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until we realize.

"In the dark the mind runs on like a devouring machine, the only thing awake in the universe. I tried to make out the walls , the dresser in the corner. It was the old defenseless feeling. Small, weak, deathbound, alone. Panic, the god of woods and wilderness, half goat. I moved my head to the right, remembering the clock-radio. I watched the numbers change, the progression of digital minutes, odd to even. They glowed green in the dark" (224).
"You would think from the way I rushed forth into the alleys, working my way through the fountains of every dirty little square and filthy gutter, in and under the sluices of each worn-out creaking shaduf, the breath of drunks in my face and the breasts of women rustling against me in many a crowd, that I, with freedom to act like a servant loose in a crowd, would know how to look, but I was in such a panic that Nefertiri was near and I did not see Her-- my sense of Her as near to me most compelling -- that the more I walked, the less certain I became of finding Her. Then the crowd became a panic for me as well. I was not used to being jostled aside by men whose clothes were whiter than mine, and was soon in such a rage that their drunkenness left me with vertigo. But then I was full of many desires that went in different directions. At each brush with a strange body, I was ready to throw the man to the ground, yet my longing for Nefertiri must also have been in my eyes because no whore failed to smile at me, and some wore balls of wax so powerful with perfume -- and such foul stuff! --that I felt surrounded by molderings of honey and old sweat. Yet, when I pushed into a beer-house jammed with louts and soldiers, as well as every kind of poor bewildered stranger from every little river-town who had come along with his God from up or down the river, I commanded so little attention that I had to grab the waitress by the arm to get a beer and that almost brought on a fight. Then, the air stank. Drunks were throwing up on the dirt floor, and this crowd, forever ignorant of palace etiquette, were kneading their pates into the earth without a pause " (613).
"The only persons who have been able to support endless free time without damaging society have until now been the polymath, the scholar, the scientist and the artist; the person of multiple culture. The only work that can never end is the pursuit and expression of knowledge" (132).
I hope we will realize it before I am 30.
I drove to an out of the way library to retrieve Beryl Bainbridge's The Birthday Party, which is deft at arranging multiple perspectives weighing the blame for the 1912 Scott expedition to Antartica. I should have Kindled, and cut short the confrontation there. When going to check out with Peter Straub's The Blue Flower, Don Delillo's The Body Artist, and Beryl Bainbridge's The Birthday Boys, I recognized a coarser version of a schoolmate I had not seen since primary school. She had invited me, quite inexplicably, to her house for a sleepover, and it was arranged that the girl I liked quite a lot, and knew it, to seduce me in their finished attic, with an audience waiting to jump out on cue. After much anxiety and frantic questioning, she lead me upstairs, and it ended when I ran home in tears, with my pissed parents being bothered to collect my sleeping bag. I was reading a section of a new nonfiction book, The Anatomy of Crime, and leafing through plates of Phineas Gage's tamping rod, functional MRIs with low-perusing areas in the empathy centers, and I just started to cry. Uncontrollably, and I realized that I unco sciously recognized her voice at the checkout. I left without my books. Being an adult is liberating because these incidents no longer hold us in their power, except on this occasion.
I bought The Birthday Boys, and do not shiver in fear of Antarctica.
"Just at evening, Voss had gone down to the river of ghostly trout. He was purged since yesterday, possessed even of some of the humility which Palfreyman extolled as a virtue. Standing by the brown waters of the friendly river as it purled and swirled over the stones, and looking back to where the house was fastened, so it appeared, to the bank, with much hopefulness and trust by human hands, the man was drawn nostalgically towards that strength of innocence which normally he would have condemned as ignorance, or suspected as a cloak to cover guile.
So, the clumsily-conceived but eventually beautiful house, of which the material structure had begun to dissolve, windows flower with the blurry clocks of candlelight, he could remember the elbows of the young woman as she sat at the piano and played through some insignificant nocturne. Woodenly. For all her grace and superficial self-possession, her cold mouth and warm eye, her small ears, which he now recalled in extraordinary detail, down to the last transparent curve, it was in the quality of rather stubborn innocence that her greatest strength lay. She herself was probably unconscious of what he had now discovered.
[...] The foreigner himself remained indifferent. Seated on his horse and intent on inner matters, he would stare imperiously over the heads of men, possessing the whole country with his eyes. In those eyes the hills and valleys lay still, but expectant, or responded in ripples of leaf and grass, dutifully, to their bridegroom the sun, till all vision overflowed with the liquid gold of complete union.
