Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I. Embuer l’enveloppe [apporter la pierre à l'édifice]

Concerning pages of a circumplanetary-disk discovery (Zhu 2015) and the crest of becoming vertebrate (Bronner 2015)—
Involuntary attention paid to the wake of the Venice of Portugal’s Aveiro lagoon trailing behind Edith and Little Bear’s oars
Culminating before one 248-year orbit of Pluto, where an opposition becomes seated on the ecliptic (2018)—Since their launch, and the approach of New Horizons in (14 July 2015) above Sagittarius, or the near the handlebar of the teapot
Asterism, Delle Caustische, M24 (20 June 1764)—Little Bear thought of the blusher notes of Lynne Ramsay’s camerawork, with nothing quilted to conceal a Wilcox silver-plate fashioned by Paul Lobel (c.1925) into a space dome, which the designer from Baku had so insulated, keeping the infusion molten metal in every cup—Date palm jaggery
Coats the spoon instead of cubed sugar; though, they regularly eschewed both for waning sensitivity of beta islets—In their view, as Edith frequently quailed of screening phenomena in condiments, a butterfly had flown, or flapped, lacking the forewings to glide, and a relative, to boot, of the Parnassians of Lausanne
With the host plant nowhere in prospect; nevertheless, a Southern festoon, or La Proserpine, Zerynthia rumina, resolved there on a patch of salt-tolerant evergreen called candytuft around rings of dried paint box microalgae as well rinsing salterns of  the flamingoes’ Celestún and the Veneti’s Guérande, the latter whose church of Saint-Aubin’s encloses Roman pillars reproduced by Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879)—

The sixth key of kin and Cain found in Pieter de Hooch conversation pieces; searching the Met’s Eve (1663-5) and in-flight Jupiter with Ganymede in Lisbon (1663-5), as if they are one-in-the-same steered by a decametric radio wave, then the barking at the unnamed visitor, not perceived in the building itself, by the camera lucida engaged by Viollet-le-Duc—
The Enterer lingers on the link between the first woman and a fish seen by the embedded eyes in the mantles of the giant clams raked through mucous nets and coral carbonate in the South China Sea following their procurement, and the projection’s exploded corbeling—Variations of 37 vertebrae, with the most frequently encountered at sacralization, after Bourgery and Jacob’s Traité complet de l’anatomie de l’homme (1832-1854), the hemal arch enlarges the five to six to seven sacrum and coccyx of the human vertebrate—
Little Bear departs the office of the spinous processes to Helmar Lerski’s faces and the banality of sun damage—Karel Teige’s communal living arrangements and sleeper cells of The Minimum Dwelling (1928-32), and the couch jerrybuilt by a nude after Milca Mayerova’s removes of the alphabet, a typographical ballet bound by Nezval and Teige into Abeceda (1926)—Teige declaims the concretion of power; anticipating the democracy of networks, in Otlet’s Universal Decimal System index cards (1910) intended for Le Corbusier’s unbuilt ziggurat, the Mundaneum (1929) at Geneva-Lausanne—
After Desnos’s L’ours (1944), the blue country of thunderstorms swerves to bisque; as Torricelli thought the wind, wool, and packing the end of his mercury tube (1644)—Allowing the Venetian fórcole directing the oars,
The most recently visited on the Cassini Solstice mission driven by ion engines and bullous fuel depots (19 December 2015), inferences from each brush of its 27 experiments on board; now, the geysered tiger-stripes of the sixth-largest moon, whose nearest-whole albedo that once was the snowball Earth, appends a global ocean, Herschel (28 August 1789) first noted north of the teapot
Lid, or Archer’s bow-star, or Bayer’s Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis)—When a new planet swims into his ken (line 9); an infinitude since Uranus was discovered (13 March 1781), in a sonnet Keats composed one morning in October 1816, without venturing down from Mount Amiata to Sicily, whose volcanic loams yield an acidic backbone to the vines, despite much mention of viticulture, slaked there—1789, year of the construction of the present terminus of the Carioca aqueduct, where the protagonist from Preciodade in wintry June (1984) orders a café without centrifugation, with jaggery,

