Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ἀμφιτρίτη Given Third (Cursory) Consideration


Amphitrite, in her third consideration, even so late, catches love's cinder--

On her tongue--recalls salt in the blood, the salacious cloth hung out to dry.

Before there were her liquid feet, and their shared fondness for leaping

Between--for some anchor--there was enough narrative taking place on the average
_____________________________________Day, with kelp.

And then the spreading, borne on the breach of the Miocene

She became a dolphin, a fish with a womb, and yet slippery as ever.

Yet unable to clasp knife nor net, she deals the blow, our blue surmise

Of a story swallowed up in her swimmer's shoulders to whittled waist--

Four Delphines struck in some sufferer, Job's coffin.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I employ the deftness of crayons when applying my growing foundations of astronomy...

Σφιγξ said...

Though it might seem that I am conflating the boto idea with amphitrite, of late, I was simply testing two ideas, for later. I am too caffeinated to reify both of these into the pantoums they are demanding to be.

Σφιγξ said...

Good place to start.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I was in Ram's Head two days ago, where I overheard a conversation between the student-employees of the Hollins MFA program. This bookstore, I have noted, is really their extension office.

A guy was mentioning that Richard Dillard (ex-husband of Annie and current beau of Kathy Hankla)formed a critique of some girl's poem that went something like this, "this is like riding with an inexperienced driver, the jerking without the swerve and suasion, and you end the car ride with the urge to vomit." The guys were laughing until I showed up with my purchase.

I entirely agree with being held to the task of killing's one's beauties, trimming out the predigested matter who phrases it since he or she is published, and you, are not. There is something arrogant, while being pathetic, about avoiding criticism. This is why I will never be serious about writing until I make myself receptive to the opinions that count.

Don't take this as a jab--you're opinion matters to me, but this medium sometimes for better and for worse, reminds me of a teen girl's wide-ruled journal emblazoned with stickers. Yes, I had one, had three.

These pictures are horrible.

Σφιγξ said...

I have had three experiences where quantitative evaluations have been changed for the better and the worst:

Freshman Expository English B to an A...and the eventual change of major. The professor (for which I took 3/4ths of my classes) gave me this advice: every writer is a whore, you should come to the MLA conference with me, and you'll see.

Introduction to Philosophy A- to a B three weeks after the final exam.

Survey of American History B to an A-.

Perhaps there isn't a place for this at the tag end of a comment about reading and writing other than the general feelings you can probably imagine.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I can continue. That is all I can do, DNA methylation aside.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

If I ever get out of this mire, and the feelings of inferiority associated with being here, I will never hesitate to encourage others.

I struggle with networking, and I see observe too much of the pantomime of achievement than I should, which makes me cynical and unmotivated.

Σφιγξ said...