The demands Voss made on his freshly-formed relationship were frequent but consuming, but, although exhausted by an excess of sensuousness, it was a period of great happiness to him, and, in consequence, of unexplained happiness to everyone else."
The last pages of Chapter 6 of Patrick White's Voss.
Exercise 24 completes this.
I am trying instead to go back to drawing, maybe every morning, before I apply the chromatic effect so deliberately that it seems that I intentionally mean to hurt you. I have so much to learn, and it requires my full humility.
For the record.
When one reads to the end, the charioteer's life ends indirectly at the hands of Nefertiri. I could not read within those lines, so the path was to speak about the Lovers, Brothers, manifested together, in a perhaps unconventional way, in the future. I have other opportunities to clarify that, but I can put a text down that has invaded my consciousness for many years. I study how it is structured.
CANCER 12 degrees- Moon
Carefully a surgeon begins the dissection of a corpse.
The analytical intellect takes as its special province the after image, the recapitulative view. Second-guessing yourself, criticizing, cutting things up. You are expertly skillful at showing things the way they are on the surface--an extraordinary genius in this domain can evolve. Cooling off partisan sentiment and getting at what is there. Devoid of idealistic projections. Sticking to the facts. Designing life as an experiment in which you must pay very close attention and miss nothing. [The] heart is cut out, [and] the human element is eliminated. Is it an advance or a regressive loop? Do some things just have to be this way? Is the world a stark and barren place to be? And is there a path directly under this icy intellect to recover the soul in things to the mind's satisfaction and the spirit's release?
SAGITTARIUS 18 degrees - Sun
Rose petals scattered on a path.
Protection, guidance, grace dispensation. Offered a way to move right through the middle of life's labyrinths and stay straight on. Your innate sanctity preserves you against the play of the opposites, you stay singular, straightforward. Throwing off complications and conundrums, you stick with what is sweet and eternal. Most essentially, you wear a cloak of innocence, a tightly fitting garment of unworldliness. And as you pass for a fortunate and blessed soul, it all turns out to be true.
CAPRICORN 16 degrees - Jupiter
Dinosaur bones discovered while digging.
Purpose marks the spot. A mixed-up approach. Fusing together components that do not match. Doggedly pursuing straight intent, yet you're wide open, unwittingly, to whatever will show you a different picture. Tremendous karmic backlog. Oppressive and detailed. The soul's record kept strictly in mind--there's no freedom here. The future does not dawn. However, redemptive hard work is immensely powerful, harnessed as what must be done to achieve a goal you've barely glimpsed. Something great is possible if all assumptions are cast away and the direct evidence of deep experience becomes centrally there.
The only reason I have not put in my resume for the June 2018 ICU cohort is that I am choking a bit. This position suits my sensibilities exactly, i.e. there is autonomy, with two closely monitored patients, no waiting around for report, no chronic pain issues or personal infelicities to amend in one encounter (discontinuation of ventilator support and drips qualifies for a downgrade to Progressive Care), and the opportunity to interact closely with the care team, on the mechanism of diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt wasting, for example.
It is an apprenticeship for the next step, and I am giving myself five years upon completion of 2018 licensure. No one is more aware of the fact that I won't be satisfied with this amount of responsibility and compensation for the long-term. When I see the incoming shift's intravenous line dripping onto the floor, the shotty packing of a gunshot wound (just leave the old encrusted dressing on, whatever), and the ham-fisted conversation with the family over end-of-life care with expedient palliative care transfer of an elderly patient with reversible renal failure, if the attempt was made. Being older as an inpatient is a death sentence without family to monitor and advocate on one's behalf.
I will feel more confident once I have taken the next to last exams on November 27 and 28. I want to have my resume read, with an opportunity extended, by my Solar return/birthday.
My interview with three unit directors is December 4th.
It is good to have a job in queue before next year, but I have to hump it with seven patients on a pulmonary/renal ward until a spot opens on the ICU units. My thinking is that I will work a year, continue with my BSN onine (September 2017), and test for my relevant certifications, and then if I am passed over for someone less qualified, I will go somewhere else for a sign-on bonus.
My fear is that by not starting in a higher acuity unit, my background is less negotiable for future advancement. Fetching ice and administering pain pills is not what I want to do long-term.