Rapadura, in Brasil, after taking in Mestre Valentim’s plans from the Santa Teresa bonde toward the Passeio Público; indistinguishable from other formal gardens, but for the autochthonous witnesses, two crossed caimans, recreated in bronzed stand-ins for some expergefacient hurt in their regard—Jaggery
With specks of wood ash, as the weather begins to wear in the pored pyramids (1806) framing the common’s Fonte dos Jacarés and Fonte Do Menino—Fonte das Saracuras with turtles estimated from a wakeful hiatus—At Napoléon’s invitation (1801), the speculation that Herschel strolled before the aureate Bassin de l’Encélade Gaspar Marsy had cast in lead, with a scream of a dissevered aorta of a central fountain, left to seize the remnants of Mongibello’s lesser spouts (1676)—A descending load of La Bayette, the enlarged nave’s débords; after adherents of the décadaire made a bonfire from the rood, which had been spared for its clock, for Viollet-le-Duc’s
Western portal through Genesis and Apocalypse (1865); the brothers Lumières captured in starch-colored Autochrome, la cathédrale des charbonniers, Notre-Dame de l’Assomption—East of Taurus to Orion, the Full Moon until 2037, when they will still be riding bearish sentiments for the gallery quality refractory porcelain, for its potential blanks—In the Mind tempted into silence from the fluted architectons of a teapot (1923)—
What once had begun as a stage curtain—The word fishes for something that is not a word (1962)—Four versions of Black Square (1915-1930), for a headstone (15 May 1935), disturbed by two cups, together, which comprise the plenilunia out of which the stretched line of a factual septum, above which surfaces a sturgeon, from Malevich’s An Englishman in Moscow (1914)—Reading aloud, E.H. Gombrich’s A Little History of the World (1935), of the “B” unchanged since Phoenician times opposes the weight of the fluid; retaining force arrows of the displacement method gauging the gold crown’s carats, of a skeleton in the Natural History Museum in Vienna, of the Diplodocus, and longest vertebrate—
Plus 80 caudal plates, Efraim Racker likewise had stood, under their chevrons like skis—Down the cantilevered tail, suprasonic thrashings of air are worked into pockets of plasma, and toward future laser-seeded Q-carbon, whose film on the aircraft nozzle disperses shockwaves—Moving megapixel displays, yet more needful of their woodless Grafstone notching the same plights, if far from the cave—Then to the subject of Lausanne’s
Mucosal vaccine and adjuvant conference (2016), such is uniting Sabin’s attenuated oral vaccine (1954) coverage that thins with the membranes, and Salk’s inactivated injection (1955) requiring a baggage train of sterile-gloved provisions, both against the shedding of viral envelopes—Racker in Minnesota (1942) saw the labyrinth of systemic circulation stir, but respire in vain, and given these observations of poliomyelitis in mice, later established by the removal of mitochondria, particularly termination of the rotary die of ATPase (Complex V) reactivated, when recombined with the missing factor from the supernatant (1960)—As it was today, the Moon-Saturn opposition in transiting 10th and 4th demesnes, amor desmesurado, adrift in a wilderness of lakes and frozen lean-tos as if it were apprehended at Saint-Beuve’s Romantic Kamchatka (1862), Terre des Ours (2014)—

