Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Girl on the Beach Pantoum [in process]

Like ledger art of places no one has ever been, with the off-smell of kelp burners
In the distance. Beyond the maze of access roads, pipe-fittings before their red-lined
Pit. All right for one mystery, but two! Of all the stories you know, the animals steadily 
Get bigger there in the rocks. Therefore you do your running as the gray brush marks 

Of rain spackle a private recess. This thought strikes you as fortune's single, red-lined 
Suit with the bottoms worn mostly off. Only it was your tieback reworked by wind and streams.
At first alone and feverishly marine, it seems surprising, so why not rest? With brush marks
If to provide the flux, she reasoned faint volutes on the chalkboard, the lessons suddenly gone.

The bed smells of where a dog has been, 


Σφιγξ said...

Benedict XVI resigned two weeks after reading this book in Italian, and then corresponding with the writer, which indicates that he did read it, and could not go on with the lies.

Σφιγξ said...

The scandal of long-known pedophiles in the organization notwithstanding.