J constellates meaning, while she sees the morphology of desire, a major source of consternation for her.
J would like to point out that the glyph for Jupiter, which looks like a "2" superimposed over a "4," is also the alchemical symbol for tin.
The half-measure of infinity is you.
J considers the ascending crescent of Jupiter's glyph, which could be generally taken for all forms of rarified travel: the arch, and then the earth-bound, parabolic curve. Could she be wildly optimistic about the limits imposed on matter?
J thinks in the color PC1088, much like the combusted process metal finish of earth tongues , earth stars , and bird's nest fungi.
Tin compounded the bronzes of the ancient world, yet its pure lattices, when broken, cry audibly.
Napoleon's soldier's fled Moscow after their uniforms--fastened with tin buttons that crumbled in the cold.
J is intrigued by moon spots, mirror experiments, and indelible "watermarks" ...all appear in Paradiso.
J likes the way some filigrane or watermarks, once bruised documents.
Feather-light, silvery tin has the greatest number of stable isotopes, of which there are ten.
I hesitate to outline my already thrice-diverged plans.
There isn't a subtext of wanting anyone else, only the fear of complete surrender being mistaken or rejected. It is constructed to induce calm, which is why I go on about superfecundation and other charged elements for inquiry. No, my clothes do not fall off with tin buttons.
I sense that emotional honesty, which is the by-product of intense reactions, external taboos, speculations, is a precondition. To look upon all those things, while reaching for you, is what I most desire.
Rather than suggesting a clew of a thread (mitos, mitosis) of the deployed body in Exercise 20, I wanted to lurch toward anatomical drawings, which I frequently sidestep. The muscles of the back and protruding shoulderblades echo the Lycaenidae wings I hinged with varying degrees of success.
The next exercise must use human subjects in order to proceed with the expansion.
An upcoming adaptation.
Exercise 21 goes here. I am saving what I want to say there.
La Balançoire
Quand tu parles bien, tu me berces,
Et je m'envole avec ta voix.
Les étoiles à la renverse,
Je m'élance au ciel, un, deux, trois !
Si tu bégaies, je me balance
A petits coups secs, cahoté,
Quand tu déclames, la cadence
Me fait descendre et remonter.
Tu accélères ton effort,
Je fais des bonds comme une chèvre.
Attention ! Ne crie pas trop fort
Je suis suspendu à tes lèvres.
Jacques Charpentreau
A long maturation.
"This influence gives you the chance to start to look into, or to delve deeper into, those areas of knowledge which try to give practical answers to human problems. These include not only all forms of healing, but also psychology and astrology as well as areas such as sociology and education. If you are interested or active in one of these areas, you should go deeper into the theoretical, philosophical fundamentals of your subject. The correct reading matter at the moment is specialist literature, introductions to related topics, and fundamental theoretical considerations. Perhaps you will not just read and learn, but also write something of this sort or give presentations. You should bear in mind during all these activities that you find yourself on the intellectual plane - it is quite possible to distance yourself from reality, not factual reality but the reality of your feelings and sympathies. This is not necessarily a handicap, and is even, from time to time, an absolute necessity for psychological work. It must, however, not be allowed to determine our inner attitudes when we really want to respond to our own suffering or that of other people.
The danger of this influence lies in the intellectualization and 'flogging to death' of painful experiences and situations which actually call for feeling or sympathy. On the wholly personal level, with regard to existential problems of yours or someone close to you, such an approach hinders a compassionate understanding and effective acceptance of psychological realities.
On the whole this quality of time will not be immediately noticeable. You will be more than usually objective in difficult interpersonal situations. You should just be careful that in situations that demand humanity, objectivity does not become indifference."
Transit selected for today (by user): courtesy of Astrodienst
Chiron square Mercury,
activity period end of April 2017 until end of January 2019
I am learning how to manage many conditions. Many tools in the armamentarium...
Yes, I did order Prismacolor muted turquoise and indanthrone purple.
Exercise 86 will go here.
Yes, I was trying to explain that the cause of a man's anasarca, for which he was getting midodrine, for hypotension, was extreme protein malnutrition from this picky diet.
In the supermarket for cat food, I bumped into the pulmonologist father of a classmate. I remember going to their house to then walk to the community pool to swim, and think then, why is their mother such an invalid in her forties? The typical a he's and pains, and how is she not afraid that her husband would run off?
I work for this doctor now, and I am amazed by his dedication, taking the hopeless trach cases patchworked with wounds. I ran all over the hospital getting a fenestrated occlusive trach for a patient as he waited.
Anyhow, he lead his wife, zapped by chemo and arm in a sling, through the aisles. Suffering unto death, no exclusions, it seems.
I should add this his daughter and I were the same age in school. He neglected his home life, and it ends badly. He should retire now before he dismantles his legacy. I have seen the patients his overconfidence and diminishing clinical skills have imperiled.
Late entry. Exercise 86.
Let it remain on the record that the person I mentioned is reckless but makes up for it in quantity and persistence.
I am terrified by the overconfidence and poor outcomes of this physician.*
The ego won't let go. First and last the prifession, no matter what happens.
I am resisting the lure of Prime day to open a credit account to pay off next month, to reap instantly a $200 Amazon credit. To be read, after it is acquired when I get paid Friday.
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