Coaching concessions, the stone bolster where one dreamt fits under a seat of Coronation, and there, the order to become suddenly more larval, and seven years further behind (1984)—With the oars
Raised up the Douro from Porto to Gaia, of an etched vessel, with squatting room of an upturned umbrella—Paula Rego’s Steering the Boat (2009) conforms to the catch, drive, and recovery of rowing, seeping prana, the remedy of which is shaved ginger in jaggery
Cascais, Eduardo de Moura Souto’s Casa das Histórias (2009), is tinted the sindoor of the parting of the brow of the river—Marriage, with a leveling or lofty brace of pyramidia consigned without topstones, after the Giza Pyramid, or, Porto’s earthenware tiles popularized by the Romans at another Celtic settlement, the improbable l'Art Brut haven, Lausanne—
Discovery of God, Ithuriel’s spears, Triteleia laxa, are the trililies for your blue eyes bordering the impressions of Louise Bourgeois’s Lacs de montagne State V of XIII (1996), after Gautier’s forging the Sun at the bottom of his temple (1840); sited never far from the body, in pedicels projected into the urinary space over  minute pulsations of the glomerular filtration rate toward oscillations and contraction of labor followed by retrenchment in the house of the double helix, lumaca doppia, that became a staircase for Fraois I (1518-1547)—Da Vinci had left in his plans to make the airscrew stationary, and the towers of the keep superimposed on the spread-eagled  L'Uomo Vitruviano (1490)—Viollet-le-Duc,
Sketching, overlaid the transept arms with this quadrature of man, the ascending four evangelists and a gallery of chimeras beneath the restored flèche of Notre-Dame de Paris (1860); a contemporary sharing his melancholy for a tyrannized mother, in the Naples of the Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Luigi Settembrini is writing his Ricordanze (1839, 1851-1879) aspersed with incarceration and a complete translation of Lucian—Having founded a codex of watercolors of the Alps and Pyrenees reconquered by geology, the architect’s crystal system of 1/40 000 of Mont Blanc (1876) no less, had he lived, the draftsman of his understanding would have drawn the constellation of Sagittarius, the spout of teapot,
At which the Twins, the horn of Taurus, Elnath, enjoins the ring of Auriga at the Galactic anti-center
This longitude of the Milky Way with the Sun on the origin, from the Premier Entretien (1863), all of primitive man’s capacities at first deployed in habitation, with a lion on his door, until awakened to the seven serpents tracing upward through the 33 vertebrae

From Agnès Varda’s Le lion volatil (2003), Clarisse speaks La Force (XI), as if she is being read to, unconscious of the steam from the confiture of the copper cooked to a blood consistency—Out of Baudelaire’s flaçon through which all matter is porous (1857, 1861, 1868), and a score below which the aorta enters the abdomen, the descending rami of birth pains, at the eleventh anticlinal vertebra—
In 1890, Fritz Steiff’s Filz-Spielwaren-Fabrik pushes the ambitions of felt; as the combined volumes of Poems is brought out, covered in a gilded white, darkening to red, mycorrhizal Indian pipe, whose each of ten anthers open via two curving slits—The volume on Life assumes the arbitrary Latinate order preceding red and black at war; delivered as a formula for twinning cinnabar, from elemental mercury and sulfur, IV. ROUGE GAGNE; stunning before, II. Our share of night to bear—Together, to lie on the oars
Of what Robert Hooke termed watered, or maccerell sky (1663)—The childhood room is pictured through the film of Guerlain’s midnight blue Baccarat quartz crystal (1925), from the same span the Bonnards married, whose screen assembled from three gouaches, L'enfant au pâté de sable (1894) progressed to its permanent residence with mimosa cascades, Le Cannet—The binocular asterism of July, the teapot
Of Sagittarius encloses the Swan nebula (M17) sought by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux from Lausanne (1745), and then the July Revolution coinciding with the publication of Le Rouge et le Noir, further pained by the miserly cooper of Eugénie Grandet (1830), where Balzac makes much of the fruit, when dried and the seed unattached resembling a wheel; a quince, reaped from the veritable face of Mars, by Cydon, the son of Hermes and daughter of Minos, the father who sentenced fourteen to the labyrinth by the full moon equinox, and then the engine of prosperity likewise forgets Charles and his alternate approach along the Grand Trunk Road’s acres transformed into jaggery—
Warm woods and hand-painted bricks of Roland’s Roquetaillade finished (1870) on the tail of Histoire d’une Maison (1873), of a schoolboy and his architect cousin that may have inspired Eugène Green’s La Sapienza (2014)—To Stresa, where John Ruskin, after the first of five volumes of Modern Painters (2 September 1876), crossed the Simplon Pass clasping Le Massif du Mont Blanc six decades after Byron and the Shelleys arrived at Lausanne (May 1816),
After transported ash of Mount Tambora obscured the Summer Triangle—The architect’s wife is for Aliénor of Aquitaine, who launched the Second Crusade from the Basilica of La Madeleine at Vézelay, where Viollet-le-Duc

