"Castalia is a symbolic realm where all spiritual values are kept alive and present, specifically through the practices of the Glass Bead Game. It depicts a future society in which the realm of culture is set apart to pursue its goals in splendid isolation..." May 1969 - Theodore Ziolkowski
This, with its usual faults: garish coloring, lack of dimension, was chopped up for a Powerpoint on Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel. If I recall, I became too involved in this to attend to other things, which resulted in a dereliction of everything.
I prefer to make my own images, wherever possible. Not that my gestures toward a syncretic blend of irezumi and circuitry necessarily worked then, but I am tempted (after all this time) to venture another body tattoo inscribed with these precepts.
Ah, Salvia divinorum...now I just need a desert to walk in, an open schedule...
I deferred the possibility of harrowing my flesh (again)for reasons relating to that variable I call "timeliness."
The deconstruction or a contemplation of fragments is still my conceptual mind working things out. I was embarrassed unearthing this at first, but I decided that I should look at it with "draftinesse" because the questions it raises have yet to be answered.
You mentioned fixation with mint, the color, once.
No, I purchased many sheets of the same, but now I use purple canson paper.
I cannot work on a white field...it is too sterile.
Mutual expectations
This influence will show you in a positive way the duties and obligations that you have to live up to in your relationships. This will not be especially difficult for you, because you get considerable gratification from being of service to your loved ones. The reality of your emotional relationships is extremely important to you. Because you want relationships that are real, this is a good time to sit down with a loved one and arrive at a conscious understanding of what you expect from each other. A relationship can be ruined by not knowing what each party demands and needs from the other. Today you can make this clear to both lovers and friends and thereby minimize a possible source of trouble in your relationships.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus sextile Saturn, exact at 16:06 22 September 2014 until 24 September 2014
Exercise 91.
L'Art du silence.
A moment of inspiration: I checked Realtor.com just to see the market outside of South Roanoke. This needs a lot of work, but it is stone (1954), 2,600 ft with a two-acre lot. It is valued at $330,000. It has been on the market >40 days as a foreclosure. The lender is asking $136,000 to clear the loan. I could sell the house where I am living for cash.
I will tour it next week. If it is meant to be, it is meant to be.
The advantage is that remodeling the carriage house could bring in a passive income. I have so many travel nurses ask me if I know a safe place to stay for their contract, without leering landlords or imposition by the locals.
Two disadvantages: the cash from the residence I currently occupy will cover 75%, but with the documented issues and my existing mortgage, it will be difficult to finance for improvements. The isolation in the woods in Penn Forest is palpable...getting satellite internet with trees may be a problem.
The property is one of three built off a spur of Grandin Road Extension.
I have not been inside yet.
With no takers, I could throw everything into this house. It would be a work in progress. To be continued.
My tour was canceled with a pending contract today. The blueprint for its successor is made.
On architecture and having unbelievable wealth but no design sense, and not much of anything, for that matter:
I have contemplated the possibility that this tract of land and lodgings may come open, yet there is the thought that stops me—investment in the galut.
One may gather up all the opportunities and material possessions to improve one's situation and that of loved ones while remaining blind to the purpose of creation.
"On a deeper level, the tragedy of galut isn't limited to physical displacement, and is not necessarily defined by persecution and suffering. Galut is a time when G‑d's presence is concealed, when nearly all perceptible traces of the relationship we share with Him have vanished. We don't feel or see G‑d's love for us, and we don't really feel like His children. We may study His Torah and follow His commandments – and we are told that by doing so we connect with Him – but we don't feel it."
One's parnassah, or livelihood, is decided on Rosh Hashanah, to the exact amount. A large income can be depleted by unforeseen expenses or debts and a small income can satisfy one's material requirements with unexplained abundance. The creative endeavors follow the same course.
Reconnecting with one's spiritual endowment every year is what matters. Otherwise, there is the question, for whom am I doing this?
Thank you, for reminding me. I need to take time to listen and to nurture this attention to my spiritual and creative life.
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