I was not any less knowledgable or skilled in titrating a drip than the individuals who precepted me. The CCRN requires 72 days of acute care before sitting for the exam.
I arrived wearing the exact uniform down to our shoes of the only female director, to be told by the fellas how much compassion and physical assessment is needed for this job before working with "technology extenders".
Less than five years, this.
Today, the transiting Sun conjuncts Uranus, which is within five degrees in my chart. It is very clear to me that I want to rebel in work.
A terrarium filled with carnivorous plants.
Deposited in the jungle, the pit, the open sewer; exposed mercilessly to the worst chaos, multiplicity, and darkness the world has to offer. Toughened, seasoned, tempered under duress. Forced to get it. Magnetizing the collective crises and subcurrents can give you a crash course in what has happened to the world and what must be done about it. You feel especially keenly pulled to participate in situations where anything goes and you must live by your wits or else. This is the fast, hard way to get a refresher course in the tortures and the plagues, in order to come up with solutions and alternatives of the most avid, incisive, and irresistible kind.,%20and%20formed,%20of%20those%20I%20loved,%20more%20solid%20ghosts.%22&f=false!AsA4BY25Ql_1lVzO3vOFdrlnzI4J
I will put Exercise 88 here.
In reviewing this, if I recall correctly, the sleepover episode girl moved to Lake Wylie outside Charlotte.
I feel hung over from the collective drama of the election, even though the idea of rooting for the entrenched agents of the Republican party is distasteful to me.
I became more right-leaning overnight after the ACA implementation and its impact at the bedside, and what I see as a moral hazard of forcing health care coverage in order to pay for the uninsured. For instance, on a medical ward it was common to admit uncontrolled diabetics, who ultimately pay with amputations and kidney disease requiring dialysis, for multiple admissions in a month. These individuals were not exposed to the costs of their behavior under expanded Medicaid. One might argue how much of this behavior is voluntary, and make the case of outpatient care coordination, but people rise or fall to expectations...
The Oregon test case of legalizing hard drugs should provide some guidance and update our thinking about addiction...its high rate of relapse, effect on families, and lifetime toll on human productivity.
I look at the deciduous and conifer networks in my backyard differently:
Yes, I realize that the arrangement in this Exercise, including the checked pattern I put in unexpectedly. I will just keep doing what we are doing.
I realize that, that*
I await the invitation in a neutral place, perhaps. I think about you always.
Yes, some of my favorite films are before, on, or after the millennium:
Sun conjunction Chiron, exact at 01:44
Moon opposition Chiron, exact at 06:53
From Astrodienst:
"During this time a particular sore point of yours is disturbed, a sensitivity or vulnerability that you may not be aware of. So it may well be that you react as you have perhaps always reacted to such situations: You are distressed, hurt, you distance yourself and forget the incident as quickly as possible. If you do not react by withdrawing as you usually do, but instead show that you have been hurt, you will earn the freedom to behave differently in this, for you, typical situation."
I will put Exercise 89 here.
File these under interiors. I am taking my turtle in vacation, for the lack of competent sitters. She sleeps in my left neck and then crawls of to burrow in the pillow. Yes, I am aware of Testudines transmission of salmonella, with it's Endo and exotoxins, but her shell is cleaned from daily baths. I probably have some resistance to infection. I remember quite well the dysentery illness from sticking a bird feather in my mouth.,mucosal%20and%20systemic%20lymphoid%20tissues.
This evening, I found a nearly complete robin's egg in the grass while watering my lawn. I put it with the others.
*on vacation
**crawls off
***Testudine transmission,were%20socially%20outgoing%20and%20expressive.
"When it comes to being a savvy, successful investor, your typical federal bureaucrat may leave other professions — doctors, lawyers and even private sector rocket scientists — in the dust. The vast majority of current and retired feds either have or had a Thrift Savings Plan account. The TSP is the federal version of a 401k plan. But on steroids thanks to its super-low administrative fees and a government match of up to 5%. At last count, there were 75,000-plus workers or retirees with accounts worth between $1 million and $6 million. Almost 90,000 had accounts worth $750,000 to $1 million. Most were invested in the TSP’s stock indexed funds — the C, S and I funds. And most had been investing steadily through good and bad times in the market for several decades.
And yet when it comes time to retire, some 22% of participants take all of their money out of the TSP within one year of leaving the government and invest in an outside account. How come? Many say they get more flexibility outside of the TSP. Others say they want more investment choices. Or more active management advice from professionals.