Presented Judith in a capital a decade into his restorations (1850)—Who observed the Winter Hexagon just before Women’s Day, where a youth is mown down on a freeway outside of Bucharest, the worst day in both mothers’s lives, bent in Child's Pose (2013)—Followed by a homecoming to Rome and Borromini’s hexagonal space of Chiesa di Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza (1642-1660), with the six eggs in a pyramid of the dome, and a equilateral triangle praised by Viollet-le-Duc
In the floor plan's Solomonic star, to be experienced at dawn, when the perforated lantern lights the oculus—Before the Catacombs, the Métro sign of Denfert-Rochereau is styled by his disciple, Hector Guimard (1905)—Harry Colebourn emigrates from Birmingham to Canada, to return August 1914 as a Lieutenant in the Army Veterinary Corps with Winnie, his she-bear, to tend the nine thousand horses of Valcartier—Where it is not a question of  preference; whether a daughter or son, a potential offering of agricultural yield or gore, the rider rates the heart girth of a horse’s protruding withers; the most communicating vertebrate,
By the symphysis joint—Lead as we are by this sense, as patrolling for the Home Guard, Alan Milne is lead to the friendly bear of the London Zoo, and when he recalls Pooh the swan; the character is beseeched to be reinvented from Edward, for the stories from his own son’s familiars (1926)—Some picture postcards undoubtedly passed through Hôtel des Postes, Lausanne,
Their plush cynosures exhibited as Partners (2004), for just such was the magnitude of these sitters (1900-1940), Ydessa, les ours
Et etc—How can the two construe a small photographic index; daring to implicate the Universe, for a woman equal in weight, Atalanta, now prunes her orchard before the fine automated spray of the sprinklers coming on at dark—Mercurius, or Narasimha, the lion whelp of Judah posited by the Physiologus who has awakened him? (49:9), in whose sentient contours is drawn the utility of the Big Dipper, or the Teapot—

From the Latona fountain, lined with hydraulic limes from the Architectural Novelette (1879), the vision for her successors to sit for exams in subfusc and heap praise on Atalanta (HWV 35) (1736) before the fireworks, in a licenza for distinguished members of the audience—Jaggery
From the oldest germinating date palm retrieved from a squirrel’s hoard in the Kolyma permafrost, where Viollet-le-Duc is mentioned in The Palm at the End of the Mind (1971), to sightsee and stay on the issue of palm and cane jaggery; the latter exempt from tax—
Emblematic functions of the dolphin; we will stand on its template in-land from an uncommon and early lake of Lausanne returning to the sea-strained teapot some backward vertebrates with arrows of digits turned to ours—


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Aldebaran, at the vertex of the Winter Hexagon in Taurus I chose to highlight for this event:


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The Beach House's "PPP" (2015) and this passage from Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter's Firstborn (2008):

"Hanse said, 'I know the suit design must be a little odd, Bisesa. It's all about PPP.'"

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"She called up various other verbal quirks - from Moby-Dick and The Idea of Order at Key West, from Dover Beach and the Tennysonian last battles in the mist. But the didactic centre, she knew, was with Milton and Wordsworth and the urn burial. She got down her old Cambridge Prelude. Wordsworth's dream occurred in the middle of that unsatisfactory Book V, entitled Books. In this dream, the rider, neither Arab nor Don Quixote, was fleeing the ultimate flood to bury a stone and a shell, which were in the dream, an impassioned Ode and Euclid's elements, language and geometry.

