Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Future Is Bright.


Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I posted a prehistory as Sekhmet here to stimulate a new poem.

Σφιγξ said...

Steven Pinker's How the Mind Works:


-Fools for Love-

Somewhere in this world of five billion people there lives the best looking, richest, smartest, funniest, kindest person who would settle for you. But your dreamboat is a needle in a haystack, and you may die single if you insist on waiting for him or her to show up. Staying single has costs, such as loneliness, childlessness, and playing the dating game with all its awkward drinks and dinners (and sometimes breakfasts). At some point it pays to set up house with the best person you have found so far.

But that calculation leaves your partner vulnerable. The laws of probability say that someday you will meet a more desirable person, and if you are always going for the best you can get, on that day you will dump your partner. But your partner has invested money, time, childrearing, and forgone opportunities in the relationship. If your partner was the most desirable person in the world, he or she would have nothing to worry about, because you would never want to desert. But failing that, the partner would have been foolish to enter the relationship.
Marriage laws work a bit like leases, but our ancestors had to find some way to commit themselves before the laws existed. How can you be sure that a prospective partner won't leave the minute it is rational to do so--say, when a 10-out-of-10 moves in next door? One answer is, don't accept a partner who wanted you for rational reasons to begin with; look for a partner who is committed to staying with you because you are you. ... An emotion that the person did not decide to have, and so cannot decide not to have. An emotion that was not triggered by your objective mate-value and so will not be alienated by someone with greater mate-value. An emotion that is guaranteed not to be a sham because it has physiological costs like tachycardia, insomnia, and anorexia. An emotion like romantic love" (418).

Σφιγξ said...



"The body is the ultimate barrier to empathy. Your toothache simply does not hurt me the way it hurts you. But genes are not imprisoned in bodies: the same gene lives in the bodies of many family members at once. The dispersed copies of a gene call to one another by endowing bodies with emotions. Love, compassion, and empathy are invisible fibers that connect genes in different bodies. They are the closest we will ever come to feeling someone else's toothache. When a parent wishes she could take the place of a child about to undergo surgery, it is not the species or the group or her body that wants her to have that most unselfish emotion: it is her selfish genes" (Pinker 401-402).

Σφιγξ said...

William Wadsworth is published in the 1993 Paris Review and David Lehman's where else.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

One of the reasons I feel directed to the script representing the building blocks of Creation, represented by the letter Mem (13) and the letter Shin (21), is for the reasons I submit to you. It is our personal idiom, and it does not have to be translated for others. I would be happy if no one saw it but you. You are the intended recipient.

I had to migrate from the deck of Aleister Crowley, with the floating signifiers of other systems, given that the world is degenerating. One must pick a side.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Today's letter is lamed, the ox-goad.

I have an annotated Shir HaShirim, the Song of Solomon, but I have not read it as planned over Purim because I lack the intention to really understand it, for now.