So we asked a pro — Arthur Stein. He’s a well-known financial planner in the D.C. area and his clientele includes many active and retired feds.
'Many federal retirees reject hiring investment managers because investment advisors charge fees to manage investments. Surprisingly, that objection is often made by TSP investors who acknowledge that their own decisions cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost returns.'"
Nearly Useless Factoid
By Alazar Moges
Super Glue was accidentally invented by Dr. Harry Coover in 1942. During World War II, Dr. Coover and his colleagues were working to make a clear plastic for precision gun-sights using chemicals known as cyanoacrylates. During their testing, they had issues with the chemicals becoming sticky and moved on. Years later while working for Kodak, he came across the chemicals again and realized their potential. He received a patent for the adhesive, and after some refining, the product was packaged and began being marketed in 1958.
I was seated between a nurse anesthetist and a groundskeeper, each in his respective uniforms, and heard the spiel about the 700,000-member AFGE accomplishments including the VA child care subsidy (relevant to the groundskeeper with an autistic child living with his mother), Weingarten rights (1975) for union representation during a supervisory couching, guaranteed 8 hours of annual leave per paycheck for Title 38 workers (providers and nurses), and the recently enacted Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA) providing paid leave for 12 weeks for both parents following a birth or an adoption (relevant to the CRNA).
I submitted to the biweekly dues, which are less than my Netflix subscription, even though I still fault their lobbyists for being essentially a wing of the Democratic party that pre-pandemic, regularly convened for weeks in vacation spots to buffet on their member's donations. Aside from a handful of employees, many were reluctant to sign up for the union and get the $125 new member rebate check.*
It made me realize that, for many, these provisions are a large step up into the middle class, with child care and health care being the most expensive household items, which continue to rise. The wise people who joined know this.
I inquired innocently about the location of the time clock, and I was told that timing employees is against union policy.
The charting is superannuated, non-integrated, and requires opening one system to dispense meds, while opening another to document clinical data. Cerner will not be implemented until 2030. I could be frustrated and impatient with the system, or I can wait for some to retire and for things to incline in my favor.
I thought today, as I bought my niece Jessie Burton's The Miniaturist, per her request, that I would tolerate it, and excel, and take her to the Rijksmuseum when things settle. I can be more helpful now. I realize this.
Exercise 89. Thank you, for reminding me.
Exercise 89. Thank you, for reminding me.!AsA4BY25Ql_1mXwtTGliBRWMZCH4?e=jjCy2F
I have had an unexpected evening with a perilous walk on an interstate for a mile with bridges looking for a black kitten, which turned out to be clothing. The exam browser extension for my class this summer did not work, after multiple sign-ins. I took it as a sign that I should just study for my July test, the CMC exam, as there is plenty there, and I do not have to worry about missing a week in June.
Exercise 90 will go here.
The vacillating is noted, but I have to take things deliberately for them to work.
Exercise 90. Late entry. Thank you for reminding me.!AsA4BY25Ql_1mx1h6W8Y91QaAAL7?e=GxlcqU
The Bird-a-Day's assigned personage is the Lesser Flamingo – Phoeniconaias minor.
I will put Exercise 92 with the sintering and the sink.
Monday, I am getting tech support, if not a new provider. I have been without Dara for a month.
Exercise 91.
My summer class was canceled due to low enrollment.
Exercise 91.
To be read, sometime. I am intrigued.
The technician is coming to install the fiber optic network Saturday, which is not desired. Otherwise, it is another two weeks, and I have signed up for overtime to pay the homeowner's insurance on this house, which has increased.
That is finished now.,+and,+if+many+children+have+been+born+of+this+mistake,+countless+others+have+missed+their+only+instant+of+being+born&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiB6bD-hZqHAxUuFlkFHeYFBRwQ6AF6BAgPEAM#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20an%20old%20mistake%20about%20the%20word%20love%2C%20and%2C%20if%20many%20children%20have%20been%20born%20of%20this%20mistake%2C%20countless%20others%20have%20missed%20their%20only%20instant%20of%20being%20born&f=false
"[...] merely due to the susceptibility that demands that you be mine, mine! that you like me, and not my money (171)."
"'Because look,'—suddenly declared an old woman shutting the newspaper decisively—'because look, all I can say is that God knows what he is doing (172)."