Stephanie read. Some passions are the regular subjects of fiction and some, though certainly passions, are more recondite and impossible to describe. A passion for reading is somewhere in the middle: it can be hinted but not told out, since to describe an impassioned reading of Books would take many more pages than Books itself and can be an anticlimax. Nor is it possible like Borges' poet, to incorporate Books into this text, though its fear of the drowning books and its determination to give a fictive substance to a figure seen in a dream might lend a kind of Wordsworthian force to the narrative."

A.S. Byatt's The Virgin in the Garden (1978)

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His thirteenth novel, which is set in Estrella. I think Coetzee and Eugène Green will pair favorably in an investigation. The only problem will be when the publisher releases it; earlier, if Coetzee wins the Booker Prize.*



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The paperback is being airmailed, as for the film, I am unsure.


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"[']So from there we took a car and we went down to Zug, the center of the Simmentals, and then we went to Lucerne, which was beautiful, absolutely beautiful, and then we went to the Beau Rivage in Lausanne. Remember the Beau Rivage?'she asked her husband, her hand still firmly held in his." — Philip Roth's American Pastoral (1997)

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Moon in Pisces New Year.


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The Headless Bust (1999) is a definite sequel to The Haunted Tea Cosy (1998) mentioned here. Winter.

Also, Heide's Treehorn trilogy, with the first published in 1971, would piece nicely with The Hissing of Summer Lawn's Edith and the paper walls (1975). It seems timely. This album is quite nice, but my favorite album, when pressed, is its predecessor, Court and Spark (1974).



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26. Ta Ch’u

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Yes, Guru Purnima in uttara aṣāḍhā 8-9 July 2017. Thank you, for reminding me of the latter victory. Pluto and the Teapot, from 2015.

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John Ashbery's "The Skaters" (1966)...Les Patineurs (1937) at the Alexandra Palace is televised before the Coronation (1953).


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Amāvásyā in Uttarāṣāḍha (उत्तराषाढा) 16-17 January 2018.

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My primary consideration at this point is not making you wait, much longer, for the realization of things stated here. I love you.

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Signposts: Child's Pose (2013) and the white pumice of Kamchatka's felsic field.

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Exercise 86.

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Late entry, Exrecise 86.


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Not that one revels in unhappiness, but unalloyed happiness just happens, instead of being set up by expectations. It is all perspective.


I know, Mrs. Schafly, JD (1978) is a bugbear to you, but I had this insight about you looking at the performance of your Taurus sister telling some home truths. I am likened to agree that one cannot legislate personal choice, and that as inheritor of the Second Wave, I see where many are unhappy with their expanded choices.


Anyhow, my work is still in development.

Σφιγξ said...

I will put Exercise 88 here. I will incorporate the textile pattern.


Yesterday, I had the fear of God instilled into me, as it was with the others who had to float to neurotrauma with it's pod-like closets of screaming people tied to the beds... One who could not feel her feet after a lumbar laminectomy, glioblastoma tentacles encircled in a horseshoe formation with radioactive wafers in the skull, increased ICP and agitation pulling out trach tubes, coups-contrecoups injury from a motor vehicle accident, and an evolving stroke, all without pain management or sedation in order to establish baselines. The brain is so subtle and complicated. Humming along with my practice, where I can anticipate most things, I was terrified yesterday that I would miss something. I am terrified of being complacent, and being routinized or not learning new things, but I was awake, there.



Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...

Yes, there was a question on Saussure's 1779-1796 Voyages dans Les Alpes yesterday evening.

Mayakovsky's "Kindness of Horses" (1918), which was admired by Shostakovich whose rendering by Julian Barnes in The Noise of Time (2016).

Yes, we can contrast this mention of a horse sliding on ice with the earlier mention of a steel shod horse in the Prelude (I.156-7).


Thank you, for reminding me.

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*whose rendering is conceived by Julian Barnes


Σφιγξ said...

Yes, this a late entry. Thank you for reminding me.


Yes, I did see the Chas Addams homage on the recent cartoon issue, and the pandering and the positively edenic spector of lowering the voting age...because age, experience and education are restrictive constructs.


