO of Loral Electronics for 34 years. He commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to build the Dream House of the middle class, which was photographed for Life Magazine (1938) to raise his son in Still Bend, Wisconsin:
Bern Schwartz also took the 1977 photograph for MP Thatcher's campaign:
He was a student of Philippe Halsman:
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