The Artscroll Tanach Series: Two-Volume Tehillim Second Impression 1987:
Tehillim 88 written by the sons of Korach:
"Israel's exile and dispersion were Divinely ordained as instruments to spur Israel's spiritual development in the pursuit of excellence. In exile, the lonely, insecure Jew is compelled to turn to a Divine source of strength in order to find security and a purpose for his life. The exile is exceptionally close to G-d, for no secular national loyalties interfere with his devotion to G-d. Ideally, the holiness of Eretz Yisrael should have brought the people to heightened perceptions of God and to fulfillment of their spiritual potential. But instead of utilizing the land to enhance their development, they allowed themselves to become creatures of the earth. Therefore they were exiled so that they would realize their 'home' is the Torah, not a parcel of real estate; their success depends on mitzvos, not on a plow.
Despite the opportunity for spiritual development which galus (exile) offers, depression, disgrace, and doom threaten the suffering wanderer. In the following verses, Korach's sons vividly depict the agonies of gallus and express Israel's yearning for Divine redemption (1089)."
Rabbi Daniel Kahane and Ann Helen Wainer's The Kabbalah of Time: Revelation of Hidden Light Through the Jewish Calendar (2013):
"Week 47: Time for Teshuvah—Return to G-d!
The Snake [from Perek Shirah] is saying, 'G-d supports all the fallen, and straightens the bent.' (Psalms 145:14)
This week marks Rosh Hodesh Elul. Elul's main characteristic is teshuvah, repentance.
[...] Elul is represented by the tribe of Gad. Gad was a very powerful and courageous tribe. Its name literally means 'luck,' and indicates that the Jewish people are completely above luck and chance—everything depends on our teshuvah.
A lesson in self-improvement that we extract from the snake is that even if we fall to the lowest possible levels, we can still repent and be forgiven and uplifted by G-d (217-219)."
I am not intimidated by payot or simanim in a speaker; signs that set people apart. It is just a means of eliminating the superficial overlay. The Breslovs are more optimistic than pessimistic. Everything is a result of being wicked. Everything; however, there is an underestimated potential in the smallest mitzvot that prevents one from losing hope.
For example: yesterday, I was teaching a room full of foster children (one with Down's syndrome) how to care for their mother's Pleurx catheter drain to discharge home for palliative management for a malignant effusion (she was eaten up with metastases in three body systems), and I was touched that despite the hopelessness of the situation, she and her husband had raised good people who cared. Their innocence, despite the intellectualization of the disease and the scoffing of their stupidity by the healthcare team, was the lesson, for me.
Open Gates to Personal Prayer: A Guide to Hisbodedus (2023) by Rabbi Lev Moshe Leventer inspired by the Teachings of Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kivah, Shlita:
How Do I Relate to Hashem in Hisbodedus?
Being Humble before Hashem
"So, the first step in building a deeper relationship with Hashem through hisbodedus is that we must trust that everything Hashem does is for the best. It simply couldn't be better any other way. We must understand that all of the challenges in our lives are really opportunities to fix the mistakes that we've made in this lifetime and in previous incarnations (gilgulim) as well, by accepting our suffering with love and faith. We must believe that our spouse is the perfect spouse for us and our children are exactly the children we are supposed to have. We must believe that Hashem gives us just the right amount of money, in order for us to have the things that we truly need. We have to let go of our ego—the feeling of ingratitude—and remember that Hashem loves us and always has our best interests in mind (53)."
Teshuvah: A Guide for the Newly Observant
Adin Steinsaltz, Michael Swirsky · 1987
"The contradiction between the desire for teshuvah and the many obstacles blocking the way to it leaves the prospective ba'al teshuvah hanging, uncertain as to what direction his life is to take. To do everything seems an unreachable goal; to do less seems unworthy and dishonest. The only apparent alternative, then, if one is to be honest with oneself and with G-d, is to do nothing, or at least wait until the right moment, the moment of grace, arrives (17)."
"The essential point is that living beings do not undergo sudden, complete transformations. The caterpillar does not become a butterfly in a single act but as a result of a gradual process, governed by certain laws. Within this process there appears to be a series of jumps between distinct stages, and these ba'al teshuvah also must make from time to time. But these transitions, too, are neither as quick nor as sharp as they appear (19)."
I am finishing this text Monday. Thank you for reminding me. Work today. November, I signed up for an incentive bonus to work pick up an extra day a week.
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