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"This decision analytical model found that missed instruction during 2020 could be associated with an estimated 5.53 million years of life lost. This loss in life expectancy was likely to be greater than would have been observed if leaving primary schools open had led to an expansion of the first wave of the pandemic" (Christakis, Van Cleve and Zimmerman 2020).

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 88. Late entry. Thank you, for reminding me.


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Red snow. Red rocks. Exercise 90.



Firing up the robotic surgeries to increase revenues, now. Vats, not robotic surgeries, still keep the surgical agency. Chylothorax and chylous ascities are two unpleasant complications associated with more robotic interventions.


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At our simulation, I saw myself resisting chest compressions with internal bleeding and tamponade due to emergent cabg with clopidogrel causing platelet dysfunction. Narrowing pulse pressures and muffled heart sounds.

I had dreaded the day, but no one embarrassed themselves, and we had the chest opened in under five minutes.


"So why does the term pulsus paradoxus imply the drop in blood pressure during inspiration is paradoxical? The term pulsus paradoxus was coined by historic German physician Adolph Kussmaul who was referring to the palpated pulse of affected patients being of variable strength despite regular precordial activity.[8][9][10]


In more simple terms, in a non-compliant pericardial space, for the right heart to fill more in inspiration, the left heart must fill less. As pericardial pressure increases, the compliance of the ventricles decreases until, under extreme pressure, the effective compliance of all chambers meets that of the pericardial space. In advanced tamponade, intrapericardial pressure will be the key factor determining diastolic cardiac pressures. This is the reason that a clinician will see an equalization of chamber pressures during diastole in cardiac tamponade."


Σφιγξ said...

"Nineteenth-century seaweed albums have a baked-in melancholy. Despite the best intentions, they do not flatter seaweed. The samples are brittle where the plant was pliant, opaque when once translucent, flaccid where previously ballooned. The displacement from sea to paper steals a measure of the plants’ integrity, and time leaches away the rest. In every respect, the wonders of seaweed have fled the book. And yet, these albums still speak — not of seaweed exactly, but of the collector’s care and devotion. There is a particular kind of eros that thrums between a receptive human and the natural world; the contours and depth of this eros is the true subject of a seaweed album."


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Sunday: the CABG was completed in July, and he was readmitted with chest pain pending an apixaban washout, and cath planned Monday. Even titrating his nitroglycerin infusion brought no relief, and he suddenly bolted upright with mid-back pain and left arm numbness. He had a 4.3 cm aortic aneurysm after bypass. CTA confirmed a dissection, and transfer was delayed by housekeeping, to a unit bed.

He was not perfusing his brain. It wasn't the morphine.*

The computed tomography angiography images in this article are good.


I awoke from a vivid dream that I lost my niece, who shrunk, but was calling in the grass outside my window. This was where Tyna was misplaced.* I was threading the grass, and seeing spotted salamanders, snails, etc...

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Yes, I just realized that the Monotropa is mentioned here. Thank you, for reminding me.


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Exercise 91.

I will look for some Monotropa this year.

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Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys). It was in the same spot as last year:

37.2579151°N, -79.9567042°W

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Exercise 91.

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I am not intimidated by other's paint choices, but I have the stirrings of trepidation of throwing everything at this project for plumbing, heat, roofing, and landing at the Stephenson house while it is in progress. Gently, now.

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The contract was pending when I called. I will keep it in the back of my mind, a stone house with acreage.*

The lineaments are set. The realtor told me that with the mold and extensive termite damage it will be a big undertaking. To be continued.

Σφιγξ said...

I strolled the nephew today, and came back with two books from the Carolina Little Library. Alas, the F&B No. 299 De Nimes and No. 89 Lulworth Blue-painted box erected by the lesbians from Wyoming yielded only Fifty Shades of Gray (2011), which I left.







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*the other's painting choices- she had the residue and neglect of one who lives alone in old age with untreated issues.

*others' painting choices- the palette was undertaken for a collective, or at least another person whose input was sought.

