Amphitrite, given a third consideration, even so late, catches love's cinder
For a few minutes, until it gains body, and is beaten back in the waves.
For a few minutes, until she is again a body, beaten back in the waves.
Varied colors and textures of flesh spark an interest, though that was simple enough--
Equipped as a raw sail, hung out to the wind, before her surfacing on liquid feet
She is stuck in a moment of kindness, not least of which the binding effects of kelp
Varied colors, textures provide her spark, though she is simply immaculate enough
To distort their exact proportions, to make up the necessary weight--of water
Winding to snugly fit all the ingredients, creeping stolons anchor tubes, flat sheets of kelp.
Our blue surmise of a story, swallowed up. Her swimmer's shoulders, whittled waist
Distorting her exact proportions, the necessary weight, as though borne on water,
On the breach of the Miocene, she becomes a dolphin, and unable to clasp knife nor net,
Free herself from the story that swallows her up, as it pushes into the past, the wastes
Within a fish with a womb, whose wrinkles of a braincase you have traced in dried silt.
On the breach of the Miocene, she becomes a dolphin, unable to clasp knife nor net,
Breaking her melon, not least a blanched heart, and swimming into the aftertaste,
Afterbirth of a fish with a womb, whose wrinkles afterwards live on as tracings in siltShe knows what's happening, or the blackish versions of it, once a principle is held inside.
Slicing thinly and evenly, she finds you, hook and line. You've set out for the leviathan,
Keeping your ear lowered to the water, depending on who is asking, for an echo or aftertaste
Of those edible excuses. (You handed them out to the very young and restless, left reeling inside)
Surely it helps to explain your choice of bait, wielding a clean-cutting blade on slippery decks.
Your ear lowered to the water with peaks like whipped cream--here, an echo, an aftertaste
Of the ferment of your dreams. In the making, an elusive citrus note drawn out, your mouthThis message bottle, this beach, and bottlenosed dolphin leaping onto your slippery deck
And there may be yet, tender to a turn, a wakefulness from which you will never recover.
Yes, the ferment of your dreams, an emphasis on the inaccessible, quenches a mouth
For a few minutes, until it gains body, and is beaten back in the mounting waves.
And there may be yet a tenderness to offer her, a tether, a time-drawn chariot recovered
From a blood brine combing the tongue--tack the salacious sailcloth to find her.

I have the third edition.
I am handing myself some second-hand career advice, based on sextiles and squares.
Sun Square Midheaven
You'll have to develop the ability to put yourself in the limelight in order to go after what you really want career-wise. Ego conflicts with those in authority can create setbacks until you learn the art of finding a middle course. A career that provides an outlet for creative self-expression, leadership abilities and personal recognition is important to consider.
Uranus Square Midheaven
You can be an extremely efficient worker. You have an aptitude for finding shortcuts and this inborn talent comes in very handily in the career department. Your innermost self rebels at having to put up with a steady dose of being told what and how to do something. This is because you have an inventive mind that can zero in on a more effective way to get the job done. Alas, there are too many who would rather stick with the tried and true. These experiences can encourage you to find a way to be your own boss. You may be drawn to unusual career choices or those which allow you to express your unique ideas in some capacity.
Pluto Sextile to Midheaven
Expect some major shifts in the area of career. You can rise to a position of great influence and then completely change direction at some point. Pluto is conducive to uncovering that which has been hidden. Its action is rejuvenating. Anything which has been laid to rest can be recycled to begin anew. Consider some of the following career potentials: archaeology, espionage, psychiatry, mortuary science, the secret service, banking, or the medical profession--especially surgery.
Astrology is the oldest symbolic system of western culture still alive.
As a young person, I remember working a self-similar, and therefore quite challenging, floral decoration by Grinling Gibbons as a jigsaw puzzle. The wood was almost exclusively tilia, or lime tree, whose floral honey is the best, and whose teas came be made into tisane. Do not park under a lime tree. Also, "Lime Tree Arbour" is a track from Nick Cave's The Boatman's Call (1997), given one of Coleridge's best conversational poems (in my opinion):
It only just occurred to me that "More News from Nowhere" (2008) references William Morris's News from Nowhere (1890).
Limewood, liminality, and Amphitrite on the face of the Amsterdam Town Hall, which Gibbons admired... all future topics:
Jupiter has entered Virgo.
Sifting through photographs for a non-nuclear gathering, I found these:
Exercise 91.
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