Sunday, January 17, 2010

Aventurine Swirl Bowl

Built up of examples nobody is meant to hear--the soot sticks on the ink stone
Bubbled impermanence doling out comparisons of so many beautiful trails since
The snowmelt of last winter with its murky philters. Seasons serve to explain 
Something where our shadow's miming no longer assisted us. The veritable sinks 
Of anonymity brought reflections instead. One fragment of a particle for analysis,
Eyes move up to her face swirling in a clear blue outlet of the treatment pond

Which part clots paper? The great attempted domain submerged beneath the pond?
Anything that is at all accurate about life resists being moved. The glance of stone
Contaminates vines and destinies, leveling off the work. Furtive approaches to analysis
Take pains to specify its fetters, where the face hangs dolefully at the feet since
Yesterday. Unremarkable, for a coda has taken place. Drink deeply the automated sink
Spray, a stall's chromed colors just as before. Those chirpy star wars have yet to explain.

Later down the drive, a moon moves from to its Egyptian site, stabbed as it explains
Scythed fields of mind and matter. Merging into a second set of gates, one comes to the pond's
Edge where the neume is archived forever. A pulque plant lies there parched between two sinking
Dogs who cannot step out of themselves to breathe. Cross reflections are the whetstones
For recovering the blood of their bodies, those mournful accumulated years marking cards since
Midnight undertaken on gangrenous legs.It was dye wood we sought, to equal anyone in analysis.

Now a body trudges with the weight of suitcases beyond bedroom doors. Submits to analysis
In another's midst. Maybe a scarf drapes over a gooseneck lamp or a pallet is made on the floor. Explain
Nothing to them. Their position on the problem frames red sarcophagi in the distance with their since
Then woven-over bones. To see them up here mingling tears in the country, their reflections in a pond,   
Contrives examples of the thing the heart desires. All opposing this is black tulips a stone's
Throw from here. When at the end of this weathering with needy dogs to look after, the plodder sinks

Overlarge hands into the work. What he attempts to coax from it, filling his substance with blood, sinks 
Between a line of cars at a stoplight. Morning is a double entrance with abstemious promises analyzed 
In their own way, and then tucked into cabinet among ointments, a denture glass. The real stone 
In the shoe is recounted passions. Those persistent vermilion bulletholes of the news striving to explain
That it was theater, their first love. Memory the soul leaves behind is one vast particular millpond,
Refusing your improved reflection. Minus those flirtatious tadpoles. The gaze hasn't warmed since

That day out in the street. Dream couples emerged from the gallery avoiding their insipid faces since
Each has capitulated, becoming figures they would accept. At least the interfering fool sinks
Them into caricature. Someone in the same century punctured that inner surface of the pond
Another duet among their amenities, with the noted disappearance of promises. Analysis
Picked the place clean of motives. Beginning there, the plans for a house in California explain 
Hidden periodicities no matter how far away they go to live. An artesian well breaks the stone

Foundation nobody means to hear. Comparisons of beautiful trails, stone participles of analysis,
At least the interfering fools sink in expression, doling out elevations to explain them to us,
She sinks puncturing the pond's surface as if it were bathwater, the tightening cycles of a thrown stone.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

To answer the question, what is between us? Shared solitude is accelerating, and it is inevitable that most will end up alone. Most will not find the redeeming qualities of compromise, temperance, and humility to make relationships work.

A straight woman said this, "70% of women are overweight, 1 out of 4 has an STD, 1 out of 3 has had an abortion, and the average body count is between 5-8 partners, and we rate 80% of men as unattractive." I could add that most women practice serial adultery and substance abuse/alcohol abuse, in my experience.

After reading Peter Wohlleben's The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate" (2015), I am going to read Richard Powers's The Overstory (2018).

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Solitude with intermittent connection.

I awake this morning deciding whether I should correct my latest quiz before withdrawing or withdraw now. After a disastrous midterm, and last night's quiz, there is no way this can mathematically repair with three grades remaining by May 9th.

This is not a defeatist attitude. My work obligations increase in the next two weeks, and I should have been in better shape to account for this.

I answered my own question. I have to look at my quiz corrections, withdraw, and retake the course next fall.

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 92.

Σφιγξ said...

I hesitate to mention any deviations from the path because you are most certainly a woman who files observations away, to be used in prosecutorial moments.

Unconsciously, you have always punished and shamed your partner in the domain that is your strength. I knew this.

I will finish the things I said I would, and I will retake the course.

Σφιγξ said...

There is no "out" so I must persist.