I have a small xanthalasma palpebrarum (XP) forming (!) I am ordering a lipid panel through Amazon One Medical. There is normolipidemic XP as well occurring in the fourth decade of life, and even with topical trichloroacetic acid treatments for cosmetic effect, they usually recur.

The critical eye witnesses against itself as a personal tokhaḥah or rebuke, which I periodically require. Leaving gentile life requires sustained focus on the slaps rather than carrying on in ignorant disregard of the laws. As soon as one falls from a heightened spiritual level, the hit to one's possessions, piece of mind, livelihood, and health follows to illicit sensitivity and insight to one's waywardness.

The traumatic transformation at Sinai signifies receiving the instructions before they are fully understood. The insolent, estranged gentile nations let life happen to them, "G-d cannot tell me what to do." They invent tortuous explanations for how exceptional they are. I did this, as well.

The good news is that the prescription comes with the same insight with the potential for Divine renewal every day.

What is troubling about XP is that it suggests, if not hereditary hyperlipidemia overwhelming the scavenging macrophages that deposit their remains as foam cells in the artery walls; and therefore, confer elevated cardiovascular disease risk, then they indicate inflammatory blood disorders characterized by white cells depositing fatty infiltrates in the dermis.

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A Quest Diagnostics lab is near my house. I have to fast prior to collection.

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The XP under my right eye has not grown in size, but it is there.

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The Reserve Point stone house, which is off Sugarloaf Mountain, with a carriage house and acreage that fell through WAS owned by the ex of Debbie Reynolds, Richard Hamlett. I was reminded of this when I opened the askew letter box to be met with old mail with Richard's mailing address. Today, he was in the local paper for being 88 years old, and the oldest defendant entering into a felony charge for fraudulent bankruptcy filings in federal district court.




While we were touring it, we asked ourselves, was this the one-time home of Debbie Reynolds of "Singin' in the Rain" (1952)?


I am ashamed to say that I first heard of "Singin' in the Rain" from the Kubrick film from 1971, which was exposed to me as a young person by my corrupt parents. Christiane's painting is featured.


Ultraviolet-seeming snow and birds. I love this. I recalled this while I searched for the title of the painting featured in the film.


Σφιγξ said...

*There exists no love or peace without rebuke, yes.

Ordering the lipid panel now.

Yes. Thank you, for reminding me of the importance of purple, a personal favorite of Monet's. I finally finished the Color (2022) book this morning. Geopedia is next to finish.


Not because the Shampoo Lady, Sydell Miller owned it, but it is notable that one of the largest sales at Sotheby's this years was the Miller Monet, which sold in less than eighteen minutes for a record of 65.5 million dollars.

Sydell and Arnold had a good eye.


"Mr. Miller assumed Sydell would be a housewife. One day, when his receptionist called in sick, she appeared at the salon and announced that she would help with the phones. Soon, she was running her own women’s wear boutique above the salon.

It was Ms. Miller who conducted the early experiments to simplify eyelash adornment. The couple took their invention on the road, traveling to a trade show in the Chicago suburbs.


Underlying the Millers’ business strategy was a belief that hairdressers had lacked the sort of commercial innovations, corporate attention and social dignity that they deserved. Matrix succeeded because the company won the trust of hairdressers."


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Σφιγξ said...



"Beard was a nightclub regular who married model Cheryl Tiegs and is credited with 'discovering' Iman, after spotting her on a street in Nairobi. Born wealthy, the New Yorker styled himself after Ernest Hemingway, but instead of hunting Africa’s big mammals, he reported their peril in his 1965 book The End of the Game. He died last year at 82, after vanishing from his Long Island home and wandering into woods, where his body was found more than a fortnight later. He had dementia.

It wasn’t just Beard’s looks that inspired Bacon. The two shared an intense creative dialogue driven by a shared passion for animals, Africa and the macabre. In The End of the Game, Beard included pictures of living elephants as well as the rotting forms and desolate skeletons of creatures that starved to death due, he argued, to the mismanagement of wildlife reserves. With each edition, he added more shots of elephant remnants."


Σφιγξ said...
