Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Test for Dependent Variables

What it requires is that you be supple,
Though not yet supplied with a set of values

You have a definite sense of doubt, and wave
The differences on, where, failing us, they reunite.

Many thanks to all the users who have
Pointed this out to us.


Σφιγξ said...

Last night, the weak acid in which I steep my thoughts momentarily slipped out of range due to ...
(insert false reason here).

I seemed to have momentarily misplaced the triple gems of Jainism for a liberated life: right view, right knowledge, and right conduct...

While you are in Wiki looking for this, I suggest flipping to oxidative phosphorylation. The schematic they have supplied here of the biochemical path is the best I have seen.

Σφιγξ said...

I was thinking of learning theory, and the lab rat's increasing tolerance of shock, and then feeding, and then shocking alone.

Σφιγξ said...

Someone else's kitten actually, but being a cat magnet, I have appropriated...

She is an obsessive-compulsive housekeeper, too. She sweeps an errant food crumb next to her food dish and inspects her litterbox at least a dozen times a day, requiring me to clean it.

Were you using "the grape cure" last night?